Category Archives: New Products

The Elecraft KH1 has arrived! (A few photos…)

I’ve gotten a lot of email and comments asking when my KH1 would arrive and I’m happy to report that I picked it up this morning at the post office!

I ordered the “Edgewood” package, thus the KH1 with all of the trimmings. I was shipped the full radio kit save the logging tray/cover.

The logging tray had a last minute hardware change. Elecraft kindly shipped the radio first and the logging tray will follow in a few days.

I must say: the KH1 is even smaller than I imagined.

Quick video

I made a very short video as I opened the box for the first time. To be clear, it doesn’t likely meet the requirements of an “unboxing” video, because, frankly, I really don’t understand those types of videos.  It’s just me opening the box and holding the radio for the first time.

Click here to view on YouTube.

Hunting POTA!

I popped the included battery on my Elecraft fast charger and gave it a good 90 minutes of charge while I did some yard work.

Of course, I couldn’t wait to hop on the air, so I attached the whip antenna and the counterpoise, then hit the ATU button for a 1.2:1 match on 20 meters.

I then opened and tuned to a couple of POTA activators.


First up was KK4WDP who was activating K-0784 in Washington DC.


I was still sorting out a few of the adjustments on the KH1 (keyer speed, sidetone level, AF gain, etc.) so I can’t say my exchange was “graceful.” (If you’re reading this, Josh, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.)

I moved slightly off frequency to delineate my tone, which I think helped punch thorough. On this end, I could hear a couple of strong stations calling at the same time. DC is almost too close for 20 meters this time of day, but I received a 22N report. Thanks, Josh!

Next, I tuned to 14059 MHz where NR1D was activating K-1706.

I called and got a reply on the first try. I can’t remember the report he sent, but he was a solid 5NN. Thanks so much for working me, Kent!


I haven’t seen a lot of up-close product photos yet, so I thought I’d share some here. Again, note these don’t include the logging tray, but I will post more photos when it arrives soon.

Stay tuned!

As I mention in the short video above, I’m going to push my KH1 videos to the front of the line.

Also, if you’ve ordered a KH1, you’ll need to check with Elecraft about the predicted ship date. I suspect demand exceeded their projections!

I’ll have more photos and full field reports hopefully starting this week. Stay tuned!


Thomas (K4SWL)

Video: Wayne (N6KR) demonstrates the Elecraft KH1 at Pacificon SOTA Luncheon

Many thanks to Rex (KE6MT) who shares the following video made at the at the Pacificon SOTA Luncheon (2023):

Click here to view on YouTube.

Introducing the new Elecraft KH1 handheld-portable CW QRP transceiver

WG0AT holding the Elecraft KH1

From Elecraft:  something BIG, in an incredibly small package…!

Just this morning, Elecraft introduced the new Elecraft KH1.

In brief, the KH1 is a five-band (40, 30, 20, 17, and 15 meter) handheld QRP CW transceiver with options for an internal battery, internal ATU, whip antenna, and fold-out logging pad.

Exciting!  And if you’d like to get the scoop on this new handheld radio–– along with photos––we’ve got it here.

Q: What is the Elecraft KH1?

WG0AT with the KH1 making contacts pedestrian mobile.

A:  The Elecraft KH1 is a compact, five-band CW QRP transceiver designed for both handheld and tabletop operation. Indeed, the “H” in the model number signifies “Handheld.”

To be clear, although it is quite small, the KH1 isn’t just a tiny radio:  it’s ergonomically purpose-designed, to be a pedestrian-mobile CW station.  It’s lightweight, easy to hold and use, and will fit both right and left-handed operators. With the optional “Edgewood Package,” it also includes a fold-out logging pad.

Q: How much does the Elecraft KH1 weigh?

A: With all options (ATU, Antenna, Battery, and logging pad) the KH1 weighs in at a featherweight 13 oz.

Q: What features does the Elecraft KH1 offer?

