It’s the beginning of 2024 (Happy New Year everyone!) and a lot of my radio friends have been setting goals and asking what mine are for the year.
Truth is, I’ve had so much going on during the latter half of December, I hadn’t stopped to think about 2024 goals.
This morning, with a cup of coffee fueling my brain cells, I came up with a few ideas.
Here are the goals I’ve pieced together for 2024:
Complete a CW satellite contact
Complete a POTA activation using FT8
Add 20 more parks to the number of unique POTA sites I’ve activated
Add 5 new summits to the number of unique SOTA summits I’ve activated
Update: One more…build that QCX+ a good friend Bob gave me, then put it on the air!
Out of these goals, I think the second, completing an FT8 POTA activation, will be the easiest. I’m mainly making it a goal for 2024 so that I actually carry through with doing it.
The CW satellite contact? I’ve got the gear to do it now, I believe, but this will take me well outside of my comfort zone. That’s a good ting. Making it a goal for 2024 will encourage me to bite the bullet.
The last two POTA and SOTA goals will actually be the toughest for me simply because we haven’t ironed out our travel plans for 2024 as of today. Funny part is I know some leaderboard POTA and SOTA activators that would knock these goals out in the month of January without breaking a sweat!
I’ve activated all of the low-hanging POTA fruit around my QTH (with three exceptions) so any new unique parks will be further afield and more easily achieved if we take some family road trips.
I’ve many more SOTA summits to hit here in North Carolina alone, but again, so much depends on my available free time.
Your 2024 Goals?
What are your goals for 2024? Please comment if you care to share!
It’s late December and one of a series of winter storms is driving into northern and central California. The previous day, my plans for a combined Summits On The Air and Parks On The Air activation fell apart due to weather. Today most of the UTC day had passed with only light drizzle, and itching to get on the air, I hatched a plan for an activation at my nearby park reference K-7889, the Presidio of San Francisco.
Typically when activating at this park from the “East Beach” area, I will back into a parking space, setup the radio on the trunk lid and run the coax a short distance to a 17 foot vertical telescoping whip antenna which is clamped to a short steel post.
Today however, I chose to operate from inside the vehicle so both myself and the radio equipment would stay dry. Not wanting to leave the coax unsupervised where someone could trip over it, I deployed the Gabil GRA-7350T antenna with a triple mag-mount on the roof of the car.
The CW Morse paddles mounted to a steel clipboard on the center console.
The GRA antenna is a short, loaded vertical with the whip portion maxing out at about 8 feet in length. It works well on 20 meters, but it’s less of a compromise on higher frequencies. On 18 MHz, only a small amount of the loading coil is needed to achieve an acceptable SWR, so with the bands in pretty good shape I brought the Yaesu FT-818 so I could get on 17 meters.
There weren’t many spots for 17m on the POTA web site, but I posted my spot anyway and started calling CQ. It wasn’t long before KX0Y responded, followed by more hunters from across North America and Alaska. The Golden Gate Bridge was visible from my vantage point at the start of the activation, but as the rain intensified the bridge became enshrouded by the incoming weather front.
With 00 UTC approaching, the rain now coming down harder, and 13 QSOs in the log I called QRT. Rather than carefully stowing the antenna and mag-mount, I simply broke it down as quickly as possible and tossed it all the back seat since I would have to bring it inside to dry anyway.
The following equipment was used in this activation:
[Note: All Amazon and CW Morse links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
I’m lucky enough to live in a part of the world where–by and large–the weather is pretty darn nice.
In fact, I recently received a comment from a reader who jokingly said that I should work for the tourism board of western North Carolina because the weather always seems so pleasant in my POTA/SOTA videos.
It’s true: most of the time I hit the field to play radio, the weather is very pleasant.
That said, you see more of these “fair weather” activations because I tend not to make videos of ones in poor conditions mainly because I don’t like managing the camera in high winds, heavy rains, or even super cold conditions–especially when I want to get in and out of the field quickly. The camera tends slows everything down.
On Friday, December 1, 2023, though, I decided to do a park activation in the rain and make a video! Here’s my field report:
Pisgah National Forest (K-4510)
That Friday morning, I dropped my daughters off at classes, then made my way to the Mills River library to put the finishing touches on a field report and publish it. It was rainy and I wasn’t complaining; it had been a very dry fall in WNC up to that point.
