Somedays, I just need a little POTA and radio-active therapy to energize the day. And this was one of those days.
On Thursday, July 18, 2024, I woke up still feeling quite tired because I had been out the entire day before helping my sister with a move–my wife and I didn’t get back home until midnight.
I was exhausted!
That Thursday, though, I still needed to hit the road again fairly early to help my sister with her home closing and then bring my dad home (finally) from the skilled nursing facility where he’d spent the previous 2.5 months!
It was a big day, and I was feeling pretty low on the energy reserves even after the morning coffee. We’ve all been there, right?
I didn’t think I would have time to fit in a POTA activation, but my father’s nursing facility contacted me and asked if I could pick him up after lunch instead of before. All of a sudden, I had a two-hour chunk of time, so, of course, I was going to get radio-active!
Fortunately, I had my GoRuck GR1 in the car, after my trip to the NC coast, packed with the KX2 and a few antenna options!
Looking at the time, I knew Tuttle Educational State Forest would be my best bet for a quick activation. Accounting for travel time and lunch, I would have about a one-hour window to operate.
Tuttle Educational State Forest (US-4861)
I arrived at Tuttle and wasn’t surprised to find the place nearly empty. Tuttle caters to school groups, and since schools were still in summer break, I didn’t expect to see any school buses or large groups.
My plan was to attempt this activation using the AX1 antenna–just to keep things simple.
I chose a picnic table in the shade and set up my gear in short order!
Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.
All I wanna know is howcome our local star decides to throw in a monkey wrench when I go to activate? Huh? Huh?
Monday August 5 was a statutory holiday for me and I decided to get out early at a popular picnic area in south Calgary and get some radio therapy. I listened to the IARU beacons while driving and even 15m sounded promising.
I’m not nearly as adept as Thomas at using an arborist throw line as I famously exclaimed once and had to be beeped out, so it took me close to a half hour to get my VE6VID OCF antenna how I wanted it with one end supported by the tree and the opposite my carbon-fibre mast. Given I was also setting up video equipment, It was an hour before I made my first contact from when I had arrived.
I started off very optimistic that I’d be able to get 10 contacts as I was hearing all kinds of DX on 20m FT8. I connected my iPad with iFTx software along with some cables I heard about via KD7DTS and I started working it off at 1 watt (just to be cocky) and it took me a while to get 2 contacts. This simply won’t do as I don’t have all day!
So I switched to CW. 10 minutes of calling and only one spot on RBN at 5 watts. So I did what any reasonable person would do and I moved to 10 watts because more is better, right?
Two entries in RBN, one for 5W and the other for 10W.
I then had a couple of contacts. At one point I did a visual check to ensure my antenna wasn’t on the ground (it wasn’t). So I proceeded with my logical thinking and moved to SSB at 10 watts, because after all, I was there to experiment! Clearly I was delirious to think that SSB would be better than CW – that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
This got me nowhere, slowly. Me, I prefer nowhere fast, but beggars should not be choosers. After 20 minutes of calling on SSB I decided it was time for more powah! and thus I took down my gear and moved into my truck with the trusty FT-857D and the ATAS-120A antenna with the lengthened whip. By this point I had zero hesitation to run 100 watts as I’d been at the park for close to two hours.
I posted a spot and began calling. I even turned my spotting into something humourous in an attempt to woo callers:
I got creative when posting spots 🙂
Along the way I attracted at least one bystander and spoke with them about the hobby for a bit, and I worked 4 contacts between being hunted and being the hunter. At least those 4 “only” took 15 minutes. But they were getting progressively harder. Can you spot why in the image below?
