Tag Archives: Jim (N9EET)

LnR Precision taking orders for the next batch of MTR-4Bs

Many thanks to Jim (N9EET) who notes that LnR Precision is now taking orders for the next batch of the Mountain Topper MTR-4B V2.3.

LnR notes the following on the MTR-4B order page:

Update: 2/24/22: MTR4 V2.3 online ordering is now active! We are releasing 100 units and they will be available as first come, first served. We have a handful of units built now but are expected to quickly have a 3-4 week lead-time before they ship. This could be LONGER and we can’t guarantee shipment in that timeframe but will do our best. We have enough parts in hand for 250 units so there will be another release of this model once we have shipped the first 100.

Also, the MTR4b pricing was increased slightly (up $20) to cover part cost increases. The overall costs were much higher but we know how bad overall inflation has been so we want to be as reasonable as humanly possible. Thanks so much for your continued patience and we know you will enjoy this radio!

This is great news for those of you who have been wanting to reserve an MTR-4B.

If you’re on the fence about ordering one, consider checking out my full review here.

Click here to check out details on the  MTR-4B order page.

Thanks for the tip, Jim!

Jim’s “WD-PT-PB” AX1/AX2 table/bench clamp mount

Many thanks to Jim (N9EET) who writes:


I look forward to all your videos and am enjoying how you use the Elecraft AX-1 in the field.

I have built the “WD-PT-PB” attachment for my AX-1 antenna.

That is, it is for Windy Day-Picnic Table-Park Bench use. It can be set up horizontally or vertically on the edge of a picnic table or at any angle on the back of a park bench and is a secure attachment for the AX-1 off the radio.

[I] bought the bolts straight and put them thru a random C clamp secured with a nut or wing nut and then bent one in my vise. Loosen the wing nut and angle the bolt any way I want and tighten the wing nut.

The pictures show it better than paragraphs of a description.

Jim Long
Madison, WI

That’s brilliant, Jim! I love how versatile the clamp is and that it even fits in your Maxpedition pouch! No doubt, it’ll help the AX1 (or AX2, or any similar antenna) survive the windiest of deployments.

Thank you for sharing.