Tag Archives: Molly

POTA, Landmarks, and Unexpected Wonders: Brian, Becky, and Molly’s Journey Home

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 2

by Brian (K3ES)

Welcome to Pennsylvania, the Land of Road Construction!

This article continues my series from our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with one or two more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.  In this report, I plan to cover some of the parks and places we found during the trip that were interesting and spectacular beyond our expectations.

As we traveled across the country from Pennsylvania to California and back, we spent a lot of time looking for parks to activate, and sights to see.  While we tried to keep the sights and parks interesting, some of them were unexpectedly amazing, and I would like to share a few of those here.  Part 2 covers our east-bound trip homeward to Pennsylvania.

Tehachapi Loop, CA

Historical Marker for the Tehachapi Loop.

The Tehachapi Loop is a railroad wonder constructed from 1874 to 1876 to ease the grade for the Southern Pacific rail line, as it crosses over Tehachapi Pass.  The Loop is located on the western side of the pass, near Bakersfield, CA, and it consists of a helical track section that enables the head of the train to pass over the trailing end as it moves up the grade.  This is, of course, reversed for a train headed down the hill.  Through the ¾ mile loop, the train gains or loses 77 ft of elevation, and the loop’s extra distance along the grade permits the train to ascend or descend a more gradual slope.

On the first day of the homeward leg of our journey, we drove away from the main travel route to stop at an overlook that gave a great view of the Tehachapi Loop.  The Loop is not a POTA entity, so I made no attempt to activate it.  Thankfully, an east-bound Union Pacific mixed-freight train came along for its own type of activation.  As a railroad buff, married into a railroad family, I greatly appreciated watching the loop in action.  If you are ever in the area, it is well worth a short detour away from California Route 58 to see this iconic railroad engineering marvel.

Winslow, AZ

One of the high points of the entire trip for Becky was a chance to stop in Winslow, AZ.  Becky is a fan of music, almost any type of music, but the music of her youth really gets her toes tapping.  So, being the one standin’ on the corner in Winslow, Arizona was really meaningful for her.  She loves the Eagles, and can sing along with Take It Easy without missing a beat.  Of all the places we went, things we saw, and memories we made on this trip, Winslow, Arizona will always hold a special place in her heart.  Sadly, like the Tehachapi Loop, this particular corner is not a POTA entity.

Becky is standing on the corner with the “troubadour” statue, which resembles Jackson Browne.
Becky with Glenn Frey.
Take it Easy.

Fort Union NM, NM

The first facilities at Fort Union National Monument (US-0933) were built in 1851, following the annexation of New Mexico by the United States after the Mexican-American War.  Rough log structures housed and defended the troops and supplies for protecting the Santa Fe Trail.  Over the years, the facility became increasingly important as a regional transportation hub and supply base for United States Army troops.

Early in the Civil War, Fort Union was moved to a occupy a commanding hill top, and rebuilt as a star-shaped earthen structure to make it defensible against troops with longer-range arms and artillery.  It was hoped that this would allow the fort to better defend against Confederate Forces moving into New Mexico.  Before the fort’s defenses could be tested, the attacking Confederate army was defeated and turned back by Union troops at the Battle of Glorieta Pass, so they never reached Fort Union.

This Civil War-era artillery piece now guards the Visitor Center at US-0933.

The fort was rebuilt again by 1869, incorporating a large complex of adobe brick structures.  The Fort Union garrison’s responsibility to protect the Santa Fe Trail involved escorting traffic along the trail during periods of conflict with Native American tribes.  As the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad was expanded across the southwest, the mission to protect the Santa Fe Trail became less and less important.  Fort Union was finally abandoned in 1891, until its preservation as a National Monument in the early 1950s.

Jails are usually stoutly constructed.  The post guardhouse has withstood many of the ravages of time.

The visitor center has great information about the history and significance of Fort Union, along with a gift shop.  Becky and I took turns exploring the visitor center, as one of us needed to stay outside with Molly.  The site itself is beautiful, with well-interpreted layout and ruins from the 3rd Fort Union.  You can see the remains of officer quarters, troop barracks, stables, a large hospital, and associated facilities.  If you are ever in the area, the Fort Union National Monument is well worth visiting. Continue reading POTA, Landmarks, and Unexpected Wonders: Brian, Becky, and Molly’s Journey Home

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

by Brian (K3ES)

This two-part article continues my series from our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with one or two more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.  In this report, I plan to cover some of the parks and places we found during the trip that were interesting and spectacular beyond our expectations.

