Tag Archives: Travel

QSO Party, POTA, and a Touch of Winter: Bob and Alanna’s Radio Adventures on the Outer Banks

Radio Adventures on the Outer Banks of North Carolina

by Bob K4RLC & Alanna K4AAC     

February 2025

My YL Alanna K4AAC had been advocating for a trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for some time. She had never been there to see its incredible natural beauty, and I had not been in decades. In planning, we needed to go in the off-season, especially when it was a bit chilly, as she is a “bug magnet” and that can ruin her vacation. Not being totally unselfish, I wanted our visit to coincide with a radio event.

We first tried for Winter Field Day at the end of January, but Eastern North Carolina was socked in with five to seven inches of snow in places where it never snows. We rescheduled the trip for a month later at the end of February, to coincide with the North Carolina QSO Party. Just so happens, Eastern North Carolina got another freak snowstorm of several inches, but we only had to put the trip off one day. Even then, parts of the roads going down east were still covered in snow and ice.

1585 Map by Governor White
Current Map of Outer Banks

The drive is only a bit over 3 hours straight down US Highway 64 to the Outer Banks, where it dead ends in a T intersection with infamous North Carolina Hwy 12. Locals call the intersection “Whalebone Junction.” Going either north or south of this intersection, within a few miles one can explore lots of really beautiful natural areas, including six (6) POTA sites! Eight miles south of the intersection is the Oregon Inlet Campground on Bodie Island, part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore (US-0682), where we camped. That time of year, the campground was really deserted with only a few other campers including a few brave souls tent camping. It is a flat area campground that backs up to huge dunes, separating you from some of the most beautiful but austere beaches on the Atlantic coast. A word of caution though, there are no trees or light poles to secure a mast for an antenna.

Alanna K4AAC enjoying the beach
Antenna at Oregon Inlet Campground

We took our Winnebago Solis again. The Solis is a wonderful camper van on a Dodge ProMaster chassis that sleeps three, has a propane powered furnace and two burner stove, and a refrigerator that can be powered either by propane or by the 140 W solar panels on top of the van, loading up two 100 amp hour AGM batteries.  You can boondock for days, or enjoy the luxury of “shore power.”

As the North Carolina QSO Party was Sunday, we wanted to explore the islands Saturday. About 20 miles north of the campground is the incredible Wright Brothers National Memorial, commemorating the first flight ever, and also POTA site: US-0797.  This is part of the National Park Service, on 428 acres with an interactive Visitor Center whose exhibits include a full-scale reproduction of the Wright Brothers 1903 flyer. We particularly enjoyed climbing to the Wright Brothers Monument standing 60-feet tall atop Kill Devil’s Hill, a 90 foot high grass-stabilized sand dune. The original runway is there with First Flight Boulder and Markers charting the short distances of the first four flights. Incredibly, a few yards over and parallel is an actual 3000 foot First Flight Airstrip where pilots from all over the world fly in to celebrate their flying heritage. I decided to take the KH1 up to the top of the Monument, a steep but accessible walk for almost anyone. The day was clear and sunny; the white granite monument was gleaming against the Carolina blue sky.

Wright Brothers Monument
Bob K4RLC & Elecraft KH1 w/AX1

It was a beautiful day to set up on the wall around the monument. Unfortunately, the temperatures were in the 40’s, and I didn’t realize there would be a 20-25 knot wind blowing. The beautiful thing about the KH1 is that it is so easy to deploy. Some have complained about the stock key in cold weather, but for me the problems are not the key but old, cold fingers. To help a little bit, I set up the AX1 on a small camera tripod and threw one 13 ft radial over the wall into the field. This modification worked really well when I operated at a Greek Navy lighthouse in the Aegean Sea. For some reason, the KH1 was fussy that day, and would not hold a tune consistently on 20 CW. Nevertheless, I pounded away until I got the minimum number of contacts about the same time my fingers just wouldn’t work anymore.

Alanna, with freezing extremities after fully exploring the monument and taking pictures of me operating, hiked off to explore a bronze sculpture garden which recreates the scene of the historic 1903 flight. This included a sandy plot with a life-size bronze replica of the original Wright Brothers airplane (being piloted by Orville laying on his stomach), along with bronze sculptures depicting the guys from the Hatteras Life Saving Station who were there to support Orville and Wilbur, help them launch their flyer, and capture a photo of the First Flight. The memorial was gifted by the State of North Carolina to the NPS,  and dedicated at the Centennial of the First Flight in 2003, by then Governor Mike Easley. Alanna and I were both really cold and tired after hiking in the chilly weather at the park, so we sought out one of the few open seafood restaurants there and were treated to an incredibly tasty buffet.