I’ll give you a clue: it starts with the letter A. I had noticed some small M-class flares over the past couple of hours and they were adding up fast. Conditions were deteriorating for me. I must have been damn near a direct hit to those flares, as others in the southern USA were making 50 contacts an hour at the same time as I wasn’t. So I finally did the right thing and moved to CW at 100 watts. I felt like Scotty “I’m givin’ ‘er all I can Cap’n!” …
…and I was met with mediocre results. Nobody answered my calls so the remaining contacts I obtained were found by hunting. Some that were calling were super loud to me and giving out 72s -indicating they were QRP- but could not hear me after my callsign was given 4 times. My final contact was with my friend VE3JO who has just returned to CW and was at a slower pace which helped to bring my blood pressure down a notch 🙂
Yes, there is a video with plenty of wise-cracking with myself to reduce tension, one of my coping mechanisms.
It’s not a race, sometimes it is a marathon that you didn’t plan on and only takes patience to have whatever you define as success finally fulfilled.
Still, how bad is it to be out in a park for a bunch of hours? It’s not too bad at all if you ask me!
72, 73 and dit dit,
First introduced to the magic of radio by a family member in 1969, Vince has been active in the hobby since 2002. He is an Accredited examiner in Canada and the USA, operates on almost all of the modes, and is continually working on making his CW proficiency suck less. He participates in public service events around Western Canada and is active on the air while glamping, mobile, at home or doing a POTA activation. You can hear him on the Ham Radio Workbench podcast, follow him on Twitter @VE6LK, check out his YouTube channel, and view the projects and articles on his website.
As mentioned in previous field reports, my wife and I spent the week of July 7th, 2024, in Wilmington, North Carolina, while our daughters were at summer programs at NCSU and UNCW.
On Sunday, July 14th, we packed our bags and drove to Raleigh where we visited the NC History Museum and NC Museum of Natural Sciences. We were in the midst of a heat wave, so the time spent indoors at the museums was much appreciated.
A beautiful display of vintage radios in the NC History Museum.
I had my Elecraft KH1 packed and planned to activate the State Capitol (US-6852), conveniently located next to the museum parking lots. The State Capitol grounds truly requires a super low-impact radio like the KH1 due to the strong security presence and limited setup space.
Upon arriving at the State Capitol, we found a large gathering (possibly a protest) and sweltering heat (104°F/40°C)! I decided to postpone the activation and instead opted for an early morning activation, the following day, at William B. Umstead State Park, just a ten-minute drive from our hotel.
I checked the park’s website and discovered that the gates opened at 8:00 AM. This was perfect: I could grab breakfast at 6:00 AM, catch up on emails, head to the park, activate until 9:30 AM or so, return to the hotel, and still have enough time for our 11:00 AM Duke University tour. (The reason we spent extra days in the Raleigh/Durham area was so that our daughters could tour NCSU, Duke, and UNC Chapel Hill.)
William B. Umstead State Park (US-2755)
I arrived at the park just a few minutes after the gates opened.
Although I had never been to William B. Umstead State Park, I had studied a map beforehand and knew there was a picnic area accessible from the entrance I chose (the park has multiple entry points, and I selected the one closest to our hotel).
It’s a beautiful park, and the contrast between the morning commuter traffic and the oasis of trees was striking! I parked at the first picnic area I found, grabbed my radio pack, and chose a picnic site.
This early in the morning, the picnic area was deserted – I only saw runners, walkers, and park staff.
Setting up
For this activation, I brought my Penntek TR-45L and paired it with my KM4CFT 30M end-fed half-wave with a 40M linked extension.
Although I found an ideal setup spot, the surrounding trees proved to be a challenge! The branches were either too low or too high. After some effort, I managed to snag a suitable branch with my throw line, deployed the antenna, and was ready to get on the air!
Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.
The video was only recently published, but I’ve added it to Christian’s original field report. We’re highlighting it here for those who may otherwise miss it. (Note: Some of the video is in Italian, but YouTube closed captioning can auto-translate.)
On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, my wife and I were in the middle of a week-long stay in Wilmington, North Carolina, while our daughters attended residential programs at NCSU and UNCW.
That particular day, we couldn’t decide what to do because the weather was fickle! Temperatures and humidity were high, fueling a constant string of isolated thunderstorms rolling over Wilmington and the Cape Fear River area. Every hour or so, a new storm would roll past.
