Tag Archives: Christian (IX1CKN)

Christian takes his new “Red Corners” uSDR+ on a POTA shake-out activation

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

How the Red Corners uSDR+ Performed on Its First Field Test

by Christian (IX1CKN)

24 QSOs in 104 minutes at 5 watts—how would you rate that? The answer isn’t exactly scientific, as it depends on personal opinions, habits, and the unique propagation conditions during the activation. But in my eyes, as the first test of the “Red Corners” (a.k.a. USDR+), it’s definitely a positive result.

I wanted the “first time” with my new QRP radio (which has been catching the attention of more and more operators) to be out in the field, so on Thursday, the 29th August 2024, I headed to the Tsatelet Reserve (IT-0120) to contribute to the Parks on the Air (POTA) program.

I have to admit, I had doubts about reaching the 10 contacts needed for validation. I arrived at the site at 15:16 UTC and set up a 1/4-wave vertical antenna on the ground. I decided not to use an external mic, just the built-in one. The setup was then in “walkie-talkie” mode, fitting in one hand, leaving the other free for logging or filming. Conceptually and practically, it was real freedom.

The first few calls brought in four quick responses, one per minute.

Encouraging start, but then it felt like the band “died.” So, I adjusted, searching for stations that were calling in return. I found several, including Roberto (IG9ITO) from Lampedusa Island —always a pleasure to QSO with him—and I also logged Carmelo (IT9ESF) from Messina.

Between calling and moving around to catch other activators spotted on the cluster (thanks to the dual VFO, although you need to navigate through the menu to switch), I managed to increase the contact count to 24 by the end.

Notably, I logged 9 “park-to-park” QSOs, including the longest distance of the day—1820 km to TA1EYE. That’s a rare feat for a single activation. Some colleagues were operating from 2-fer areas, but I prefer to count unique calls, which is still interesting data.

It’s interesting because it shows that the “Red Corners” has the power to reach operators who, as activators, don’t necessarily have fancy antennas or are dealing with challenging terrain and horizon. It happened 9 times today, so it’s not a coincidence. I’d also like to point out that I didn’t use an external tuner. I noticed that adjusting the vertical whip length allowed for an SWR of 1.2 across the band, which I found acceptable. Plus, it feels like a solid device in hand and looks good sitting on a rock.

What else can I add that the video below doesn’t show? The “Red Corners” uSDR, like the Quansheng UV-K5 (another recent “must-have”), has some objective limitations. I won’t rehash them here—there are plenty of posts covering that. This makes it impossible to consider this Chinese QRP rig as a replacement for our shack radios. However, considering its limitations and focusing on portable use, its value for money becomes a strong point and offers an interesting angle.

The first test went well, but there will be more (I’ll also get the monoband whip, and it will be fun to try pure “walkie-talkie” operations).

73 and thanks, everyone!


Click here to watch on YouTube.

Quarter-Wave Conquers: Christian and Andrea’s POTA Success Despite Solar Slumber

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

POTA Friends Meet to Activate IT-0737

by Christian (IX1CKN)

With Andrea (IW0HK) in Turin for a few days, it would have been a shame not to use Sunday for a POTA activation, recreating the “Multicountry Rove” team that participated in the Friedrichshafen Fair.

Our chosen destination, as a halfway point for both of us, was (again) Canavese in Piedmont, where we had identified Lake Candia (IT-0737), a Natura 2000 reserve we had been eyeing for some time but had never activated.

We reached the reserve (exit on the A5 for both of us at San Giorgio Canavese, then towards Caluso, and finally the Provincial Road 84, which runs right along the lake’s edge). We soon realized that on Sundays, the area is quite popular with locals seeking a cool spot (the lake is also suitable for swimming). A restaurant and a beach are the first things you encounter, but we had something less crowded in mind.

We stopped by a patch of vegetation, with tall trees that offered much-needed shade on a 30°C Sunday (though with some insects as a price to pay, but we brought repellent spray). For the antenna, we used the tried and tested quarter-wave Chinese whip, which had proven crucial in our recent German activations.

