A number of readers have asked about the small foot under my IC-705 in recent POTA field reports.
One of my biggest criticisms of the IC-705 is that it has no built-in foot to tilt the radio for an optimal operating position. On the other hand, it does have a number of attachment points on the bottom including a standard tripod mounting point and several 4mm points.
Shortly after I received my IC-705, I checked Thingiverse knowing a clever ham would have designed some sort of leg or tilt stand.
One of the first designs I found was the most simple: this foot by “Viktor39” that attaches to the bottom of the IC-705.
It prints quickly and uses very little material (no support structure). Mine is made of orange PLA (because that’s what my daughters had been using), but I’m sure ABS would be a better choice.
You’ll need two M4 x 10mm screws to attach the foot to the bottom of the IC-705; mine have hex socket caps.
I’ve found that the foot is small enough that I never need to detach it even in transport.
I’ve made one that needs no screws.
I apologize my shameless advert.
I have seen this foot on your video’s and have really wanted it. I don’t have a 3d printer, but found a place online to make it for me
Could you let us know where you had it printed?