Heather suggested I fit in a POTA activation, and, of course, I loved the idea. I just didn’t want to play radio anywhere near thunderstorms.
We decided to drive south to one of my favorite coastal towns in North Carolina: Southport. Based on the weather radar, it looked like we could drive to Southport on the west side of the river, then return via the Fort Fisher Ferry on the east side, potentially avoiding most of the isolated thunderstorms moving north along the coast.
En route, we drove into a thundershower with rain so intense that most cars on the road turned on their hazard lights and slowed to a crawl. Visibility was nil.
Fortunately, the heaviest rain only lasted 10 or so minutes, and by the time we were two minutes from the park entrance, it had slowed to a drizzle. As we parked at the visitor’s center, it had all but cleared up.
Brunswick Town/Ft. Anderson State Historic Site (US-6834)
Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site is unique in that it offers a blend of colonial and Civil War history along the beautiful Cape Fear River.
Founded in 1726, Brunswick quickly grew into a bustling port town known for exporting naval stores. However, the town was burned by British troops in 1776 and never rebuilt, leaving behind ruins for visitors to explore today.
During the Civil War, Confederate forces constructed Fort Anderson atop the remnants of Brunswick. The fort’s earthen walls and impressive gun emplacements now stand as a reminder of the region’s strategic importance during this turbulent period.
Visitors can explore the colonial foundations and Civil War earthworks, while enjoying the river waterfront.
There’s also a visitor’s center with exhibits detailing the area’s rich history.
I was pleased to spot a picnic area on the opposite side of the parking lot from the visitors’ center. This would allow me to set up close enough to the car that if another storm approached, I could pack up quickly.
First, I introduced myself to the staff and asked for permission to activate. I was confident they would grant it, as this site had been activated 39 times already (mine would be the 40th).
The two park rangers inside were incredibly kind and accommodating. My wife and I ended up speaking with them about history for nearly 30 minutes. I also gave them more insight into the POTA program and asked if activators were following their rules. Fortunately, they gave a very positive report. NC State Historic Sites protect both the archaeology of the site and the natural resources, so I always ask for permission to activate because some sites have restrictions about putting lines in trees or stakes/spikes in the ground. Fortunately, this was not an issue at the picnic area.
Setting up
Since weather was iffy and since Heather and I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon in nearby Southport, I decided to pair my Elecraft KX2 with my AX1 antenna.
This also gave me a chance to try out a new 3D-printed bipod that my friend Mike (KE8PTX) sent me.
I was really amazed at 1.) how easy it was to attach the clip to the antenna’s BNC base and 2.) how incredibly stable this Bipod felt even compared with the OEM bipod.
Thank you, Mike (and Adam)!
With the radio set up, I was ready to activate!
Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.
I assumed 20 meters would be the best place to start and, frankly, I hoped it would be productive enough to cap off my activation in short order so that my wife and I could continue our travels.
Many thanks to Christian (IX1CKN) who shares the following field report:
A Breathtaking “Support Your Parks” Weekend in IT-0120
by Christian (IX1CKN)
…Day 1
The goal I had in mind was to take advantage of early morning greyline from a POTA reference, combining the appeal of an activating station with the propagation opportunities at that time of day. In this part of the season it means being active around 3/3:30 UTC, and although I didn’t manage it on day one, Saturday 20th July 2024, I went out much earlier than usual and had a few surprises, confirming the idea’s potential.
I chose IT-0120, the Tsatelet Nature Reserve, my “home reference”, because a short trip is needed to be active quickly. I was happy to go, both curious about how it would turn out and because it was the “Support Your Parks” weekend. If there’s pride in being part of this program, these are the two days to show it. The setup was as usual: Xiegu G90 with a ground-mounted 1/4 wave vertical antenna. Given the lighter battery (I had to walk to the top of the reserve), I lowered the power to 10 watts for a longer duration.