After I published my field report and attempted to catch up on the email backlog a bit, I hopped in the car and headed to the Sycamore Flats picnic area in Pisgah National Forest (K-4510) and Pisgah Game Lands (K-6937).
That day, knowing it would be soggy, I packed my Discovery TX-500 which is pretty much rain-proof. By this, I mean that it’s designed to cope with rain, but it’s not designed to be completely submerged in water.
Truth be told, I had no intention of making an activation video. Once I arrived on site, though, I thought, “Why the heck not?” After all, other than being rainy and chilly, conditions were pretty pleasant. That and my OSMO action camera is completely waterproof.
I grabbed the camera and started filming the activation while closing up the car.
Setting Up
When playing POTA in the rain, I tend to select picnic tables or sites that are under the canopy of trees if at all possible. Trees not only provide antenna supports, but they also help divert a bit of the rain.
I found an ideal site under the canopy of a few hemlocks.
I deployed my PackTenna end-fed half-wave (EFHW) oriented (nearly) vertically and with the feed point close to the tree trunk so that it would be better protected from the rain. I wasn’t worried about the antenna getting wet, but I also didn’t want the toroid and windings to get completely soaked either. It’s never a bad idea to use what bit of natural protection the trees can offer.
As you can see in the photo above, I had my TX-500 completely exposed, but the battery, in-line fuse, and (to some extent) the speaker mic were all protected in the TX-500’s Telesin Case.
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) who shares the following guest post:
A self-imposed POTA Park-to-Park Challenge…
by Alan (W2AEW)
One of the things I love about the Parks on the Air program is that every activation is a bit of small challenge. What will the band be like? What antenna will I be able to deploy when I get there? Will I have a spot to setup? Will my CW ‘ear’ be properly tuned up? You get the picture…
There are a few parks that I activate much more than others – call them my “home” parks. These are the ones that are close to my home, easy to get to and setup. One in particular, Washington Rock State Park (K-1635), is certainly the closest. It has some interesting Revolutionary War History.
Not only is this park very close to my home, it also has pretty good elevation (about 500’) for this part of New Jersey. In fact, the local fire department hangs a very large illuminated star during the Christmas season at their building that is adjacent to this park.
This star can be seen for miles to the South and East of the ridge.
It’s no wonder that I’ve activated this park more than 20 times in the last year and half.
My XYL Nancy was *very* generous to me this year at Christmas – gifting me a new Begali Adventure CW paddle! She even had it engraved with my call:
I wanted to think of a unique way to celebrate my first POTA activation using this paddle. I would be going to K-1635, so the location would be very familiar. Therefore, I thought of an interesting self-imposed challenge… Attempt to complete an activation with ONLY Park to Park contacts!
As I thought about this, I figured my best chance of success would be to operate on the weekend (significantly more parks are active), and use my most efficient multi-band antenna (a 40m EFHW).
Being an engineer, I’m use to having goals. I’m also used to having additional constraints imposed – let’s call them stretch-goals. Possible stretch goals for this P2P Activation Challenge could be:
Operate QRP (all of my POTA activations are QRP, so not much of a stretch)
Operate only CW (nearly all of my activations are CW, and this helps with the QRP goal too)
Attempt this using a more compromised antenna
Attempt this during a weekday
It turns out I had a few free hours on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 to play radio… It was kind of a dismal day weather-wise. I figured it might be the day to attempt this challenge. The wet weather had me thinking that I’d setup my SuperAntenna MP1 vertical instead of using the 40m EFHW (and having it and the throw line get all wet and muddy). The stage was set for the challenge including the stretch goals.
I setup the MP1 on the bedrail of my truck, using an MFJ-1976 ten-foot whip on top.
The band conditions were in pretty good shape, so I figured I had a shot. I setup the rig inside the truck because of the rain, and got the iPad going with the POTA spotting page to see who I could hunt. I logged four P2P contacts in the first 20 minutes, so there was hope!
In the end, it took about 90 minutes to log 11 Park-to-Park contacts. Well, actually 12, since one of them turned out to be a two-fer. I logged a few “familiar” activators, including Teri KO4WFP – a frequent contributor of Field Reports here, and Jonathan KM4CFT – running a two-fer out of North Carolina. There were a few that I noted in my paper log because I had a good copy on them, but ultimately couldn’t bust thru the pile ups there were getting (like K7SHR at K-10946 in WY and K0YY at K-4416 in TX).
