Tag Archives: CW Morse Code Keys

Challenges for the POTA Babe


Note: This is the third article for my trip to southwest Georgia at the beginning of January 2025. If you didn’t read the previous article, it is available here: Chickasawhatchee WMA (US-3739)

In POTA and camping, one may plan and prepare; but no matter how much of that one does, there are invariably challenges that arise pushing you out of your comfort zone. Challenges put one into what I call “ham radio mode”. You know what ham radio mode is, right? You evaluate a situation, assess your available resources to address the problem, and implement a solution with those resources. The trip to southwest Georgia presented several unexpected challenges.

The first unexpected challenge was that of my keys. I brought two paddles – the VK3IL design paddle and the mini palm paddle. Upon plugging it in, the VK3IL would only send dahs. So I defaulted to my backup, the mini palm. However, something was wrong with the connector on the back as randomly, the dit paddle would stop working. Ugh! After my first activation, I used my CW Morse straight key which I brought along because of Straight Key Night on January 1st. I hadn’t used a straight key for POTA in ages and, though a little challenging at first, it was a good change of pace.

CW Morse straight key

The second unexpected event was the soles of my old riding boots peeling back from the boots themselves. This happened as I was packing up my equipment at Chickasawhatchee. Thankfully, I found a Family Dollar store on the way back to Kolomoki Mounds State Park, purchased some JB Weld glue, and repaired them Thursday evening while sitting by the campfire.

boot sole coming off

The third unexpected event (don’t such things often come in threes?) were the cold temperatures at night. I did check the weather forecast before departing Savannah. However, it’s been nearly thirty years since I’ve camped in 30 degree weather and the weeks leading up to the trip had been unseasonably warm – highs in the 70s and lows in the mid 50s. So while I knew intellectually that it would be cold, I wasn’t thinking from an experiential perspective.

The first night I couldn’t get comfortably warm despite having a Northface sleeping bag (rated for 25/40 degrees) and a SeatoSummit Thermolite Reactor Extreme liner. I also threw on top of Daisy and I (she had a sleeping pad and bag of her own), a survival blanket I keep in the car for emergencies.

Late into the first night, I remembered a moving quilt/blanket also in Kai’s trunk for emergencies. I was too cold to retrieve it from the car that night. But for the second night, I laid it on the floor of the tent under Daisy and then wrapped it over both of us. Though the situation that night was better than the first, I was still not comfortably warm. (This is why winter is my least favorite season – I spend all winter trying to keep my hands and feet warm.)

frost on the hood of my car

While I disliked throwing in the towel, I also didn’t want to suffer through two more nights of frigid weather. I tried to remember that the goal has to serve me and not the other way around.

a stinkbug at the campsite – look at the pattern and coloration on it!

After tearing down camp and packing the car, Daisy and I headed northeast back home with a planned stop at Doerun Pitcher Plant Bog Wildlife Management Area (US-7882). It is a relatively small WMA – only 600 acres. The land was purchased in 1994 from a family estate and named for the pitcher plants found on site.

source: Google Maps

Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants. According to Wikipedia, they have a “deep cavity filled with digestive liquid” in which insects are trapped and drown. There are over 100 species of carnivorous plants worldwide and three New World (North and South America) genus including sarracenia which are found at this WMA. The three species one can view at this park are the yellow pitcher plant (sarracenia flava), hooded pitcher plant (sarracenia minor), and the parrot pitcher plant (sarracenia psittacina).

yellow pitcher plants
hooded pitcher plants – Photo by David McAdoo, Source: https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/sarracenia-minor/

I was able to view all three species though they were not in their prime due to the cold temperatures.

This WMA is easily spotted from the road. It is a short drive into the property where one encounters a kiosk and trail to the pitcher plant bog. As there was no one present and no power lines in the parking lot, I decided to set up here for my activation.

entrance to the park

On the edge of the parking lot was a pine tree with branches low enough to reach with my arbor line. There were plenty of parking spaces to the left of my car so there was no issue running my antenna northwest across the lot. That enabled Daisy and I to sit in the sun (again, it was chilly in the shade here) and see anyone approaching in case I did need to move my antenna. I installed the Tufteln EFRW easily and readied myself to get on the air.

our QTH – Daisy is snoozing in the sun!