We started the activation on 20 meters, and it was clear from the beginning that propagation was only partially favorable (a minor solar flare in progress, but we’ve lost count at this point).

Many signals started strong but faded quickly, almost disappearing after the second pass. Almost all contacts were POTA enthusiasts, recognizable by their calls, a testament to the program’s growing popularity.

We managed two “park to park” contacts: one in Germany and the other in the UK. Other stations appeared on the cluster, but we couldn’t hear them. After about half an hour, we reached the milestone of 10 QSOs, making the activation valid. The rate indicated a challenging Sunday, as it seemed right from the start: few stations responded, but curiously, those that did came in with solid signals.

We attributed this to well-set-up home stations and decided to switch bands. 10 and 12 meters were closed, but we heard some QSOs on 15 meters and started calling. The response that made the activation worthwhile came from Marvin Ward “Lee” KI5MM (who, we later discovered, was transmitting from a place in Texas called Italy—perhaps it was fate). He gave us a 3/3 report, but we couldn’t have been happier: we were using a KX-3 at 10 watts with a ground-planted vertical antenna.

Another colleague from Sweden also came in on 15 meters, but nothing else in the next ten minutes. We wrapped up with fourteen contacts and headed back to the initial restaurant for a refreshing beer by the lake.

If every activation has a lesson, this one was that while propagation may be poor, taking care of your antenna setup (the quarter-wave being the most natural form) guarantees results. There’s already a lot of talk about this antenna, but I’m sure the more people try it, the more it will be discussed.

Thanks to everyone who connected with us, and until next time!

Ciao, 73!
Chris, IX1CKN

Video: IX1CKN & IW0HK’s Friedrichshafen ’24 POTA Rove

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) for sharing the following video recorded during his multi-park rove with Andrea (IU1APL).

The video was only recently published, but I’ve added it to Christian’s original field report. We’re highlighting it here for those who may otherwise miss it. (Note: Some of the video is in Italian, but YouTube closed captioning can auto-translate.)

Click here to view on YouTube.

Christian Chases Greyline DX on Support Your Parks Weekend!

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

A Breathtaking “Support Your Parks” Weekend in IT-0120

by Christian (IX1CKN)

…Day 1

The goal I had in mind was to take advantage of early morning greyline from a POTA reference, combining the appeal of an activating station with the propagation opportunities at that time of day. In this part of the season it means being active around 3/3:30 UTC, and although I didn’t manage it on day one, Saturday 20th July 2024, I went out much earlier than usual and had a few surprises, confirming the idea’s potential.

I chose IT-0120, the Tsatelet Nature Reserve, my “home reference”, because a short trip is needed to be active quickly. I was happy to go, both curious about how it would turn out and because it was the “Support Your Parks” weekend. If there’s pride in being part of this program, these are the two days to show it. The setup was as usual: Xiegu G90 with a ground-mounted 1/4 wave vertical antenna. Given the lighter battery (I had to walk to the top of the reserve), I lowered the power to 10 watts for a longer duration.

With these thoughts in mind, at 6:44 UTC, I powered up on 20 meters. After a “park to park” with a colleague in Lithuania, which I took as a good omen, I moved to a clear frequency and started calling. The first 2-3 minutes were silent, but then I got a response that changed the day: “…KL7TC.” Alaska, for the third time! Bill in Fairbanks was coming in at 5/7-8 with that unmistakable transpolar signal fluctuation. He gave me a 5/1, and when I told him I was running 10 watts, he congratulated me. I grabbed my phone and filmed part of the QSO, so expect a video. From here on, every QSO was a bonus.

Five minutes later, as the skip started to Europe, KZ4CP, Brandon from Kentucky, answered. He came in strong (another 5/8 from me), and on the second over, he said my signal jumped to 5/8. It was 6:56z, I logged it, filled with gratitude, and moved on, thinking that this project should be realized as soon as possible. From Europe’s perspective, things were slower, but responses continued, albeit at a low rate. I also managed another “park to park,” the second (and last of this activation), with LA7TN. I couldn’t hear the others on the cluster.