Full size replica of original aircraft
Full size bronze replica of aircraft

Weather Sunday morning was milder so with a strong cup of coffee from the French press coffee maker our daughter gave us, I set up on the picnic table with my trusty old ICOM IC – 706MkIIG at about 60 watts on 20 CW. I do have a trailer hitch mount for the Solis that can hold a 30 foot fiberglass mast, but I knew we were going to be traveling that day. So I set up my trustee default of a 17 foot whip on a 4 x 7′ piece of aluminum screen wire from Lowe’s. With one CQ, the calls started coming in, with the first one being from HA9RE in Hungary. Continue reading QSO Party, POTA, and a Touch of Winter: Bob and Alanna’s Radio Adventures on the Outer Banks

POTA, Landmarks, and Unexpected Wonders: Brian, Becky, and Molly’s Journey Home

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 2

by Brian (K3ES)

Welcome to Pennsylvania, the Land of Road Construction!

This article continues my series from our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with one or two more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.  In this report, I plan to cover some of the parks and places we found during the trip that were interesting and spectacular beyond our expectations.

As we traveled across the country from Pennsylvania to California and back, we spent a lot of time looking for parks to activate, and sights to see.  While we tried to keep the sights and parks interesting, some of them were unexpectedly amazing, and I would like to share a few of those here.  Part 2 covers our east-bound trip homeward to Pennsylvania.

Tehachapi Loop, CA

Historical Marker for the Tehachapi Loop.

The Tehachapi Loop is a railroad wonder constructed from 1874 to 1876 to ease the grade for the Southern Pacific rail line, as it crosses over Tehachapi Pass.  The Loop is located on the western side of the pass, near Bakersfield, CA, and it consists of a helical track section that enables the head of the train to pass over the trailing end as it moves up the grade.  This is, of course, reversed for a train headed down the hill.  Through the ¾ mile loop, the train gains or loses 77 ft of elevation, and the loop’s extra distance along the grade permits the train to ascend or descend a more gradual slope.

On the first day of the homeward leg of our journey, we drove away from the main travel route to stop at an overlook that gave a great view of the Tehachapi Loop.  The Loop is not a POTA entity, so I made no attempt to activate it.  Thankfully, an east-bound Union Pacific mixed-freight train came along for its own type of activation.  As a railroad buff, married into a railroad family, I greatly appreciated watching the loop in action.  If you are ever in the area, it is well worth a short detour away from California Route 58 to see this iconic railroad engineering marvel.

Winslow, AZ

One of the high points of the entire trip for Becky was a chance to stop in Winslow, AZ.  Becky is a fan of music, almost any type of music, but the music of her youth really gets her toes tapping.  So, being the one standin’ on the corner in Winslow, Arizona was really meaningful for her.  She loves the Eagles, and can sing along with Take It Easy without missing a beat.  Of all the places we went, things we saw, and memories we made on this trip, Winslow, Arizona will always hold a special place in her heart.  Sadly, like the Tehachapi Loop, this particular corner is not a POTA entity.

Becky is standing on the corner with the “troubadour” statue, which resembles Jackson Browne.
Becky with Glenn Frey.
Take it Easy.

Fort Union NM, NM

The first facilities at Fort Union National Monument (US-0933) were built in 1851, following the annexation of New Mexico by the United States after the Mexican-American War.  Rough log structures housed and defended the troops and supplies for protecting the Santa Fe Trail.  Over the years, the facility became increasingly important as a regional transportation hub and supply base for United States Army troops.

Early in the Civil War, Fort Union was moved to a occupy a commanding hill top, and rebuilt as a star-shaped earthen structure to make it defensible against troops with longer-range arms and artillery.  It was hoped that this would allow the fort to better defend against Confederate Forces moving into New Mexico.  Before the fort’s defenses could be tested, the attacking Confederate army was defeated and turned back by Union troops at the Battle of Glorieta Pass, so they never reached Fort Union.

This Civil War-era artillery piece now guards the Visitor Center at US-0933.

The fort was rebuilt again by 1869, incorporating a large complex of adobe brick structures.  The Fort Union garrison’s responsibility to protect the Santa Fe Trail involved escorting traffic along the trail during periods of conflict with Native American tribes.  As the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad was expanded across the southwest, the mission to protect the Santa Fe Trail became less and less important.  Fort Union was finally abandoned in 1891, until its preservation as a National Monument in the early 1950s.

Jails are usually stoutly constructed.  The post guardhouse has withstood many of the ravages of time.

The visitor center has great information about the history and significance of Fort Union, along with a gift shop.  Becky and I took turns exploring the visitor center, as one of us needed to stay outside with Molly.  The site itself is beautiful, with well-interpreted layout and ruins from the 3rd Fort Union.  You can see the remains of officer quarters, troop barracks, stables, a large hospital, and associated facilities.  If you are ever in the area, the Fort Union National Monument is well worth visiting. Continue reading POTA, Landmarks, and Unexpected Wonders: Brian, Becky, and Molly’s Journey Home

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

by Brian (K3ES)

This two-part article continues my series from our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with one or two more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.  In this report, I plan to cover some of the parks and places we found during the trip that were interesting and spectacular beyond our expectations.

As we traveled across the country from Pennsylvania to California and back, we spent a lot of time looking for parks to activate, and sights to see.  While we tried to keep the sights and parks interesting, some of them were unexpectedly amazing, and I would like to share a few of those here.  Part 1 covers our westward trip from Pennsylvania to California.

