Get your winter gear on! The FYBO (Freeze Your B___ Off) Winter QRP Sprint, sponsored by the Arizona ScQRPions, is being held Saturday, February 4, 2012, from 1400Z-2400Z.
The rules are simple, and you even get multipliers for your (low) temperatures. Lots of fun, lots of QRP.
The image above has been floating around the Internet for a couple of months as the concept for the Kenwood TS-990S. Is it the real thing? No. Absolutely not.
It is, without a doubt, a Photoshopped image. I ran an image error level analysis to see what parts were Photoshopped–see results below and follow this link to the full anaysis.
This analysis shows where Photoshop cuts and pastes were made--notice the areas highlighted in pink.
Once upon a time I’d decided to join a Big Guns Gang and made a Super-Duper Powerful Vacuum Tube QRP amplifier for my 800mW QRPP homebrew telegraph vacuum tube transceiver “3T” (I promise to write a separate article or two about this three tube transceiver project later). It was not an easy decision to me because for that legendary time I’d almost a year used the QRPPpower of less than a watt[…]
Read Andy’s full article here. Make sure to browse the many other articles he has published–his attention to design detail is simply inspiring.
For many, the CW event of the year is Straight Key Night (SKN). This is the time of year that you dust of the straight key and hit the bands with fellow hams who are using the most time-honored tradition for sending CW.
Regardless of your sending and receiving skills on CW, SKN has a lot in store for you. Since this is a non-contest event, fellow operators are more patient with making contacts and more likely to rag chew. For many, this is the first time they’ve used their straight key since the previous year’s SKN, thus CW speeds are more comfortable for the novice across the band.
Straight Key Night is held every January 1 from 0000 UTC through 2359 UTC.
The ARRL has a great article about SKN–check it out and get pumped for a full day of straight key bliss.
The kit version of the KX3 will be priced at $899.95 US, while the factory assembled and tested version will sell for $999.95 US.
Here are full details from an email via Elecraft’s Wayne (N6KR) and Eric (WA6HHQ):
Some of the [KX3] options can be ordered now, while others (including the internal 2-m module and 100-W external amplifier/ATU), will be available later this year.
The basic KX3 includes:
10 watts output typical (13.8V) on 160-6 meters. (Up to 5W using internal batteries)
All modes (SSB, CW, Data, FM, AM)
Many features from the Elecraft K3, including the same full-size LCD
Advanced DSP features, including PSK31 and RTTY text display, noise reduction, auto-notch
Built-in 8-AA-cell battery holder
USB serial cable for firmware upgrades and for use with logging/contesting software
Available options include:
KXPD3 precision attached keyer paddle
KXFL3 dual-bandwidth roofing filter module for SSB/CW/Data modes
KXAT3 internal wide-range automatic antenna tuner
KXBC3 internal NiMH battery charger
MH3 hand mic with UP/DN VFO controls
RS232 control cable (optional replacement for supplied USB cable)
In addition, a custom-designed KX3 dust cover is available (please contact [email protected] ).
Delivery of both the basic KX3 and options subject to availability. As always, we invite suggestions for new features, improvements and accessories.
Thanks, Ken (WA4MNT), for bringing this very cool and simple project to our attention.
Click here to download instructions–parts are available from Ken for $23, or components can be home-brewed (I can imagine the plastic components can be replaced with wood).
Just after we announced that 73 Magazine was available on as a free download, Ham Radio Magazine (1968-1990) is also now available. [Thanks to John AE5X (via QRP-L) and Eric WD8RIF for the tip!]
I cannot underscore the treasuretrove of information that you can mine out of these two publications. Both 73 and Ham Radio Mag have numerous articles related to home brewing, antenna design and low power operation.
[UPDATE: It appears Ham Radio Magazine has been removed from Has anyone noticed if they’re still available somewhere online? Please comment!]
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