Tag Archives: Field Radio Kits

Field Radio Kit Gallery: WQ7O’s Simple QCX-Mini Field Kit

Many thanks to Dennis (WQ7O) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Dennis’ field kit below:


Like you, I have a number of QRP radios with differing deployments. Some go in the trunk of the car, others go in my shirt pocket.

Here is a fully featured QCX-Mini station in a Tupperware container.

While I believe QRP operation and non resonant antennas should be mutually exclusive, I have the Elecraft T1 as an option. Also when I burn a hole in the sky going QRO, the TalentCell gives me full 5 watts. If needed they both fit in the antenna sack. The 9 volt rechargeable is for normal use.

Earbuds, key and EFHW and I am QRV.

Dennis, WQ7O

Coffee, QRP, & Question: Is any field kit more portable and versatile that Elecraft’s KX2/AX1 combo?

Lately, I’ve been kitting out another fully self-contained field radio kit that would be small enough to fit in my EDC (everyday carry) laptop bag–something super compact.

I’ve been getting some great ideas from those of you who have added your kits to the Field Radio Kit Gallery.

[By the way, if you’ve submitted your kit to the gallery and haven’t seen it yet, note that I’m posting these in the order received and there are many in the pipeline!]

I’ll likely build my EDC field kit around the Elecraft KX1 or the Mountain Topper MTR-3B, then pair it with a good wire antenna.

My EDC laptop bag: the Tom Bihn Stowaway

But this process got me thinking: if money was no object, and I wanted the most compact and versatile multi-band field kit, what radio and antenna system would I choose?

My answer? A kit built around the Elecraft KX2 and AX1 antenna.

In my experience, the KX2 AX1 combo is hard to beat. It’s compact, effective, low-profile, and you can set it up pretty much anywhere.

Let’s explore my reasoning here keeping in mind–in my world–this is a very deep rabbit hole to go down. I’ll do my best–no promises–to keep this as concise as possible:

Compact, Low-Profile, Self-Supporting, and Simple

Here are all of the components of my typical KX2 AX1 field kit:

This is all that is needed for a field activation.

And if you’re an SSB operator? You don’t really need a microphone because one is built into the KX2 (that said, I’d suggest you build a compact mic if you plan to do a lot of SSB operating).

If I wanted to make this kit even a bit more versatile? I’d add a kneeboard to the list. This gives one the ability to operate without a picnic table.

I recently published a video showing how the KX1 and AX1 can fit on a kneeboard.

Portable and Versatile

What makes this field kit so portable is that the KX2 is one of the most compact general coverage HF transceivers on the market.

It’s certainly the most compact (at time of posting) when you realize that two important components–the battery and ATU–are internal options.

The AX1 antenna is also incredibly compact–it comes apart in such a way that no one component is longer than about 6 inches. What you see in the photo above is the entire radio and antenna system.

Yes: A Compromise

Sure–and let’s get this out of the way right up-front–the AX1 is a compromised antenna, and being a massive fan of simple wire antennas myself, I know a properly deployed wire in a tree is going to provide better gain each and every time.

Also, people who live in more remote parts of the world–say, Hawaii, the Yukon, or Perth, Australia–where the amateur radio density is sparse within their propagation footprint, the AX1 will not be as productive as it is for me here in the eastern half of North America. Continue reading Coffee, QRP, & Question: Is any field kit more portable and versatile that Elecraft’s KX2/AX1 combo?

Field Radio Kit Gallery: W7UDT’s QRP Labs QDX Digital Mode Field Kit

Many thanks to Rand (W7UDT) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, check out this post.

Rand writes:

My Digital HF Field Kit…

by Rand (W7UDT)

Thomas & the gang… this is (de) Rand W7UDT

The QRP Labs QDX is yet another, brilliant creation from genius Hans Summers. Hans has created a cult following, with an assortment of kits, and assembled bargains of fun!