Don G0RQL joined in, making it the 10th QSO. The activation was valid. However, I regretted not exploring other bands. After checking and hearing a few decent signals, I switched to 15 meters, calling for five minutes with no luck. Then, I moved to 17 meters: no response to my CQ, but I heard VK3IO, Ron, near Melbourne. It was 7:33z, and although he wasn’t very strong, he was still a solid 5/7. I waited for him to finish his QSO and called. After some persistence, he got my call. The report was 4/3, but even if it were lower, the joy of covering over 16,000 km with 10 watts is incomparable (there will be a video portion for this too).

At this point, it was close to 10 local time (8 UTC). The sun was starting to heat things up (including the G90 chassis, which has a known issue with heat dissipation), but I had one more experiment. The Chinese multiband vertical is designed for 20 to 10 meters, but with a coil I bought earlier, it can do 40 meters too. I added the component, found a clear frequency (7130), and started calling.

I had noticed a couple of times that this solution is a compromise, not very effective. However, it brought in another 5 QSOs: with Piedmont, Tuscany, Lazio, and France. So, it did something and was better than nothing. I wrapped up after 68 minutes of activation with 17 contacts logged. The slow rate indicates conditions aren’t ideal yet, but with Alaska, Kentucky, and Australia (for the first time from a park) in the log, and a breathtaking view of Aosta, there’s no room for complaints. See you next time, and thanks to everyone!

Video – Alaska and Australia:

…Day 2

A thunderstorm hit Aosta at 5 AM. No thunder, just a continuous rumble like an engine, with flashes of lightning every few seconds. Enough to wake me up, though sleep is always welcome (especially on a Sunday). Once it stopped, I didn’t curse the rain but seized the opportunity to get closer to my original project. So here I am, in the car, arriving at IT-0120, the Tsatelet Nature Reserve, at 6:44 local time, 4:44 UTC, on Sunday 21st July 2024, for a POTA activation not exactly at greyline, but still early morning.

Clearly, I couldn’t use Saturday’s setup. The storm had created puddles and stagnant water, making it impossible to set up outside. So, I decided to operate from the car, with the Xiegu G90 remaining the core of the portable shack, but swapping the ground-mounted 1/4 wave vertical antenna for the Outback Falcon HF-1899 on the car roof. Definitely less efficient, but if we wanted to do this today, this is how it had to be done.

Also, I had a less capable battery than the day before, so I lowered the output power to 10 watts to ensure longer operation. As soon as I turned the radio on 20 meters, I was amazed by the number of American accents I heard. I listened to VE3GXT calling CQ POTA from Ontario with a solid signal, but despite my responses, he couldn’t hear me. So, I found a free frequency and started calling. The pace was slow, as seen the day before, but something happened.

First, Joe WB2WKJ replied, explaining that it was his first time “hunting” a park from Italy. However, he only gave me a 3/3 in New Jersey, making it clear that receiving is one thing, and transmitting (and being heard) is another. I kept my spirits up, and soon W3MJB, Mike from Pennsylvania, responded. This time, the report was 5/2, which sounded more in line with a QRP station. The “park to park” call that followed was thrilling.

It took a moment because the signal wasn’t strong, but it came from VK3YV Tony, activating in Victoria, Australia. I got no more than 3/1, but the noteworthy part was that 10 watts and a vertical on a car were reaching the other side of the world (a first for me with POTA). Feeling encouraged, I searched for another activating station from “Down Under,” VK2USH in New South Wales.

Again, I was heard with difficulty (which was to be expected), but we completed the contact, and I felt that even if I didn’t reach 10 QSOs, the activation was worth the day. Before the skip shortened, I heard a station from New Zealand and, out of curiosity, on 15 MHz, the WWVH time signal from Hawaii, which, in a surreal twist, arrived simultaneously with WWV (from Colorado).

You’d expect to hear only one of them (the one from the Pacific) at that time of morning, but there are propagation theories, and then you turn on the radio and hear what actually comes in. The calls continued, and I logged KZ4CP, Brandon from Kentucky, for the second day in a row, and KN4DY Randy from Georgia. From him, I even got a 5/3, the highest signal report of the day from across the Pond.