With these thoughts in mind, at 6:44 UTC, I powered up on 20 meters. After a “park to park” with a colleague in Lithuania, which I took as a good omen, I moved to a clear frequency and started calling. The first 2-3 minutes were silent, but then I got a response that changed the day: “…KL7TC.” Alaska, for the third time! Bill in Fairbanks was coming in at 5/7-8 with that unmistakable transpolar signal fluctuation. He gave me a 5/1, and when I told him I was running 10 watts, he congratulated me. I grabbed my phone and filmed part of the QSO, so expect a video. From here on, every QSO was a bonus.
Five minutes later, as the skip started to Europe, KZ4CP, Brandon from Kentucky, answered. He came in strong (another 5/8 from me), and on the second over, he said my signal jumped to 5/8. It was 6:56z, I logged it, filled with gratitude, and moved on, thinking that this project should be realized as soon as possible. From Europe’s perspective, things were slower, but responses continued, albeit at a low rate. I also managed another “park to park,” the second (and last of this activation), with LA7TN. I couldn’t hear the others on the cluster.
Don G0RQL joined in, making it the 10th QSO. The activation was valid. However, I regretted not exploring other bands. After checking and hearing a few decent signals, I switched to 15 meters, calling for five minutes with no luck. Then, I moved to 17 meters: no response to my CQ, but I heard VK3IO, Ron, near Melbourne. It was 7:33z, and although he wasn’t very strong, he was still a solid 5/7. I waited for him to finish his QSO and called. After some persistence, he got my call. The report was 4/3, but even if it were lower, the joy of covering over 16,000 km with 10 watts is incomparable (there will be a video portion for this too).
At this point, it was close to 10 local time (8 UTC). The sun was starting to heat things up (including the G90 chassis, which has a known issue with heat dissipation), but I had one more experiment. The Chinese multiband vertical is designed for 20 to 10 meters, but with a coil I bought earlier, it can do 40 meters too. I added the component, found a clear frequency (7130), and started calling.
I had noticed a couple of times that this solution is a compromise, not very effective. However, it brought in another 5 QSOs: with Piedmont, Tuscany, Lazio, and France. So, it did something and was better than nothing. I wrapped up after 68 minutes of activation with 17 contacts logged. The slow rate indicates conditions aren’t ideal yet, but with Alaska, Kentucky, and Australia (for the first time from a park) in the log, and a breathtaking view of Aosta, there’s no room for complaints. See you next time, and thanks to everyone!
Video – Alaska and Australia:
…Day 2
A thunderstorm hit Aosta at 5 AM. No thunder, just a continuous rumble like an engine, with flashes of lightning every few seconds. Enough to wake me up, though sleep is always welcome (especially on a Sunday). Once it stopped, I didn’t curse the rain but seized the opportunity to get closer to my original project. So here I am, in the car, arriving at IT-0120, the Tsatelet Nature Reserve, at 6:44 local time, 4:44 UTC, on Sunday 21st July 2024, for a POTA activation not exactly at greyline, but still early morning.
Clearly, I couldn’t use Saturday’s setup. The storm had created puddles and stagnant water, making it impossible to set up outside. So, I decided to operate from the car, with the Xiegu G90 remaining the core of the portable shack, but swapping the ground-mounted 1/4 wave vertical antenna for the Outback Falcon HF-1899 on the car roof. Definitely less efficient, but if we wanted to do this today, this is how it had to be done.
Also, I had a less capable battery than the day before, so I lowered the output power to 10 watts to ensure longer operation. As soon as I turned the radio on 20 meters, I was amazed by the number of American accents I heard. I listened to VE3GXT calling CQ POTA from Ontario with a solid signal, but despite my responses, he couldn’t hear me. So, I found a free frequency and started calling. The pace was slow, as seen the day before, but something happened.
First, Joe WB2WKJ replied, explaining that it was his first time “hunting” a park from Italy. However, he only gave me a 3/3 in New Jersey, making it clear that receiving is one thing, and transmitting (and being heard) is another. I kept my spirits up, and soon W3MJB, Mike from Pennsylvania, responded. This time, the report was 5/2, which sounded more in line with a QRP station. The “park to park” call that followed was thrilling.