Many of you know this, and have his gear. And as sexy and alluring my Elecraft KX2 may be, it’s often, as a minimalist, that I reach for my QCX Mini(s), or my QDX (Hi & LoBanders).

I guess it’s a touch of OCD that compels me to minimize and simplify my field kits. (Yes, I need help!) And yet, if you too, upon reading this confession, find it all too interesting and read on.

Here’s the QDX field deployment in a nutshell…

Deploy the antenna, a LNR Precision Trail Friendly End Fed Wire. With a toss and some luck, the weight clears the chosen branch and the antenna is hoisted aloft.

Often I operate along the Boise River Greenbelt, just off the path near the river. I find that perfect spot to operate.

The flow of water, doesn’t make too much noise, and doesn’t matter with this mode, FT8. Only that it has a sunny view, and it’s comfortable and dry.

The QDX transciever & DC Pack is velcro’d to a clipboard, and once secured, I attach a 6′ section of RG316 and an inline 1:1 balun. The BNC coax is then connected. A trusted prussick knot, attachs the coax and clipboard, and provides the strain relief and work surface needed to operate.

8″ USB c/b cable connects the QDX with my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, to the QDX. The transiever is powered by a 3aH 12v DC Pack of (3) 18650 LiFePo4 batteries. With the swich thrown, it archs to life. I then open the FT8CN app on my Samsung, select the Comm Port, and Wow! What fun!

The software does all the work, and even logs the contacts automatically. An occasional touch to the screen, can have you operating at will. It’s a free app on GitHub, that will pleasantly surprise and surpass any low estimations of ‘Free Chinese Stuff.’

All this can be viewed on YouTube, watch Linas LY2H.

Here’s my assembled field kit for my QDX (LoBander). I absolutely love this thing!

It’s a very tight kit. As simple as Hans ‘the Man!’ can make it. What a capable marvel of creative genius. Here’s a pic…

These modes offer error correction, and incredible Dx. The software function flawlessly, and automatically logs the contacts. Hang it high, and the antenna is happy! Easy, cheap and fun! 72 de W7UDT Rand

Notes ~ FT8, JS8 Call & RTTY Only, using the amazing & free FT8CN software.

Field Radio Kit Gallery: K6ARK’s Ultra Lightweight QRP Field Kit

Many thanks to Adam (K6ARK) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, check out this post.

by Adam (K6ARK)

To me, the pinnacle of portable amateur radio involves Summits On The Air (SOTA) activations in particularly remote and hard-to-reach areas.  Many require long approaches, difficult climbs, and high-altitude travel to get there, so minimizing the size and weight of my portable radio kit is of utmost importance.  To that end, I’ve managed to refine my smallest fully functional kit down to quite a compact and light-weight package.

An MTR2B which operates on 20 m and 40 m.  It has been repackaged into a custom-designed 3d printed case is the core of the system.  It has been repackaged into a 3d printed case which cuts the weight of the radio by about 60% from the original aluminum and steel case, and shrinks it in thickness by about 50%.

The key is built-in to the rig – a capacitive touch design I adapted from the M0UKD design.

Brass cap nuts installed on the corner of the case provide the capacitive sense touch points for the left and right paddles.

A 9v form-factor rechargeable lithium-ion battery with a USB-C charge port powers the system.  The lower voltage reduces my transmit power to 2.5 or 3 watts, but also provides a bit more protection for the final amplifier transistors when my antenna setup is less than ideal.  It has sufficient capacity to run this power-efficient little rig for a few hours from a summit.

The antenna is a 40m End Fed Half-wave with a matching unit built from an FT50-43 size toroid directly onto an RCA connector and protected with heat shrink tubing.  28 ga PTFE insulated stranded copper wire forms the radiating element, and it’s stored on a down-sized 3d printed winder of my own design.

The primary components of the kit weigh in at just 4.8 oz (136 g), and the padded camera case adds another 1.8 oz (51 g).   Although the case isn’t particularly light, it provides excellent protection to the rig.

