New Product: Xiegu has a new DDC/DUC portable transceiver in the works

Image source: Xiegu (click to enlarge)

It appears Xiegu has a new direct-sampling SDR portable transceiver in the works.

Image source: Xiegu (click to enlarge)

Along with the photos above, here’s the teaser Xiegu shared via their Twitter account today:

Xiegu New product Introduction

It is a new generation of ultra-portable shortwave transceiver. It adopts advanced RF direct sampling architecture and is equipped with powerful baseband and RF units. It integrates rich functions of major models and has built-in popular remote network control function. [B]ringing you a new amateur radio experience.

    • RF direct acquisition architecture, HF/50MHz full-mode transceiver
    • Supports listening to WFM broadcast frequency bands and supports listening to aviation frequency bands
    • Built-in high-efficiency automatic antenna tuner
    • Support network remote control
    • Integrated standing wave scanner and voice pager
    • Integrated modem, preset text messages, CW automatic calling
    • Standardly equipped with high stability TCXO internal clock source
    • External expansion equipment can be connected to expand the frequency band

41 thoughts on “New Product: Xiegu has a new DDC/DUC portable transceiver in the works”

  1. It’s a nice looking radio. Unfortunately I don’t think I will be buying one and you can pass this on to Xiegu. I have a 5105 with a bad BNC connector. Rather than looking all over Mauser and digikey trying to find the correct part I want to purchase it from Xiegu. I got a contact email at Xiegu supposedly for ordering spare parts. Sent them an email received nothing in reply.

    The BNC jack is an item that will need to be replaced occasionally as it does get a lot of wear and tear. I do not want to spend $200 plus to send the rig back to have Xiegu fix it as I have the skills to replace it. This is where they’re falling down. No service literature, no spare parts, you’re only support is through who you purchased it from. It cost a lot more but my Icom 705 if I need something for it I can get it. I have the entire service manual. Icom repair will sell me parts and answer my emails. It seems to me Xiegu wants to be a player in the amateur market and they do sell a lot of product but until they come up with some kind of a support structure I’m not buying anymore and I just purchased a 125 amplifier. What do you think?

    1. You’re absolutely right! Chinese gears are throw away radios. I have the Anytone 578 plus that no one here in the US willing to repair it, they want me to send it the China to get it repaired. I emailed Anytone China many times and no replies. The radio went straight to the garage.

    2. I totally get what you mean. One of the appeals of Xiegu rigs is relatively low cost. If they put traditional levels of support in place, I assume this would up the cost. For manufacturers these days, the focus is on “disposable” products and the development and sales of newer models.

    3. The 5105 was notorious for having the retaining nut loosen on the inside of the BNC fitting. Tightening it is a little awkward but it frequently loosens . I bought a star washer to add on both sides of the connector threaded barrel as well as a tiny drop of loctite which fixed it

      1. I’ll definitely keep that in mind when I replace mine. The problem now isn’t it being loose on the outside it’s the center female part of the BNC. As a temporary measure I was able to take a needle and push the four sides inwards so now the center pin makes good connection but it won’t last. After a few more cycles it will be loose just like it was.

  2. At a quick glance.. I thought it said… XIEGU HAS A NEW DDC/DUC PORTABLE TRANSCEIVER “THAT ” WORKS. LOL

    Xiegu is now the Chevrolet of rigs, they are getting better… ( no comparison to Elecraft ) I hope they incorporate a better, more robust auto tuner and make an overall better quality rig, physically and electronically that doesn’t have as many glitches…

    1. Addition,… looking at the proto-type picture… IMHO knobs on top of the rig ( first pic ) could be a bad idea… the first thing to snap off when going portable…
      73 Mike

  3. I’m excited about this one. I’m hoping they incorporate some lessons learned from their past and hit a home run with this one. The form of the X6100 with the power of the G90 is my dream rig. Could this be it?

    1. Yes, I wonder if it could be a 20w rig. The form factor looks good and they seem to have moved on from developing the X6100 firmware lately, maybe in preparation for this. Just the swappable batteries would be a good improvement.

  4. I agree with most here, the shine is off of Xiegu for me. I do have a 6100 and it generally works well for what it is but it’s my EDC radio that runs around in the car or motorcycle bag – I don’t want something to happen to it but I would certainly cry much less than if my KX2 got crunched!

    The “release the product and allow the world to beta-test it” business model seems to be working pretty well for them, and I’m sure there will always be a market as long as they can keep lower prices vs. mainstream manufacturers. I just don’t plan on being a part of it with any new items moving forward.

  5. A bit off-topic, but have you seen the PMR-171 transceiver? Portable HF and VHF/UHF all-mode transceiver similar in approach to the late-lamented FT-817/818.

      1. You’re correct, I believe. There’s also a true military version that has a wideband Tx, voice encryption etc.

    1. I just finished reading the advertising on AliExpress. I’ll have to get back to it. Have you found a review of the radio anyplace?