Unfortunately, I did not have sufficient cell service to access the POTA site at this park. I texted Glenn and he spotted me on 14.058. As I had a four-hour drive ahead of me, this was a park at which I would not linger so sticking to one band would have to suffice.

Twenty meters did not disappoint. In fifty minutes, I had 23 contacts, many of whom I knew – Steve N2YLO, Todd W2TEF, Ed KN9V, Brian K3ES, Eric WZ5MM, Rick K8BMA, and Bob AC9MG. Though the POTA exchange may be short and not challenging, I always enjoy seeing ops I know on the air during an activation. It puts a smile on my face. (I just wish I could knew and remember everyone’s name. I sent the wrong name to Carlos AE2W – sorry about that!)

QSO Map for Doerun Pitcher Plant Bog WMA 1-3-2025

With this park successfully activated, it was time to head home to Savannah. The other parks I had hoped to activate during this trip – Kolomoki Mounds State Park, Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge, Lake Walter F. George WMA, Silver Lake State Fishing Lake, and/or Lake Seminole WMA – would have to wait for another trip.

But that isn’t the end. Just like Ginsu knives, there is more! As I had set aside Sunday for this trip, I resolved to find a park near Savannah to activate that day. What park would I pick? Stay tuned…

Equipment Used

[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support QRPer.com at no cost to you.]

The POTA Babe’s Safari at Chickasawhatchee

By Teri KO4WFP

Note: This is the second article for my trip to southwest Georgia at the beginning of January 2025. If you didn’t read the first article, it is available here: Elmodel Wildlife Management Area.

Thursday, January 2nd, Daisy and I headed to Chickasawhatchee Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The park is a short 45-minute drive from Kolomoki Mounds State Park. We drove through more small towns, past peanut warehouses, chicken houses, and cotton fields. Though chilly, it was a gorgeous day with cloudless, sunny skies promising warmer temperatures as the day progressed.

source: Google Maps
poultry house on the drive to and from the park
cotton in the field

The state of Georgia has 14 river basins and 52 watersheds. The Chickasawhatchee Swamp occupies 30,000 acres along the Flint River Basin and 20,000 of those acres are protected inside the Chickasawhatchee WMA (US-3739). According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the swamp is among the largest freshwater swamps in the southeastern United States. It is unique in that “the collection of spring and surface water tributaries unite in bottomlands where the limestone bedrock is thin and soft, giving it a relatively direct connection to the local aquifer.”

source: New Georgia Encyclopedia

The park is well marked and the signage easily viewed from the road. I entered from the northwest corner off Georgia Route 62. In front of me was a packed, red-clay road just begging to be driven. I knew I had an activation scheduled but the desire to explore relegated that activation to the back burner. I drove for nearly an hour in the WMA exploring the park as my own private safari. I was in heaven!

kiosk after entering the park
the road into the park
I think this is a tilled dove field for hunting.
bottomlands in the park – a nice, little freshwater swamp

Around 1 PM, we reached an intersection of two roads in an open area. It was time to stop exploring and take care of business – my POTA activation. At the intersection was a large oak into which an EFRW could be installed and plenty of sun so Daisy and I could sit outside and stay warm. (Though the temperature had warmed considerably from earlier in the day, I still felt chilly in the shade.)

Daisy is ready to POTA!
arbor line in tree getting ready to hoist EFRW
feed-end of the antenna connected to my Tom Bihn bag in which I keep my coax and throw kit

Up went the Tufteln EFRW and soon I was on the air. Given the time of day, I opted to begin with 20 meters. Jeff W4JSH was the first to answer my CQ. Over the next half an hour, the calls rolled in. I then jumped to 15 meters for two calls and then 17 meters for six calls. As I had access to the POTA page at this WMA, I tried hunting other activators but was successful with only one – Harry K9DXA at US-1001.

my setup – note the straight key which will be discussed in the next article

Before finishing out the day, I texted Glenn W4YES and he remoted into our ham shack. We worked one another on 40 meters (I gave him a 599 but on his end, I was only a 339). I then worked two more callers on 40 meters including John K4ZI. I was his first POTA contact ever. How awesome is that!

Chickasawhatchee WMA POTA QSO Map 1-2-2025
a chilly but happy POTA Babe!