It took a moment because the signal wasn’t strong, but it came from VK3YV Tony, activating in Victoria, Australia. I got no more than 3/1, but the noteworthy part was that 10 watts and a vertical on a car were reaching the other side of the world (a first for me with POTA). Feeling encouraged, I searched for another activating station from “Down Under,” VK2USH in New South Wales.
Again, I was heard with difficulty (which was to be expected), but we completed the contact, and I felt that even if I didn’t reach 10 QSOs, the activation was worth the day. Before the skip shortened, I heard a station from New Zealand and, out of curiosity, on 15 MHz, the WWVH time signal from Hawaii, which, in a surreal twist, arrived simultaneously with WWV (from Colorado).
You’d expect to hear only one of them (the one from the Pacific) at that time of morning, but there are propagation theories, and then you turn on the radio and hear what actually comes in. The calls continued, and I logged KZ4CP, Brandon from Kentucky, for the second day in a row, and KN4DY Randy from Georgia. From him, I even got a 5/3, the highest signal report of the day from across the Pond.
It was 6:50 UTC, and Europe started responding. The activation, previously an uphill battle, leveled out. Many Spanish friends and other familiar POTA faces enriched the log. When I reached a good 20 contacts, I tried moving to 40 meters. Again, the antenna wasn’t very effective on that band, but I managed about ten contacts, including Belgium, the UK, and Austria.
In the end, I made 31 contacts in 3 hours. The rate remained slow, but today, more than ever, I saw firsthand how greyline phases or signal enhancements on shortwave can hold surprises. Sure, with more power, much more could have been achieved (besides Canada, even KD9VVS Nick activating from Indiana couldn’t hear me). I thought about “only” 100 watts, but there will be time to keep testing. Low power is a philosophy, but it shouldn’t become a dogma, because the beauty of radio is giving meaning to what we do.
Today, no activation pictures to accompany the post (also because IT-0120 has been featured on QRPer a few times now), but a video. Apologies if it’s not strictly about hamradio, but the two signals from Hawaii (the one with the female voice) and Colorado (male voice), rarely received so clearly here, demonstrate better than many examples how shortwaves are made to travel far, how thrilling it is to chase them, and how intense this “Support Your Parks” weekend has been.
In short? It was amazing and certainly a fabulous way to start the day.
We were in Wilmington because one of my daughters was attending a week-long program at NC State University, and the other was attending a similar program at UNC Wilmington.
That Tuesday afternoon, after dropping my daughter off on the campus of UNC Wilmington, my wife suggested we hit Carolina Beach State Park for a POTA activation. It didn’t take me a microsecond to agree to that plan!
Carolina Beach State Park (US-2722)
Carolina Beach State Park, located just south of Wilmington, is a unique spot full of natural wonders. The park covers over 760 acres of Pleasure Island, with diverse habitats ranging from the impressive 50-foot Sugarloaf Dune (which used to be used as a navigational aid) to the fascinating limesink ponds, each with its own special plant community.
The park is also home to the Venus flytrap, a rare carnivorous plant found only in a small part of the Carolinas. You can explore the park’s trails, winding through maritime forests and maybe even catching a glimpse of these fascinating plants in action. The park also has a marina for easy access to the Cape Fear River and the Intracoastal Waterway, making it a great spot for boating and fishing.
We arrived at the park a little before 4:00 PM local time. Had it not been so hot and humid, we would have hit one of the park’s trails before finding a spot to do POTA, but the weather being what it was, both of us were happy to spend time in the shade.
We pulled into the main picnic area and quickly found a spot to set up. As I pulled out my radio and camera gear, my wife, Heather, pulled out her travel watercolor kit, all packed in a Tom Bihn HLT1 (we’re a pack geek family!).
When Heather joins me on POTA activations, she almost always sets up somewhere and paints while I activate. I love the fact that we both enjoy the experience in different ways.