As we traveled across the country from Pennsylvania to California and back, we spent a lot of time looking for parks to activate, and sights to see.  While we tried to keep the sights and parks interesting, some of them were unexpectedly amazing, and I would like to share a few of those here.  Part 1 covers our westward trip from Pennsylvania to California.

Moraine View SRA, IL

Since I had already activated parks in Ohio and Indiana, we planned to do our first activation of the trip in Illinois.  To be honest, we chose Moraine View State Recreation Area (US-2311) as our Illinois park, because it was at the right place and the right time.  We had committed to arrive at my niece’s home in Minnesota at the end of our third travel day.  To stay on schedule for this, I needed to complete two activations (Illinois and Iowa), along with ending the the second day’s travel in Prarie du Chien, WI.  We picked US-2311 as the park for Illinois, because it was close to our travel route, and at the right distance from home for our first day’s drive.  That way I could do an early morning activation and be on the road quickly.

Activating US-2311 from a picnic table.  The perforated table top provide a perfect method to hold the collapsible fishing pole that I used to support my antenna.

Choosing a park based on proximity to the travel route might seem like a poor way to find spectacular parks for activating, but that does not account for having Becky engaged in the process.  In this case, she picked our first gem of the trip.  I set up in a shady picnic area to activate, while she and Molly took a walk along the lake that is the centerpiece of the Recreation Area.  They found beautiful views and some spectacular birds.  I finished the CW QRP activation in about an hour, with 11 contacts split between the 40m and 20m bands.  It turned out that six of the contacts were with activators working in other parks, and one of those activators was working from a 2-fer location, so I got credit for 12 contacts in total.  Following the activation, I packed up, and we headed out toward Iowa and our second activation of the day.

Becky captured this picture of the glassy-smooth lake.  Beautiful.
Molly posed for a picture during her walk beside the lake.
This Great Blue Heron was looking for breakfast.
Map of CW contacts from US-2311.

Great Salt Lake SP, UT

The Great Salt Lake is one of the state’s best known geographic features, so it was natural to look for a park near the lake as we planned for an activation in Utah.  Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075), on the southern tip of the lake, seemed like a good choice.    We had no idea what a GREAT choice it would be.  Stopping at the park was also convenient for eating our lunch, since we would arrive there mid-day.  US-3075 has scenic views of the lake and surrounding mountains, a marina for pleasure boats that sail the lake, beaches for swimming, and it had at least one unoccupied, shaded picnic table that worked well for activating. Continue reading Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

Maps, Miles, and Morse: K3ES’ POTA Adventures in National Forests and Grasslands Across the West

Activating on the Road:  National Forests and National Grasslands

by Brian (K3ES)

After a short break, with life getting in the way, this article continues my series on our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with a couple more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.

One of the goals of our great 2024 adventure was to make significant progress toward the Activated All States award for Parks on the Air (POTA).  To do this, we planned our route across the American west to pass through all of the Western states that I still needed to activate.  Since we still planned to spend time visiting with my parents at their home in California, we kept our travel time limited to about 2 weeks for the outbound trip and 1-1/2 weeks for the return trip.  While our route would meander, we had to limit the time we spent in each of the states.  Thus, many of the parks where we stopped were chosen because they were located very close to our planned driving route, and could be activated during a short break during the travel day.

To make activation planning work, we became very familiar with maps:  Google Maps, the mapping function of POTA.app, a big handful of state highway maps from the American Automobile Association (AAA), and the National Park Road Atlas.  While mapping with POTA.app was our go-to resource for choosing parks, it does have one significant drawback:  there is only one locator pin for each park, which fails to convey the full extent of some vast entities.  This is particularly true for National Forests (NFs) and National Grasslands (NGs).  If you are trying to activate entities near your planned travel route through the American west, there is a good chance that you will find yourself within the boundaries of a NF or NG, and chances are equally good that the pin representing that entity on the POTA.app map will not be found anywhere near your current location.