Moraine View SRA, IL

Since I had already activated parks in Ohio and Indiana, we planned to do our first activation of the trip in Illinois.  To be honest, we chose Moraine View State Recreation Area (US-2311) as our Illinois park, because it was at the right place and the right time.  We had committed to arrive at my niece’s home in Minnesota at the end of our third travel day.  To stay on schedule for this, I needed to complete two activations (Illinois and Iowa), along with ending the the second day’s travel in Prarie du Chien, WI.  We picked US-2311 as the park for Illinois, because it was close to our travel route, and at the right distance from home for our first day’s drive.  That way I could do an early morning activation and be on the road quickly.

Activating US-2311 from a picnic table.  The perforated table top provide a perfect method to hold the collapsible fishing pole that I used to support my antenna.

Choosing a park based on proximity to the travel route might seem like a poor way to find spectacular parks for activating, but that does not account for having Becky engaged in the process.  In this case, she picked our first gem of the trip.  I set up in a shady picnic area to activate, while she and Molly took a walk along the lake that is the centerpiece of the Recreation Area.  They found beautiful views and some spectacular birds.  I finished the CW QRP activation in about an hour, with 11 contacts split between the 40m and 20m bands.  It turned out that six of the contacts were with activators working in other parks, and one of those activators was working from a 2-fer location, so I got credit for 12 contacts in total.  Following the activation, I packed up, and we headed out toward Iowa and our second activation of the day.

Becky captured this picture of the glassy-smooth lake.  Beautiful.
Molly posed for a picture during her walk beside the lake.
This Great Blue Heron was looking for breakfast.
Map of CW contacts from US-2311.

Great Salt Lake SP, UT

The Great Salt Lake is one of the state’s best known geographic features, so it was natural to look for a park near the lake as we planned for an activation in Utah.  Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075), on the southern tip of the lake, seemed like a good choice.    We had no idea what a GREAT choice it would be.  Stopping at the park was also convenient for eating our lunch, since we would arrive there mid-day.  US-3075 has scenic views of the lake and surrounding mountains, a marina for pleasure boats that sail the lake, beaches for swimming, and it had at least one unoccupied, shaded picnic table that worked well for activating. Continue reading Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

Glen Explores Utah with the KH1: Seven Parks in Six Days

Seven Parks, Six Days in Utah with the KH1

by Glen (KC8LA)

In November 2023, the YL had the chance to go to Salt Lake City to collaborate with professional genealogists at the Family Search Library to assist with her family tree. It proved to be a very productive week for her, filled with tips, tricks, and new search areas. Normally, I wouldn’t take a trip like this since I’m still working, but this is something she’s passionate about. I then realized I’ve never been to Utah; they have parks, I have a KH1, and I enjoy exploring. For a few extra dollars and a rental car, I’m going.

I began my research on parks located within an hour of Salt Lake City (SLC). On a whim, I reached out to Forrest KI7QCF for suggestions, and he was happy to help. I ultimately chose five parks in and around SLC: This Is The Place Heritage Park (US-5950), East Canyon State Park (US-3068), Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075), Antelope Island (US-3062), and Jordanelle State Park (US-3080). Unsure of what to expect from the TSA, I decided to simply bring my Elecraft KH1 Edgewood package charger and spare key. All my activations would be PM. Let’s see what happens; I’ll still enjoy exploring.

This Is The Place Heritage Park (US-5950)

This is the Place Heritage Park (US-5950)

Day one took me to This Is The Place Heritage Park (US-5950). After checking out all the attractions, I set up in a parking lot at the base of a mountain and made twenty contacts, all on 20m. One down. The plan was to activate one park per day. As I was logging my activation, I discovered that Pony Express National Trail (US-4578) runs through US-5950.

Pony Express National Trail (US-4578)

New plan! I returned to the park on day two for my first twofer. Standing under the Pony Express Monument, I made thirteen contacts between heavy snow squalls—running for the car whenever needed! All on 20m.

East Canyon State Park (US-3068) and East Canyon WMA (US-10564)

East Canyon State Park (US-3068)

Day three took me to East Canyon State Park (US-3068). The hour-long drive was scenic and beautiful, winding through the mountains. While en route, I discovered East Canyon WMA (US-10564).

East Canyon WMA (US-10564)

Guess what I did on the way back? I managed eleven contacts in each park within the available time. Four down!

The next morning, I noticed my radio’s charge light was still on. I didn’t think much of it, as I had plugged it in later in the evening.

Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075)

Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075)

Day four brought me to Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075). The lake, mountains, and islands were stunning. It was a bit hazy, but just being there and exploring was great. After taking in the scenery, I set up and got fourteen contacts on 20m. Five down! However, I noticed my battery indicator was only showing half charge—unusual after just an hour’s use.

After the activation, I went exploring. There’s a large square black rock about 200 yards out in the lake that settlers once used as a diving platform. I wanted a closer look. Just a big rock that rolled off the mountain sometime in the last 100,000 years—very much out of place. On the way back, I discovered that the California National Historic Trail ran close to the park. With my battery in question, I decided against another activation.

