Activating on the Road: Gems Along the Way – Part 1
by Brian (K3ES)
This two-part article continues my series from our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles: Activating on the Road). I hope to wrap up the series with one or two more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks. In this report, I plan to cover some of the parks and places we found during the trip that were interesting and spectacular beyond our expectations.
As we traveled across the country from Pennsylvania to California and back, we spent a lot of time looking for parks to activate, and sights to see. While we tried to keep the sights and parks interesting, some of them were unexpectedly amazing, and I would like to share a few of those here. Part 1 covers our westward trip from Pennsylvania to California.
Moraine View SRA, IL
Since I had already activated parks in Ohio and Indiana, we planned to do our first activation of the trip in Illinois. To be honest, we chose Moraine View State Recreation Area (US-2311) as our Illinois park, because it was at the right place and the right time. We had committed to arrive at my niece’s home in Minnesota at the end of our third travel day. To stay on schedule for this, I needed to complete two activations (Illinois and Iowa), along with ending the the second day’s travel in Prarie du Chien, WI. We picked US-2311 as the park for Illinois, because it was close to our travel route, and at the right distance from home for our first day’s drive. That way I could do an early morning activation and be on the road quickly.
Activating US-2311 from a picnic table. The perforated table top provide a perfect method to hold the collapsible fishing pole that I used to support my antenna.
Choosing a park based on proximity to the travel route might seem like a poor way to find spectacular parks for activating, but that does not account for having Becky engaged in the process. In this case, she picked our first gem of the trip. I set up in a shady picnic area to activate, while she and Molly took a walk along the lake that is the centerpiece of the Recreation Area. They found beautiful views and some spectacular birds. I finished the CW QRP activation in about an hour, with 11 contacts split between the 40m and 20m bands. It turned out that six of the contacts were with activators working in other parks, and one of those activators was working from a 2-fer location, so I got credit for 12 contacts in total. Following the activation, I packed up, and we headed out toward Iowa and our second activation of the day.
Becky captured this picture of the glassy-smooth lake. Beautiful.Molly posed for a picture during her walk beside the lake.This Great Blue Heron was looking for breakfast.Map of CW contacts from US-2311.
Great Salt Lake SP, UT
The Great Salt Lake is one of the state’s best known geographic features, so it was natural to look for a park near the lake as we planned for an activation in Utah. Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075), on the southern tip of the lake, seemed like a good choice. We had no idea what a GREAT choice it would be. Stopping at the park was also convenient for eating our lunch, since we would arrive there mid-day. US-3075 has scenic views of the lake and surrounding mountains, a marina for pleasure boats that sail the lake, beaches for swimming, and it had at least one unoccupied, shaded picnic table that worked well for activating. Continue reading Activating on the Road: Gems Along the Way – Part 1→
Note: This is the fourth article for my trip to southwest Georgia at the beginning of January 2025. If you didn’t read the previous article, it is available here: Doerun Pitcher Plant Bog WMA
January 5th, Daisy and I hit the road again for one more POTA activation toward my goal of activating 30 new parks in 2025. The trip to southwest Georgia, though cut short, was productive in that I had three successful activations, I worked through the obstacles I encountered, and I got the break from my obligations and responsibilities I needed.
There are still quite a few parks on the eastern side of Georgia I have yet to activate. As I had no time constraints today, I picked a park close to the Georgia – Florida border: Ceylon Wildlife Management Area (US-9772), an hour and a half drive from my home.
What I didn’t realize until I began researching and writing this article is just how significant this park is. It is the newest wildlife management area (WMA) in the state of Georgia and 24,000 acres in size. It not only has environmental significance but is also important for national security reasons. The Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay is the home port of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet’s ballistic missile submarines and adjacent to this property. Keeping this land out of the hands of resort, residential, and commercial interests protected the fleets access to the Atlantic via the Satilla River.
Image from Submarine Group Ten source: New Georgia Encyclopedia
The property is named after Ceylon Mill Village, a town established on the site 1874 for the purpose of processing timber. The town “was named for the Southeastern Asia country (current-day Sri Lanka, then British Ceylon) where tea was grown and shipped to the world.”
The town is long since gone and today it is wildlife that occupies the land, including the gopher tortoise, Georgia’s state reptile. This WMA has one of the highest densities of gopher tortoises, somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000, in all of Georgia. I came across one of their burrows while looking at the pre-bellum and antebellum graveyard on the property.
gopher tortoise burrow at the base of a gravestoneantebellum gravepostbellum grave
The park is a short drive from Interstate 95 though the signage and entrance is not as readily visible as many WMAs. After passing the information kiosk, I began looking for a site not so heavily wooded. There was evidence of controlled burns and management for the cultivation of longleaf pines on the land. Longleaf pines are an important species in the southeast, one that is in decline due to centuries of logging.(I wrote about the importance of this habitat in my article on my activation at Oliver Bridge WMA.)
entrance area with information kioskcontrolled burn areayoung longleaf pine taking advantage of the open canopythe open road begging to be explored!
I found a cleared area and pulled off the side of the road next to a downed tree. The tree would serve as my seating area and Daisy could lay down in the shade it provided. Though the temperatures were still chilly, the cloudless and sunny skies over head would certainly overheat anyone laying around in a fur coat.
my parking spotnapping in the shade from the fallen tree
I had the EFRW installed in short order, oriented it to the northwest, settled on the trunk, and got down to business.
getting “comfy” on my woody QTH
I stuck with 20 meters for most of the activation. That band gave me 37 QSOs in an hour. After some hunting, I worked 11 contacts on 15 meters and three contacts on 40 meters before calling QRT. (Look at the contact waaaayyy out west in California.)