In fact, my buddy Steve (KC5F), who is also an avid POTA activator, performs almost all of his activations with his wife, who also paints while he activates. He told me that she likes a good couple of hours of painting, so he typically racks up a lot of contacts in that amount of time.
Setting Up
The first thing I did was set up my Thermacell mosquito repeller–it needs a few minutes to do its thing and clear out the mozzies. The model I carry, the “backpacker,” fits a standard backpacking stove canister. I’ve recommended this one to many other POTA ops who operate in areas with mosquitoes–so far, it’s never let me down!
After watching an activation earlier this year at Tuttle Educational State Forest, where I placed my KX2 and logbook on a wet and dirty picnic table–covered in pollen and other tree bits–Alanna ordered a blue Gingham picnic tablecloth and whisk and had it sent to me.
I’ve had this tablecloth packed in the go-box I keep in the Subaru, and this activation was the perfect time to put it to use because the table I chose needed cleaning!
Thanks, Bob and Alanna!
Next, I deployed my PackTenna 9:1 End-Fed Random Wire antenna and paired it with my Elecraft KX2.
New paddle mount!
I did (finally) get to try out a new piece of kit in the field: a newly-designed paddle mount from Steve (KB3SII) at QRPworks.
Steve handed this prototype mount to me at Hamvention this year. It’s an updated design of one we tested last year.
You basically attach the mount to the front of the KX2 (or KX3) and place a paddle like the Bamakey TP-III that has strong rare earth magnets. The paddle locks onto the metal pad and makes for a rock-solid, ergonomic keying experience.
Steve also sent me two short 3.5mm angled cords to connect the key to the radio, but I forgot to pack them for the trip. My standard paddle cable worked fine, although I had to angle the TP-III slightly.
Note that Steve plans to have these paddle mounts in production and available on the QRPworks website in the coming weeks. When they’re available, I’ll post a direct link.
With the KX2 set up and ready to go, it was time to hit the air!
Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support at no cost to you.
I started calling CQ POTA on 17M and discovered that it was a fairly quiet band. Nonetheless, I worked two stations in about six minutes. Secretly, I was hoping there might be a 17M path into Europe, but then again, it was a bit late in the day for that (and it seemed 17M wasn’t terribly energized). Continue reading Carolina Beach State Park: A QRP Oasis Amidst the Summer Heat and Activities→
Firstly, a huge shout-out and thank you to Thomas K4SWL for letting me hang out here on and exercise my creative writing chops, and to the community at for giving me such excellent feedback in my original article – both of which propelled me into this fun project.
Sometimes I begin my creative writing on a notepad with pencil, and sometimes I just type it out.
I was overwhelmed with the response in the comments and realized I had struck a nerve. At least one person told me that I should have bought a lotto ticket with that sort of luck, but I’ll tell you all that I am richer with the knowledge I’ve gained and shared with others as a result of the interviews I conducted with the who’s who of the English-speaking CW world.
My first key, on the right. Yes, a converted joystick. Yes, I did my exam with it.
I’m blessed to have met so many interesting people along the way and forged new friendships as a result.
Additionally, extra special thanks to Tim N7KOM, Alan W2AEW and Adam K6ARK who, along with Thomas, were my first victims interviewees where I was able to refine my interviewing and video editing process. And, Adam gave me a great idea – refine the videos into YouTube Shorts format. These refined Shorts are called 1CWQ and are the essence of each tip I recorded. The credit for the Shorts really belongs with Adam.
My entire family of keys (minus one in my truck and the others pictured above). W8BH Morse Tutor kit seen in the back of the photo. Visit my website to get your kit.
I interviewed 53 people for the series and produced well over 100 videos as a result as some gave us (you and I) more than one tip. If you missed the series, it’s not a ton of hours to binge watch. The original recordings are 2-3 minutes each and the shorts are all under one minute, or else YouTube won’t let me call them a short. You can find theOriginal playlist here and the Shorts playlist here.