By this point in the day, the sun was lower in the sky, taking the warmer temperatures with it. I packed up my equipment and headed back to Kolomoki Mounds State Park.

This evening I attempted something I’ve never done when camping – build a campfire. Usually it is too wam for a fire when I camp. However, the temperatures would be in the lower 30s tonight again and I hankered to sit by a fire. I know how to build a fire as my ex-husband had a wood stove and I built many a fire in it. It wasn’t long before I had a blazing fire going. I felt like the character played by Tom Hanks in Castaway: “Me….Build….Fire!”

Daisy lounged in her sleeping bag nearby while I sat next to the fire, poking it periodically. Ahhhh. A lovely end to a lovely day. Where to next? Stay tuned…

Equipment Used

[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support QRPer.com at no cost to you.]

The new CW Morse CNC Machined Aluminum Pocket Double Paddle Key

If you’ve watched many of my videos or read my field reports, you’ll know that I use CW Morse paddles during most of my activations.

Up to this point, CW Morse has specialized in 3D-printed paddles and keys: the quality is superb, especially for the price point.

I’m so fond of CW Morse, that earlier this year, I invited them to be a sponsor of QRPer.com and they very enthusiastically accepted (you’ll see their ad in the right nav bar of QRPer.com).

CW Morse has now moved into the world of CNC machined aluminum products.

Last week, they send me an evaluation model of their new CNC Machined Aluminum Pocket Double Paddle Key:

The form factor and size is very similar to their Pocket Paddles I’ve used for the better part of two years.

The feel of the CNC machines paddles, however, is much more solid than that of the 3D-printed key, no doubt because aluminum simply has less play.

Not only can you adjust the action of the paddles (in terms of travel to the center contact), but you can also adjust the spring tension.

The key they sent me also has a magnetic base (you can see the rare earth magnets in the four corners of the base plate below).

As with all CW Morse products, this key is designed and manufactured in the USA.

In the spirit of full disclosure, CW Morse sent this key at no cost to me. They asked for my honest evaluation.

So what do I think? Is this key for you?

This is one of the most solid feeling paddles I’ve ever used. Since this key is built with 6061 billet aluminum blocks and the the main body is made in one solid piece, it feels substantial. To be clear, though, it’s not what I would consider heavy, but it obviously weighs more than their 3D printed pocket paddles.

I believe these paddles could take heavy abuse from ops (like me, I’ll be honest) who are pretty heavy fisted. You may have noticed in my videos that I tend to slap around my paddles and keys. I can tell this paddle will take serious abuse!

If you’re the sort of op who likes a lighter touch, though, you might stick with CW Morse’s 3D printed paddles. The action feels lighter and, again, being 3D-printed, the material is a bit lighter.

I can tell you that these CNC machined aluminum paddles are going to get a lot of use and abuse from me. In fact, I’ve been using them exclusively for about one week in the shack and I’ve been very pleased. I feel like my sending accuracy has been excellent. I can’t wait to take them to the field soon, but first I need to finish a few DIY projects at the QTH–POTA and SOTA activations will be my reward!

Click here to check it out the new aluminum paddles at CW Morse.

Please note that CW Morse is now a sponsor and most links to their site now have a  referral code that gives back a small percentage to QRPer.com. If you’d prefer to order a product without our referral code, click here.

Guest Review: CW Morse Single-Lever Keyer Paddle

On October 10, I took delivery of a CW Morse (https://cwmorse.us/) “Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base” (https://cwmorse.us/product/red-single-paddle-morse-code-key-with-base/) which Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL, had sent me to review for this website. CW Morse had sent Tom several keys to review and Tom, knowing I am a fan of single-lever paddles, sent me the CW Morse single-lever paddle to review.

CW Morse "Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base"

CW Morse "Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base", inside view

I will admit it: I wasn’t expecting much from a 3-D printed CW paddle, but I was very surprised by the quality of the build and the feel of the paddle.

The “Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base” is a nice mix of 3-D printed frame, lever, fingerpiece, and cover with steel ball bearings, metal contacts, steel centering springs, and a heavy steel base. (See photos, above.)