And because most of the summits I bring this rig to are void of trees, a compact telescopic pole is an essential addition.  The one I typically bring packs small and weighs in at just 5.5 oz (156 g) but provides about 10 ft of elevation above the ground.  The cap is leashed so I can’t lose it, and the tube is coated in heat shrink for protection when I cram it into the rocks for support.

In the end, it’s quite a capable kit for just 12.1 oz (343 g) of pack weight.

Check out my ‘Sierra Solitude’ video series as a prime example of a trip where this setup is perfect for my needs.


Readers, do yourself a favor and bookmark Adam’s YouTube channel which is chock-full of SOTA and ultralight radio goodness!

Field Radio Kit Gallery: KR8L’s KX2 POTA Field Kit

Many thanks to William (KR8L) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page.

If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out William’s field kit below:

KR8L POTA Field Kit Components

KX2 Bag (CS40)

Battery Bag with shoulder strap (unknown origin)

L.L.Bean ACS Day Pack with the following:

Maxpedition Beefy Pocket Organizer

  • AXE1 40 meter loading coil
  • AX1 telescoping whip
  • RG316, six feet, with BNCs
  • Manfrotto Pixi mini tripod
  • AXT1 tripod adapter
  • AXB1 bipod
  • BNC right angle adapter
  • Counterpoise, Elecraft short, for AX1, AX2 (2)
  • Counterpoise, Elecraft long, for AXE1
  • Counterpoise, homebrew with 2.5 mm banana plug, 13 feet
  • Small gear ties (2)

Maxpedition Gear Cocoon Pouch

  • AX1 loading coil
  • AX1 telescoping whip
  • AX2 loading coil
  • Counterpoise, homebrew with 2.5 mm banana plug, 13 feet

Stuff Sack #1

Stuff Sack #2

  • RG174, 25 feet, with BNCs
  • RG316, three feet, with BNCs

Stuff Sack #3

  • QRPGuys Mini 49:1 transformer
  • Tent stakes, small (3)
  • Gear Ties (2)
  • Micro paracord, 25 feet
  • Paracord, three feet (3)
  • Small bungee cords (4)
  • 40 meter EFHW wire
  • 20/10 meter EFHW wire with the following adapters:
    • 40 meter loading coil and extension (34 microhenry coil and an additional 68 inches of wire)
    • 17 meter adapter*
    • 15 meter adapter*
    • 12 meter adapter*

Loose Items in L.L.Bean pack

Note: The 20 meter EFHW wire has a connector in the middle of the length.  By unplugging this connector and removing the half of the wire at the “far” end (i.e., away from the transformer and feedpoint) and replacing it with one of these adapters, the wire is then reconfigured to be an EFHW for 17, 15, or 12 meters.

Other Items as Appropriate (most items not for hikes of any great distance)


My experience from years of traveling for both pleasure and business has shown that I always overpack and take too much “stuff”, and POTA is no exception.  However, I have made an attempt to modularize my POTA gear so that I can lighten my load depending on what type of activation I have planned and how far I will be going from my parking spot.  If you will spend some time scrolling through my blog, you’ll find examples of most of the following:

If I’m going to a location where I’m planning on operating at or not too far from my truck, I’ll take everything on this list to give me maximum flexibility as to how I set up.  Probably the most extreme setup involves erecting my 12 meter Spiderbeam mast on my heavy duty towing-style bicycle rack and deploying a wire antenna as an end-fed vertical or as a sloper.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, if I’m going to be doing a pedestrian mobile (/PM) activation then all I need is my KX2 bag, my Maxpedition Gear Cocoon Pouch, probably my Sony ICD-UX570 Digital Voice Recorder (unless I can manage to log on paper somehow), and (optional) my battery bag with shoulder strap.