Antelope Island State Park (US-3062)

Antelope Island State Park (US-3062)

Day five took me to Antelope Island—my favorite park of the trip. The drive over the seven-mile causeway was breathtaking. I opted to activate first. Just inside the park, I found a driveway winding up a hill to what looked like a seasonal restaurant. There was a 250-foot rise above the parking lot, which I climbed for my activation. The 360-degree view was incredible.

During my activation, a Korean student on a field trip asked what I was doing. He was very interested as I explained amateur radio and its possibilities. I suggested he investigate it further when he got home. He thanked me and rejoined his group. We are ambassadors to the world!

I continued my activation and made thirteen contacts—before my radio died. ?!?!? Six down. Would I get another? Had I worn out my battery in just seven months? Long story short, a couple of components in the charging unit had failed, limiting it to 10V. Elecraft repaired it under warranty.

For the next few hours, I explored the island, encountering bison, deer, waterfowl, cattle, grasslands, mountains, and a working ranch from the early 1800s. It was a wonderful day. I think of this park often.

Jordanelle State Park (US-3080)

Jordanelle State Park (US-3080)

Day six took me to Jordanelle State Park (US-3080). The drive was exhilarating for a flatlander from Ohio—mountain passes, sweeping curves, and 75 mph speeds! Had I dared to blink, I’m sure the scenery would have been even more amazing.

The park was beautiful, with a lake, campground, beach, walking trail, and boating areas. If we return, I’ll park the RV there. I decided to set up at the beach for my activation. To conserve power, I turned off everything unnecessary and set the radio to low power—1W with a 1:1 SWR. Could a 1W PM activation be done? Yes! It took over an hour, but I made twelve contacts using 20m, 17m, and 15m.

Final Thoughts

We had a great trip. The YL received invaluable help and information, making breakthroughs in her family tree. I had fun exploring, taking pictures, and successfully completing seven activations. As a bonus, we attended a Wednesday night practice session of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir—an amazing experience.

As I mentioned in my last post, the KH1 has pushed me to explore more. Without it, I may never have visited SLC and the surrounding areas. I’m 67 years old, and while I won’t be climbing mountains anytime soon, the portability of this radio has taken me to places I’d never been before. Hopefully, there will be many more to come!

Pedestrian Mobile at Pullman: Tim’s Sunrise POTA Activation in Chicago

Sunrise Activation in the Windy City

by Tim (W8TMI)

I was recently traveling for work to Chicago, IL. I wouldn’t think of a big city as the first place for one of my radios to go, but the KH1 doesn’t take up much room and it’s a new toy I’ve been wanting to play with. I took a train from my home in Michigan to Union Station in Chicago where I was staying downtown. Taking a look at the POTA map there aren’t many opportunities to activate a park.

The map feature on the POTA.app

I don’t always sleep well away from home and Illinois is one hour behind Michigan. I woke around 5:30 AM local time which fits my normal routine. I was wide awake and I didn’t have any appointments until much later in the morning. Time to take a look at the local train system.

METRA Electric Line

I found the METRA Electric Line that ran from Millennium Station downtown to well past the stop I was looking for, 111th St Pullman.This stop brought me to a former factory that built train cars from 1881-1968 and was turned into a national monument.  Pullman National Monument (US-7917) which is owned and operated by the National Parks Service.

Finding this route I suited up, packed my bag, and headed out into the early morning dark. I was aiming to make Millennium Station by 6:35 and it was about a mile from my hotel. The sun wasn’t providing much light once I ventured out and the temp was around 23° F°/-5° C°. I stopped a few times to snap some quick pics while trying to make it to the station on time. The color from the sunrise appears much better in the pictures than to the naked eye.

The Chicago river from the Michigan Ave bridge

I made it to the station by 6:25. Plenty of time to buy my ticket and make it to the train. The 6:35 train would make it to 111th St around 7:04 depending on how late it ran. My plan was to make the 8:24 return train giving me an hour and twenty minutes to operate and secure the activation. There was an earlier departure from 111th at 7:34, but that seemed ambitious. If I made a later train at 9:36 I would be delayed an additional 30 minutes due to construction on the line. 7:04-8:24 sounded like plenty of time to activate the park.

Pullman National Monument at 7:08 AM

Given the time in the morning I decided to give the AXE a try on 40m. My KH1 field kit contains a 20’ counterpoise extender of 26 awg silicone wire to add to the 13’ standard counterpoise that I use for 15m-20m. Deployment took under a minute and I was able to find a frequency and lock my VFO in so I don’t bump it while operating pedestrian mobile.

The Elecraft KH1 with AXE operating pedestrian Mobile on 40m

I had the activation scheduled and began calling CQ. I noticed the RBN picked my station up almost immediately based on the POTA spotting page. My PoLo app (Portable Logger) was set up and ready to copy. I do a hybrid method of logging, I copy callsigns via the paper sheets in the logging tray and then enter them with my free hand into the app. This keeps the time sync easier when going to upload the log.