Even though I had good cell service and internet access at this site, I was not successful in hunting many activators due to the band conditions. I had three park-to-park (P2P) QSOs – Rod K4DSX, Jeffrey WJ3FF, and Marshall K1SN but ended up with credit for 10 P2P QSOs. Rod was a three-fer, Jeffrey was a two-fer, and Marshall was a five-fer! (Is there such a word?)
Ceylon Wildlife Management Area POTA QSO Map 1-5-2025
This is a park to which I plan to return. Ceylon WMA is easy to access; there is more territory in it begging to be explored; and I have cell service to spot myself and hunt other activators. With this successful activation, I now have four activations toward my goal of 30 for 2025 and 26 yet to go. Where will my next POTA adventure take place? Stay tuned…
Equipment Used
[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
Note: This is the third article for my trip to southwest Georgia at the beginning of January 2025. If you didn’t read the previous article, it is available here: Chickasawhatchee WMA (US-3739)
In POTA and camping, one may plan and prepare; but no matter how much of that one does, there are invariably challenges that arise pushing you out of your comfort zone. Challenges put one into what I call “ham radio mode”. You know what ham radio mode is, right? You evaluate a situation, assess your available resources to address the problem, and implement a solution with those resources. The trip to southwest Georgia presented several unexpected challenges.
The first unexpected challenge was that of my keys. I brought two paddles – the VK3IL design paddle and the mini palm paddle. Upon plugging it in, the VK3IL would only send dahs. So I defaulted to my backup, the mini palm. However, something was wrong with the connector on the back as randomly, the dit paddle would stop working. Ugh! After my first activation, I used my CW Morse straight key which I brought along because of Straight Key Night on January 1st. I hadn’t used a straight key for POTA in ages and, though a little challenging at first, it was a good change of pace.
CW Morse straight key
The second unexpected event was the soles of my old riding boots peeling back from the boots themselves. This happened as I was packing up my equipment at Chickasawhatchee. Thankfully, I found a Family Dollar store on the way back to Kolomoki Mounds State Park, purchased some JB Weld glue, and repaired them Thursday evening while sitting by the campfire.
boot sole coming off
The third unexpected event (don’t such things often come in threes?) were the cold temperatures at night. I did check the weather forecast before departing Savannah. However, it’s been nearly thirty years since I’ve camped in 30 degree weather and the weeks leading up to the trip had been unseasonably warm – highs in the 70s and lows in the mid 50s. So while I knew intellectually that it would be cold, I wasn’t thinking from an experiential perspective.
The first night I couldn’t get comfortably warm despite having a Northface sleeping bag (rated for 25/40 degrees) and a SeatoSummit Thermolite Reactor Extreme liner. I also threw on top of Daisy and I (she had a sleeping pad and bag of her own), a survival blanket I keep in the car for emergencies.
Late into the first night, I remembered a moving quilt/blanket also in Kai’s trunk for emergencies. I was too cold to retrieve it from the car that night. But for the second night, I laid it on the floor of the tent under Daisy and then wrapped it over both of us. Though the situation that night was better than the first, I was still not comfortably warm. (This is why winter is my least favorite season – I spend all winter trying to keep my hands and feet warm.)
frost on the hood of my car
While I disliked throwing in the towel, I also didn’t want to suffer through two more nights of frigid weather. I tried to remember that the goal has to serve me and not the other way around.
a stinkbug at the campsite – look at the pattern and coloration on it!
After tearing down camp and packing the car, Daisy and I headed northeast back home with a planned stop at Doerun Pitcher Plant Bog Wildlife Management Area (US-7882). It is a relatively small WMA – only 600 acres. The land was purchased in 1994 from a family estate and named for the pitcher plants found on site.
source: Google Maps
Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants. According to Wikipedia, they have a “deep cavity filled with digestive liquid” in which insects are trapped and drown. There are over 100 species of carnivorous plants worldwide and three New World (North and South America) genus including sarracenia which are found at this WMA. The three species one can view at this park are the yellow pitcher plant (sarracenia flava), hooded pitcher plant (sarracenia minor), and the parrot pitcher plant (sarracenia psittacina).
yellow pitcher plantshooded pitcher plants – Photo by David McAdoo, Source:
I was able to view all three species though they were not in their prime due to the cold temperatures.
This WMA is easily spotted from the road. It is a short drive into the property where one encounters a kiosk and trail to the pitcher plant bog. As there was no one present and no power lines in the parking lot, I decided to set up here for my activation.
entrance to the park
On the edge of the parking lot was a pine tree with branches low enough to reach with my arbor line. There were plenty of parking spaces to the left of my car so there was no issue running my antenna northwest across the lot. That enabled Daisy and I to sit in the sun (again, it was chilly in the shade here) and see anyone approaching in case I did need to move my antenna. I installed the Tufteln EFRW easily and readied myself to get on the air.
our QTH – Daisy is snoozing in the sun!
Unfortunately, I did not have sufficient cell service to access the POTA site at this park. I texted Glenn and he spotted me on 14.058. As I had a four-hour drive ahead of me, this was a park at which I would not linger so sticking to one band would have to suffice.
Twenty meters did not disappoint. In fifty minutes, I had 23 contacts, many of whom I knew – Steve N2YLO, Todd W2TEF, Ed KN9V, Brian K3ES, Eric WZ5MM, Rick K8BMA, and Bob AC9MG. Though the POTA exchange may be short and not challenging, I always enjoy seeing ops I know on the air during an activation. It puts a smile on my face. (I just wish I could knew and remember everyone’s name. I sent the wrong name to Carlos AE2W – sorry about that!)