If I know that I’ll be doing a wire antenna activation using a tree for support then I can wear my L.L.Bean day pack, but omit the Maxpedition Beefy Pocket Organizer and the Maxpedition Gear Cocoon Pouch.  In that case I’ll likely wear my battery bag with shoulder strap.  I may put the KX2 bag in the pack or carry it by its handle.

And, if I know that I’m going to be doing an AX1/AXE1/AX2 picnic table activation then I can omit Stuff sacks #1,# 2, and #3, but otherwise wear my day pack and battery bag as described above.

Of course, there are always variations, such as using the camera tripod, AXT1, and RG174 coax to set up at a picnic table, but allow the AX1/AXE1/AX2 antenna to be more in the clear (such as operating from a picnic shelter).

I’ve also done what you might call “pedestrian stationary”, deploying the KX2 HT-style and hand-held, but sitting in my backpacking chair.  Or deploying a wire antenna (EFHW or “random”), but sitting in the backpacking chair with the rig balanced on my leg.  By traveling with “everything” but packing in a modular fashion, there are any number of variations on how I can set up for an activation.

Field Radio Kit Gallery: KD7DUG’s mcHF Field Kit

Many thanks to Dugbo (KD7DUG) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page.

If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Dugbo’s field kit below:

Heli Pro Backcountry pack with portable field kit

Dugbo’s MCHF compact field kit

by Dugbo (KD7DUG)


My field radio kit is not so different or unique that it stands out from the many other experienced ham radio operators that have assembled and shared their field kits with the ham radio community. I am new in this game and by no means an expert. However, my field radio kit was designed as a fit for purpose and tailored to my CW operating needs and especially the bank account. I wanted my portable field kit to be nimble and easy to deploy at a minute’s notice. With many of the popular QRP radios backordered and even not available at this time, I chose a different route with my choice of radio.


Currently my preferred radio is the very capable SDR mcHF-QRP HF transceiver created by Chris, M0NKA. The mcHF is a smaller designed portable radio that simultaneously packs a left hook, upper hook punch, it’s a real contender. The radio is standalone, and its compact design is in comparison to other transceiver competitors with transmit and receive on 60-10 meter amateur bands with 5W output power on CW and SSB.

Currently the mcHF by M0NKA is very difficult to obtain and currently the kits are not available to purchase. However, there are multiple clones of the radio being offered by Chinese manufacturers.

Radio Equipment

Radio Equipment Kit

Priority was to protect the radio while traveling in the field. Securing the radio in a case to prevent damage from the motions of backpacking up a summit while also protecting the rig from environmental factors, dreaded dust, dirt, and water.

The Evergreen 57 waterproof dry box was a perfect match with the mcHF and additional operating equipment. The radio slides perfectly into the rubber molding of the evergreen case and prevents the radio from moving around in the case during transport.

To power the radio, I need an efficient battery for my needs. Batteries are heavy and weight was one of my concerns. Also on my mind was which battery would provide enough amp hours for an activation? To minimize the weight and provide enough power for one to two POTA|SOTA activations, I finalized my decision on a 3Ah BioEnno LIPO4 battery to supply power the mcHF. To link the battery to the radio, I am using a 5.5 x 2.1mm with an Anderson Pole connectors.

For audio I am using an Anker IPX5 speaker for GoPro sound recording along with 3.5mm Ugreen Headphone splitter for an old pair of Iphone headphones. I prefer headphones for copying incoming callsigns, RST and QTH from hunters and chasers. The headphone splitter, headphones and two additional 3.5mm connectors for speaker connection and key are packed into the rubber mesh located in the upper lid of the Evergreen case.

I am using two highly regarded and engineered portable keys. The CW morse N0SA and the BaMaKeY TP-III, are very rugged and ultra-compact twin paddle keys for CW operations.  For the BaMaKeY TP-III protection against the elements, it resides in a small waterproof case lined with foam. The N0SA paddle fits snuggly into the Evergreen case.  I use a Sea to Summit bag to carry a smaller travel case that contains the Rite in the Rain pad with pens for logging, the Anker speaker, NY4G EFHW antenna, ABR316 coaxial cable and two 10’ pieces of paracord with two tent stakes for antenna deployment.