According to the app my first contact was in the log at 7:14 and the final (13th) was logged at 7:31. I had walked into the park 23 minutes prior and had 13 contacts after setting up my station. This also meant that I didn’t need to wait for the 8:24 train, the 7:34 train should work. I packed my gear up and dashed to the station. Thankfully trains have a tendency to run a little later than scheduled and I was easily able to make it. Back to the hotel where a hot breakfast waited.

I don’t believe this activation would have been possible if it weren’t for the KH1. Which is exactly why I have it. Easy to always have on me and bring pretty much anywhere. The deployment speed coupled with the activation speed is unmatched in my experience. The radio is a premium niche product that I am glad I don’t have to live without. I’m looking forward to many more activations with it.

Here are a few other photos from the trip down south.

Maps, Miles, and Morse: K3ES’ POTA Adventures in National Forests and Grasslands Across the West

Activating on the Road:  National Forests and National Grasslands

by Brian (K3ES)

After a short break, with life getting in the way, this article continues my series on our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with a couple more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.

One of the goals of our great 2024 adventure was to make significant progress toward the Activated All States award for Parks on the Air (POTA).  To do this, we planned our route across the American west to pass through all of the Western states that I still needed to activate.  Since we still planned to spend time visiting with my parents at their home in California, we kept our travel time limited to about 2 weeks for the outbound trip and 1-1/2 weeks for the return trip.  While our route would meander, we had to limit the time we spent in each of the states.  Thus, many of the parks where we stopped were chosen because they were located very close to our planned driving route, and could be activated during a short break during the travel day.

To make activation planning work, we became very familiar with maps:  Google Maps, the mapping function of POTA.app, a big handful of state highway maps from the American Automobile Association (AAA), and the National Park Road Atlas.  While mapping with POTA.app was our go-to resource for choosing parks, it does have one significant drawback:  there is only one locator pin for each park, which fails to convey the full extent of some vast entities.  This is particularly true for National Forests (NFs) and National Grasslands (NGs).  If you are trying to activate entities near your planned travel route through the American west, there is a good chance that you will find yourself within the boundaries of a NF or NG, and chances are equally good that the pin representing that entity on the POTA.app map will not be found anywhere near your current location.

We discovered that the expansive NFs and NGs were represented well on our paper highway maps, and were also well marked with signs along the highways.  These entities, operated by the Department of Agriculture, have no general admission fee, are typically not crowded with people, and are generally a permissive environment for POTA operators.  By permissive environment, I mean that there were not restrictive rules about antennas, ropes, wires, and use of trees.  Some of these entities have picnic areas, campgrounds, and trails that can serve a POTA activator well, but it is also possible to find road-side sites that are suitable for quick activations.  The following sections contain brief reports on the six NFs and NGs that we activated during our trip.

Buffalo Gap National Grassland US-7487

We found a trail head parking area in Buffalo Gap NG, located just outside the entrance gate to Badlands National Park in South Dakota.  Having finished our drive through Badlands, I decided to do a quick activation of the adjacent entity.  Although the trailhead area had few amenities, I was quick to take advantage of one:  a couple of small trees that provided a patch of shade for the truck on a hot and bright afternoon.

On the air from US-7487 for a CW QRP activation.
The truck is parked in the shade, with my collapsible fishing pole tied to the back bumper to support the antenna.

I set up using my Tufteln 35 ft end-fed random wire (EFRW) antenna, with a  collapsible fishing pole supporting the apex for the inverted V configuration.  I operated for less than 40 minutes on the 20m band, as usual running CW at 5 watts, and logged 34 contacts.  That was a spectacular success in my book!

This map shows the contacts made from US-7487.

Black Hills National Forest US-4524

A few miles down the road from Mount Rushmore National Monument, we found the Breezy Point Picnic Area in Black Hills NF.  Having already activated Mount Rushmore, we stopped to eat our lunch, use the comfort facilities, and give POTA dog Molly a chance to stretch her legs.  In keeping with the name, there was a pleasant breeze.  The temperature was comfortable, and there were a number of picnic tables shaded by adjacent trees.  Naturally, I took the time to set up my station to activate this new-to-me South Dakota entity while we were there.

Setting up to operate from the picnic table, with the throw line supporting my antenna in the background.
On the air at US-4524.

I threw a line up into the branches of a tall evergreen tree beside my picnic table, and pulled up my Tufteln 35 ft EFRW antenna into a near vertical configuration.  In a bit less than 30 minutes, I logged 22 QRP CW contacts to complete a successful activation.

This map shows the contacts made from US-4524.

Oglala National Grassland US-7478

The truck in US-7478, with the collapsible fishing pole located behind it to support the antenna.

Having spent a few days enjoying spectacular sights in southwestern South Dakota, we were close to the corner of Nebraska, and wanted to make a quick hop across the border for an activation before continuing our travel northwest into Wyoming.  Consulting our maps, we found that part of Oglala NG was located just across the border, making it very convenient for a quick activation.  We followed a highway across the border, turned onto a gravel road, and followed it a short distance to the sign for Oglala NG. Continue reading Maps, Miles, and Morse: K3ES’ POTA Adventures in National Forests and Grasslands Across the West

Snow, Sand, and Solar Storms: Tim’s New Year’s Eve Radio Adventure

New Year’s Eve Sand Dune SOTA & POTA

by Tim (W8TMI)

My wife and I head to Northern Michigan over the New Year’s holiday almost every year. It’s a nice way to wrap up the year and the busy holiday season. Most of our friends and family obligations are met, and we can spend time unwinding and exploring the wonderful things that Michigan has to offer.