QSO Map for Doerun Pitcher Plant Bog WMA 1-3-2025
With this park successfully activated, it was time to head home to Savannah. The other parks I had hoped to activate during this trip – Kolomoki Mounds State Park, Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge, Lake Walter F. George WMA, Silver Lake State Fishing Lake, and/or Lake Seminole WMA – would have to wait for another trip.
But that isn’t the end. Just like Ginsu knives, there is more! As I had set aside Sunday for this trip, I resolved to find a park near Savannah to activate that day. What park would I pick? Stay tuned…
Equipment Used
[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
Note: This is the second article for my trip to southwest Georgia at the beginning of January 2025. If you didn’t read the first article, it is available here: Elmodel Wildlife Management Area.
Thursday, January 2nd, Daisy and I headed to Chickasawhatchee Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The park is a short 45-minute drive from Kolomoki Mounds State Park. We drove through more small towns, past peanut warehouses, chicken houses, and cotton fields. Though chilly, it was a gorgeous day with cloudless, sunny skies promising warmer temperatures as the day progressed.
source: Google Mapspoultry house on the drive to and from the parkcotton in the field
The state of Georgia has 14 river basins and 52 watersheds. The Chickasawhatchee Swamp occupies 30,000 acres along the Flint River Basin and 20,000 of those acres are protected inside the Chickasawhatchee WMA (US-3739). According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the swamp is among the largest freshwater swamps in the southeastern United States. It is unique in that “the collection of spring and surface water tributaries unite in bottomlands where the limestone bedrock is thin and soft, giving it a relatively direct connection to the local aquifer.”
source: New Georgia Encyclopedia
The park is well marked and the signage easily viewed from the road. I entered from the northwest corner off Georgia Route 62. In front of me was a packed, red-clay road just begging to be driven. I knew I had an activation scheduled but the desire to explore relegated that activation to the back burner. I drove for nearly an hour in the WMA exploring the park as my own private safari. I was in heaven!
kiosk after entering the parkthe road into the parkI think this is a tilled dove field for hunting.bottomlands in the park – a nice, little freshwater swamp
Around 1 PM, we reached an intersection of two roads in an open area. It was time to stop exploring and take care of business – my POTA activation. At the intersection was a large oak into which an EFRW could be installed and plenty of sun so Daisy and I could sit outside and stay warm. (Though the temperature had warmed considerably from earlier in the day, I still felt chilly in the shade.)
Daisy is ready to POTA!arbor line in tree getting ready to hoist EFRWfeed-end of the antenna connected to my Tom Bihn bag in which I keep my coax and throw kit
Up went the Tufteln EFRW and soon I was on the air. Given the time of day, I opted to begin with 20 meters. Jeff W4JSH was the first to answer my CQ. Over the next half an hour, the calls rolled in. I then jumped to 15 meters for two calls and then 17 meters for six calls. As I had access to the POTA page at this WMA, I tried hunting other activators but was successful with only one – Harry K9DXA at US-1001.
my setup – note the straight key which will be discussed in the next article
Before finishing out the day, I texted Glenn W4YES and he remoted into our ham shack. We worked one another on 40 meters (I gave him a 599 but on his end, I was only a 339). I then worked two more callers on 40 meters including John K4ZI. I was his first POTA contact ever. How awesome is that!
By this point in the day, the sun was lower in the sky, taking the warmer temperatures with it. I packed up my equipment and headed back to Kolomoki Mounds State Park.
This evening I attempted something I’ve never done when camping – build a campfire. Usually it is too wam for a fire when I camp. However, the temperatures would be in the lower 30s tonight again and I hankered to sit by a fire. I know how to build a fire as my ex-husband had a wood stove and I built many a fire in it. It wasn’t long before I had a blazing fire going. I felt like the character played by Tom Hanks in Castaway: “Me….Build….Fire!”
Daisy lounged in her sleeping bag nearby while I sat next to the fire, poking it periodically. Ahhhh. A lovely end to a lovely day. Where to next? Stay tuned…
Equipment Used
[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
After six months devoid of POTA/camping trips, it was time for Daisy and I to hit the road, this time returning to southwest Georgia. There are parks on that side of the state I want to activate but the travel time necessitates a longer stay. My son has two weeks off from school during winter break, plenty of time for such a trip.
After looking at the state parks with campgrounds on that side of Georgia, I settled on Kolomoki Mounds State Park partially because of how the campground looked online but also due to the availability of parks to activate nearby. The POTA map showed six parks to the north, four to the east, and five to the south, all within an hour-and-a-half drive, plenty of parks from which to choose.
my POTA opportunities as printed from the POTA site
Wednesday, January 1st, I loaded up the car and Daisy and I began our journey through rural Georgia to our first park – Elmodel Wildlife Management Area (WMA).
I absolutely love driving through rural Georgia! The roads wind me through little towns with imposing courthouses and kitschy businesses, past water towers and pecan orchards slumbering until spring. While the view may not offer the stunning vistas associated with national parks or glistening metropolitan skylines, it has its own magic, one in which I delight. My car was purring along the road and so was I.
