Because I receive so many tips from readers here on QRPer, I wanted way to share them in a concise newsletter format. To that end welcome to QRPer Notes, a collection of links to interesting stories and tips making waves in the world of radio!
Paul’s Page of Ham Radio Groups
Many thanks to Paul (W4/VP9KF) who shares this list of popular ham radio groups. He updates these regularly and the page even dynamically monitors the number of members in each group:
Paul’s website is chock full of info, so grab a cuppa’ and start exploring!
Novel SSB transceiver design with only seven transistors (Southgate ARC)
Ryan Flowers W7RLF writes on Hackaday about a simple 7 transistor QRP SSB transceiver
When Pete Juliano N6QW sat down to design a sideband transceiver for the 20 Meter (14 MHz) ham radio band, he eschewed the popular circuits that make up so many designs. He forged ahead, building a novel design that he calls Pete’s Simple Seven SSB Transceiver, or PSSST for short.
What makes the PSSST so simple is not only its construction, but the low component count. The same circuit using four 2N2222A’s is used on both transmit and receive.
Read the full Hackaday post at
Xiegu X6100 Update via Radioddity
Several QRPer readers have reached out noting that Radioddity is now taking orders for the second production run of the Xiegu X6100–they’ve already sold the first batch. Radioddity hopes to ship the first batch soon and the second batch before the end of 2021.
They’re currently running a Black Friday promotion which includes the X6100.
I haven’t heard from other Xiegu distributors yet, but it sounds like early adopters will be getting their units before the end of the year.
I will receive a loaner unit to evaluate and take to the field hopefully within the next few weeks and several readers have orders in the first production run. Scott (KN3A) will be sharing his early experience with the X6100 as well.
Dayton Hamvention is a ‘Go’ (Southgate ARC)
Dayton Hamvention 2022 is not just going to be a premier hamfest but a reunion, as organizers prepare for the first gathering at the Xenia Fairground and Expo Center in Ohio after two years of cancellations.
Hamvention’s general chairman Rick Allnut WS8G said in a phone interview that committees have been meeting and volunteers are committed to making up for the time lost to pandemic cancellations.
Hamvention will be happening on Friday May 20th through Sunday May 22nd with an international reception scheduled on Thursday May 19th. Rick said the registration site is already taking bookings from vendors and inside exhibitors and individual visitors can already buy their tickets. All details are available on the website.
RIck said: “Tickets are all printed and ready to go.”