The mailman delivered the paddle on October 10  and I started using it almost immediately as a cootie-key / sideswiper to hunt Parks on the Air (POTA) activations. (A cootie-key or sideswiper is a manual key in which the operator moves a paddle alternately side-to-side to manually create the dots and dashes of Morse Code.) The paddle worked very well as a cootie and I made six POTA QSOs using the paddle on the afternoon of the 10th. Unfortunately, when I tried to use the paddle for my nightly ragchew-QSO with K8RAT, the paddle stopped centering properly and I had to switch to another key to finish the QSO. A day or two later, I studied the CW Morse key and found that I was able to loosen the nut at the lever pivot-point a little bit to reduce drag. After this simple adjustment, the paddle has worked beautifully without further need for adjustment.

The “Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base” features adjustable gaps on both sides of the lever. These gaps are easily adjusted using the supplied Allen wrench or with bare fingers. The spring tension is not adjustable and the paddle’s feel is pretty light.

The steel base, while small, is quite heavy and the four rubber feet provide excellent traction on my radio desk. I have a pretty heavy fist and this paddle is almost heavy enough that I can send with my right hand without holding the paddle with my left hand.

Now, a disclosure: I have been using semi-automatic bugs and fully-manual cootie keys so long now that my keyer fist is absolute rubbish. I did use the paddle to drive an electronic keyer for one ragchew-QSO and the paddle worked very well in that mode and it had a nice feel–any mistakes made in keying were not the fault of the paddle but of my own inability anymore to judge how long to hold the dash-paddle.

I’ve been using this paddle as my go-to cootie-key for over half a month now and as a cootie key the “Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base” excels. The gaps were easily adjustable and the feel of the paddle as a cootie is just fantastic. This key has, at least for the moment, become my favorite hamshack cootie-key.

The “Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key” can be removed from the steel base for field or portable use and I did remove the key from the base to try it in this configuration. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the feel of the paddle in my left hand, primarily because the two mounting rails make the key feel awkward in my hand. CW Morse does offer a dual-lever field paddle (https://cwmorse.us/product/pocket-double-paddle-morse-code-key/) and I think a similar design with a single lever would make an excellent field paddle or cootie key. (Read about Tom Witherspoon’s experience with the dual-lever field paddle here: https://qrper.com/2020/10/pota-field-report-pairing-the-icom-ic-705-with-the-elecraft-t1-and-cw-morse-pocket-paddles/.)

Bottom Line: I have been very pleased with the “Red Single Paddle Morse Code Key With Base” and I can recommend it for any CW operator who needs an inexpensive but well-made single-lever paddle.

POTA Field Report: Mount Mitchell State Park (K-2747) with the Mission RGO One transceiver

On Thursday October 15, 2020, my family made an impromptu trip to Mount Mitchell State Park to enjoy the amazing weather and gorgeous fall colors.

The Blue Ridge Parkway and Mount Mitchell State Park were predictably crowded with tourists, although nowhere near as crowded as the following three days which were “peak” leaf color days.

After arriving at the park, we claimed one of the little picnic areas tucked away from the crowds.  After a picnic lunch, I set up the station, my wife painted, one daughter caught up on her favorite book, and the other daughter took a deep dive in her recently acquired Yaesu FT-60R (and also helped me log).

And Hazel, predictably, slumbered.

I swear that dog is only awake maybe one hour a day.

On this particular activation, I didn’t want to deploy a wire antenna. Being the highest elevation east of the Mississippi river, the trees are short .

Instead, I deployed my Wolf River Coils TIA vertical antenna.

I consider the WRC vertical to be a “compromised” antenna especially in our region which is rocky and has poor ground conductivity. But at times like this when the park is crowded, it’s a great low-profile way to get on the air–and it’s self-supporting!  In any other year, I’m actually okay with my radio set-up being conspicuous–I love telling passersby about ham radio and Parks On The Air–but at the moment I choose to keep my social distance.

When I use the WRC antenna, I typically pair it with one of my favorite transceivers: the Mission RGO One.

I love the Mission RGO One. It’s a superb transceiver (indeed, my full review of it will appear in the November 2020 issue of The Spectrum Monitor magazine).

I like to pair the RGO One with the WRC vertical because the RGO One is capable of 50 watts of output power (the real max for the WRC), which I feel makes up for a bit of the antenna compromise. I typically start at QRP levels and increase wattage if I get no response.

At Mt. Mitchell, I rarely have internet access via my mobile phone, so I rely on the Reverse Beacon Network to spot me to the POTA network when I call “CQ POTA.”