I hope you enjoy these CW tips at least half as much as I did in recording and editing them.
One final tip, direct from my friend W5WTH who offers the following excellent advice in words better than I could ever say:
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Most CW ops are patient and can recognize a new op right away. They will most likely be happy to work you at a slow speed because they recall their personal CW journey. SKCC and POTA are the two easiest, stress free ways to make a CW QSO. Once you get the numbers and letters learned then start trying to get on the air. Don’t worry if you screw up because we all screw up and try to get better…”
Lastly, this is the story behind the straight key featured in all of the videos and in the main photo for this article. The key was hand crafted by my friend VE6AB, Jerry Clement, now a silent key. Jerry was a creator, maker, master machinist, backcountry hiker and camper, and photographer – a real true Renaissance Man in every sense of the word. His photography graced the covers of QST Magazine often in recent years.
At a time when CW was required for HF privileges in Canada, Jerry did his CW exam with this key and he told me once it was a real attention-getter at that testing session! Upon his passing it was bequeathed to me with instructions for me to use it and to keep my [at-that-time struggling] CW skills up. The only parts he did not manufacture were the ball bearings and the rubber feet – all of the other parts were crafted in his hands. I shall always treasure this beautiful key.
Thank you, Jerry, for encouraging me from the great beyond. DididiDahDiDah
73 and dit dit,
First introduced to the magic of radio by a family member in 1969, Vince has been active in the hobby since 2002. He is an Accredited examiner in Canada and the USA, operates on almost all of the modes, and is continually working on making his CW proficiency suck less. He participates in public service events around Western Canada and is active on the air while glamping, mobile, at home or doing a POTA activation. You can hear him on the Ham Radio Workbench podcast, follow him on Twitter/X @VE6LK and Mastodon @[email protected], check out his YouTube channel, and view the projects and articles on his website.
This past weekend, I attended the WCARS hamfest in Waynesville, North Carolina. My buddy Vlado (N3CZ) and I purchased a few indoor tables to sell some gear we no longer needed.
I also gave a short presentation about the ins and outs of going QRP. It was a lot of fun!
When I go to a hamfest, I spend a great deal of time salivating over the vintage stuff. This R-388 would look brilliant in my radio room! Wish I had the space.
I was surprised at how many people introduced themselves as readers, subscribers, and supporters. It blew my mind since this is a smaller regional hamfest—not Hamvention or Huntsville!
One reader asked a question I get a lot: “Do you film all of your activations?“
The answer is no, but I probably film 80% or more. I enjoy making activation videos. When I do a real-time video, I feel like you’re there with me, and I really enjoy that.
Even though I’ve simplified my camera gear, filming still adds time to my activations. I have to plan the setup so you can easily follow along as I log, and I need to ensure the audio is acceptable. When I’m really pressed for time, I skip making a video.
In addition, each activation video and field report takes me at least four hours to prepare. Unlike most YouTubers, the video editing time is minimal, but the field report takes time: preparing the text, photos, layout, links, etc. It’s a labor of love, though, and I enjoy the process.
Speaking of offline activations…
Lunch with Vlado isn’t complete without Baklava.
After the hamfest, Vlado and I enjoyed lunch (at this brilliant Italian restaurant), then I drove to Sylva to pick up Hazel (who had been staying with my brother-in-law).
On the way home, I passed the Blue Ridge Parkway, so I did an impromptu POTA activation at the Balsam Gap Overlook (which is overgrown and not much of an overlook anymore, but still a great spot for POTA).
I decided to make a short video for YouTube answering the reader’s question.
There’s some irony in making a video stating that I don’t always make videos of activations!
Black-A-Tor Copse National Nature ReserveMany thanks to Lee (M0VKR) who shares the following field report and video:
A QRP CW POTA Adventure on Black-a-Tor
by Lee (M0VKR)
It was another sunny morning when my wife Joanne and I set off for a new mini adventure. Our destination was Black-a-Tor on Dartmoor, Devon, a scenic location ideal for a Parks on the Air (POTA) activation. We had not activated this park before so didn’t know what to expect. With excitement abound and a bit of nervous anticipation after looking at the propagation figures, we parked their car at Meldon Dam Reservoir car park, the starting point of our trek.