A:  Here’s a feature list from the Elecraft brochure:

KH1 features:

  • 40-15 meter ham bands
  • 6-22 MHz for shortwave broadcast band listening
  • CW mode; 5 watts, all bands
  • ATU includes whip & high-Q inductor for 20/17/15 m
  • 2.5 AH Li-Ion battery & internal charger
  • CW decode & 32K TX log
  • Scan/mini-pan feature
  • RTC [Real-Time Clock]
  • Full remote control
  • Speaker
  • RIT, XIT, & VFO lock
  • Light gray case stays cool even in bright sunlight
  • Three CW message memories with chain and repeat functions

Like nothing else on the market…

The KH1 design is all Elecraft and built on several years worth of design iterations. It is, no doubt, fueled by Wayne’s passion for handheld portable HF.

Again, the KH1 focuses on ergonomics that would make handheld operation not only easy, but enjoyable.

The two main multi-function controls (the AF Gain and Encoder), for example, are located on the bottom of the radio. This gives the operator easy and ergonomic access to the controls while the radio is in-hand.

The four buttons on the top of the radio default to the most useful functions one would need while operating portable. Using them to dig deeper into the menu levels, however, is also intuitive and well thought-through.

While the KH1 menus and features are naturally not as deep as those of the KX2 and KX3, it’s impressively well-equipped for a radio this size. At the end of the day, it’s a much more simple field radio––by design––than its KX2 and KX3 predecessors. If anything, it’s more akin to the venerable KX1!

(Source: Elecraft)

The KH1’s paddles (KHPD1) are located at the bottom of the radio––they flip down for transport, and up during use, so your fingers are well away from the AF and Encoder knobs.

The KH1 has an optional internal ATU that is not as wide-range as that of the KX3, KX2, or T1, but is much better than that of the KX1. I understand that it’ll match most of what you throw at it.

Wayne told me that one of the most complicated parts of the KH1 design was the fold-out logging pad. He wanted the logging pad to be functional for one-handed operation. The indents around the loose-leaf logging sheets allow you to pull out a completed sheet and slip it behind the others in the stack.

The logging sheets are available as a PDF download; simply print and cut. No doubt, the format would be easy to modify.


This is the part I love: the KH1 is designed to operate with a telescoping whip antenna.

Basically, you unclip the whip from the side of the radio (assuming you have the ATU/whip option) and screw it on the top of the top. The ATU will match the whip antenna––there’s a mechanical slide switch that selects 15/17 m or 20 m high-Q inductance for whip––or an external antenna on the BNC port.

If you’ve been reading my field reports and watching my videos, you know I’m a huge fan of the Elecraft AX1 antenna. The KH1 basically has the option of a built-in AX1 antenna…Just take my money!

Speed…and stealth

If the counterpoise is already attached and wrapped around the body of the KH1, you will be able to deploy the station and be on the air in about 20 seconds.

As many of you know, I’ve always said that the secret power of the AX1 and AX2 antennas is speed of deployment. The KH1 allows for an even speedier deployment.

This will be most especially appreciated when activating summits in the winter where exposure to the elements from simply setting up the antenna and station will often make your hands go numb.

Also, the KH1 is so low-impact and low-profile, you’ll be able to activate parks that might otherwise be off limits to an HF field installation. I know of one urban park that, with permission, I’ll definitely use the KH1 to activate; it has no park benches and no trees, just a strip of grass around a historic building in the middle of a city. Perfect for the KH1!

KH1 versus KX2?

The KH1 and KX2 are very different animals. Elecraft actually produced this comparison chart to help potential customers make a purchase decision.

KX2 & KH1 Comparison Chart (PDF)

My advice? If you have a KX2 on order, don’t cancel it.

The KH1 is not a KX2 replacement. The KX2 is a much more capable radio. The KH1, however, is a radio focused on ultra lightweight, low-profile, pedestrian-portable, CW HF field operation.

A KH1 review?

Yes, it’s coming! I will purchase and review the KH1 “Edgewood” package. My unit should ship next week, so look for updates and photos, and I will push those field reports and videos to the front of the line.

To be completely transparent:  I have been in a volunteer group of testers for the KH1. Other than this, the only real affiliation I have with Elecraft––besides knowing Wayne, Eric, and some of their staff––is being a long-time customer. I own, or have owned, every radio they’ve ever made, save the K3 and K4 lines. And it’s Elecraft that makes my favorite field radios.