Wilcox County Courthousea bronze bison statue in southwest Georgiafields plowed for plantingpecan orchards
After nearly four hours in the car, we reached Elmodel WMA (US-3748). The park is in the middle of nowhere (as many WMAs are) but the sign and information kiosk are easily spotted from the road. Rather than set up in that open area, I opted to drive a little way into the park as I often like to do.
kiosk by roada spot a little way into the WMA but not blocking the road
As I had yet to set up our campsite for the night and sunset was only three hours away, there was not time to dally. I opted for the Chelengance MC-750. I figured I’d stick to 20 meters so there’d be no having to fiddle with the vertical for changing bands.
setupDaisy snoozing
There is almost always something unexpected during an activation. Today both of my paddles gave me difficulty. The VK3IL-design paddle would not work correctly. When plugged in, it made non-stop dahs. As a backup, I brought the mini palm paddle that was given to me. This paddle, too, acted up when the dit paddle would randomly stop working. (I think the connector on the back of the key is the problem.) ARGH! But that paddle worked 98% of the time and would have to do.
(On a side note – now that I have invested in a wonderful bug – the Frattini Magnetic Evolution bug – and cootie – the W1SFR Titan – it is time to get a good quality portable paddle. As of the writing of this article, I’ve ordered a BamaTech III paddle and await its arrival near the end of January.)
BamaTech Key on order
It was not long after spotting myself (Yay! There was cell service at this WMA!) that John AC9OT answered my CQ.
Operating QRP, I expect my signal reports to hover between 579 and 559. However, today’s reports were not great – 539, 449, 339. Maybe the ionosphere was still unsettled after the prior day’s CME. Unsettled or not, I managed to garner eleven contacts including one from Tim K5OHY, a member of my current Comprehensive ICR course that I am coaching for CW Innovations with Brian K3ES. (Thanks Tim!)
QSO Map for Elmodel WMA Jan. 1, 2025
After 11 contacts, I called QRT, packed up my equipment, and headed for Kolomoki Mounds State Park. My campsite was better than what I expected – lakeside with the sun setting behind the trees. I ate a simple supper and marveled at how blessed I am to have these experiences.
our site – what is not to love about that view?!cut veggies, hummus, and black tea for supperDaisy staying warm in the chilly evening air
As I snuggled into my sleeping bag in the frigid evening air, where would I head tomorrow? North? South? Or East? Stay tuned…
Equipment Used
[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
Fall weather has finally returned to Savannah, Georgia so it is time to get out for more Parks on the Air. Monday, November 18, I headed to a park I had yet to activate – the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge (US-0522).
This park and I have history together prior to my involvement in ham radio. In my 20’s, I volunteered for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and spent time at this refuge in various capacities. I was also employed by a gentleman who owned Fife Plantation, property adjoining this refuge. I was his “eyes and ears” at meetings held to discuss deepening the Savannah harbor and study/assess the environmental impacts of that effort. Those meetings taught me much about the refuge and its relationship with industry across the Savannah River. To return to this park as a ham added yet another chapter for the refuge and me.
refuge map. Source: US Fish & Wildlife Servicethe impoundments & the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive (noted in purple). I set up on the oak hammock with the Cistern Trail/Photo Blind
As much of the refuge is wetland accessible only by boat, the easiest way to experience this park is to drive the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive, accessible from SC Highway 170. This drive is a loop through the southern impoundments that are managed for resident as well as migratory bird populations.
egrets feeding
After you turn onto the wildlife drive, there is an information kiosk to the left with maps and an informative display regarding the history of the site.
wildlife drive entranceinformation kiosk with mapsLaurel Hill Wildlife Drive
The land on which the refuge sits was originally occupied by the Yamacraw Indians. Later it was used for rice cultivation, being built and maintained by enslaved African Americans as well as immigrant Irish laborers. The rice culture in the area collapsed after the end of slavery and increasing competition. The 2,352 acre refuge was established by President Calvin Coolidge in 1927. Today, the land is managed to provide habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife and is the largest federally protected tract of land on the Georgia coast.
Tomochichi, chief of the Yamacraw Indians. source: New Georgia Encyclopediarice trunk used to control flow of water in and out of impoundments
This particular morning, the air was crisp (in the lower 50’s) and I had the park (for the time-being) to myself. As I prefer to use a wire antenna and had brought with me the Tufteln EFRW, I needed to find a tree in which to install that antenna. As you can see from the photos, there are not many trees to be found here. However, dotting the wildlife drive are what are known as oak hammocks.
spider web bejeweled with water droplets
Oak hammocks are little islands of high ground amongst the wetlands and they are populated by hardwoods such as oaks. There are quite a few along the western section of the wildlife drive. I decided to use the first sizable one I encountered. Utilizing this as my QTH allowed me to park and set up well off the drive. At most parks I visit for POTA, I rarely see anyone. That is not the case here since the park is located not far from downtown Savannah, a popular tourist destination, and it is easily accessible by car.
an oak hammock aheadparking at an oak hammock. The tree I used is the oak leaning to the right of my car.
Even though my Marlow arbor line typically doesn’t hang up in trees, I think oak trees present lots of opportunity for that to happen with their myriad twisty twigs and Spanish moss so I prefer to avoid them. But, if I want to put a wire up in this park, oak trees are about my only option. The particular tree I considered would allow me to run my antenna northwest and away from the drive. That location would also provide shade from the sun through most of the morning.
antenna and arbor line in oak
Once my antenna was installed and I was comfortably settled, I got down to business – the reason I was here: an activation!
Forty meters was not an option due to RFI. That was not surprising given the industry across the river and the presence of monitoring equipment, etc. in the refuge. So I began with 30 meters. Not long after I called CQ, Sean N3RTW answered and the fun began! Continue reading The POTA Babe Reconnects With Her Past→
Many thanks to Todd (W2TEF) and Becky for sharing the following guest post:
POTA on Ellis Island
by Todd Foster (W2TEF)
All the Parks
Originally licensed in the late 1990s, I re-tested and got my ticket again at the end of 2023. In 2024, I discovered POTA, inspired by QRPer and elmered by Tom N2XTO and John K2ZA. Suddenly, this fall, I found myself close, tantalizingly close, to working all the POTA parks in New Jersey in 2024. Just ten parks away!