Radio setup on Summit W6/CS-445

Once on the summit, I set up my radio equipment onto the Sea to Summit bag for additional protection from the ground. For a backup HF radio, I carry the very reliable Venus SW-3B 5W CW radio in small fly fishing Yonah Pack attached to my backpack. A perfect fit and well protected.


I am using a NY4G 64:1 balun EFHW QRP 40,20 and 15m with additional 17 and 30m bands with a maximum of 15W on CW.

To deploy the antenna in the field in an inverted V configuration, I am using a modified 4.5m light weight expandable carbon fiber fishing pole (99g).

25-inch Valkyrie archery carbon shaft

To keep the antenna and mast vertical, I modified a 25-inch Valkyrie archery carbon shaft at one end with a 200g target tip and the other end with a center pin sleeve. No need to carry a small hammer to pound in the arrow shaft into the ground, mother nature has me covered with plenty of small size rocks in the field. I am using 15ft of ABR316 coaxial cable.

25-inch Valkyrie archery carbon shaft supporting the 4.5m expandable fishing pole

SOTA Activation W6/CS-323 EFHW antenna in an inverted V configuration
SOTA Activation W6/CS-445 EFHW antenna in an inverted V configuration


I am using onX Off-Road GPS app on my mobile phone to download maps of selected activations. I also carry an inReach Mini Messenger satellite tracker and communicator for safe insurance. Unexpected situations can occur without warning, so I always like to be prepared than not to be.

Wrap Up

Heli Pro Backcountry pack with portable field kit

I am using a 20-year-old Dakine Heli Pro Backcountry pack to carry my compact field kit.

I used this pack for backcountry snowboarding in my early years. This pack is fantastic because of the extra compartments for carrying gear. It is also fitted with an ice axe strap that is perfect for carrying the expandable carbon fiber pole. The total weight of my portable field kit is 2.2 Kg or 4.9lbs. It might not be the lightest portable field kit setup, but it is definitely not the heaviest.

Yonahs Pack and the SW-3B

Overall, I am very satisfied with how my portable field kit came together as well as its performance in the field.


Field Kit Gear

Field Radio Kit Gallery: VA7EKA’s Yaesu FT-857D Field Kit

Many thanks to Andrew (VA7EKA) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page.

You may note that this isn’t a QRP radio, but the FT-857D will run QRP power! If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Andrew’s field kit below:

Yaesu FT-857D off-grid portable kit

Andrew (VA7EKA)

As part of my amateur radio operations, I’ve quickly seen the advantage of having a small, portable radio I can operate anywhere and deploy quickly. Especially as I don’t have a permanent HF antenna installation at home, being able to set up in the yard (or even indoors) in a pinch is pretty high on the list of requirements for me.

I started reading online and watching videos about this topic, and found an excellent video from KT7RUN “The Tech Prepper” (and an earlier one) which showed a super-slick portable radio setup featuring the Yaesu FT-857D. Prior to finding those videos, I had already acquired an FT-857D due to its all-band, all-mode operation and compact size, and Gaston KT7RUN’s kit seemed like a very compelling setup for this radio.

Here’s what I’ve ended up with for my off-grid-capable “grab’n’go” radio station:


Currently this is the inventory for this kit:

Antenna options:

and for charging this station in the field…


Of course, the core of this kit is the radio. It’s popular for a reason. All-band, all-mode “shack in a box” in a truly portable form factor. Capable of 100w operation, it’s more than enough to make whatever contacts you need. In my case, because the battery has a max 20A continuous-discharge specification, I wouldn’t actually transmit at a full 100w with this exact configuration. Not a problem – I’m not expecting to transmit at those levels with a pack of this size.