Product Brochure

Click here to download the KH1 product brochure.

Pricing & Availability

As with all Elecraft products, you’ve many options in terms of pricing.

Basic KH1 ($549.95 US):  Including the KH1, power cable, USB cable, manual

KH1 Edgewood Package ($1,099.95): Includes all BASIC KH1 items, plus all options (KHATU1 Antenna Tuner, KHPD1 Keyer Paddle, KHLOG1 Logbook Tray w/mini-ballpoint pen, KXBT2 rechargeable Li-Ion battery, KHIBC1 Internal Battery Charger,  and ES20 Custom zippered carrying case)

Click here to view the Elecraft KH1 on the Elecraft website.

Two more images of the new Xiegu DDC/DUC portable transceiver

Many thanks to Don (W7SSB) who shares the following two product images/teasers courtesy of Xiegu (click images to enlarge):

Thanks for sharing these, Don, as a follow-up to our previous post.

Xiegu fans will be happy to see that this new transceiver has a removable battery pack. If this pack is easy to source/obtain, that will indeed be a strong point.

It looks like Xiegu has also added fixed rails to protect the front panel along with reinforcement around the chassis.

It looks quite durable, although it also appears there are two knobs protruding on the top of the radio–?

On our previous post, there were a number of skeptical comments about the new Xiegu transceiver. Indeed, some of the comments were from X6100 owners who feel that Xiegu hasn’t fully completed all of the published features promised in the ‘6100 (which was released two years ago). A number of owners also commented that getting support or repair work done after the one year warranty has challenging. These are, for sure, some of the risks associated with price-competitive radios. Xiegu radios offer a lot of features for the price.

After this radio new is released, I will reach out to Xiegu or Radioddity and ask for a loaner to test in the field. I’ll be very interested to know if it has a few of these improvements over previous models:

  • Better front end with some built-in BCI filtering
  • Cleaner audio with balanced AGC
  • Lower noise floor
  • Longer battery life than the X6100
  • Published features which actually work in the first production run

I haven’t gotten a confirmation of the price or availability yet.

Stay tuned!

New Product: Xiegu has a new DDC/DUC portable transceiver in the works

Image source: Xiegu (click to enlarge)

It appears Xiegu has a new direct-sampling SDR portable transceiver in the works.

Image source: Xiegu (click to enlarge)

Along with the photos above, here’s the teaser Xiegu shared via their Twitter account today:

Xiegu New product Introduction

It is a new generation of ultra-portable shortwave transceiver. It adopts advanced RF direct sampling architecture and is equipped with powerful baseband and RF units. It integrates rich functions of major models and has built-in popular remote network control function. [B]ringing you a new amateur radio experience.

    • RF direct acquisition architecture, HF/50MHz full-mode transceiver
    • Supports listening to WFM broadcast frequency bands and supports listening to aviation frequency bands
    • Built-in high-efficiency automatic antenna tuner
    • Support network remote control
    • Integrated standing wave scanner and voice pager
    • Integrated modem, preset text messages, CW automatic calling
    • Standardly equipped with high stability TCXO internal clock source
    • External expansion equipment can be connected to expand the frequency band

ABR Industries 10% Discount Code for Readers!

Many of you know that I’m a big fan of cable assemblies from ABR Industries. I’ve been a customer of theirs for well over a decade and I’ve never had one of their cables fail me.

I’ve hinted to ABR in the past that it would be great to have a sponsorship or affiliate relationship with them.

ABR came through this week by starting an affiliate program with and will give our community a 10% discount on any items purchased on the ABR website via our link and by using the discount code:  ABR10QRPER

I made a few suggestions of cable assembly types and standard lengths based on the ones I use the most and I feel others would find useful in the field. They created a page specifically for these options and the selection will likely grow with time:

Click here to check out the options.

Chuck, at ABR, notes:

“it’s important to use the 10% discount code under ABR10QRPER. It’s in the checkout section under coupon. The reason is if a customer buys other items they will enjoy the discount beyond these focused products.”

So there you go!

If you need something other than what is listed in this selection, ABR will help you find what you want on their website–just make sure you enter the coupon code for the discount!

