Category Archives: News

LNR Precision introduces the FX-4: a four band CW/SSB transceiver

I saw a prototype of the FX-4 at the Dayton Hamvention this year. Initial impressions are that it is well-built and easily back-packable.

I will see about reviewing the LNR FX-4 after they become available.

Many thanks to Chris (K4RCH) for the tip!

(Source: LNR Precision)

It is has been a few months since we announced the FX-4 Transceiver but it is getting very close to being available for purchase. For those of you that are friends of our Facebook page or visited our booth at Dayton Hamvention got an early peek at it. Here is an updated picture and it will be a very sharp black color. Other pics are on theFacebook page. We have been making some last minute tweaks that we think you will really like. We plan to offer it for purchase under $500 and you can add your name to the wait list which can be found at the bottom of our purchase page.

FX-4 Specs

Transceiver size in inches 4.10L X 2.8W X 1.5T
Transceiver Weight 12.8 oz.
Current Drain on receive 250-270 ma
Current Drain on transmit 1200 ma
Receive/Transmit Bands 7.000.00 to 7.300.00 MHz
14.000.00 to 14.350.00 MHz
9.999.00 to 10.150.00 MHz
18.068 to 18.168.00 MHz
Frequency control 75 MHz
Display type LCD-128×64
Transmitter Max output power 5 watts CW
5 Watts SSB
Spurious emissions -43dB at 5 Watts
Side tone pitch 550Hz to 1500Hz adjustable
Receiver sensitivity 0.3uV
Selectivity -3dB/ 2.6K -40db/ 4.5K
Audio Output 1 Watt with 8 ohm speaker
Keyer Iambic A & B adjustable speed from 5 to 40 wpm
Memory Storage 10 per each Band total of 40
DSP filtering 300KHz, 500KHz. 1.3KHz, 1.6KHz, 1.9KHz, 2.2KHz, and 2.5KHz.
VFO Drift <5Hz after 5 minute warm up at 30c (<10Hz after 30 minute operation @ 40c)


HackRF: an open source SDR transceiver

HackRF prototype (Source:
HackRF prototype (Source:

[From my shortwave radio blog…]

Michael Ossmann is making a business out of developing and producing open-source hardware.

His latest creation is called HackRF, and in less than a day, it has been fully backed on Kickstarter raising over $290,000 US with 25 days left to go in the campaign (at time of posting). Backers can contribute to this campaign with some confidence as Ossmann has successfully delivered products from Kickstarter in the past.

What makes HackRF unique is the fact that the stand alone unit can operate between 30 MHz and 6 GHz; a frequency range substantially wider than any SDR currently on the market. Indeed, when combined with the Ham It Up converter, the HackRF will also cover HF bands and lower.

Additionally, HackRF is a fully open-source transceiver; applications are limited only to a developer’s imagination. You could potentially use HackRF for ham radio, radio astronomy, scanning, shortwave radio listening, remote control applications, wide band monitoring, and commercial/industrial applications. If you use two HackRFs in tandem, they’ll even work in full-duplex applications.

Though the project is fully-backed, you can still support HackRF in the Kickstarter phase and save a bit on the eventual retail cost of the unit. Production units are expected to ship early 2014. Check out the HackRF Kickstarter video below:

Additional information:

“The Weakest Solar Cycle in 100 Years”

Past three solar cycles (Source: Sky and Telescope)
Past three solar cycles (Source: Sky and Telescope)

Thanks to contributor Eric (WD8RIF) for passing along this story from Sky and Telescope.

Scientists are unsure why this solar peak has been less than stellar:

(Source: Sky and Telescope)

Scientists are struggling to explain the Sun’s bizarre recent behavior. Is it a fluke, or a sign of a deeper trend?

