QRPer Notes: NT0Z’s Stealth Antennas, Matt’s Super QSO App, The Communicator, and Andy tests the AX1

Because I receive so many tips from readers here on QRPer, I wanted way to share them in a concise newsletter format.  To that end, welcome to QRPer Notes, a collection of links to interesting stories and tips making waves in the world of radio!

Stealth Antennas

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend listening to the latest Ham Radio Workbench podcast which features guest host, Kirk Kleinschmidt (NT0Z).

Kirk has an amazing background in publishing and writing and so many tips and suggestions for those who are trying to play radio in a stealthy way.

Check out the podcast, but you might also consider taking a look at Kirk’s book, “Stealth Amateur Radio.”  It can be purchased from his website as a digital book for much less than a paper copy.

Super QSO

Many thanks to Matt (LU2ACH), who writes:

I built a new Social App exclusively for Hams (it’s like Instagram but just us) you could upload videos, photos etc.

BUT I added a new feature which is CALLING CQ, the good thing of that is if you post a CALLING CQ all your followers will receive a instant push notification on their phone (it is in real time like any notification of any app) and I think that could help you to spread your Super cool field activities and make more contacts!

The app is totally free for the whole community.

You can visit https://www.superqso.com you have the download links there.

Thank you for sharing your app project, Matt!

The Communicator Newsletter

Many thanks to Mike (VE3MKX) who recommends The Communicator which is a digital periodical of Surrey Amateur Radio Communications and is available for free viewing or download at https://bit.ly/SARC21NovDec

Previous issues  of The Communicator can be found via this link.

Adam tests the Elecraft AX1

Many thanks to Adam (G7CRQ) who shares the following video he made testing the AX1 antenna’s SWR:

Click here to watch on YouTube.

One thought on “QRPer Notes: NT0Z’s Stealth Antennas, Matt’s Super QSO App, The Communicator, and Andy tests the AX1”

  1. Thomas
    thank you for bringing Kirk’s book to readers’ attention, I (and doubtless many others) have been trying to get a copy for some time.
    Thanks also to Kirk for re-publishing it at such a modest price.
    Mark VK2XMB

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