We discovered that the expansive NFs and NGs were represented well on our paper highway maps, and were also well marked with signs along the highways.  These entities, operated by the Department of Agriculture, have no general admission fee, are typically not crowded with people, and are generally a permissive environment for POTA operators.  By permissive environment, I mean that there were not restrictive rules about antennas, ropes, wires, and use of trees.  Some of these entities have picnic areas, campgrounds, and trails that can serve a POTA activator well, but it is also possible to find road-side sites that are suitable for quick activations.  The following sections contain brief reports on the six NFs and NGs that we activated during our trip.

Buffalo Gap National Grassland US-7487

We found a trail head parking area in Buffalo Gap NG, located just outside the entrance gate to Badlands National Park in South Dakota.  Having finished our drive through Badlands, I decided to do a quick activation of the adjacent entity.  Although the trailhead area had few amenities, I was quick to take advantage of one:  a couple of small trees that provided a patch of shade for the truck on a hot and bright afternoon.

On the air from US-7487 for a CW QRP activation.
The truck is parked in the shade, with my collapsible fishing pole tied to the back bumper to support the antenna.

I set up using my Tufteln 35 ft end-fed random wire (EFRW) antenna, with a  collapsible fishing pole supporting the apex for the inverted V configuration.  I operated for less than 40 minutes on the 20m band, as usual running CW at 5 watts, and logged 34 contacts.  That was a spectacular success in my book!

This map shows the contacts made from US-7487.

Black Hills National Forest US-4524

A few miles down the road from Mount Rushmore National Monument, we found the Breezy Point Picnic Area in Black Hills NF.  Having already activated Mount Rushmore, we stopped to eat our lunch, use the comfort facilities, and give POTA dog Molly a chance to stretch her legs.  In keeping with the name, there was a pleasant breeze.  The temperature was comfortable, and there were a number of picnic tables shaded by adjacent trees.  Naturally, I took the time to set up my station to activate this new-to-me South Dakota entity while we were there.

Setting up to operate from the picnic table, with the throw line supporting my antenna in the background.
On the air at US-4524.

I threw a line up into the branches of a tall evergreen tree beside my picnic table, and pulled up my Tufteln 35 ft EFRW antenna into a near vertical configuration.  In a bit less than 30 minutes, I logged 22 QRP CW contacts to complete a successful activation.

This map shows the contacts made from US-4524.

Oglala National Grassland US-7478

The truck in US-7478, with the collapsible fishing pole located behind it to support the antenna.

Having spent a few days enjoying spectacular sights in southwestern South Dakota, we were close to the corner of Nebraska, and wanted to make a quick hop across the border for an activation before continuing our travel northwest into Wyoming.  Consulting our maps, we found that part of Oglala NG was located just across the border, making it very convenient for a quick activation.  We followed a highway across the border, turned onto a gravel road, and followed it a short distance to the sign for Oglala NG. Continue reading Maps, Miles, and Morse: K3ES’ POTA Adventures in National Forests and Grasslands Across the West

From Bluffs to Barges: K3ES’ CW Adventures at Pikes Peak State Park (in Iowa)!

Activating on the Road:  Pikes Peak State Park is Where???

by Brian (K3ES)

During our road trip across the country and back (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road), Becky and I planned our route to enable me to complete at least one Parks on the Air (POTA) activation in each state across the American west.  One of the first parks that I activated on the trip was Pikes Peak State Park (US-2311) in Iowa.

You heard that right, Iowa.

This was one of my favorite activations during our time on the road.  I had an amazing view of the Mississippi River Valley while I was operating, and since this park was less than an hour from our final destination for the day, I had enough time to work plenty of contacts.

Molly wants you to know that Pikes Peak State Park (US-2311) is located in McGregor, Iowa.

When we arrived in the park, I took Molly the POTA Dog for a walk around the park.  She is always excited about a walk (particularly after riding in the truck for several hours), and it gave me the opportunity to scout the park for a good location to set up my station for the activation.  The park is located on a bluff, hundreds of feet above the river, with walking paths and overlook platforms offering great viewpoints.

A number of park visitors were enjoying the overlook platforms and the pathways, and I prefer to keep my station out of the way, so I settled on using a path-side stone bench for my activation.  The bench was located under some trees that provided both shade and support for my antenna, a perfect location.

