Our friend Alan (W2AEW) has just posted a video showing the process of building, adjusting, and aligning the CFT1 5-band CW portable transceiver. If you’ve been thinking about building a CFT1 kit, this video will help guide you [update: see note from Alan below]:
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) for the following guest post:
Trapped EFHW antenna story (it’s all Vince’s fault)
by Alan (W2AEW)
One of my favorite antennas to use for POTA activations is a 40m EFHW wire. When properly tuned and deployed, it can be used on 40, 20, 15 and 10m without the use of a tuner (although, I really don’t mind using a tuner when I need to). Most of my activations are on 40 and 20m, so those bands are covered easily. It can be used successfully as a sloper, an inverted vee, or a combination of these (whatever the trees or support structures allow). It is efficient, inexpensive to build, lightweight and effective.
There are a few downsides to this antenna. The first is that it is approximately 68 feet (almost 21 meters) long. That’s a lot of wire to get in the air. Some POTA sites just don’t have that much room or support structures to effectively use this antenna. Another downside is that it doesn’t naturally support operation on the 30m band, another favorite of mine.
A few weeks ago, I watched a video from my friend Vince VE6LK entitled: “Discover the secret ingredients to build a trapped EFHW antenna”. This piqued my interest…
The video introduces a design for a 40/30/20m trapped EFHW. The fact that it covers the three bands I use the most, and would be shorter than my trusty full-sized 40m, and give me 30m to boot, got me excited to learn more.
Vince used a pair of traps (30m and 20m) that are offered in kit form by Tim Sherry, N7KOM. Here is a link to kit on Etsy.
Image Source: Tim Sherry, N7KOM
These are exclusively for use at QRP power levels – perfect for my application. I placed my order immediately after watching the video. The build instructions are very detailed, including how to tune the traps, which is critical in getting the antenna to work.
Image source: SparkPlugGear
He also used a 49:1 UNUN from SparkPlugGear. I’ve had one of these in my POTA kit for a while, but only used it occasionally. This was another good reason to proceed with this antenna build.
Of course, you could also use the QRP UNUN kit from KM4CFT that I made a video about earlier this year.
I created a video that showed how to assemble and tune the traps. Tuning can be a little tricky, and then stabilizing the turns/spacing to preserve the tuning is critical – not hard, just takes a bit of patience.
With the traps built and tuned, the next step would be to build and tune the antenna itself.
I was able to find the time this weekend to do just that, and make a video of the process.
Details of the resulting wire segment lengths are in the video. It is important to note that if you decide to build this antenna, your wire lengths will likely vary from mine. Several factors will effect the resulting lengths (details of the UNUN used, the trap construction, etc.). My video goes through the process I used to build, tune and test the antenna.
“The proof is in the pudding” as they say. It was time to actually run a POTA activation with this antenna. The overall length of the antenna was about 43 feet (about 13.1 meters), which is about 2/3rds the length of the 40m EFHW. This opens the possibility of using my 12 meter Spiderbeam mast (video review) as a support rather than just relying on a tree branch.
The weather here in NJ has been oppressively hot and humid with heat indexes over 100F, so I opted for a morning activation, before the heat really built up. The intent was to get some contacts on all three bands, even though 20m probably wouldn’t be very active.
I setup at my “home” park – Washington Rock State Park, US-1635. I decided to setup the Spiderbeam mast as the support for the new antenna:
The rig was my trusty KX2 with the BamaTech TP-III paddles:
I only had about an hour to dedicate to operating before the family activities for the day, so I figured I’d start on 40m and get most of the “ten” there first, then move on to pick up a few on 30m and 20m.
I was able to put 14 contacts in the log, under “so-so” band conditions, which at least a few on each band, several of which were park-to-park contacts.
Here’s the map of the “reach” that the new antenna had during this short activation:
Overall I am quite pleased with the antenna’s performance. The near ideal band coverage for my typical activations, and the ease of deployment compared to the full-sized 40m EFHW make this antenna a great addition to my POTA kit. I suspect it will get a lot of use!
Our good friend Alan (W2AEW) has just posted a video on his excellent YouTube channel showing how to build the VK3IL pressure paddle. He also explains how the key works using the schematic and gives tips for working with the surface mount components.
This paddle is an exceptional key and quite inexpensive to build!
Our friend Alan (W2AEW) just published this excellent short video demonstrating how to quickly tune the Penntek TR-45L’s Z-Match ATU. Of course, this same technique can be applied to the Emtech ZM-2 or any other manual Z-Match tuner:
I’ve just learned that the Parks On The Air (POTA) admin is in the process of cleaning up and reorganizing the way Programs, Locations, DX Entities, and Parks are stored in its database.
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) who shared a link to this document which explains what they’re doing and even links to logs as they implement these changes.