This year was no exception. We found a nice place to stay in Frankfort, Michigan. Several breweries, eateries, coffee houses, hiking trails, miles of shoreline, and a local bookstore made this an ideal location for a few days with nothing pressing to accomplish.

Being a ham, I always take a peek around to see what POTA and SOTA entities may be nearby wherever we end up staying. I was in luck, there was a SOTA within a POTA just north of where we were staying. Along the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (US-0767) is Empire Bluffs sand dunes (W8M/LP-019). This was too much to resist.

Sleeping Bear Dune National Lakeshore

As the plans firmed up around our timeline and bookings, my mind began to imagine the activation. I am well versed in POTA activations and have many tricks to overcome beaches, snow, lack of picnic tables, lack of trees, and many other things that can come my way. My mind began to question if I had the right gear to make this happen and I began to plan for a setup that could be deployed and operated in harsh conditions with little assistance from the environment around me.

I have learned from my previous experiences on the sand dunes of the Great Lakes that  conditions can be challenging. I knew I would more than likely face snow on the ground, new snow in the air, wind, cold temps, sand, narrow dune peaks, local vegetation, and the challenge to hike all of my gear to the spot. Now it was time to take what I had and turn it into the SOTA/POTA setup that could get the job done.

The antenna would be the GabilGRA-7350  [QRPer.com affiliate link] with three 13’ radials deployed out as far as I could get them. Gabil recommends setting the antenna to the general resonance area marked on the coil and using a wide range tuner to finish the job. I have found this to be true, especially analyzing the antenna on the soil in my backyard where I can get a 1:1 SWR match versus the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan.

Gabil GRA-7350, spare whip, and three 13′ counterpoises attached via 2mm banana plugs

I chose the CFT1 as my radio. It covers the bands that I would more than likely operate and with the Tufteln face cover it weighs around 8 oz.

20 meters being the primary band because with the wind and cold, I knew speed would be paramount. For the tuner and battery, I chose the mAT-10 ATU and the Talentcell 3000 mA Li-Ion [QRPer.com affiliate link]. Finally, the N0SA M7 iambic paddle.

CFT1, mAT-10 tuner, Talentcell battery, N0SA M7, Rite in the Rain book and pencil

To bring this kit together in a way that I could operate standing up, I needed some kind of bag or pouch to wear that would allow access to the tune button on the tuner, the volume and VFO on the radio, ability to log, and key without having to hold on to the paddle. As a fly fisherman I thought about a sling pack or a chest pack, but neither would work with any of my backpacks I planned to haul the antenna.

My friend Erik (WS3D) recommended a waist pack. At first glance I wasn’t sure this could meet my needs. Off to the local shopping center I went to see if I could find some options that could accommodate my SOTA kit. After going into five different stores that had some forms of waist packs, my local athletics sporting goods store had one that I thought might work with some minor modifications.

It was small, which meant it could easily fit into the backpack I planned to use. Once I got home, I was able to stuff each component into one of the several pockets provided on the pack. The question remained: how do I key without holding the paddle?

Following the tip provided by N0SA who designed and made the M7, Velcro attached to the bottom of the key would allow adhesion to the pack. I was able to purchase some of the “loop” material from JoAnn and got to work with my sewing machine. A small 2”x3” portion on the right side of the pack would allow for right hand keying while I kept the logger in my left hand. Keeping my right hand free to operate the message functions, volume, and VFO of the radio if needed.

Outdoor Gear fanny pack with sewn on hook and loop patch

I had a kit and a plan, now to get to it. Continue reading Snow, Sand, and Solar Storms: Tim’s New Year’s Eve Radio Adventure

Portable POTA Hunting in Beaufort: A Relaxing Back-Yard Session with the Elecraft KH1

Wednesday, December 18, 2024, was a full but wonderful day. My wife, daughters, Hazel the dog, and I spent it exploring Beaufort, Morehead City, and Atlantic Beach, North Carolina—coastal towns all within a ten-minute drive of one another.

The KX2 and AX1 earlier that day at Fort Macon State Park.

We started the morning at the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores. While my wife and one of my daughters enjoyed some shopping later, I managed a quick activation at Fort Macon State Park. (You can read that report and watch the activation video here.)

Afterward, we returned to our Airbnb vacation home around 2:00 p.m. for a late lunch. My daughters, still busy despite the holidays, were working on scholarship essays. With their fall term completed online due to Hurricane Helene’s damage in Asheville, they were determined to tackle deadlines before the new year.

While they worked, I felt the pull of POTA (Parks on the Air). However, I wasn’t in the mood for another car ride—especially not a 25-minute drive to the next site. Instead, I decided on a low-key radio session in the backyard, followed by some quiet time with a Sherlock Holmes mystery.