A personal thanks to all of the activators in my log that helped me reach my P2P Challenge:
KL7NL at K-6945 in NC
KM4CFT at K-8313 and K-3378 in NC
WD4AWD at K-2982 in TN
KU8T at K-4208 in IN
KO4WFP at K-0659 in FL
W0ABE at K-10532 in CO
N4XTT at K-2982 in TN
NM1L at K-7475 in FL
KC1BDJ at K-7879 in FL
KI5GBQ at K-7687 in OK
NS1C at K-2420 in MA
All contacts were on 20m with the exception of NS1C on 40m. All were CW.
This was a fun little challenge, one that I hope to repeat in the future. Hope to see you all on the air – POTA-ON!
These files are kept up-to-date on a daily basis. You’ll see that this currently lists memberships of 117 different clubs, including the vast majority of QRP clubs, a surprisingly high number.
Many thanks to Teri (KO4WFP) who shares the following guest post:
The Countdown Begins with Jack Hill State Park
by Teri (KO4WFP)
Having completed my kilo for Wormsloe State Historic Site (K-3725) and earned the Marathon Award for the Straight Key Century Club, I needed a new goal into which to sink my teeth. I’ve often set goals in my life as they motivate me to learn and step outside my comfort zone. So what better goal than to activate 60 parks new to me over the next year! I admit it is ambitious; however, goals should excite you as well as make you a little nervous because then you know you are stretching yourself.
How do I plan to accomplish activating 60 new parks? The weeks my son has a break from school offer the perfect opportunity to travel. I can also work in overnight trips to locations in Georgia or South Carolina throughout the year. To save money, I’ll drive on these trips and camp. Most state parks which offer camping are also a park on the POTA list, an easy win-win. For safety, my “POTA pooch” Daisy will accompany me if I am alone, offering an opportunity for the two of us to strengthen the bond we have and work on her training.
My first break-week trip is to Florida during the second week of winter break, December 24th through January 1st. I have nine to ten parks I plan to activate that week, depending on the weather. Daisy and my brother Joseph (no, he is not a ham) will accompany me. Joseph and I took a cross-country trip out west in my twenties and spent six weeks on the road. We mostly camped but also visited friends and relatives along the way.
However, before I leave on my Florida trip, I began my pursuit of 60 new parks with Jack Hill State Park, a park that is only an hour from my new QTH in Bloomingdale, Georgia.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of winter. (Spot me this as I live in the Deep South.) However, I am determined to not miss out on POTA because of a little cold weather. Thinking the temperature would be warmer in the afternoon, my dog Daisy and I headed out later than usual on Wednesday, December 13th for our activation.
I enjoy driving in rural Georgia. You never know what you’ll see. Daisy and I went through the town of Bellville, a whistle stop in the middle of nowhere. The town was established in 1890 along the tracks of the Savannah & Western Railroad and was a regional transportation hub for agricultural and timber products. A mural in the town across from the old depot pays homage to the town’s railroad past.
Jack Hill State Park is located in the town of Reidsville, Georgia. It offers amenities that include boating and fishing on the park’s lake, accommodations in the form of camping as well as cottages to rent, a splash pad for kids, and even a free miniature golf course! The park was originally named Gordonia-Altamaha State Park as it is near the Altamaha River. However, it was renamed Jack Hill State Park in 2020 in honor of Senator Jack Hill who was instrumental in the local community. Continue reading KO4WFP: The Countdown Begins with Jack Hill State Park→
Many thanks to Todd (KK7ISX) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post.
KK7ISX’s Xiegu X6100 Field Kit
Hey Thomas, I love perusing the Field Radio Kit Gallery section of your website. It’s helped me dial in my SOTA kit while I’ve been injured this fall so I’d like to pay it forward.
