The Parks On The Air website has the following message displayed on their home page:
After 12:00 Zulu (9AM Eastern Time USA) Friday, July 1 [2022], and once you have logged into the site, you will notice “My Log Uploads” as an option in our menu. Immense thanks WR5B and N0AW!
Those of us who have been POTA’ing for a few years will find this a very welcome feature!
Up to this point, POTA has been using regional volunteer coordinators to upload logs and they’ve done an amazing job. As POTA has grown–by orders of magnitude over the past few years–the amount of time needed to do uploads is truly significant for those coordinators. In at least one case I know a coordinator’s work load actually cut into their own POTA activating and hunting time.
I’ve always been so appreciative of our coordinators, but always felt hesitant to bug them when I’d discover an error in my logs that required deleting a log entry and re-uploading. I’ve never had a coordinator complain, but I hated to get them involved over a transcription error on my part.
I’m so happy to see that the beta testing has gone so well and the system will be online within an hour (at time of posting Friday morning).
I understand Mike (K8MRD) will soon publish a video here explaining how the new self uploads work.
Many thanks to all of those involved with making POTA what it is today and I’m so pleased to see self uploads being brought online. I would suggest we all be patient if we experience any problems as I suspect the new functionality is going to get a proper workout starting today!