It was 6:50 UTC, and Europe started responding. The activation, previously an uphill battle, leveled out. Many Spanish friends and other familiar POTA faces enriched the log. When I reached a good 20 contacts, I tried moving to 40 meters. Again, the antenna wasn’t very effective on that band, but I managed about ten contacts, including Belgium, the UK, and Austria.

In the end, I made 31 contacts in 3 hours. The rate remained slow, but today, more than ever, I saw firsthand how greyline phases or signal enhancements on shortwave can hold surprises. Sure, with more power, much more could have been achieved (besides Canada, even KD9VVS Nick activating from Indiana couldn’t hear me). I thought about “only” 100 watts, but there will be time to keep testing. Low power is a philosophy, but it shouldn’t become a dogma, because the beauty of radio is giving meaning to what we do.

Today, no activation pictures to accompany the post (also because IT-0120 has been featured on QRPer a few times now), but a video. Apologies if it’s not strictly about hamradio, but the two signals from Hawaii (the one with the female voice) and Colorado (male voice), rarely received so clearly here, demonstrate better than many examples how shortwaves are made to travel far, how thrilling it is to chase them, and how intense this “Support Your Parks” weekend has been.

Video – Time Signals:

Friedrichshafen: Christian and Andrea’s Multi-Country POTA Rove

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

Friedrichshafen: POTA Across Borders

by Christian (IX1CKN)

The Friedricshafen fair is one of the most interesting events for its social aspects, where you can finally put a face to colleagues whose voices you’ve only ever heard. Among the various OM (radio amateurs) I met this year was Gabriele IT9RGY, a flagbearer of the Italian Contest Club. When he recognized Andrea IW0HK and me, he said, referring to our respective SOTA/POTA activities: “You two are the real deal.”

I found that to be a very powerful statement, and I am grateful to him for it. Personally, I try to document each outing to capture the sensations it gave me, but also in the hope of inspiring someone. Andrea is more succinct than I am (if we were all the same, the world would be boring), but his spirit is identical. Parks on the Air (POTA) is a state of mind. It was no coincidence that, being in Germany for the Hamradio Messe, we had planned a series of activations.

Our schedule was tight and ambitious, and just completing it was a source of happiness, but there’s more to tell. In Germany, dinner time isn’t synchronized with Roman schedules. So, on Friday evening, after leaving the restaurant (for dinner with the Summits On The Air group) at 20:23, I looked at Hotel-Kilo and said, “If I go to bed now, I’ll digest in a week; let’s go activate a reserve!”

The easiest option in the area (after a disastrous experience last year in DE-0156, the park in the town center hosting the fair) was DE-0766, the Seewald Landscape Reserve. It’s near the FRN airport (and thus not far from the fairgrounds), in a fully bucolic setting. A narrow road cuts through meadows, with footpaths and bike paths leading into a wooded area.

We parked the car in one of these spots. It took only a moment to set up the vertical antenna in the field, but the presence of a swarm of mosquitoes as big as F-18 Hornets advised us to operate from inside the car to save our skin (literally).

Andrea turned on the KX-3 (10 watts would be our fixed power for this trip), and the 14 MHz calls began. Right away, a very strong IZ3QFG Dario (just 380 km from us) answered, highlighting an unusually short skip.

We logged 20 QSOs in 30 minutes… Many were from Italy (Spartaco from Grosseto at full scale, Mauro I1JQJ always active, and Beppe I1WKN a constant), with two “park to park” contacts. A classic for many OMs in the area, but also a great mood booster and a tasty appetizer for the next day… Continue reading Friedrichshafen: Christian and Andrea’s Multi-Country POTA Rove

POTA Activations in Canavese: Monti Pelati and Laghi di Meugliano

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

POTA Activations in Canavese: Monti Pelati and Laghi di Meugliano

by Christian (IX1CKN)

My Canavese connections, tied to the fact that my mom is from San Giorgio Canavese, have been strong since I was a child. Yet, at the ripe age of 50, I realized there are corners of that Piedmont area I hadn’t explored.