But there was a barrier standing between me and Worked-All-Entities glory. It’s called Ellis Island.
Ellis Island National Historic Site (US-8061)
US-8061 Ellis Island is in New Jersey. According to the POTA site, it has only been activated six times and only once with CW. Dave, K2DPH activated it last year with 94(!) CW QSO’s. He was also the first-ever activator. I looked him up on QRZ to ask his advice. Dave wrote back with warm encouragement. He told of using a bench as the apex of his end-fed-half-wave antenna. A compromise but adequate.
Ellis Island is, well, an island. Though there is a causeway, the public can only access it via ferry. The same ferry goes to both islands (Ellis and the Statue of Liberty). To board the ferry, one has to pass through security. They compare it to airport security. They have rules.
I read the rules carefully. My experience of TSA and similar security is that it can be fairly arbitrary. People are doing their jobs and can get in big trouble for not following all the protocols. Sometimes, the protocols seem odd or don’t make sense to me. That does not relieve the officers of their job of following them. But it does mean that a lot can change depending on an officer’s mood or first impression. While explaining Ham Radio is fun with a curious bystander, it can be less so for an official who is going to be reluctant to let go of anything they don’t fully understand. Considering the reasons why they have been asked to do their job, I am thankful for their diligence!
What are the rules for Ellis Island? No tools, no weapons. No problem, the multi-tool and the lighter stay behind. No amplified sound, including radios. Hmmm…. I’ll leave my amplified speaker at home and bring earbuds for the radio. I’m bringing a radio, but not a boom-box kind of radio. It has no speaker at all. No rope or climbing tools are allowed, nor any kind of wire [that might be used to hang a sign or poster]. Yikes! I don’t mind ditching the arborist line: I had figured on not using trees anyhow. But no wire? Does 30’ of thin poly-stealth count? Again, I do not want to break the rules. I do not advocate breaking the rules. The question is: how does one interpret the rules? Who interprets the rules? The security officers interpret the rules. They are the gatekeepers who will decide if and with what equipment I can activate Ellis Island.
The Plan
It seemed important to go to Ellis Island when it wasn’t the tourist season when I wouldn’t be getting in the way of the crowds. I worked a long week last week: no day off. I decided to take a compensatory day off on Tuesday, 12 November.
The weather forecast was for blustery winds and 52 degrees – but sunny. Hopefully, it would be the low season (no Christmas crowds) and unpleasant enough to suppress the crowds even more. My generous spouse, Becky, was game for the hunt. So we laid our plans. I scheduled an activation on the POTA site with a big, wide time window. I didn’t know if I’d have cell service or not.
I cleaned out my POTA bag almost entirely. No spares, no extras, only the bare essentials. One is none, but two is too many. My QRP-Labs QMX looks like an old Walkman, especially with earbuds wrapped around it. I have a battery, the same size and color as the radio. Besides these, I bring a power cable (6”), antenna cable (16”), and EFHW on a DG1JAN Xota winder. I bring a log book with my FCC license taped in the front. The empty bag has plenty of room left to pack my lunch!
The full POTA kit.What’s in that bag?
My aim was not to sneak in contraband. I have no desire to bring prohibited items anywhere. But when someone’s supervisor is looking down their shoulder, I want to present as little cause for concern as possible. My goal is to not have to have the conversation. I left everything packed lightly so that it would show up clearly in the X-ray. I removed the X-ray-resistant bag (originally for film, now used for radio cables). I want everything in security to show up clearly and create no cause for questions.
Also, I remembered a lightweight, collapsing camera tripod I bought for a telescope once. I take an antenna analyzer and my EFHW into the yard to see what will happen. With the antenna draped over the tripod but otherwise on the ground, SWR is very high. But if I attach the far end of the antenna to my POTA bag (about 4” off the ground) and the other end to my operating clipboard (at whatever height I’m using it) and pull just tight enough to keep it all off the ground, the SWR falls to a very reasonable 1.5 to 1.7. This I can work with.
The Day
Tuesday’s weather turned out as promised. Traffic was a little heavy from South Jersey up I-295 and then the NJ Turnpike. But we made it to Liberty Park (NJ) around 9.30 am. We spent $50 for two ferry tickets, which we were inclined not to use if the security line turned us back. (Becky had researched what it would take to drive around to Battery Park and try again to enter from the New York side.) We took some photos of the New York skyline and proceeded to the mostly empty security building. One has to walk a long way to navigate Liberty Park: I am sure that helps space out the crowds in the summertime.
9.30 am: Liberty Park
In security, there was no line due to the light crowds. We scanned our tickets and were ushered up to the X-ray machine. Keys, phones, watches, and belts all go in the bins. Bags go in the bins. Coats and jackets go in the bins. Hats, sweaters, and shoes stay on.
Then, before I knew it, we were through! My anxiety about the security checkpoint evaporated – almost. We weren’t out yet.
We were putting back on belts and jackets and pocketing keys when a parks policeman walked over and started fingering the POTA badge on my re-purposed camera case. Right there beside my callsign badge. He looked at me and said, “Parks?” I gave a brief description of Parks on the Air. He told me about working at an airfield (that became a park?) where amateurs would sometimes come to operate. It was a pleasant exchange, and he thanked me for stopping to chat.
Outside, I was elated: this was going to happen! We got in line for the ferry. Behind a couple speaking a language, I didn’t know. Who were themselves behind another family speaking another language I didn’t know. I looked at Becky: this is one of the reasons I so love New York. Languages, cultures, people. This is where I meet the wider world.