Activating US-2311

This is the bench I selected for my operating position in the park.  Trees provided support for the antenna, and shade for the operator.  In the background is one of the platforms overlooking the Mississippi River Valley.

When we returned to the parking area, Becky took Molly, and set out on a hike to nearby Bridal Veil Falls.  I picked up my radio pack, and returned to the bench.  I tossed my throw line over a tree branch, and hoisted the Tufteln End-fed Random Wire (EFRW) antenna into a vertical configuration.  Laying out the 17 ft counterpoise wire along the ground, and attaching a 15 ft RG316 feedline completed the antenna deployment.

I placed my KX2 next to me on the bench, connected the feedline, power cable, earbuds, and VK3IL pressure paddles.  I opened my log book, secured it to a clipboard balanced on my knee, and was ready to get on the air.

Having caught a good tree limb with my throw line, I am preparing to hoist the 35 ft radiator wire of my EFRW antenna.
Here I am operating from my bench.  Another of the overlook platforms is visible in the background.
The view from my bench was great, and Molly came to share it with me for a few minutes before I finished the activation.

As always for new-to-me parks, I scheduled my activation in advance on POTA.app while I had a reliable internet connection.  That way, I was good to go, even if cellular service was unavailable at the activation site.  Since I operate in CW mode, I just had to find an open frequency and begin calling CQ.

The Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) picked me up, generated an automatic POTA spot, and calls began coming in.  In truth, even when I have data service available in a park, I seldom do more than monitor continued automatic spots.  The RBN even updates my spot when I change frequency or band.  The RBN spotting function works spectacularly well for a CW operator, even at QRP power levels.


This map shows the locations of hunters who made contact with me at US-2311.

I stayed on the air until after Becky and Molly returned from their walk.  In about 40 minutes on the air, I logged 27 CW contacts on the 20m and 30m bands.  The pace was steady, and I was able to work my way through all of the callers.  I am grateful to each of the hunters who tracked down my QRP signal, and stuck with me to complete a contact.

During our 6-week excursion, solar conditions were stable, and propagation was great.  The Tufteln EFRW antenna was quick to deploy, quick to pack, and performed impressively when paired with the KX2’s excellent internal tuner.


Note: All Amazon, and eBay links are affiliate links that support QRPer.com at no cost to you.

There are a number of birds visible in this view of the river valley.  They appear center-right as a string of white dots near brown islands. (Click image to enlarge)
A small boat passes a string of barges in the river.
The bluffs at the top of this view are located in Wisconsin, on the far side of the Mississippi River.

Final Thoughts

If you are ever find yourself in northeastern Iowa, I definitely recommend taking the time to see Pikes Peak State Park.  Activate this park, if you can.  The views are amazing.  If you can bring binoculars, or a long lens for your camera, so much the better.  We could see a large number of birds standing along sand bars in the river, but could only guess at the species.

Early fall is probably not the best time to view Bridal Veil Falls, but it should be spectacular in the spring.

Becky enjoyed the walk to Bridal Veil Falls.  It involved moderate elevation changes along the trail.  She was disappointed with the Falls themselves, because water flow was minimal after a dry period in early autumn.  The Falls should be much more impressive in the spring.

A panoramic view of the Mississippi River Valley.
Some views of the river peeked out from between the trees.
Becky reminds us not to miss the little things, even when we are surrounded by spectacular views.

Best 73 de Brian – K3ES, XYL Becky, and POTA Dog Molly

POTA Brings Us Together: Eyeball QSOs and POTA Adventures on the Road

Unexpected Family Reunions on the Road

by Brian (K3ES)I don’t know how others feel, but one of the things that really appeals to me about the Parks on the Air (POTA) program is the sense of community that it encourages among participating amateur radio operators.  This is as true no matter how we participate.  I have operators that I consider friends, even though I have never personally met them, because I have hunted them across so many of their activations.  I have other operator friends who are familiar because they have hunted me across so many of my activations.  Best of all, I have operator friends who I have also had the chance to meet in the field.

During my cross-country road trip (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road) I got to meet three kindred spirits through eyeball QSOs, because we crossed paths in parks along the way.  In this article, I want to share the story of three unexpected meetings on the road.