I discovered two such places this afternoon, activating POTA with Andrea (IW0HK), a significant motivator for seeking out new references. The first was the Monti Pelati and Torre Cives Natura 2000 (IT-0178), in the municipality of Vidracco (though the protected area also includes parts of Baldissero Canavese and Castellamonte).

This interesting site, reachable within 20 km of Ivrea, is where IW0HK and I met, coming from opposite directions. A short walk from the parking area leads to the summit, where Torre Cives stands, with a panoramic viewpoint facing east along the way.

Upon reaching the parking area with informative signs about the reserve.

Overall, not too many trees, altitude (around 570 meters), and a 360-degree view, an optimal situation for HF (High Frequency) operations.

At the “peak,” we set up the HF station with Elecraft KX3 (8 watts), using a quarter-wave vertical on the ground (also on 40 meters, with the appropriate coil), and followed 144 MHz with Quansheng UV-K5.

No need to dwell on the propagation conditions this weekend (with Aurora seen in southern Florida, and around Rome in Italy!). In shortwave, given the sun’s antics, the situation wasn’t promising at all.

However, Andrea and I decided to overcome this fear. Hamradio is, above all, about experimentation and activity. So, instead of worrying about how many would respond before leaving home, we decided to go, turn on, call, and tally them up.

In 34 minutes on-site, we logged 16 QSOs. Nine on 20 meters, 4 on 40 meters (the coil seems to be working, although you can’t expect miracles compensating for a significant lack of physical length in the element): 1 on 15 meters, and 2 on FM 144 MHz.

As you can see from the map, the responders were mainly POTA friends: Spanish, Polish, and English stations. I won’t list the calls, but you could guess them. However, local stations also responded, even on HF, which is always pleasing. With some, it was natural to try 2 meters as well, getting solid signals.

So, satisfaction despite the complicated propagation, whether for the validity of the activation or for discovering a new place.

Ritual photos with the tower, and off to the second reference.

We’re talking about IT-1634, Laghi di Meugliano and Alice. We’re still within a twenty-kilometer radius of Ivrea (in the Turin province). This time, the municipality is Valchiusa (in Valchiusella), and the lake basin sits at 720 meters above sea level. Now, don’t let the fact that we’re about 200 meters higher than the previous reserve fool you. For HF operations, we immediately encountered a less favorable situation because the lake is of morainic origin, nestled in a sort of basin with trees all around.

We chose not to set up right at its edge (it was quite crowded being a Sunday), but – also fearing the rain (which was forecasted) – in a pine-like area near the restaurant that serves the lake.

The quarter-wave antenna, planted on the ground, perhaps wasn’t in the most unobstructed condition possible, but at least we could take advantage of the shelter of the trees and a convenient table/bench.

Here, besides the propagation conditions, maybe the timing didn’t help much either, as we started the activation at 15:30 UTC. Probably, it’s a time when anyone, in half of Europe, on a Sunday afternoon that’s easy to imagine being warm in a good part of the continent, isn’t at home. Anyway, we replicated the pattern of the previous activation, starting on 20 meters with the calls…

In this case, the activation lasted for 32 minutes. The overall result is 15 contacts. Ten ended up logged on 20 meters (including the always active I1JQJ Mauro), two on 40, and three on VHF 144 MHz. Regarding this last band, I would like to highlight both the QSO with Daniele IU1LCI, for a total of 47 km from his QTH, and the one with Beppe I1WKN and Fabrizio IZ1DNQ, who were mobile returning from a SOTA in Valle d’Aosta (ironically, I had contacted them before descending into Piedmont) and stopped near Ivrea to try the contact.

Once again, both Andrea and I, as we returned to the car to head home (and witnessed, among other scenes that only POTA can provide to a hamradio enthusiast, the movement of a flock of sheep), were filled with happiness at the sight of a new place.