10 am: On our way to Ellis Island!
Ellis Island National Historic Site
On Ellis Island, tourists are restricted to the visitor center and the grounds around it. Part of those grounds were fenced off for construction. All the rest of the island is inaccessible (except for parts you can see by purchasing the “Hard Hat Tour”). Becky and I looked for a quiet place to set up. I thought about Dave on the benches. I found numerous trees with temptingly low branches. We thought hard about setting up at a mass of empty picnic tables. There was no one out there at all. It was cold and windy. And who would come out to eat at those tables on a blustery day like that? Continue reading POTA on Ellis Island: Planning, plotting, and activating!→
Many thanks to Michael (BD4AAQ) who shares the following guest post which was also cross-published on the SWLing Post:
Tidbits of SEANET (South East Asia Amateur Radio Network)
by Michael (BD4AAQ)
On 3rd October 2024, the 48th SEANET Convention was finally convened in Negombo, Sri Lanka. The SEANET convention, a gathering of a group of amateur radio operators, was last held in Johor Bahru Malaysia, in 2019, just before the Covid-19 pandemic. The Sri Lanka conference was attended by only 25 people. Nevertheless, it was hailed as a triumph, as it was the first ever meeting of amateur radio operators for SEANET following the end of the pandemic and upon extensive discussions on WhatsApp groups.
SEANET in Sri Lanka
Tharanga, 4S6TMP, and other organisers, did a great job hosting the convention. Despite its modest size, the convention featured all the typical elements: presentations, discussions, dinners, a bonfire, a special event station (4S7SEA), and more. Above all, the organisers surprised the attendees with the first day cover of the event arranged by the Sri Lanka Post Service. The first day cover, with postage stamps containing photos of SEANET participants, was ready the same morning when the photos were taken! Lightning speed!
First Day Cover featuring SEANET 2024
The low attendance of the convention was partially attributed to the altered schedule. It was originally scheduled for 19 – 22 September but had to be changed at short notice to 3 – 6 October due to Sri Lanka’s presidential election on 23 September. The altered timetable prevented many of the Seanetters who had signed up from attending as scheduled.
Highest Attendance in History
SEANET has seen much higher attendance amid excellent solar conditions. The 18th SEANET convention, held in Kuching, Malaysia in 1990, was attended by as many as 320 people! The 38th Convention took place in 2010 in Shanghai, China, with over 100 attendees.
SEANET Convention in Shanghai
The Origin of SEANET
SEANET, the South East Asia Amateur Radio Network, was established in 1964 and is operated on 20 metres (14.320 MHz plus or minus QRM). The objective of the net is to promote international understanding and fellowship among hams and to relay emergency, medical, urgent or priority traffic. The on-the-air meeting, which has taken place at 1200 UTC daily without fail during periods of good solar conditions, has strengthened unity and co-operation among hams around the world, especially those within the region. The net also provides hams with a facility for testing their equipment and propagation conditions on the 20 metres band. Over time, members then agreed to have yearly gatherings for eyeball encounters and exchanges, which is how SEANET conventions came to be.
[Regarding the] value of the SEANET as an Emergency communications network…
There have been many a private Yacht in the Indian Ocean that had been helped via the SEANET and Amateur Radio. Once there was this small Tri-maran which had exhausted all its fuel, food and water and were drifting helpless. Radio Hams and SEANET alerted rescue services and succeeded in getting an Ocean liner to divert and drop off fuel, food and water.
There have been other impressive achievements to the credit of SEANET. There was the case of a young mother in Sri Lanka whose baby of a few days had a serious condition which could only be treated by a special drug not available locally. SEANET members looked in the likely places in Australia and Singapore but failed. They then contacted their friends in the U
.S.A. and succeeded in getting the drug flown out from California the baby was saved. There was also the case of the frantic father who could not be near at hand when his wife was delivery their first baby in a Singapore hospital, over a thousand miles away from his jungle location. He kept in touch via Ham radio and SEANET. The wife, in hospital, had friends from SEANET visit every day.
On another occasion, when disaster struck Darwin, Australia recently, wiping off all communications facilities, a member of the SEANET group living in Darwin set up his station and was one of the first to contact the National Authorities with news and requests. Another SEANET member in Sri Lanka was able to obtain details of the whereabouts and health etc. of his countrymen living in Darwin and so reassure their near and dear in Sri Lanka.
There was once also the team of Himalayan climbers who attacked Mt. Everest from a new direction and when success was first conveyed via Amateur Radio and SEANET.
My Involvement
In the early 2000s, I started to take note of SEANET. I occasionally heard other shortwave networks and net controls, but SEANET was one that was loud and clear and was almost always there at 14320 MHz at or shortly after 12:00 Zulu. Ah, the good old days! Net controls took turns and worked from countries including Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and Australia. Among the net controls were Gary (VK8GW), Ben (VK6XC), Barry (VK6ADI), Kim (VK6UO), Roy (DU9/G4UNL) and Ray (HS0ZDZ).
In Shanghai, I would check in to the net soon after I got back from work. John (BD4AAV) would also join the net from time to time. In Taiwan, Tim (BV2A) was a frequenter of SEANET. He was very happy when he first learned that John and I were from mainland China. One day he recommended that we QRY to a different frequency and there we three chatted like old friends for a very long time. Next we exchanged QSL cards. Tim was the first person to be issued a ham radio license since the KMT government moved from the mainland to Taiwan. He passed away in 2006.