This is my current set up for my Xiegu X6100:
Equipment list:
[Note: All Amazon and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
Xiegu X6100 (note: using this link to purchase will include a $15 discount for you and a commission to
Elecraft AX1 Antenna and counterpoise (Counterpoise modified with a 2 mm banana plug an inch from the U-Type wire connector in order to be compatible with the ground connector on a Packtenna 20/40 EFWH)
Elecraft AX1 40m Antenna Extender
Elecraft AX1 tripod adapter (with a female 2 mm banana plug soldered to it)
So busy, in fact, I completely overlooked an activation video I filmed two months ago (on Monday, October 23, 2023)!
That said, one of the things I love about making field reports and recording videos is re-living activations a second time. It’s fun to remember the site conditions, the weather, the radio/antenna choices, and all of the folks I might have logged.
I enjoyed stepping back in time a couple of months for this one!
Lake James State Park (K-2739)
That Monday was the first day I surfaced to fit in an activation after fighting a respiratory bug the previous week. I felt much better and tested negative for Covid, so I made my way to Hickory to help my parents with some tasks.
On the way that morning, I stopped by Lake James to play a little POTA with one of my favorite radios in the world: the Elecraft KX1.
On October 23–as I mention in the video–the QRP world had only just learned about the new Elecraft KH1 and I had yet to receive the almost-production unit I ordered as a field tester.
I knew that once I received the KH1, I’d be using it heavily for a few weeks, so I wanted to fit in a little KX1 time in advance!
POTA in Color!
The weather and fall colors at Lake James were absolutely stunning!
New KX1 Tufteln Cover!
Back when I filmed this video, it had only been one week since the W4 SOTA campout where my friend Joshua (N5FY) gave me a few prototype snap-on protective covers for my KX1s.
These covers are very clever because they protect all of the important front-panel components yet remain very low-profile so add little bulk to the radio.
Joshua provides two new screws for the front panel (you simply replace out the stock KX1 screw); the cover magnetically snaps onto the higher-profile screws and seats itself securely.
I demonstrate my cover in the activation video.
At the time, this was a product Joshua was considering adding to the Tufteln line-up–since then, he’s made it available to order–click here to check it out.
At present, Joshua offers the covers in two colors: black and light brown. Mine are the light brown color.
You’ll notice in the video that Joshua added my callsign to the covers he gave me. I don’t think the production covers are customized with your callsign because Joshua makes these in batches. You would need to check with him about customization–I assume there would be an extra charge and lead time for that because it would require modifying the file and printing a one-off cover.At any rate, I love the covers and have added them to all of my KX1s. Note that I used a Sharpie to write the name of each radio on the cover–this makes it very easy to tell the difference between my KX1 models (they’re named Ingrid, Greta, and Ruby)!
Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.
It was early enough in the morning that I decided to spend some time on the 40 meter band to work POTA “locals.” I deployed my Chelegance MC-750 with the 40 meter coil.
I tested the SWR and discovered it was high due to a loose connection on the end of the cable assembly–I fixed that and the SWR came down to 2.5:1. With the MC-750, I could have easily lengthened or shortened the whip to get a perfect match, but instead I took the lazy (& speedy) route and simply used the KX1 ATU to get a 1:1 match.
Even though I’d spent a long time talking about the KX1, KH1, the Tufteln cover, etc. in the video, I actually didn’t have a lot of on-the-air time. (Typical me to talk away my activation time!).
I started calling CQ POTA and the contacts started rolling in.
Within ten minutes, I’d already worked ten contacts.
I worked a couple more, then called QRT. Looking at the time, I had to end this activation earlier than I’d hoped. I needed to hit the road again.
I packed up in short order, but still took a few moments to enjoy the beauty of that lovely autumn morning.
Here’s what this five watt activation looked like when plotted out on a QSO Map:
Activation Video
Here’s my real-time, real-life video of the entire activation. As with all of my videos, I don’t edit out any parts of the on-air activation time. In addition, I have monetization turned off on YouTube, although that doesn’t stop them from inserting ads before and after my videos.
I hope you enjoyed the field report and my activation video as much as I enjoyed creating them. I enjoyed reliving this Octeber activation.
Of course, I’d also like to send a special thanks to those of you who have been supporting the site and channel through Patreon and the Coffee Fund. While certainly not a requirement as my content will always be free, I really appreciate the support.
As I mentioned before, the Patreon platform connected to Vimeo make it possible for me to share videos that are not only 100% ad-free, but also downloadable for offline viewing. The Vimeo account also serves as a third backup for my video files.