Many thanks to ABR for setting up this affiliate relationship and discount code. You may note that I only have affiliate relationships with companies I trust and patronize myself. Very proud to have ABR on board with!

POTA on Mount Mitchell: The new REZ Ranger 80 and how to use the Over/Under method to coil wire and cable

The REZ Ranger 80 antenna system ships with everything you need, including a nice backpack.

Back in March, I received an email from Mike Giannaccio (W5REZ) the owner of REZ Antenna Systems–he was curious if I’d like to check out his REZ Ranger 80 antenna system.

At the time, my plate was pretty full, so he arranged to send it to me on loan in July.

If you’re not familiar, the Ranger 80 is a portable vertical antenna with a tuning coil at the base that employs a sliding tap for tuning. The Ranger 80 will cover anywhere from 80 – 15 meters without needing any sort of external matching device (like an ATU).

The Ranger 80 Tuning Coil.

If you’re familiar with the Wolf River Coils antenna systems, then you’re familiar with this type of vertical antenna. The difference is that the Ranger 80 is built to what I could only describe as MilSpec standards.

Much of the Ranger 80’s components are CNC machined from premium materials. It sports a Delrin body, black anodized 6061 aluminum, and all stainless steel hardware.

This is not a featherweight antenna: it has the heft to match the caliber of materials used in its construction. It’s not an inexpensive antenna either–it’s currently about $560 US at DX Engineering.

The base of the Ranger 80: note the beautifully CNC-machined holes for the four counterpoises.

The Ranger 80 is also rated for 500W SSB and 250W CW/Digital–in other words, quite a bit more power than I’d ever use in the field, but this design will make activators and field ops happy that like to push some wattage.

I was curious how easy the Ranger 80 would be to deploy and tune, so on Sunday, August 6, 2023, I took it to one of my favorite parks on the planet.

Mount Mitchell State Park (K-2747)

I wasn’t alone on this trip: it was a proper family picnic with my wife, daughters and, of course, Hazel.

The weather was very moody that day–driving up to the park, we watched clouds and mists rise up through the trees like waves crashing on a rocky coast line. Continue reading POTA on Mount Mitchell: The new REZ Ranger 80 and how to use the Over/Under method to coil wire and cable

Assembling a K9DP BCI Filter Kit (Photos)

If you own a Xiegu G106, X6100, or any other radio that is prone to overloading when in the presence of an AM broadcaster, you should consider building an in-line BCI filter!

As many of you know, I’ve been testing the Xiegu G106 over the past couple of months for a review that will be published in the May 2023 issue of The Spectrum Monitor magazine.

One criticism of the G106 is that its front-end overloads when there’s an AM broadcaster within a few miles of where you choose to operate. The Xiegu X6100 is identical in this regard.

One quick way to remedy this is to build or buy a BCI filter. We’ve mentioned in the past how you can homebrew them and I planned to do so. After checking my parts drawer, though, I realized I needed to buy a capacitor, toroids and at least one of the two BNC connectors needed if I wanted an in-line filter in a small project box.

I decided it would be much easier to simply buy a kit and, based on a tip from a reader here on, I purchased one from Dan (K9DP). Continue reading Assembling a K9DP BCI Filter Kit (Photos)

First look at the Blue Ridge Overland Gear Gadget Bag

In early February, Jeff (KD4VMI) sent the following message to me:

Good evening. Love your YouTube videos and QRPer posts and, from them, I know you appreciate rugged packs and gear.

I enjoy POTA, although I don’t get out as often as I’d like, but I’ve found Blue Ridge Overland Gear’s various bags and modular systems to be very handy for bundling my radios, batteries, cables, and antennas.

It’s been on my mind for some time to let you know about them (if you don’t know about them already) and I finally decided to take the time to write you. I’m not associated with them in any way, and I didn’t approach them about passing this on to you, or anything like that. I just really appreciate their gear and I think you might, too.

The BROG materials are high quality and stout, the zippers are beefy and smooth, everything is double or triple stitched and everything is modular so it can be used for just about anything, and in pretty much endless combinations with their various bags and gear.

Their products are not overly cheap, but are guaranteed for life. They’re located in Bedford, Virginia and all their things are made in the USA (I think mostly in Bedford).