The pack frame is truly solid, though it adds a good amount of weight (1.364lbs with all options). It’s absolutely worth it though. Not only does it provide rigidity and protection, it also provides convenient mount points for attachments, like the relocated antenna connections and Digirig holster. I could securely attach additional items if needed.

The battery just fits into the MOLLE pouch which is pretty lucky. I got a small PowerPole distribution block so I can not only connect the radio to the battery, but also the Genasun solar charge controller and whatever other power-related accessories I might use (e.g. Dakota Lithium’s 5v USB charger which I’ve adapted to PowerPole). Solar-wise, the charge controller I went with has a little more capacity than what I’m using currently with the 75w panel. I figured I should bump up to the 10amp charge controller to allow for a larger solar panel later on.

For CW operation I’ve relocated the jack with a basic 3.5mm audio extension cable going up through the bag and looped through the PALS webbing on the High Ground Gear PRC-117G bag. For a key I’m usually packing a basic 3d-printed iambic paddle I got at a swap meet for $20. I’d love a N0SA SP4 paddle but… $$$ :‘D

In the following photos you can see how I’ve laid out the relocation cables. I specifically took photos of these to show people who want to re-create this kit, because it was pretty tedious to get it all in there. Hopefully these will save someone a bit of time. 😉

All in all, this kit weighs in at 11 pounds. It’s a bit heavy to carry for a SOTA activation, but for POTA it’s no problem at all. I have indeed carried it up to a SOTA summit, but HF propagation conditions were poor and I was really struggling to make any contacts. Ended up resorting to activating on 2m with a tape measure Yagi. 😉

Because of the PALS webbing on the PRC-117G bag, this portable kit could be strapped to a larger backpack as needed, though typically I have just carried the kit inside my backpack, to keep the weight closer to my body. Perhaps more notably, additional accessory pouches could be attached, like a pouch for logbook/pencil/antennas/CW key etc.


So how is this kit to actually use? In a word, awesome. Drop it on the ground or on a table, deploy and attach an antenna, turn on the power. If I’m expecting to be on air for a long time, I can attach the solar charge controller and solar panel to keep the station running (though I have yet to do this while operating, since I completed this kit very recently). I can go out into the field and use this setup indefinitely, regardless of available electrical infrastructure.

For digital operations, I have a ToughBook CF-31 which is fully configured with all relevant software I’d typically use. This is great for tossing in the vehicle for a POTA activation, and even feasible for SOTA if you’re in great shape or willing to carry the extra weight. An alternative for digital ops could be a lightweight single-board-computer, tablet, or netbook, of course.

Just for fun, here’s a map of most of the QSOs I’ve made with this rig since putting it together. It’s not exhaustive, but what I could quickly gather up for this post. 133 contacts across 11 countries. The furthest contact thus far is with VK2WN on 30m FT8, at a nice 11965km (7435mi) distance, with just 5watts of output power on my side. Nice!

If you have any questions about this kit or would like additional details, please feel free to reach out. I’d also be curious to hear from anyone who follows this build and creates their own variation!

73 de VA7EKA

Field Radio Kit Gallery: W2AEW’s Comprehensive Elecraft KX2 Field Kit

Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Alan’s field kit:

W2AEW Field Radio Kit

I’ve only been active with POTA for a little over a year, but have put together a kit that gives me lots of options for antenna deployments.

The main kit is in an old camera bag that I picked up at a hamfest for $5:

One of the outside side pockets houses a small tripod and some little ground stakes for securing support ropes, etc.

The other outside side pocket houses a small digital recorder and a cellular hot spot:

The front outside pocket houses some rubber coated twist ties that I use for securing a portable lightweight pole, as well as a few POTA brochures, QSL cards and eyeball cards:

The pouch on the inside of the lid contains a 25’ length of coax, a few extra pens and other accessories:

The main chamber houses the KX2 Shack a Box bag, a Maxpedition accessory bag, the AX1 antenna kit and my iPad:

The KX2 bag is the main bit of the kit.  Sometimes, this is the only thing I carry with me (and will often put the AX1 kit inside also):

The rightmost pouch contains the 40m EFHW antenna, which is one of my two workhorses for my activations.