Activating Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site

Wow, 2-fer!  We came to the Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site, US-5748, to activate a park in North Dakota.  When we arrived, we found this sign, and I instantly recognized the North Country Trail medallion at the top, because it passes near my home in Pennsylvania.  The North Country Trail National Scenic Trail, US-4239, crosses through Fort Abercrombie SHS, allowing simultaneous activation of both entities.

I will confess that the goal to activate all of the states along our route sometimes meant that we would take an intentional zig in our travels to stop at a park in a “nearby“ state for a quick activation before zagging back to our primary route.  Our visit to Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site (US-5748) in North Dakota resulted from just such a zig.  After spending a nice couple of days visiting with my niece and her husband at their new home in Apple Valley, MN (just south of Minneapolis), we planned our next travel day to make a mid-day stop at Fort Abercrombie (along the MN-ND border, just south of Fargo), before turning south to spend the night in Sioux Falls, SD.

We knew the park buildings at Fort Abercrombie would be closed, because of the season, and were not surprised to find only one other vehicle in parking area.  With that said, two surprises did catch our attention.  First, a familiar sign shared billing with the State Historic Site, the medallion for the North Country Trail (US-4239), which I have activated multiple times in Pennsylvania.  That presented an interesting opportunity for a 2-fer activation.  Second, looking across at the other vehicle, I quickly saw antennas and radio equipment!

When we arrived at Fort Abercrombie SHS, Todd – NO0X was operating FT8 from the station in the back of his SUV.  His vertical antenna is just off-screen to the right.
This late in the season, the visitor center at Fort Abercrombie was only open by appointment.  We had not made prior arrangements.

I walked over to the gentleman sitting next to the open lift-gate of his SUV, and asked the universal radio amateur question:  “How are the bands today?”  Introductions quickly ensued.  Todd – NO0X wondered if I were one of the frequent activators at the site, which was definitely not the case.  He was ranked third for number of activations at the site, and was looking to improve his tally.  He was running an FT8 activation that day using a vertical antenna, but he is also a CW operator.  I got a quick tour of his station.  Then we talked about the route of the North Country Trail through the site, and it turned out the trail ran within 100 ft of the site’s picnic pavilion.

A bit of the history of Fort Abercrombie…
Here I am operating from Fort Abercrombie using my KX2 connected to a Tufteln EFRW antenna hanging outside the pavilion behind me.  I was running CW mode at 5 watts.

So, I moved over to the pavilion to set up my Elecraft KX2, with a Tufteln EFRW antenna supported in a nearby tree, but not before inviting Todd to stop over to see my station.

On the air, I worked 26 contacts in just under an hour to complete the 2-fer activation of US-5748 and US-4239.  When he stopped over, Todd brought along his favorite straight key for field use.  Being a paddle guy, I did not try it out, but I certainly appreciated its small size and efficient design.

Todd – NO0X stopped to visit my station.  It is always great to share experiences and equipment with other POTA activators.
The QSO Map shows 26 contacts from US-5748 and US-4239.  Most contacts were made on the 20m band, with two on 30m, and one each on 17m and 15m.

Having completed our activations, we packed our gear and parted company.  I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet a local activator, who knew the park, and had a distinctly different method of operation from my own.  One of the best things about POTA activation is that there are almost as many different operating styles as there are activators, and not one of them is wrong!

Walking Around Devils Tower National Monument

With the iconic rock in the background, the sign might not be necessary, but there it is…

Unlike Fort Abercrombie, Devils Tower National Monument was the centerpiece of our day’s travels.  We sought out that spectacular landmark for my first activation in Wyoming.  Even so, our time at Devils Tower was limited, because we did not plan to spend the night nearby. Continue reading POTA Brings Us Together: Eyeball QSOs and POTA Adventures on the Road

Brian activates Minuteman Missile National Historic Site

Veterans Day Thoughts:  Activating from the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site

Veterans Day 2024 dawned gray and overcast in northwest Pennsylvania, so I decided to spend some time working on the next field report from our 6-week trip through the states of the American West.  It occurred to me that spending some of my holiday to report on a Parks on the Air (POTA) activation of the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site (US-0850) might be particularly appropriate.