In short, this will have an effect on activators, especially, because there’s a decent chance you will be using a new park prefix, and in some cases, possibly new park numbers.
A number of POTA prefixes have changed already.
In fact, if you’re activating in Canada, you might have already noticed that the park prefix is no longer VE, but is now CA.
As an example, in my activator logbook, what was once VE-1596 (Hog’s Back Conservation Reserve) is now CA-1596.
Here in the States, the prefix will soon change from K to US.
These prefix changes will happen for many other countries as well.
Of course there’s nothing, as an activator or hunter, you need to do other than start using the new prefix when it has been implemented. All of your old logs will automatically update in the POTA system with the new prefixes and/or numbers.
It might take time for logging applications like HAMRS to adjust to new prefixes. Activators might need to use the old prefix while live-logging during an activation, then use a find/replace string in a text editor later to fix the ADIF file.
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) who shares the following guest post:
A self-imposed POTA Park-to-Park Challenge…
by Alan (W2AEW)
One of the things I love about the Parks on the Air program is that every activation is a bit of small challenge. What will the band be like? What antenna will I be able to deploy when I get there? Will I have a spot to setup? Will my CW ‘ear’ be properly tuned up? You get the picture…
There are a few parks that I activate much more than others – call them my “home” parks. These are the ones that are close to my home, easy to get to and setup. One in particular, Washington Rock State Park (K-1635), is certainly the closest. It has some interesting Revolutionary War History.
Not only is this park very close to my home, it also has pretty good elevation (about 500’) for this part of New Jersey. In fact, the local fire department hangs a very large illuminated star during the Christmas season at their building that is adjacent to this park.
This star can be seen for miles to the South and East of the ridge.
It’s no wonder that I’ve activated this park more than 20 times in the last year and half.
My XYL Nancy was *very* generous to me this year at Christmas – gifting me a new Begali Adventure CW paddle! She even had it engraved with my call:
I wanted to think of a unique way to celebrate my first POTA activation using this paddle. I would be going to K-1635, so the location would be very familiar. Therefore, I thought of an interesting self-imposed challenge… Attempt to complete an activation with ONLY Park to Park contacts!
As I thought about this, I figured my best chance of success would be to operate on the weekend (significantly more parks are active), and use my most efficient multi-band antenna (a 40m EFHW).
Being an engineer, I’m use to having goals. I’m also used to having additional constraints imposed – let’s call them stretch-goals. Possible stretch goals for this P2P Activation Challenge could be:
Operate QRP (all of my POTA activations are QRP, so not much of a stretch)
Operate only CW (nearly all of my activations are CW, and this helps with the QRP goal too)
Attempt this using a more compromised antenna
Attempt this during a weekday
It turns out I had a few free hours on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 to play radio… It was kind of a dismal day weather-wise. I figured it might be the day to attempt this challenge. The wet weather had me thinking that I’d setup my SuperAntenna MP1 vertical instead of using the 40m EFHW (and having it and the throw line get all wet and muddy). The stage was set for the challenge including the stretch goals.
I setup the MP1 on the bedrail of my truck, using an MFJ-1976 ten-foot whip on top.
The band conditions were in pretty good shape, so I figured I had a shot. I setup the rig inside the truck because of the rain, and got the iPad going with the POTA spotting page to see who I could hunt. I logged four P2P contacts in the first 20 minutes, so there was hope!
In the end, it took about 90 minutes to log 11 Park-to-Park contacts. Well, actually 12, since one of them turned out to be a two-fer. I logged a few “familiar” activators, including Teri KO4WFP – a frequent contributor of Field Reports here, and Jonathan KM4CFT – running a two-fer out of North Carolina. There were a few that I noted in my paper log because I had a good copy on them, but ultimately couldn’t bust thru the pile ups there were getting (like K7SHR at K-10946 in WY and K0YY at K-4416 in TX).
A personal thanks to all of the activators in my log that helped me reach my P2P Challenge:
KL7NL at K-6945 in NC
KM4CFT at K-8313 and K-3378 in NC
WD4AWD at K-2982 in TN
KU8T at K-4208 in IN
KO4WFP at K-0659 in FL
W0ABE at K-10532 in CO
N4XTT at K-2982 in TN
NM1L at K-7475 in FL
KC1BDJ at K-7879 in FL
KI5GBQ at K-7687 in OK
NS1C at K-2420 in MA
All contacts were on 20m with the exception of NS1C on 40m. All were CW.
This was a fun little challenge, one that I hope to repeat in the future. Hope to see you all on the air – POTA-ON!
Long time QRPer.com contributor and supporter, Jonathan (KM4CFT) has designed and started producing ultra-compact end-fed antenna kits (eBay affiliate link).