Above all, though, as we reviewed the log, the activation remains an opportunity where some ham spirit close to the roots prevails, which warms the heart to keep seeing. Wanting to exaggerate, on the way back to the Ivrea toll booth, there was still the Bellavista hill with its woods and marshes (which is reference IT-1635), but time had truly run out, so that’s for next one.

Christian enjoys memorable QRP DX despite poor band conditions!

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

QRP Fun Despite the Conditions!

by Christian (IX1CKN)

The weekend passed without rain, nor snow, but with temperatures that didn’t exactly encourage spending too much time outdoors. It seems that, despite the date, winter has returned. Nevertheless, the POTA call was hard to resist. So, since the midday cold didn’t seem too harsh, I hopped into my car.

I wanted to avoid the surroundings of Aosta, the town in north-western Italy where I live, and explore less frequented references for a different experience. I chose IT-1196, the Xeric environments of Gran Brison-Cly.

The reserve consists of two “sub-zones”: one around Cly Castle (in Saint-Denis) and the other above it. I set up in the first one, partly because the view of the ancient castle ruins while I transmitted was charming.

I had the most minimal setup possible: a Xiegu G-106, pushing no more than 5 watts, and a quarter-wave vertical antenna planted in the ground.

This antenna comes as a single telescopic whip, over 5 meters long, supplied with a braid of radials to lay at the base. Despite the feeling it gave me when I took it out of the package, it positively impressed me with its performance.

Propagation conditions hadn’t been impressive for a couple of days, but not trying at all is the surest way to make no contacts, so there I was, making my first calls from the promontory on 20 mt.

The response rate wasn’t particularly impressive, indeed, but it confirmed what I had already experienced in February 2023 during the first activation of this reference. The northern path was open, as evidenced by several stations responding from the northern part of the UK.

However, the unexpected surprise came at 13:27 UTC when NL7V answered my call. It was Paul, from North Pole, a town in the Fairbanks borough, Alaska. He gave me a 22 signal report, but I still couldn’t quite believe my ears. I’m working with 5 watts, and I never would’ve thought my signal could reach that far (distance from here is about 7.532 km). I thanked him sincerely and told Paul he literally made my day.

Here’s a video clip of the Alaska QSO:

As for the rest of the activation, the 10 and 12 meters bands were far from lively, and even the attempt on 15 meters didn’t yield anything interesting. So, I switched back to 20 meters and resumed calling.

In the final log, there are 31 contacts (in about an hour and a half of activation), including 5 with colleagues in other references. As has happened before, just when it seems like nothing suggests going out to activate, that’s precisely when you need to go.

IX1CKN: POTA in the hills of Tuscany

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

POTA in the hills of Tuscany

by Christian (IX1CKN)

The beauty of the POTA program lies in the fact that, even if you’re not in your region, you can still participate and, in fact, feel somewhat at home even from a distance.

So, Sunday 7th April afternoon, while in Florence, given not common family commitments, I took two buses bound for Fiesole and then walked about twenty minutes to reach reference IT-1396, Monte Ceceri Park.

The concept of a peak at 414 meters above sea level might make a Valdostan smile, because it’s less than the center of Aosta, the place where I usually live, but the view of Florence and its surroundings is priceless and truly breathtaking.

Moreover, as reminded by a monument on the clearing at the summit, the mountain was the stage for Leonardo’s first flight experiments, which adds charm and historical interest to the location.

I set up the equipment I managed to bring with me on the trip: Xiegu G106 and a quarter-wave vertical on the ground, with about ten radials. Not more, but the truth is, more isn’t necessary.

The less than stellar propagation on the higher bands led me to mostly stick to 20 meters, even though they were hyper-populated for the SP contest. However, well, I found a corner with sustainable crowding…

The final log shows 30 QSOs in just over an hour and a half, including various park-to-park contacts (including Nicola IU5KHP, national POTA manager, and Andrea IW0HK).

Unfortunately, an unsuccessful attempt with Dario IZ3QFG, but there will be other opportunities.