Writing about an historic site that commemorates deactivated infrastructure from an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) installation evokes a whole range of emotions.  It is right that the prospect of nuclear annihilation should do so.  But there is another viewpoint that is arguably more important.

For decades, unsung American warriors crewed these facilities to deter war based on the prospect of swift and certain retaliation.  No matter the horror of the thought of thermonuclear war, their commitment and competence played a vital role in keeping the decades long Cold War cold.

The Visitor Center at Minuteman Missile National Historic Site has a friendly, dedicated staff.  Artifacts and interpretive information at the Visitor Center are helpful in understanding the mission, systems, and personnel associated with the history of the site.
The Peacekeeper armored response vehicle was operated by the USAF Security Police, who protected missile silos and launch control facilities while they were operational.
The sites preserved by the Minuteman Missile NHS belong to D Flight of the 66th Strategic Missile Squadron, and the 44th Strategic Missile Wing.  The best testimony to the success of their mission was the complete deactivation of the 44th Strategic Missile Wing’s 150 Minuteman II missiles under the terms of the START treaty.
The Delta-09 site is located a few miles west of the Visitor Center along Interstate 90.  Delta-09 preserves one of the missile silos that housed the Minuteman II strategic ICBM force.
I had the chance to speak with the docent at the Delta-09 site.  He was a veteran of the USAF Security Police, and he patrolled these facilities while they were operating.  In this view, we are standing next to the missile silo.  The blast door is partially pulled back from the silo, and the opening is covered by an enclosure that was built to protect the open silo from the weather.  The enclosure was not a feature of the silo during its operational career, but the open blast door and windows in the enclosure permit visitors to look inside the silo.

The Site

Minuteman Missile NHS incorporates three distinct sites located along a 15 mile stretch of Interstate 90 in South Dakota.  There is a Visitor Center, with artifacts and interpretive information to help visitors understand the significance of the weapons, the personnel, and the mission.

The Delta-01 site contains a preserved Launch Control Facility.  Entry to Delta-01 is limited to ranger-led tours, and unfortunately for us, these tours were booked well beyond our planned stay in the area.  Make your plans early!

The Delta-09 site contains a deactivated Minuteman II Missile Silo.  It is available for self-led tours, but we really enjoyed speaking with the docent who was present during our visit.  He had been a member of the security team when the complex was active.  Delta-09 was typically unmanned, except for maintenance, but our docent had once sheltered there, as a tornado ripped through the area.  The storm destroyed his patrol vehicle!

You can peer into the silo to see an inactive Minuteman II missile through the partially open blast door.

Looking through the enclosure windows, it is possible to see an inert missile housed within the 80 ft deep, reinforced concrete silo.
Here I am setting up my end-fed random wire (EFRW) antenna.  I am securing the telescopic fishing pole to the back of the truck, and it supports the antenna wire in an inverted V configuration.
Molly supervised my successful operation from the truck at US-0850.  To keep her cool, I rigged a jacket to block the sun from shining directly through her window.  In this picture, I am holding the body of my VK3IL pressure paddle in my left hand, and keying with my right hand, all while keeping my pencil ready to log the exchange.

The Activation

We stopped at the site Visitor Center as we drove down Interstate 90, and arrived mid-afternoon.  We knew that the Delta-09 site would be closing soon, but we were planning to be in the area for a couple of days.  So, I checked with the friendly folks in the visitor center to be sure that my amateur radio operation would not create a problem (it was welcomed).  Then, as Becky toured the Visitor Center, I deployed my Tufteln 35 foot EFRW antenna behind the truck in the parking lot.  A 21 foot collapsible fishing pole connected to the bumper made this simple.  Then, Molly and I sat in the truck and made 23 QRP CW contacts in 40 minutes.

This map shows the locations of my 23 contacts from Minuteman Missile NHS.  All but one were completed on the 20m band, and the final contact came on 15m.


Note: All Amazon and eBay links are affiliate links that support QRPer.com at no cost to you.

I try to make contact with the staff at smaller sites where I plan to activate.  The staff at Minuteman Missile NHS was very accommodating, and welcomed the activation.  A call ahead may get you advice on the best locations for your station, and if you call early enough, you should be able to reserve a space for the Delta-01 tour.