I often use their tire puncture repair kit bag, for instance, to carry my FT-891, Bioenno battery, cables and mic, and PackTenna, and then strap the coax to the Molle system on the front of the bag.

They posted a YouTube video showing their gadget bag with accessory pouches for HTs, etc.

Their website is:

Anyway, I appreciate all you do for our great hobby and just wanted to share this info.

Take care and all the best to you and yours…

Thank you so much for the kind words, Jeff, and for the tip about Blue Ridge Overland Gear (BROG). You’re obviously a skilled pack enabler because you had my attention by the second paragraph–!

Shortly after my exchange with Jeff, I checked out the BROG website and was really impressed with their line-up of packs and gear–all with a focus on modular organization, especially in-vehicle since it’s for Overlanding. It’s just the icing on the cake that their gear is made in the USA.

I was very curious if their Gadget Bag, in particular, would lend itself to being a modular flied radio kit pack.

Thing is, there are so many options and configurations for the Gadget Bag, I wasn’t entirely sure what to order.

Being a fellow who expects to pay a premium for rugged products, made in the USA–especially ones that carry a lifetime warranty–I was prepared for some sticker shock. Turns out, BROG pricing is pretty reasonable in comparison with other cottage industry pack manufactures.

Still, I wasn’t quite sure how easily some of my radios and gear might fit in their zippered pouches, so I reached out to BROG–mentioning QRPer and my constant search for field radio packs–and asked if I could order some packs and pouches, test them with my radio gear, then pay for what I decided to keep.  I didn’t want free gear, I just couldn’t tell based on the product images and posted dimensions what pouches and packs might fit my various radios and accessories. Also, I knew readers might ask if certain pouches and packs might fit certain radios.

The good folks at BROG kindly obliged, so I asked for the following list of items:

– QTY 1 Gadget Bag (shell) in black
– QTY 3 Large Velcro Pouches
– QTY 6 Medium Velcro Pouches
– QTY 1 Velcro Cord Keeper
– QTY 1 Medium GP Pouch
– QTY 1 Velcro Headrest
– QTY 1 Headrest Pouch Kit

Some of these items weren’t in stock, so it was a week or so later when I received notification that the package had shipped. It arrived a couple days later.

I love the feed bag style packaging, by the way.


Although you’ll start to see this field kit in upcoming activation videos, I thought I share a photo tour of this pack… Continue reading First look at the Blue Ridge Overland Gear Gadget Bag

QRPer Notes: 3Y0J Presentation, BitBanger Demo, POTA Developers Live, and Georgia State Parks On The Air Event!

Because I receive so many tips from readers here on QRPer, I wanted way to share them in a concise newsletter format.  To that end, welcome to QRPer Notes, a collection of links to interesting stories and tips making waves in the world of radio!

Adrian Ciuperca (KO8SCA):  3Y0J Presentation to the Northern Illinois DX Association

Many thanks to Eric (WD8RIF) who shares this excellent presentation by Bouvet activator, Adrian (KO8SCA):

 Click here to view on YouTube.

BitBanger Demo

Many thanks to Benn (AK4AV) for sharing this video demo:

Click here to view on YouTube.

Click here for the Github page and more notes/details.

Ask the POTA Developers – LIVE!

Click here to view the archived live stream on YouTube.

Georgia State Parks On The Air: April 1-2, 2023

Many thanks to Scott Wooten who shares the following announcement via YouTube:

Welcome to the Georgia State Parks on the Air event. Our goal is to have all fifty Georgia State Parks on the air in one weekend. This event is open to all licensed Amateur Radio Operators whether you live in Georgia or not.

There are two ways to participate: Activating or Hunting. Activators fall into two different categories: Single Operator or Club, and there is a special category for Georgia ARES operations.

The first annual 36 hour event kicks off on April 1, 2023 at 1200 Zulu and concludes at 2359 Zulu on April 2, 2023.

If you participate please remember this event is considered a CONTEST, so while casually operating Parks on the Air on the WARC bands is permissible, this event does not allow operations on the WARC bands.

For more information or to sign up as an activator, go to

We look forward to hearing you on the air!

Click here to view on YouTube.