Within a minute of calling CQ, I started logging stations. Thanks RBN!

I operated for almost an hour off and on. I took a few breaks during low activity to help my daughter with the FT-60R. At one point, she was in hysterics over a conversation she picked up on a local repeater. (Hysterics in a good way, fortunately. I do worry about some of the conversations I hear on local repeaters at times!)

Here’s my tally from Mt Mitchell:

Mt. Mitchell is one of our family’s favorite state parks and is accessible from my QTH via the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Unfortunately, the Blue Ridge Parkway is often closed during the winter, so we hope to make at least one more trip to Mitchell within the next few weeks.

I’ll add that this was the third time I’d taken the CW Morse “Pocket Paddle” to the field. It’s a brilliant set of paddles. It’s has a fantastic field-adjustable response. I’m uncertain if they’re on the market yet–CW Morse sent them to me for evaluation in the field.

I also have a set of N0SA paddles I love and typically keep packed in my dedicated MTR-3B pack.

POTA Field Report: Pairing the Icom IC-705 with the Elecraft T1 and CW Morse Pocket Paddles

The new CW Morse “Pocket Paddle.”

On Wednesday, October, 14 2020, the weather was gorgeous so I decided to make an impromptu POTA activation of Pisgah National Forest and the Pisgah Game Land (K-4510 and K-6937). These sites are the closest to my QTH and only a 15 minute drive (in fact, I can even hike up to the same trail network from my back yard).

My canine companion, Hazel, jumped into the car before I could even invite her to come along.

We drove to the trailhead, parked, and hiked a short distance into one of my favorite spots where it’s relatively flat, with lots of tall trees and almost no foot traffic from other hikers.

This activation gave me an opportunity to use the Icom IC-705 in more of a “backpack” setting since I hiked in with only my pack, Hazel, and my folding three-leg stool. Up to this point, I’d only used the IC-705 on picnic tables and flat surfaces since it can’t easily fit on my clip board like my MTR-3B, KX2, and KX1 can.

The activation also gave me a chance to evaluate a new product sent to me by the CW Morse company: their “Pocket Paddle” designed specifically for portable operations.

After reaching the site, I easily deployed the EFT-MTR antenna using my arborist throw line.

I decided to set up the Icom IC-705 much like I did the lab599 Discover TX-500 when I took it on hikes: mount the radio above the front pocket of my Red Oxx C-Ruck backpack.

The arrangement works quite well–I simply sit on the stool in front of the pack and hold my simple logging notepad and paddles on a clipboard.

While this particular site is great because it’s so accessible to me, the negative is it’s deep down in a valley surrounded by high ridge lines. I feel like this does have some impact on how well my signal travels.

Wednesday, it took nearly 50 minutes to rack up a total of 12 contacts in CW mode.  I never bothered with SSB/phone because this site had no cell phone service and, thus, there was no way to spot myself on the POTA network.

That’s okay, I felt pretty chuffed about racking up 12 contacts with 5 watts and a wire! This is what field radio is all about, in my opinion.

Loving the Elecraft T1

The Elecraft T1 ATU pairs beautifully with the Icom IC-705.

After a little falling out with the mAT-705, I decided I wanted to try other ATUs with the IC-705. I used to own an Elecraft T1 ATU and loved it, but I eventually sold it for a song to a friend since all of my field rigs at that point had internal ATUs.

I reached out to Elecraft and they sent me a T1 on loan to give it a go.  I’d forgotten how much I love this simple, effective ATU.

Even though the EFT-MTR is resonant on 40, 30, and 20 meters, moving to the 30 meter band requires lowering the antenna, pulling off an SMA cap on the coil, then re-hanging it.  Not a big deal at all, really, but it’s so much easier to simply press the tune button on the T1 and have it match 30 meters without going through the normal process.

CW Morse Pocket Paddle

I also thoroughly enjoyed using the CW Morse “Pocket Paddles.” I’m not sure when they’ll be available to purchase (perhaps they are already?) but I can highly recommend them.

The paddle action is field-adjustable and even though there’s an Allen wrench built into the paddle base, the machined screws are easy to twist by hand.

They feel very sturdy, too, much like the other CW Morse paddles and keys I’ve used.

I believe the Pocket Paddles are going to permanently pack with my IC-705!