No overseas contacts, but I repeat: it’s not about quantity or distance, but the fact that being able to reach a reference by public transport and walking is priceless. It manages to give one that feeling of familiarity – amplified by the voices of those you connect with, amazed to find yourself in a park far from home – which is why it’s no surprise that Parks on the Air is growing!

IX1CKN: Packing the PRC-320 on an activation of Tsatelet Natural Reserve

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

Activation of I-0120

by Christian (IX1CKN)

After “infecting” Andrea (IW0HK) with the use of military surplus for POTA activations, on December 26, 2023, I decided to repeat the experience. I brought the Plessey PRC-320 to the 791 meters of the Tsatelet Natural Reserve / I-0120.

With its 11 kg weight, two images came to mind. The first was from an article on QST dedicated to “green radios,” where it was said: “if you’re not fit, carrying one on your back will make you.” So true, even truer.

The other reminded me of all the Army officer cadets (who attended courses at in Aosta for years) that, specializing in transmissions, carried stations (also) on short waves on their shoulders around my Valley to ensure connections (I’ve seen some beautiful photos just in the past few days, here: http://www.rosti1.it/fixed/ja_AUC_BN/).

After 10 minutes of walking, I didn’t have much more left. Wonder how they made it…

After dispelling the mysticism, once at the destination, I set up the PRC in manpack configuration: with its whip vertical antenna and the counterpoise consisting of four coils to be laid on the ground.

Finding a frequency in 20 meters, I started calling. Propagation in phases, but a satisfying activation emerged, with 40 contacts scattered throughout Europe in 70 minutes on the air, including 5 “park to park.” Among them, even IW0HK, who was at Montemario Park.

A small curiosity: with the Christmas Eve activity, I had exhausted the dedicated logbook since 2013 for portable operations. To continue, I used the “Radio Adventure Journal” that I had seen mentioned on a Facebook group (being available on Amazon [QRPer affiliate link]).

It’s nice to see a program like POTA spreading like wildfire, not only in practice but also for some “accessories.” Thanks to everyone for the contacts.

Chris activates Les Iles Nature Reserve with his Plessey PRC-320!

Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:

Activation of I-0395

by Chris (IX1CKN)

Hey folks, I just wanted to share my activation at the Les Iles Nature Reserve (I-0395) on Christmas Eve (December 24, 2023)!

It’s been a while since I last visited (in July). The weather was perfect, around 20 degrees Celsius, and I was in the mood for a real outdoor activation.

I decided to go with the manpack Plessey PRC-320, a trusty companion delivering a solid 25 watts. I wanted to be one with nature, so no benches or bird-watching huts this time.

Got off to an exciting start on 20 meters with two stations from the UK recognizing my gear. One even complimented the excellent modulation with a whopping 9+10 signal strength, giving me hope for the rest of the activation. Then came a Spanish station, the always attentive IX1VKK Rinaldo (following me from home), a colleague from the Netherlands, another Brit, and then… silence. I kept calling for another 5 minutes, but no luck.

Could it be the morning flare that affected propagation? Who knows, but I noticed on the POTA cluster that another Italian colleague was activating on 28 MHz and being spotted by several American Hams. I decided to give it a try, found a clear frequency locally, and started calling. And guess what? Responses from across the Atlantic started pouring in – Massachusetts, Georgia, and even a park-to-park with Jim KC1QDZ from Brenton Point State Park in Rhode Island.

Short video:

Maybe not my first contact with a U.S. park on 10 meters, but definitely a memorable one.

Signal reports weren’t super strong, hovering around 5/3-5/4, but hey, as long as the noise floor isn’t sky-high, that signal is enough to complete the QSO. Moved to a different frequency as the band was buzzing with North American stations – Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Maryland.

An hour in, and I’ve logged 12 contacts. Pretty incredible considering that what “saved” my activation were stations on the other side of the ocean. Europe on 20 meters was a bit challenging, but hey, that’s ham radio for you. You’d think POTA, with its simple and not-so-full-power setups, is a local affair, and then, on Christmas Eve, you realize DX is very much on the table.

I turn around, a duck dives in, and the last rays of sunlight caress the wetlands. Perfect way to end it.