The Sun is acting weird. It typically puts on a pageant of magnetic activity every 11 years for aurora watchers and sungazers alike, but this time it overslept. When it finally woke up (a year late), it gave the weakest performance in 100 years.<

What’s even weirder is that scientists, who aren’t usually shy about tossing hypotheses about, are at a loss for a good explanation. Three scientists, David Hathaway (NASA / Marshall Space Flight Center), Giuliana de Toma (High Altitude Observatory), and Matthew Penn (National Solar Observatory) presented possible explanations at this month’s meeting of the American Astronomical Society’s Solar Physics Division, but their results sparked a lively debate rather than a scientific consensus. [Continue reading…]

BBC World Service interviews Paul (N6PSE)who is attempting to organize a DXpedition to North Korea

(Source: BBC World Service)

A small group of US ham radio enthusiasts have been in North Korea recently to ask for permission to set up a ‘pop up’ ham radio station there. Paul Ewing is one of them; he wants to lead a group to set up a call sign for two weeks, to make contacts around the world from perhaps the most isolated society in the world. The BBC’s Dan Damon asked Paul to explain.

This Sunday: the first annual SYBO QRP contest

hot-sun-thermometerThis Sunday (July 14, 2013) from 16:00-22:00 UTC, grab your QRP rig and head for the outdoors in the new SYBO (Scorch Your Butt Off) contest. According to the SYBO website, this contest is all about operating in hot weather conditions (something very easy to find this year in North America); a nice contrast to the FYBO (Freeze Your Butt Off) winter QRP contest.

Basic rules and exchange are as follows:

(Source: SYBO)

Scorch Your Butt Off QRP contest
SUNDAY, July 14, 2013 1600-2200 UTC
Categories –

  • Single Op Field or home
  • Multi Single Field or home
  • Multi Multi Field or home
  • SOTA – Summits On The Air Field (not the house roof)

QRP 5 watts max CW around QRP calling frequencies 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters
One point per contact – one contact with each station per band

Exchange –
RST, SPC (State, Province or Country), Name, Power, Temperature (Fahrenheit)
at the operator’s position. Indoor stations must report Indoor temperature.
Example – 559, NJ, Larry, 5W, 85F

Multipliers –
States, Provinces and DXCC count once each band
Field Stations x 4
Alternative Power (including batteries) x 2
QRPp (less than 1W) x 2
SOTA stations – add 100 points* to their SYBO score per summit activated
* Bonus points do not count towards SOTA awards

Highest Operating Temperature (at your operating location –

Below 90 F = x1; Cool weather

90 – 99 F = x2; Break out that Hawaiian shirt

100 – 104 F = x3; Just starting to warm the rattlesnakes up

105 – 109 F = x4; BBQ weather

110 – 114 F = x5; A nice sauna temperature

115F and UP = x6. Am I smelling bacon frying?

Outdoor ops use this Heat Index.

Rules and directions for submitting your results can be found on the SYBO website.

Have fun! Please stay safe and hydrated in this summer QRP contest!

Ten-Tec Argonaut VI on Sherwood’s Receiver Test Table

Rob Sherwood, with Sherwood Engineering, just updated his receiver test data table with the Ten-Tec Model 539 Argonaut:


The Argonaut VI certainly holds it own in comparison with contest grade radios.

Elecraft taking orders for the KXPA100; a portable 100 watt amplifier with built-in ATU

(Source: Elecraft)

KXPA100FrontJune 17, 2013

Now accepting orders for the Elecraft KXPA100 100 W Amplifier

We have received FCC certification and are putting on the finishing touches and performing our field test on the KXPA100. We’re now taking orders for deliveries planned to start in the next 60 days (mid to late August).

You will find a direct link for ordering the KXPA100 below, at the bottom of this email. (This order form is not yet visible on our regular web page.)

