Xiegu X6100 v X6200 Feature/Specs Comparison Chart

Many thanks to Don (W7SSB) who shares the following spreadsheet that highlights the key similarities and differences between the Xiegu X6100 and the new Xiegu X6200.

Click here to view the comparison spreadsheet.

17 thoughts on “Xiegu X6100 v X6200 Feature/Specs Comparison Chart”

  1. I don’t know if I’ll ever buy a Xiegu product. The people who buy them are beta testers, and Xiegu abandons a product as soon as the next one comes out. I don’t think they released a firmware for the x5105 after they released the x6100, did they? Will they continue to support the x6100 now that the x6200 is out? I *know* that Elecraft will continue to support the KX2 I’ve ordered for as long as they’re around.

  2. I am one of those who is very happy with my X6100. For the price there is nothing else on the market that does the same job. I use it mainly for FT8 and CW and everything works perfectly.

    The X6200 doesn’t have anything that warrants an upgrade for me. I agree that Xiegu doesn’t have a good track record for maintaining firmware updates but that does not worry me at all. Why break something if it’s not broke.

    If Yaesu or ICOM had a similar radio at the same price I would be tempted but they don’t.

    1. When the battery won’t charge anymore you have to preform surgery on the radio which sucks. The 6200 is far superior my friend.

  3. I have made many contacts with my XIEGU X6100, from Brazil to Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Israel, Russia, etc. Of course it has some limitations compatible with a QRP radio, but it does very well and with an excellent antenna tuner, but for the specs of the X6200, I do NOT think it is worth the trade-off. Really the firmware updates leave something to be desired, but so far, the X6100 has left me very satisfied.


  4. I used to own an X6100 but I sold it when I got my KX2. I still own an X5105. The X6100 offered pretty good value for the money, especially with the R1CBU firmware, but it has its warts.

    My biggest concern with Xiegu is their lack of support. Dealers will replace a defective radio within the one year warranty period but after that it looks like you are on your own. Xiegu support doesn’t seem to exist. So i think that you have to consider these rigs as throw away when something goes wrong with them.

  5. Hello,

    Please add “Pricing” into the chart 🙂 this will change a lot the perspective .
    Size and weight should be good too (with the battery)

    I’m curious of the power consumption and the quality of the ATU ( probably the same).

    72 everyone

    1. So this chart was actually created by Xiegu. I didn’t change anything in it because it’s theirs–just left it as it was sent to me. I’m not sure if they have final pricing figures yet.

  6. It is very frustrating to see people knock a radio on a post that is written to compare two similar radios for features. One could knock the many flaws of the 705, but this post is not about that. There is no such thing as a perfect radio. I own the x6100 radio and it is my first choice for POTA activation’s. I have used it on at least 85 in the last ten months. I only run 5 watts and have talked all over North America, Europe and North Africa. I have had many compliments on the audio (SSB) and had equal results with CW. The 6100 has an amazing display and is a complete shack in a box including the tuner. To me it has been a fun radio to use for POTA. As far as the chart, thank you for providing it. It will be interesting to see how the 6200 actually pans out when it is released, but I will probably keep the 6100. I still have my FT-817 even when the FT-818 came out. To me a QRP radio should function, but should be fun to use and easy to set up, to use, and take home. I guess time will tell. I know I made a good choice with the 6100. 72 my friends.

    1. What surprises me , in these days of consumerism is buying a product that promises certain things and people not getting outraged at being cheated.
      It’s like you bought a car, told you would get a heater, automatic transmission and an fm radio.
      Tell me that you would happily accept not getting those things, and then proclaim that you were satisfied.
      You were ripped off, simple as that

      1. Ira, can you supply a clear example of something that you consider does not work on the X6100 or something that was clearly stated as being present that was not ?

        1. Sorry Roy, I will not take your bait and be drawn into a listing of the shortcomings of a radio that I have had two examples of…..
          Just regard my comments as my service to ham radio warning possible buyers to stay away from the 6100 despite the folks like yourself who seem to be oblivious to the fact that it is a piece of insulting deplorable garbage.

          1. That’s unfortunate in that you can’t define an actual problem. I own several radios , including 2 Yaesus, so I am capable of making making an objective comparison and this is why I wanted to read a factual argument.

            Thomas made a video or two using the X6100 and didn’t appear too worried about the X6100 and yet you find it to be trash without having any valid argument.

            Would you at least care to provide us with the radio that you bought afterwards that has an improved quality for the same price.

  7. I agree with you on many points. It is not a good quality radio and some features are not working as designes. The WIFI setup is a nightmare for example. The receiver is noisy and has birdies etc. But I find my joy in using it from time to time. I like the idea that is runs Linux and I can tinker with the Linux OS by connecting to the radio using SSH terminal. I even installed WSJT-X on the X6100.
    But I also made contacts with it on 10W. The tuner is outstanding. Would I rely on this to do a POTA or a SOTA? I don’t think so. I largely prefer the FX-4CR or the IC-705.
    Worth to upgrade to X6200? I don’t think so. It seems more a cosmetic change then a real technical improvement. And the starting price point is insane. FOr that money one can buy am IC-705…

  8. EVERY radio has it’s “shortcomings” for me, the xiegu X6100 has been great, excellent for my mobile use ( in motorhome) and sota and pota, wouldn’t “upgrade” to the 6200 as it doesn’t really offer anything more 🤷….if it had VHF UHF then maybe..
    I’ve owned a LOT of radios over the years, you name it, I’ve probably owned it, these little xiegus are great, yes, maybe could be cheaper, but don’t confuse them with a Baofeng 😂
    73 Rob 2M0LDT

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