Before dinner, we planned to stroll through Beaufort’s historic district and waterfront. The constant low fog that day had transformed the scenery into something almost magical—perfect for an evening walk. (I’ve included some photos below for those interested!)

Portable POTA Hunting

Hazel, of course, wanted to participate!

I’d already discovered during the previous day’s hunting session that the Airbnb’s backyard had an impressively low noise floor for an urban area.

I suspect it was because many vacation homes in the neighborhood—including the one next door, which was vacant and on the market—were unoccupied during the off-season. Whatever the reason, it was a pleasant surprise for this QRPer.

KH1 Makes it Easy

My Elecraft KH1 has become my go-to radio for backyard sessions. Not only is it incredibly quick to deploy, but it’s also designed for handheld operation. No need to set up an antenna or find a place to sit—I can simply walk around, optimizing received signal strength and avoiding potential noise sources.

For this session, I grabbed the KH1, its whip antenna, and a 13-foot counterpoise. At the last minute, I also decided to bring my camera to record the experience. Though less action-packed than an activation, I thought it might still be worth sharing.

I kept things simple, using only the KH1’s internal speaker. While it’s not the best performer, I appreciate that Elecraft managed to include it—it’s a feature I wish my vintage KX1 had!


My full KH1 kit built into a Pelican M40 case.

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Radio and Antenna System

Camera and Audio Gear

On The Air

All screenshots from my action camera (I forgot to take photos with my iPhone!)

POTA hunting is a completely different experience from activating—and I love it.

As an activator, you’re in the spotlight, managing pileups and logging contacts as fast as possible. As a hunter with a handheld 5-watt radio and a 4-foot whip antenna, the challenge is flipped: you have to make yourself heard amidst louder stations, all with the goal of practicing good operating etiquette. Continue reading Portable POTA Hunting in Beaufort: A Relaxing Back-Yard Session with the Elecraft KH1

Coastal QRP: Chasing High-Bands with the Elecraft KX2 and AX1 at Fort Macon State Park

Two weeks ago, my family and I enjoyed a short vacation in lovely Beaufort, NC.

Although POTA wasn’t the focus of this trip—family time was—I managed to squeeze in two wonderful portable activations.

The first was a pedestrian mobile activation on Cape Lookout National Seashore. It was simply magical. I’ve always wanted to try a pedestrian mobile activation with my antenna counterpoise dangling in saltwater, so this was a first for me.

The second activation took place the following day, on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

A Flexible Plan

That morning, I had an activation site in mind but didn’t want to set anything in stone. I wanted my wife and daughters to enjoy their day doing whatever they wanted.

My Trakke EDC backpack containing no less than two full field kits!

Of course, as we walked out the door, I brought along my EDC backpack, which contained my Elecraft KH1 and KX2 compact field kits—just in case!

The NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores

Our first stop was the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores. While we’ve visited the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher numerous times, this was our first trip to Pine Knoll Shores, and we were glad we went!

One of the aquarium staff, along with three divers, gave a presentation about sharks at their massive salt water tank.

The aquarium was beautiful, with an impressive amount of diversity.

Best of all, since it was off-season, we practically had the place to ourselves, save for one school group.

We even spotted this cute little owl.

Interestingly, the aquarium is located within a POTA site: Theodore Roosevelt State Conservation Area (US-3868). The conservation area can be accessed via a footpath that winds through the surrounding woodlands and marshes.

While I briefly considered activating there, I knew we only had time for one activation that day, and I had another site in mind!

Fort Macon State Park (US-2730)

We devised a plan: I dropped off my wife and one of my daughters at a large thrift store (my wife loves thrift shopping), while my other daughter, Neva, Hazel (our dog), and I drove eight minutes to the first Fort Macon State Park beach access point.

Fort Macon State Park is a real gem on North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. It’s got a little bit of everything—stunning beaches, a historic Civil War-era fort, and plenty of spots to enjoy the outdoors. The beaches are perfect for strolling, hunting for seashells, or just soaking in the ocean views, while the fort itself is packed with history and interesting exhibits. It’s also a great spot for birdwatching or fishing if that’s your thing.

I had scouted out the beach access parking lot earlier and discovered a picnic shelter that provided a much-needed wind break for the blustery day.

The goal? To be gone no longer than one hour. Factoring in the 16-18 minutes of driving (round trip), that left me about 40 minutes to deploy my station, complete the activation, pack up, and return.

Time challenge

Every time I devise a plan to complete an activation within a set amount of time, I get a bit of a thrill. It reminds me of Darren McGavin’s character, the father in A Christmas Story. When the car’s tire blows out, he doesn’t see it as an inconvenience; he sees it as a challenge and times himself replacing the tire.

Like “The Old Man” Parker, I get a kick out of timing myself during activations. I can almost hear Jean Shepherd narrating my efforts!

KX2 + AX1 to the Rescue

Since I used the KH1 the previous day at Cape Lookout, I decided to deploy my Elecraft KX2 at Fort Macon.