KXPA100 features include:

  • 100 W output on 160-6 m with 5 W input typical
  • 13.8 VDC powered; 20 A typical current drain
  • 7 lbs with KXAT100 installed. 10 x 5.125 x 4.25″
  • Compact unit ideal for both desktop and mobile use
  • Solid-state diode T/R switching — fast, silent T/R and QSK
  • Large convection-cooled heat sink for reliable and quiet operation
  • Modern design with rugged MOSFET output stage
  • Internal wide-range automatic antenna tuner (KXAT100 ATU option)
  • Second antenna jack provided with KXAT100 ATU option; controlled by KX3’s ANT switch
  • Fast, bright LED bar graphs for power and status; KXAT100 ATU option adds SWR bar graph
  • Seamless integration with the Elecraft KX3 transceiver
  • Works well with any low-power transceiver, requiring only RF and PA KEY inputs
  • RF-based frequency counter automatically switches bands with any rig
  • Optional band-data input support the K3/10, KX3, Yaesu FT-817, Icom IC-703, and other rigs
  • Dual APP power connectors for additional friction-fit if needed (mobile); optional daisy-chaining of 13.8 V to power rig
  • Optional KXPACBL adapter connects KX3 to the KXPA100 with a single cable for keying, band data, and control
  • KXPA100’s PC port allows use of remote-control and logging applications with the KX3 without software configuration changes
  • KXAT100 internal ATU option matches 10:1 SWR (5:1 typical on 160 m and 6 m); uses Elecraft’s fast matching algorithm
  • KXAT100 ATU settings saved per band, per band segment, and per antenna for instant recall

KXPA100RearWe look forward to receiving your KXPA100 order and we hope it will accompany you on many adventures to come!

Wayne, N6KR
Eric, WA6HHQ

KXPA100 On-Line Order Form
(Please use this web order form so that our phone sales team will not be overloaded.)
Orders will be processed in the order received.

For additional questions, you can also reach us at [email protected]

Kenwood TS-990S on Sherwood’s Receiver Test Table

Rob Sherwood, with Sherwood Engineering, just updated his receiver test data table with the Kenwood TS-990S:

TS990S-TestThe TS-990S comes in 13th place, sorted by third-order dynamic range narrow spaced, just under the Flex-1500 QRP SDR transceiver. Of course, the TS-990S performed quite well when compared with other benchmark receivers. It is interesting to note, however, that the bulk of the TS-990S competitors are priced at much lower price points.



Hamvention: Palstar announces the TR-30

The Palstar TR-30 (Click to enlarge)
The Palstar TR-30 (Click to enlarge)

I was more than surprised to find Palstar showcasing a transceiver at the 2013 Hamvention. Palstar is well-known for their tuners and their receiver, the R30A, but they have never sold a transceiver to my knowledge.

As you can see from the photos, the Palstar TR-30 has a simple faceplate with a touch screen display. It is all aluminum, thus is very light. TR-30 is rated for 20 watts PEP and has an 11 pole filter on board.

I hope to review one once it is in production. Palstar expects the TR-30 to be available August 2013.

(Click to enlarge)
(Click to enlarge)

When I asked about the price, the told me a range of $1,500-2,000 US. (Gulp!)

G6LBQ MKII multiband transceiver in the works

DXKitsLogoA news release from Andy (G6LBQ) & Adrian (2E0SDR):

I have a news release about the NEW version of the world famous G6LBQ multiband transceiver. Andy G6LBQ is releasing the MKII version through a partnership with Adrian Lane (2E0SDR). They have formed a company called DX KITS, it will trade from, it is currently in the development stage.

We are having manufactured industry quality PCB’s for the NEW linear board that us 3 x RD16HHF1 Mosfets, along with a digital VFO board coming soon that utilises the SI570. Andy then intends to update the Filter Boards and also create a new and improved exciter board, both the Linear Board & the new VFO board will be compatible with the existing exciter board that will become obselete when the new MKII exciter board is relesed later this year.

There are lots of new development going on with Andy (G6LBQ) and DX Kits for a very brite future and large upgrade for the G6LBQ and Homebrewer all round. DX Kits will be the sole worldwide supplier for the G6LBQ MKII and all of Andy’s future developments. Please visit us at the G6LBQ Yahoo group at and keep an eye on our developing site at We are awaiting our first batch of PCB’s, then the sky is the limit for the HF Homebrewer.


Andy (G6LBQ) & Adrian (2E0SDR)