The middle section holds the logging pad, writing utensils, spare wire bits for antenna and counterpoise use, lightweight clips, etc.

The main section of the bag holds the KX2 which includes the internal battery and tuner. Continue reading Field Radio Kit Gallery: W2AEW’s Comprehensive Elecraft KX2 Field Kit

Field Kit Gallery: K2EJT’s Self-Sufficient Elecraft KX1 Field kit

Many thanks to Evan (K2EJT) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Evan’s field kit:

KX1 Field Activation Kit

by Evan (K2EJT)

I take a minimalist approach to most of my gear.  I don’t like to carry anything I don’t need.  Whether it’s what I pack in my daypack, an overnight pack, or my radio kit…..If I don’t need it, it’s probably not coming along.

That’s where this kit comes in.

This is the absolute minimum radio kit to do a field activation.  While it’s not the lightest kit I have, it still comes in at only 1008 grams (2.25lbs), and that’s including the Pelican case which makes this kit rugged and waterproof (I have an SW-3B kit that weighs 700g, but it’s in an ultralight stuff sack).

This kit contains EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) to do an activation.  The radio is an Elecraft KX1.  It’s a four band radio with the internal ATU.  Powering it are six AA Lithium Ion batteries.  I love this radio, and I wish it was still in production, but these days they’re unobtanium unless you’re willing to spend a ton of money and get lucky and find one for sale.

The CW key is a cwmorse.us N0SA paddle.  The headphones are a pair of old SkullCandy earbuds I’ve had forever, but sound great.

For an antenna I’m running a 41’ random wire antenna, with a 17’ counterpoise, constructed of 24ga silicone jacketed wire.  That’s attached to the radio via a BNC binding post.  While this setup isn’t the most efficient, it’s definitely the most compact and agile.  Normally I run resonant antennas, but having the tuner allows me to run the absolute minimum antenna, and swap bands quickly, and that was the idea behind this kit.

The throw bag is rip-stop nylon with a paracord loop sewn in the top and a velcro closure across the opening.  I fill that bag with rocks, seal it shut with the velcro, and it’s ready to go. The throw line is 65’ of 1.8mm high vis reflective cord.  The throw bag doubles as a stuff sack for the cordage, so it’s all contained in one neat little unit that rolls up tiny.

Also included in the kit are a pencil and a logging sheet, as well as the KX1 cheat sheet.

I have lots of other field kits, but I wanted to showcase just how little you can actually get away with and still get the job done. Yes, I know you could build a Pixie kit and a tiny home made key and stuff and make the kit smaller and lighter, but I wanted a kit with no major compromises or downsides.  This fits the bill.   There’s nothing like a 100% complete kit that contains literally everything you need to do an activation that fits in the palm of your hand!  Thanks for reading and 73!




Everything else is either generic, home made, or ancient.

Readers: Check out Evan’s YouTube channel for more field radio goodness.

Field Kit Gallery: NL5E’s Lightweight KX2 SOTA/POTA Alaska Backpacking Radio Kit

Many thanks to Eric (NL5E) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, read this post. Check out Eric’s field kit:

NL5E SOTA/POTA Backpacking Kit


Hello! NL5E here.

I’m one of the rare SOTA activators in Alaska (I also use this same kit for POTA). Anyone that has looked at a map of this state will know that we have some interesting difficult topography. Many of our summit hikes start out near sea level, but are 3000-6000 vertical feet of climbing to get to the summit. So I built my kit with compactness, versatility, and weight in mind. Everything weighs approximately 2lbs (not including the battery, I don’t always take it).

My primary operating modes are CW, FT8, and SSB.