QSL card from Tim, with the enclosed note stating that due to propagation issues he was unable to work Shanghai stations via SEANET at 14320 MHz lately
Dr KN Singh
If we talk about SEANET, there is one person we must also talk about. Dr Singh, a Malaysian Indian. SEANET conventions have developed and now have survived the pandemic in large part thanks to his efforts. He has many roles: doctor, hospital owner, philanthropist, Sikh, and last but not least, ham radio operator (9M2KN). He himself has hosted a number of SEANET conventions in Malaysia and has dedicated to the development of SEANET and ham radio in general. Although SEANET is a loose organisation with no permanent secretariat and each host country decides for itself how to organise a convention, Dr Singh’s charisma, leadership and coordination capabilities have been essential and have greatly encouraged and inspired the organisers. We should meet regularly before we grow too old to move and we should bring in new, younger members to the big family, he said, the ham spirit and the camaraderie must be nurtured.
From left to right: Ramesh VU2LU, Dr Singh 9M2KN, Jaliya 4S7JL, Tharanga 4S6TMP and Aruna SWL at SEANET 2024
Hans from Germany
Hans (DF5UG) is a veteran Seanetter with very extensive ham radio experiences. He has been to many countries and operated under probably the most callsigns. He was an EC member of IARU. He enjoys setting up antennas and amateur stations on the spot wherever he goes.
Hans, third from left, at the 38th SEANET Convention in Shanghai, with Michael BD4AAQ, second from right, and other attendees
The Legendary Fred
Fred (K3ZO) was a legend. He was an enthusiastic amateur radio operator and actively participated in amateur radio contests. Fred was well-known and widely respected around the globe. He had worked many stations in China as well. Earlier in his career, he was a US Information Officer. In 1974, he was kidnapped by a guerrilla group in Córdoba, Argentina and critically shot. As he was an amateur radio operator and owned a large amount of radio equipment, he was suspected of being a CIA agent. Upon a behind-the-scenes offensive in Washington and with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger categorically denying spy speculations, he was released. He later stated in a message: “Amateur Radio is a wonderful hobby but it can be dangerous because people misinterpret what it is. I myself was kidnapped and shot in Argentina, but fortunately I have lived to tell about it.”
Fred also attended the 38th SEANET Convention in China. He became a Silent Key in 2023.
Fred, middle, in Shanghai
SEANET 2025 in India
Worth special mentioning are Turid and Mimis who are 82 and 91 years old now. The couple is originally from Yugoslavia (Serbia) (Turid was the Yugoslavian Ambassador to Germany in the 1970’s). They have now settled with their daughter in Australia. They attended many SEANET events and are great contributors to SEANET. Just a few days ago, they wrote to Dr. Singh asking when and where the next convention will be held.
Gladly, Ramesh (VU2LU) has taken the next slot for SEANET. We expect it to be a big event like what we have had in old times. The dedicated website for SEANET events is So, stay tuned for more information for the next SEANET Convention. 73!
In my last article, I activated Hanging Rock Battleground State Historic Site and then Glenn and I spent the evening at an Airbnb in Camden, South Carolina. Monday, October 14th was the last day of our trip. There was no way this POTA Babe was missing out on an activation on the trip home.
Sunday evening, after the Hanging Rock activation, I searched for a nearby park on the POTA website and settled on Wateree River Heritage Preserve Wildlife Management Area (WMA) (US-10414) as it looked interesting and was on the drive home. However, I didn’t pay attention to the fact a lottery deer hunt would be held on Monday and the park closed to anyone not involved in the hunt. I discovered this fact that morning upon arriving at the site. It was time for a Plan B ASAP.
entrance to Wateree Heritage Preserve WMA
Looking on the POTA website, both Congaree National Park (US-0017) and Congaree Bluffs Heritage Preserve WMA (US-3916) were nearby. I recall reading that some of the boardwalks/trails in the national park were impacted from Hurricane Helene. So I opted to visit Congaree Bluffs instead.
Congaree Bluffs Heritage Preserve is owned by the State of South Carolina. The property was purchased in 2001 with the express purpose of protecting the bluffs and flood plain on the south side of the Congaree River. The high bluffs in this area are not common because central South Carolina is mostly flat. The 201 acres of the park contain significant stands of American beech, oak-hickory, and bottomland hardwood forest. There were also stands of loblolly pines at the time of purchase that management planned to convert to longleaf pine stands over time.
The road into Congaree Bluffs is dirt but appears well maintained. There is a kiosk and signage just as you enter the park.
dirt access road – Turkey Track Lane (what a great name!)
We drove to the parking lot just down the road from the education center. I didn’t have much familiarity with this park since it was a last minute choice. A hasty glance at hiking sites showed the Bluff-River Walk that left from this parking lot down to the Congaree River. How difficult could that be?
entrance for Bluff-River Walk
Glenn and I walked around the trail gate and began our descent. The first thing we noticed was how many trees were down across the trail as well as vines and other foliage making passage difficult. As we continued our descent, we began to notice the mosquitos. I was wearing long sleeves and pants and had brought bug spray but these mosquitos were not easily deterred. By the time we reached the river, it was obvious we’d be nothing but blood donors there and an activation needed to happen elsewhere.
a tree downed across the trailon the hike to the riverneat lichens on one of the downed treesour quick view of the Congaree River
Arriving back at the car, I opted to activate in the parking lot. A stand of pines nearby provided shade (though I augmented that with my Mountain Laurel Designs tarp) and a fairly steady breeze kept the bugs at bay.
a pine stand near the car providing shadethe tarp lazily draped to provide extra shade
As both Glenn and I had CW Innovations classes to coach later that evening, I didn’t have much time for an activation. I opted for the Chelegance MC-750 and, once it was set up, hopped onto 20 meters figuring that band would give me the best chance at a successful activation in a short time-frame. It did! I had 23 QSOs with two park-to-park QSOs in 30 minutes. (Note: One park-to-park didn’t count after the fact as I entered it incorrectly in my log.)