      1. No, I haven’t, but there’s a review of the full military version TBR-119 on YouTube. I believe both these radios are based on the Q900 transceiver.

    2. My advice as a current Guohe radio owner. Stay away from Guohe, for now. The customer service is beyond horrible and the have yet to deliver on most of the promises of the last TWO models, let alone this new one. Promising concepts on the hardware side, software is a complete shitshow.

      1. Hmm – fair enough! I wasn’t planning to get one myself as I already have an FT-817ND, Xiegu 5105, and an MTR-3B so the last thing I need is another portable QRP radio! However, assuming they sort out the software issues it might be a good alternative to the 817/818 concept.

  6. Well lets hope that it has some filters to address the AM BCI overload that people have experienced with the X6100 and X5105. I might buy one of these eventually. Now I know that early adopters get to be alpha-testers. I guess if this hits the market soon that will be it for firmware updates on the X6100 !

    Michael VE3WMB

    1. I’m afraid I wouldn’t hold my breath for any software updates on the 6100 and then went this new radio is introduced. The 5105 has had a grand total of one software update. The firmware that the radio originally shipped with and version 3. That’s it folks and I don’t think there’s anything ever going to come out now. It’s been too long. Software for the 6100 if history plays out as in the past will be ended soon after the new radio comes out.

      1. If one update makes the software perfect, or at least as good as it can be, who needs more?
        Who needs quarterly updates that solve five problems and introduces four new ones?
        Note: I don’t own a x5100 but in general don’t like te be a betatester and having to install update after update without noticable improvements.

  7. Unfortunately, however good it may be, I won’t be buying another Xiegu given their poor record with the x6100. Too many bugs, inconsistent and too few firmware releases, and the ones they do release seem to break as much as they fix. They need to focus on QC and testing, and get existing products right first.

  8. Oh look. Another half-finished product that Xiegu expect their customers to beta test while they drop support for their previous radios. No doubt it’ll get into the hands of all the YouTube crowd (for free) and sales will rocket.

    The thing is, it’s just the same old “HF and 50” radio. That’s just laziness on xiegu’s part. If they put together a decent HF / VHF / UHF all-mode radio that actually worked out of the box, they’d have a real winner on their hands. Xiegu are capable of producing decent and very capable hardware but they REALLY need to improve their software game and customer service before people start looking elsewhere.

  9. Hope they’ve worked on their audio quality. I really liked the G90 package, but the abrasive audio quality pushed me to sell it. Its really great that they continue to design new low power radios.

  10. I hope they fixed the frontend overloading issue and used the keyer algorithm that the g90 uses for CW. I absolutely hated doing CW on the x6100 but the G90 was totally fine…

    I am pretty skeptical about this radio.

  11. I know it does not need to be said, but I’ll say it anyway. The Big 3 + Alinco, Elecraft etc. are always a safe bet. In the 35+ years as an Amateur buying equipment I have never been disappointed in acquiring repair (rarely needed) or parts. Sure, more expensive but everyone is familiar with the old adage…you get what you pay for.

    1. Interesting to read the comments about Chinese radios. I recall that, back in the 1960’s/70’s, when I was first getting into amateur radio, the same things were said about Japanese’s radios – and look at where we are now!

    2. If it’s a $5 or a $10 item possibly even up to the $75 or $100 level, I don’t expect much in the way of being able to repair it. It’s a throw away. But at the $600 price level (X6100 or X5105), even at the $250 such as the G106 I expect to at least get the schematic (if there’s no manufacturers repair available) and some basic parts. I really don’t think this is unreasonable.

      Viva right to repair!!!

  12. If it is built on the same architecture as the WOLF DDC/DUC SDR Transceiver it could be a big step up for Xiegu. Only time will tell

  13. I think I’ve beaten a dead horse enough but I did want to share a communication from Xiegu In regards to spare part availability. This is their reply.

    Hi Sir
    I’m glad to hear from you.
    If you encounter any problems in the process of using our products, first of all, please directly feed back your problems to your suppliers, and they are obliged to serve you.
    If your supplier does not respond to your emails, please let me know who your supplier is, thanks!

    Best regards

    As you can see they totally sidestep the issue referring me to the dealer I purchased the rig from. Since I purchased it used I’m really without support. Everyone I have talked to if you didn’t buy it from us and it’s not within the one-year warranty period you’re on your own as I have found out.

  14. I really enjoyed the X6100. However, after 4 warranty replacements and BC overloading issues I won’t be buying another.
    I give them credit for their support though. Each time my radio failed they were quick to supply a replacement. Twice for battery charging failures and twice for RF failures. I then sold my brand new warranty replacement without even opening the box. The ham that bought it informed me that within a couple of weeks it had failed for loss of RF.
    There’s just to many issues for me to consider buying another one of their products,

  15. I’m glad I didn’t buy a 6100 when I had the chance. If you’ve had four warranty replacements and the warranty is only for one year that’s ridiculous. There was one for sale at a hamfest this weekend at $450 and a few months ago I thought of buying one at full price. I’m glad I didn’t.

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