Again, I’d already scouted the picnic shelter during a brief visit our first evening in Beaufort. It was in a fenced area surrounded by protected dunes, with no natural antenna supports like trees or brush. Since I had packed light with just my EDC backpack, I didn’t have my carbon fiber mast or a self-supporting vertical like my MC-750.

In the past, I’ve been known to simply hang a random wire antenna over the roof trusses of a picnic shelter, and it has worked quite well in a pinch. While this was certainly an option, I also knew from experience that threading the antenna through the trusses can be a bit finicky and time-consuming.

There was no need to fiddle with a wire antenna when I had my uber-portable Elecraft AX1 antenna in the KX2 field kit case.

Setting up the KX2 and AX1 takes two minutes at a casual pace. If I’m in a hurry, I can get them paired and ready to operate in under a minute. With the gear ready, it was time to see if propagation would cooperate!


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Camera/Audio Gear

On The Air

Funny enough, as I started my activation, Neva took Hazel for a walk on the beach. However, Hazel had other plans—she put on her brakes and refused to venture far. She insisted on staying with me at the shelter, so Neva tied her leash nearby and went off on her own gusty beach walk. Continue reading Coastal QRP: Chasing High-Bands with the Elecraft KX2 and AX1 at Fort Macon State Park

Cape Lookout Activation: A Family Adventure and Saltwater Experiment

Last Sunday, my family set out on a trip across North Carolina, from the mountains to the coast. Our destination was Beaufort, a charming coastal town I hadn’t visited in 17 years. This quick pre-Christmas getaway was a surprise for my daughters—and for Hazel, our dog, who loves adventure just as much as we do.

Planning for the Trip

Since our Subaru Forester was destroyed during Hurricane Helene, we’ve been relying on our Volvo C40 Recharge. While it’s a fantastic car, its limited cargo space made packing for this trip a challenge. I initially planned to squeeze in luggage, food, and radio gear for the five of us (including Hazel).

However, the logistics got tricky. Everyone packed light, but it would have been a tight fit, especially since we’d need to bring Hazel’s portable (folding) kennel. To complicate things further, we would have to stop for at least one full charge each way during the 13-hour round trip, adding 30–50 minutes to each leg of the journey.

When I learned the level 2 charger near our rental house in Beaufort might be out of service, I decided to rent a minivan instead. Thanks to our insurance provider, AMICA, the process was easy and straightforward. The added space made the trip much more comfortable.

Even with the roomier minivan, I stuck to my original plan for radio gear, bringing only my Elecraft KX2 and KH1, both neatly packed in my EDC backpack.

Arriving in Beaufort

We arrived in Beaufort on Sunday afternoon. Our AirBnB rental was perfectly situated within walking distance of the historic downtown. The home was cozy, and the location couldn’t have been better for exploring the area.

On Monday, we spent the day wandering through Beaufort, soaking in the town’s charm and history. Then, on Tuesday, December 17, we headed to Harker’s Island for a short ferry ride to Cape Lookout National Seashore and its iconic lighthouse.

The Ferry Ride

Spotting Cape Lookout Lighthouse with a low, thin ceiling

Hazel turned out to be a huge fan of ferry rides—she couldn’t get enough of speeding across the water in a small boat (and the attention of the eight others on the boat with us)!

Since it was the off-season, the island was nearly deserted, with maybe a dozen other visitors in total.

The weather was ideal: light winds, and temperatures that made it feel like pure bliss.

A Saltwater Ground-Plane Activation

You might recall from a previous post that I’d been looking forward to trying something new: a POTA activation with my antenna’s counterpoise wire dangling directly in the ocean.

[Many thanks to my daughter Neva (K4TLI) for some of these photos!]

Although I’ve activated several POTA sites near saltwater—Myrtle Beach State Park, Huntington Beach State Park, and Cape Hatteras National Seashore (on the Pamlico Sound and at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse) to name a few—this was my first time actually standing in the water with my counterpoise submerged.

Cape Lookout, with its stunning lighthouse and pristine beaches, provided the perfect setting for this experiment.

The Activation

While my wife, daughters, and Hazel explored the beaches near the lighthouse, I headed to the calm waters of Lookout Bight with my Elecraft KH1. Since we arrived at the island around 10:30 AM and needed to catch the return ferry by 1:30 PM, I limited my activation to under an hour to maximize family time.

Standing at the water’s edge, I let the KH1’s counterpoise wire dangle into the saltwater while operating pedestrian mobile. Did it make a dramatic difference in signal propagation? I can’t say for certain, other than the results were amazing!


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Radio and Antenna System

Camera and Audio Gear

On The Air

I had scheduled this activation before leaving that morning, assuming I wouldn’t have mobile coverage on the island. Surprisingly, we had excellent signals there.

My plan was straightforward: start on 17 meters, move to 15 meters, and finish on 20 meters. Since I didn’t bring my AXE 40M coil or the longer counterpoise, I planned to skip 30 and 40 meters. With limited time, I doubted I could fit those bands into the activation anyway. Continue reading Cape Lookout Activation: A Family Adventure and Saltwater Experiment