To facilitate those modes I tried to keep everything as small as possible while still being usable. For example, I debated using N6ARA’s tiny paddle, but I found I made too many sending errors. The N0SA paddle is a perfect medium between portability and sending ability. For FT8 the FT8CN app has been a good alternative to carrying a Raspberry Pi or small laptop and the well loved Digirig is probably the best audio/cat interface on the market today. I don’t do a lot of SSB (especially at QRP levels), but the K6ARK mini microphone is a wonderful improvement over Elecraft’s comically massive microphone for the KX2. I added headphones so I don’t disturb anyone on popular summits and so I can hear CW a bit better.

My antennas of choice tend to be random wires and End Fed Halfwaves.

With the KX2 I chose to use K6ARK’s 20w antenna kits and built both a 9:1 and 49:1 version. I usually carry the 9:1 just to have the band flexibility as it will work from 40m-10m. If the ground is wet enough I’ve had it tune up to 80m.

For the 49:1 I chose 20m because bands lower than that have mediocre performance from the latitude. Because of how short both these antennas are, they pair very well with the SOTAbeams Carbon 6 mast. From a summit a 19’ mast is usually tall enough to work most of the US and lots of Asia from here. The only modification I made is gluing the top 2 sections together for durability. To attach the antenna wire I use a small Niteize carabiner and a prussik loop.

I also wanted to ensure that I could power many different devices while out hiking. I settled on an Anker battery because it is easy to power phones and the radio without having to bring a bunch of different adapters like I would with a dedicated 12V battery.

I know someone will mention protection and the bag I chose. Yep, a silnylon stuff sack offers zero protection from bumps and impacts. I firmly believe that hams “over baby” their equipment and think that their radios will hilariously explode if sneezed on wrong. I settled on the Gems Products cover and rails as a good solution to keep the radio from getting destroyed in a backpack. So far so good. I added the dry bag to my list for rainy days.

I didn’t include one in the images, but I also usually have an HT with me, but most summits don’t have good line of sight to our population centers. I usually run a Yaesu VX-6R with Diamond RH77CA or MFJ Longranger. I will usually run 2m FM when I am close to Anchorage or Palmer. I also didn’t include my logging solution, but that is usually HAMRS on my iPhone or a Rite in the Rain book and pencil. I find CW is easier to log on paper for some reason.

Thanks for looking and perhaps I’ll hear some of you on the air.

Component List

Radio: Elecraft KX2 with Side KX Heatsink and Cover

Antenna: K6ARK Random Wire with 29’ of polystealth wire and antenna winder

Note: I also run a 49:1 EFHW cut for 20m (not pictured, looks the same).

Dog: Luna. Standard issue Alaska Husky. Smol in size. Adds 5 dB gain to all antennas. Adds 45 lbs, but is self transporting.

Support: SOTAbeams Carbon 6

CW Paddles: CW Morse N0SA SP4 Paddle

Microphone: K6ARK mini microphone with printed case. Built from Digikey Parts.

Headphones: Sony Earbuds – could be any old ear buds. These work fine.

Digirig Mobile with Cables: Lets face it. Sometimes FT8 is all that works. I’m in Alaska.

Android Phone: Galaxy S10. Dealers choice for a phone. It exists only to run FT8CN instead of carrying a laptop for FT8.


JacobsParts 15V 5A USB C PD cable 5.5×2.5mm DC (Ferrite Added)

Note: Outputs approx. 14.5V when measured using my multimeter. Radio shows the same/

Anker 747 25600mAh battery

Miscellaneous Items:

5.5×2.5mm to 4.0×1.7mm DC Adapter: Allows charging of various HT radios using the Anker battery with JacobsParts USB C cable

-Shower Cap: The all important rain cover for the KX2. Just in case. Just make sure it is transparent.

Storage: Sea to Summit 3L UltraSil Stuff Sack or Sea to Summit 3L Dry Bag

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