His end-fed antennas are incredibly small, thus perfect for portable operations. They remind me very much of K6ARK’s end-fed wire antenna kits, but a little easier to build because the board is larger and there are no surface mount components.
Jonathan sent me one of his end-fed kits (assembled) a couple weeks ago, but I’ve yet to trim mine due to my crazy schedule and activities as of late (well, that I need need to order more wire!). I will take this antenna to the field this month, but the video may not show up for a few weeks.
W2AEW Builds the KM4CFT UNUN
This morning, I learned that my good friend Alan (W2AEW) published a video where he builds, tunes and tests Jonathan’s QRP End Fed UNUN kit:
Alan’s video is superb. If you purchase this EFHW kit, I’d encourage you to watch his build. (And subscribe to his channel!)
How to purchase
Jonathan is selling his antenna kits on eBay–click here to check it out. The price is $29.95 plus a modest shipping fee. I think it’s an excellent deal.
Of course, you’ll need some wire for your radiator and/or counterpoise.
I plan to build mine with a 30 meter link to pair with my Mountain Topper MTR-5B.
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Alan’s field kit:
W2AEW Field Radio Kit
I’ve only been active with POTA for a little over a year, but have put together a kit that gives me lots of options for antenna deployments.
The main kit is in an old camera bag that I picked up at a hamfest for $5:
One of the outside side pockets houses a small tripod and some little ground stakes for securing support ropes, etc.
The other outside side pocket houses a small digital recorder and a cellular hot spot:
The front outside pocket houses some rubber coated twist ties that I use for securing a portable lightweight pole, as well as a few POTA brochures, QSL cards and eyeball cards:
The pouch on the inside of the lid contains a 25’ length of coax, a few extra pens and other accessories:
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) who shares the following guest post:
Radioactive vacation on LBI (Long Beach Island)
by Alan (W2AEW)
We look forward every August to our much needed 2 week vacation “down the shore” as we say here in New Jersey. Our vacation spot of choice is Long Beach Island, one of the barrier islands on the Jersey coast. This is an 18 mile long island that hugs the Atlantic coast of southern NJ, just north of Atlantic City. The part of the island we love to stay in is called Surf City. The Surf City area has been continually populated since 1690, although the town of Surf City was officially established in the late 1800s.
The XYL and I are both pretty fair skinned, so laying out on the beautiful LBI beaches everyday isn’t really our thing.
So, the house we rent is actually on the bay side, facing west, overlooking the Manahawkin Bay. We enjoy sitting back and watching (and occasionally participating in) the wide variety of activities on the bay – the fishing & crabbing, the power boats, personal watercraft, paddle boarding, sailing, etc. Our favorite though, and the thing that keeps us coming back every year, are the awesome sunsets over the bay.
Of course, we always need to find a house that is pet friendly. Sophie loves LBI also, especially the long walks around town with the sea breeze. Here she is waiting at the top of the stairs – hoping to hear the magical word…. “walk”…
LBI is certainly a family and pet friendly place. Even the local Dunkin Donuts has a wall dedicated to the local pets:
I certainly planned to do a fair amount of QRP operating while on vacation – both from the rental house as well as POTA from the nearby parks (more about this soon). But lest you think this was purely a radioactive vacation, let me reassure you that we did a lot of “normal” vacation activities too.
Like most, a lot of vacation is about relaxing, eating, other stress relieving activities, eating, shopping, and of course, eating… Breakfasts were typically some homebaked muffins, or even some fresh biscuits from the oven with some great Black Bear Jam – a gift from a good friend in NC. Yummy!
The main meals were a mix of good ‘ole home cooking and some great local cuisine, including great Jersey pizza from Panzone’s, fresh local seafood from Mud City Crab House and Pinky Shrimp’s Seafood Company. Of course, no trip to LBI is complete without getting some of the best burgers in the state from Woodies Drive In in Ship Bottom, right next to Flamingo Mini-Golf – one of *many* mini-golf places on the island. I’ve personally seen Ray Romano golfing at Flamingo with his family.
I did manage to do some other “normal” vacation activities besides radio… A couple of relaxing afternoons on the beach, completed a 1000 pc jigsaw puzzle, read two James Patterson novels, lounging on the decks overlooking the bay and lots of strolls with the XYL and the dog.
But who’s kidding who, this is a QRP blog right! Let’s get radioactive!
One of the first tasks after unpacking was setting up the antenna at the rental house. The location was great, right next to the bay! I strapped my slip-fit military fiberglass poles to the corner post of the 2nd floor deck, which made a great support for the 40m EFHW wire. This is the same UNUN & antenna that I featured in a “build” video a few years ago. Continue reading Alan’s Long Beach Island Radioactive Vacation!→
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