Thanks for spending part of your day with me!
Here’s wishing all of the you best of the Holiday Season!
Many thanks to Brian (K3ES) who shares the following guest post:
The National Park Service welcomes you to Waco Mammoth National Monument
Activating K-0975, Waco Mammoth National Monument
by Brian (K3ES)
At the end of November 2023, my wife and I loaded her minivan, and headed out into the first significant snowfall of the season. I had already been out that morning in my 4WD truck to pull a friend’s car out of a ditch, so I was driving carefully. Our drive took us from our home in northwest Pennsylvania to Baltimore, MD. Happily, weather conditions improved as we went south and east. We were meeting our son, daughter-in-law, and 2-1/2 year old grandson for a family trip to Waco, TX (we flew out of Baltimore-Washington International Airport early the next morning). My wife and daughter-in-law are particular fans of Fixer-Upper and Chip and Joanna Gaines, all based in Waco. Us men-folk were to be educated in the finer points of appreciating this pop-culture phenomenon. Ultimately, we certainly did appreciate the finer points of dining in Waco.
One side-trip that amazed us all was a 10 minute drive up the road to Waco Mammoth National Monument. This relatively new addition to the National Park system is also listed as Parks on the Air (POTA) entity K-0975. Back in the days when the area occupied by the National Monument was private land, two exploring teenagers, who may not have had proper permission, found a bone, a big bone. This bone was delivered to a local museum for identification, and ultimately determined to have been the femur of a female Columbian Mammoth. Legalities being as they are, it took a while longer for the location of the discovery to be made public. An interested and civic-minded land owner made the process less traumatic than might have been, particularly for the wandering teenagers. He also started the process to preserve the site and its archaeological treasures for the public, ultimately leading to its designation as a National Monument. Over subsequent years, archaeological excavation discovered a lot more bones – skeletons from an entire nursery herd of Columbian Mammoths, along with skeletons from other species that visited what was apparently a dangerous waterhole during the last ice age.
A view of the interior of the building constructed to protect the archaeological site. Near the entry door is a full-sized artist’s rendition of a Columbian Mammoth. Standing up to14 feet high at the shoulder, Columbian Mammoths were significantly larger than their better known Woolly Mammoth cousins. This site is unique in that the bones of an entire nursery herd, including multiple females and their young, were found together here.Some of the partially excavated mammoth skeletons contained in the enclosure building.Also found in this excavation site was a Western Camel skeleton. It is thought that the large number, numerous species, and wide range of ages of the skeletons discovered at this site resulted from entrapment in thick mud that formed the bottom of a persistent waterhole.
Since the discovery, many skeletons have been excavated and removed for study, but many more remain at the site awaiting future recovery. A building has been constructed to cover the excavation and protect the remaining skeletons, and this building is the amazing focal point of the Waco Mammoth National Monument. Ranger-led tours are available, and very much worthwhile.
Operating QRP CW on a beautiful afternoon at K-0975, Waco Mammoth National Monument. My station is set up in a grassy field sometimes used for overflow parking.
Setting Up to Activate K-0975
After the tour and a look at the excavation site, I excused myself and set up to activate K-0975. Before the trip, I had sent an email to Phil – WA5PQL, who is the most frequent activator at K-0975. He was gracious and helpful in providing information about the park, the staff, and the locations most suitable for activating. His assistance made a quick, low-stress activation a near certainty. After checking in with the Park Rangers, I had directions and permissions, so all that remained a concern was HF propagation.
While the previous day had been overcast with drizzle, Friday, December 1, 2023, was sunny and warm. It was perfect for walking around the site, and for an outdoor activation. Unfortunately, the same sun that gave us the bright, warm day, had been active producing solar flares that could interfere with radio communications. The only way to know for sure that I could make contacts was to set up my station and call CQ, so that is the path I chose.
Field kit contained in a re-purposed Peltor 4” x 6” x 9” padded headset pouch. This compact kit was easily packed in a carry-on backpack for airline travel. The pouch’s integral handle also made for easy transport to the activation site.