POTA Portable, Picnic, Paddles, and Unpredictable Propagation

Practicing left hand lunching, right hand keying/logging!

It seems like lately I’ve had to work hard to log 10-15 contacts during my Parks On The Air (POTA) activations.  Propagation has been so flaky, I use every trick in the book to snag at least my ten contacts for a valid activation: change antenna configuration, run up to 40-50 watts output, employ both CW and SSB, have friends spot me on the network, and try every band possible (typically from 80-17).

Note that the majority of my activations are proper QRP and rarely do I spend longer than 60 to 90 minutes actually on the air. Indeed, many of my activations are only 60 minutes long including set-up and take-down. That may seem short to most POTA folks, but that’s what works in my schedule and family life: quick hits. It’s one of the reasons I’m not more active in Summits On The Air (SOTA)–I need more time for those sites as they’re not as accessible as our numerous POTA entities.

Still, our local star has been misbehaving, and I had not planned to do an activation on Sunday (September 28) because I saw the propagation forecast and it was rather discouraging (A index 26, SW 505, Bz -2).

From home that morning, I chased a few parks but found it challenging to hear most of them. QSB was incredibly deep–strong stations gone in an instant.

Still, my wife suggested we take a picnic to one of our favorite local spots and how could I possibly visit a park without activating it? Right–?

Zebulon B. Vance Birthplace (K-6856)

What we, as a family, love about this site is the large covered picnic area and historic log cabins. Also, the site receives very few visitors on Sundays when the main museum is closed.

Each time we visit the Vance site, we bring my MSR liquid fuel stove and make lunch/dinner.

I set up the stove, got lunch started and my wife took over food prep.

Knowing propagation was unstable, I opted for more than QRP power this time–at least, at first–so I chose the Mission RGO One transceiver (capable of 55 W output) and CHA Emcomm III Portable antenna for this activation.

I deployed the Emcomm III in a sloping configuration with the end of the 73′ radiator high in a nearby (dead) tree and the counterpoise on the ground. I also suspended the winder/balun from the corner of one of the shelter’s rafter’s with paracord.

Since it’s difficult to see a wire antenna in photos, I’ve labeled the components in the following image (click to enlarge):

I didn’t know if this configuration would prove useful, but I knew it would be better than attempting this activation with my Wolf River Coils TIA vertical antenna.

I hopped on the air starting on 80M CW (at the request of my buddy WD8RIF), worked him and three stations in rapid succession. After a few minutes of silence, I moved up to the 40 meter band and worked 16 stations. I then moved to 30 meters and worked 11 stations.

I was working more stations than I would have ever guessed beforehand.

Since I only had about 10 minutes to spare after working 30 meters, I decided to plug in the microphone and work some park-to-park contacts. While I always intend to hunt for other parks while I’m in the field, more times than not, I don’t have the luxury of an Internet connection to check the POTA spots page like I did at Vance on Sunday.

I worked 5 parks: 3 in SSB and 2 in CW.

Speaking of CW, this was my first field activation using CW Morse Double Paddles.

CW Morse recently surprised me by sending a few of their products to evaluate in the field (guessing they saw my previous post asking about keys–?).

I must say, I really love the CW Morse double paddles. They’re fully (and easily) adjustable, the action is responsive and smooth, and with the base, they’re incredibly stable on a hard surface. I highly recommend them.

At a setting like we had at Vance, I love the heavy base plate, but if I planned to hike into a site, I believe I’d remove the base to save on weight.

Unpredictable Propagation?

Perhaps there was a brief window of stability between solar events and I was able to take advantage of that while I was on the air? I’m not sure.

I never expected to log 37 contacts in the space of a little over an hour (with some of that time being off the air to help with picnic prep). Not on that Sunday when the solar numbers were in the dumps.

I’d like to believe it was a combination of things:

  • A large wire field antenna with decent gain and the ability to work multiple bands
  • 40 watts of power (at first, I backed down to QRP on 30 meters)
  • Using CW for 34 of the 37 contacts
  • Perhaps unintentionally good timing

All I know is, I had a blast! It’s hard to beat a combination of good radio, good food, good scenery, and good weather!

I suppose this was also a lesson in simply hitting the field and ignoring the propagation.

Or as Rear Admiral David G. Farragut once famously said, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”