The only fly in the ointment for my time on 20 meters was the QSB and noise which increased later in the activation. Usually I encounter noise on 40 meters, not 20, but the KX2 filters were a huge help in countering that issue. (I love that little rig!) As for the QSB, well, the best counter for that is plenty of time on the air to gain experience in dealing with it.
If you’d like to see footage of the park as well as get Glenn’s and my take as to whether or not we’d return to Congaree Bluffs Heritage Preserve, check out the video on my Youtube channel.
This activation places me at 44 activations toward my goal of 60 new, valid park activations for 2024. I’m not sure I’ll be able to complete this goal; however, I will see how far I can get. Where will I show up for park #45? Stay tuned…
Equipment Used
[Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.]
Many thanks to Micah (N4MJL) who shares the following guest post:
Elecraft KH1 Anytime and Anywhere Adventures
by Micah (N4MJL)
Anywhere and anytime—that’s how I like to describe my Elecraft KH1. This radio goes everywhere I go. As an airline pilot, I bounce from coast to coast and everywhere in between almost daily. Since I’m constantly on the move, my radio gear has to be small and compact.
I’m a third-generation ham radio CW operator. Anyone who’s heard me on the air knows I’m still quite new to CW. I only started running CW activations with POTA/SOTA in the spring of 2024. Here’s the gear that’s been working well for me, along with a few photos from the locations I’ve had the pleasure of activating.
I’ve found that the Pelican M50 micro case is the perfect “shack in a box” for my KH1. This setup goes everywhere with me. Here’s what fits perfectly in the M50:
Packtenna 9:1 random wire
20 ft BNC coax
Panasonic ErgoFit earbuds
SP4 paddles from CW Morse
KH1 (fully loaded with internal battery and tuner)
30 ft throw line
Write-in-the-Rain notebook
High Visibility Orange Cap-O-Matic Fisher Space Pen (with lanyard)
Desiccant silica gel pack
In pedestrian mobile configuration, the KH1 is a solid system. I’ve done several activations this way. That said, after 45 minutes of holding the KH1 in this setup, I’m ready to wrap up! Having a portable shack that lets me deploy a random wire that tunes 40-15m and a more ergonomically designed key drastically improves my capabilities.
In many urban environments where I activate POTA, pedestrian mobile is essential. Unfortunately, the security in urban parks can be unpredictable, and the KH1 allows me to operate on the go and quickly move if needed.
Some of you may be wondering what I did to the inside of my M50 case. Well, in my defense, it’s my wife’s fault. She left me unsupervised with a glue gun and a bit of alcohol. When my KH1 arrived this spring, solar conditions were poor, so I had a few days to think and decided to turn the case into a makeshift Faraday box. I used Polyken aluminum tape, cardboard, and a glue gun to line it. Now, I know what you’re thinking: there’s no electrical bonding between the lid and lower box due to the rubber seal, so will this really work as a Faraday cage? Maybe, maybe not—but it sure looks cool! What do you think?
In addition to the M50 case, I carry a support pouch (Magpul DAKA, size small). This heavy-duty, water-resistant pouch contains:
31 ft counterpoise wire
AXE1 40m antenna extender
Bioenno battery 12V 3Ah (backup battery—“1 is none, and 2 is 1” if you know, you know!)
KH1 power cable
KH1 right-angle antenna mount
These items aren’t essential but are nice to have for longer activations.
When I’m done flying and ready to play radio, I pack all this gear into my Flash 22 day pack. This compact, minimalist pack takes up almost no room in my flight bag and even has a built-in whistle on the chest strap, which is perfect for California!
When conditions allow, I enjoy using the full five watts of power. My go-to antenna is the SOTAbeams Band Hopper III, which is a versatile half-wave linked dipole:
Rated 125 watts
Center-fed with 33 ft RG174 coax
Guying system included
Resonant on 20m, 30m, and 40m (no tuner needed, though the KH1 tuner will also tune up 17m and 15m)
Built-in balun
Weighs only 14 oz
The wire/guying winders are excellent, and I’ve used this system in all kinds of environments, from sandy beaches to mountain tops above the treeline. I replaced the aluminum tent pegs with plastic ones to keep TSA happier.
The SOTAbeams Tactical Mini Mast fits diagonally in my 22″ roller board. I wrap heavy rubber-coated wire around it to secure it to posts or shrubs when needed.
Along with this radio gear, I also manage to pack a change of clothes—usually enough for a five-day trip. I typically fly three trips a month, each lasting four to five days. My roller board carries me and my radio gear from plane to plane all week long.
On a short backpacking trip along the Appalachian Trail (June 3, 2024), I activated SOTA summit W4V/BR-007 Three Ridges and the Three Ridges Wilderness area (POTA US-9959). The mountain in the distance is The Priest (W4V/BR-002), which I activated earlier this year with my LNR Precision MTR4B.
The summit of Three Ridges is a densely wooded area, so I stopped below the summit to enjoy the view, grab a quick snack, and play some radio. I snagged two POTA-only QSOs with W8WZ in Louisiana and KU8T in Indiana using the KH1’s whip antenna. Once I reached the summit, I used the Packtenna 9:1 random wire for my activation. Continue reading Flying High and Keying Low: A Pilot’s QRP Adventures Across the USA→
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