Field kit contents from the upper-left (click image above to enlarge):
33 gal trash bag for dry seating,
15 ft RG316 feedline with BNC male connectors,
Two pieces of nylon cord,
Medium-sized pill bottle to be filled with dirt or stones and used as a throw weight,
80 ft of Marlow Excel 2mm arborist’s throw line,
BaMaTech TP-III paddles with connecting cable carried in an Altoids tin,
Nail clippers as a TSA-approved tool,
Elecraft KX2 transceiver with SideKX end-panels and polycarbonate cover,
Tufteln 9:1 end-fed random wire antenna with 35 ft radiator and 17 ft counterpoise,
Generic ear-bud headphones,
Homebrew VK3IL-designed pressure paddles with adjacent protective sleeve sitting atop a plastic ziploc bag,
Rite in the Rain notepad for logging,
Pentel Twist-Erase 0.9mm mechanical pencil,
Miscellaneous cable ties.
Not pictured is a Packtenna 10m collapsable fiberglass mast that was available, but not used for this activation.
I brought a very small, but capable, field kit based on my Elecraft KX2 and a Tufteln End-fed Random Wire antenna. A couple of CW keys, a short feedline, and generic earbuds completed the station. I also brought a notepad and a pencil for logging, a plastic garbage bag for seating, and some cordage. The most peculiar part of my kit was a small pill bottle with a hole in its lid. I filled the pill bottle with dirt, passed the end of a 2mm line through the lid and secured it with a knot. I was able to use the dirt-filled bottle as a throw weight to get the line over a tree branch for raising the antenna, then I detached the bottle and returned the dirt. All elements of the kit worked as intended, and TSA asked no questions during my trips through airport security. Continue reading K3ES Activates Waco Mammoth National Monument→
Many thanks to Teri (KO4WFP) who shares the following guest post:
The Lifeline of CW and POTA
by Teri (KO4WFP)
The past five months have been tumultuous. I am now divorced and my son and I are making a new life for ourselves with my family. Those of you who’ve been through a divorce know how stressful and difficult a process it is, especially when navigating it for the first time. You are undoing relationships and patterns of behavior and figuring out how to move forward and what that looks like.
Why do I tell you this? Partially because I want those of you who’ve said “where the heck have you been?” to know why I’ve been absent from QRPer. However, I also want to thank all of you in the ham community because it is this community that saw me through my difficulties. Hams are some of the kindest and most wonderful people, especially CW and POTA hams. This community has rallied to my side and given me a reason to keep moving forward.
As Thomas noted in his September 17 post of this year, CW is indeed “radio therapy.” After I relocated, it was six weeks before I had a home station again. Six LONG weeks without seeing my code buddies – Caryn KD2GUT, Glenn W4YES, and Charles W4CLW – on the air. I felt cut off not having those QSOs, not being able to get on the air when I desired, like someone had removed my legs! The absence reinforced how much CW and POTA mean to me.
While working to get a home station again, I latched onto POTA. I vividly recall driving home from my first POTA activation after leaving my ex-husband and, for the first time in several weeks, the stress temporarily melted away. Life, for a few hours, felt normal. I felt like my old self.
CW and POTA were indeed therapy as I put my life back together. Getting out and activating was good for my mind and body. Ham radio for me is about relationships and seeing ops who hunt me regularly was like reconnecting with friends saying “hi”.
POTA became an integral part of my healing process and I pursued activations at George L. Smith State Park and, my old stomping ground, Butter Bean Beach, part of Wormsloe State Historic Site.
George L. Smith State Park is a pretty site for POTA. The park’s focal point is Mill Pond Lake which was created by the damming of 15-Mile Creek in 1880. Visitors can rent kayaks or canoes to explore three paddling trails in the 412-acre lake and its wetlands but are warned against swimming due to the presence of alligators. The land adjacent to the lake has seven miles of nature trails through sand-bottomed forest with hardwoods and longleaf pine.
The old mill at the site still exists. The original floodgates are used to control the water level in the lake with the addition of an electric hoist to open and close the gates. The mill, known as Watson Mill, is housed in a bridge which was open to motor traffic until 1984 and is one of only two mills operated by the State of Georgia. Watson Mill housed a sawmill for lumber as well as a gristmill, the latter which remains operational for demonstration purposes.
After a quick drive through the park, I chose to set up on the hill next to the park office which offered an open area without adjacent power lines. It wasn’t long before my EFRW was installed in a tree and I was on the air. Continue reading The Lifeline of CW and POTA→
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