The weather was pleasantly warm as we began the journey, following a meandering river that gently led us towards our destination. The path was relatively easy, allowing us to enjoy the natural beauty surrounding us. At one point a horse fly latched onto my arm, and although I indicated my displeasure it continued to harass me for a good 10 minutes or so, before eventually giving up.
As we hiked, the silhouette of Black-a-Tor gradually appeared on the horizon, beckoning us closer. A short climb later, we found ourselves at the summit, ready to set up for our POTA activation.
After a delicious boil in the bag meal of Chicken curry and a pot noodle heated on the jet boil stove (and of course a mug of tea!), we started proceedings with the trusty Elecraft KH1 hooked up to the MPAS, calling out into the ether for about 45 minutes.
Despite best efforts, the airwaves remained silent, and no contacts were made. Relatively unfazed but a little dejected, I decided to bring out the backup—the Elecraft KX3. This radio, with its extra power, held the promise of better luck. I think in hindsight if I had just stuck with the KH1 a little longer the RF gods would swing things in our favour, or perhaps the extra little bit of power helped? Now I know you need to quadruple your power to make a single S unit of difference at the receiving station, but maybe, just maybe the extra 5 watts or so might have helped us just break over the noise threshold?
After setting up the KX3, we managed to make a very scratchy CW contact with my son, Daniel, who was back at home on 40 meters, around 70 miles away. I must admit at this point enthusiasm was depleted a little and the poor propagation conditions continued to be a challenge on this activation, and I was struggling sending with the Bamatech key for some reason. I think I had been a bit over enthusiastic when setting it up and it felt a tight in operation. A couple of European stations faded out just as quickly as they had appeared, leaving me feeling a bit frustrated to be honest. Things are not normally this difficult! I think this is the point of these longer videos (se below) it’s important to show the struggles and the highlights.
With all this being said, as if by magic after calling again on 20m, the station K2UPD suddenly erupted out of the KX3’s speaker loud and clear, as if he was on the next hill. The sudden clarity of the signal was surprising and caught me off guard. I simply couldn’t believe I was hearing a letter K, and I struggled to comprehend the characters, once my brain had recalibrated itself. I couldn’t help but smile.
It was a gentle reminder of the CW innovations Comprehensive Instant Character recognition course that coach Jon KC1FUU has mentioned so many times, Ignore the scope, and ignore the propagation predictors, persevere, and just call, as you never know who will answer! In ham radio, sometimes it’s all or nothing. The contacts started to come in more steadily after that and it really woke me up. Suddenly we were back in the game, and eventually, we reached the 10 contacts required for a successful POTA activation.
As the summit grew busier with curious passersby, Joanne found herself fielding numerous questions about our intriguing setup. The interest from the public added an unexpected but enjoyable social element to our adventure. With our mission accomplished, we decided it was time to pack up.
On our way back down, we took a detour through the ancient woodland at Black-a-Tor. The old oak trees, with their branches draped in lichen, and the river running quite fast down the slope as it meandered through created an enchanting atmosphere. It felt as if we had stepped back in time. We lingered there for about 20 minutes, absorbing the serene beauty of the place.
It was an 8km round trip. The walk back to the car was under the blazing sun, and we were both getting a little tired from it. By the time we reached the car, we realised we had gotten sunburned on the back of our necks. It was a small price to pay for such a fulfilling day, and we made a mental note to remember the sunscreen next time, perhaps I will add a small travel tube to the admin pouch.
Reflecting on our adventure, and despite the sunburn, Joanne and I felt a deep sense of satisfaction that had overridden the previous frustration. Despite the challenges, we had successfully activated Black-a-Tor and enjoyed a day immersed in nature. The memory of this outing, like the lichen on the ancient oaks, would stay with us for a long time.
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