Final Thoughts

I was very pleased with this activation.  The sun behaved itself well during the entirety of our trip, so propagation was good, and contacts came quickly.  The site does a great job of interpreting this important, if emotionally fraught, aspect of our military history.  If you plan a trip through the area, I encourage you to visit.  If we pass this way again, we will certainly make advanced reservations to visit the Delta-01 Launch Control Facility.

  • A hope that I think we all cherish.  To the veterans who have kept our country safe:  Thank You.

Best 73 de Brian – K3ES

Six Weeks and 7300 Miles: Activating on the Road

Many thanks to Brian (K3ES) who shares the following guest post:

This map provides an overview of our cross-country road trip.  We traveled zig-zag paths from our home in Tionesta, PA to my parents’ home in Martinez, CA, and back again.

Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road

by Brian (K3ES)

This article gives an overview of a driving trip across the United States and back that included activation of Parks on the Air (POTA) entities in 21 states along the way.  We left our home in northwest Pennsylvania on September 18, 2024, and returned on Halloween.  During our time away, we spent about 3 weeks driving and 3 weeks visiting with my parents at their home near San Francisco, CA.  With such an epic scope, I plan to write several articles about various POTA activations completed during our trip.  In fact, I completed one article early, and it has already been published on QRPer.com:  K3ES’ Unplanned activation of Yellowstone National Park.  This report provides the background and a broad overview of our trip.

The Players

My mom and dad have made the Bay Area of California their home for 40 years.  They left Pennsylvania on their own great adventure in the mid-1980s, while I was attending graduate school in Pittsburgh.  Dad accepted a transfer, so they packed up the house, committed their belongings to a moving company, and drove their car across the country in 4-1/2 days to meet the movers.  I was able to go along on that driving trip (I returned to Pittsburgh by airline), but I have always wanted to do it again, spending a bit more time to see the sights.

My dad is a hero to me.  I have never been able to match his work ethic or his ability to plan and execute projects.  From home repairs to electronics projects, Dad was always working on something, and generally had several projects going at once.  His workshop was well equipped, and he spent a lot of time there.  Now, approaching his 90th birthday, Dad has been slowing down.  He is no longer able to make use of the shop, but he remembers how important it has been to him.  So, we planned this trip to help Mom clean out the shop, and to let Dad see his trustworthy tools moving to a new home where they can be used and appreciated.

Having retired in 2021, my calendar is more open than it was during 31 years of employment.  I am grateful for this.  My wife, Becky, and I were able to arrange other commitments to give ourselves time for an adventure.  So the two of us packed the back seat of my 2015 Toyota Tundra pickup truck for six weeks of travel, being careful to leave seat space for POTA dog Molly.  We kept the truck bed empty, so that space would be available to bring home tools and shop supplies from California.  This would be our opportunity to travel across the American west.  Forty years after my original cross-country driving trip, I would finally get to stop and see sights along the way.

Once we arrived at my parents’ home in California’s Bay Area, Molly had free run of their fenced yard.  This squirrel was Molly’s nemesis for the duration.  It spent hours across the fence eating fruit in the neighbor’s pomegranate tree.  Many chases ensued, none successful.

The Plan

In another article published on QRPer.com earlier this year:  K3ES Travels: Ten Days of QRP with Compromised Antennas, I explained Becky’s great idea:  that I should activate all 50 of our United States.  At that point, I had activated parks in only 6 states.  By the time we left on this trip, my total had inched up to 11 activated states.  So our goal would be to activate as many of the western states as possible.  Ohio, Indiana, Washington, Oregon, and California were already in the done column, courtesy of some previous travel, but that left a lot of territory to cover.

Since we were leaving in September, we were confident that the weather would be favorable for driving across the northern tier states.  Leaving California to return home in late October, we knew that snow was possible in the mountain passes, so we planned to take a more southerly route.  What remained was to adjust the route to cover all of the states along or near our intended travel path.  In total, including a side-trip to activate a new California park during the Autumn Support Your Parks event, we traveled 7300 miles:  3800 miles traveling westward, 200 miles for the California side-trip, and 3300 miles traveling eastward on the return home.

When we left our driveway, we had the broad outline of the route.  We also had an idea of some of the parks that I might activate on the trip.  We did not have a detailed itinerary.  In fact, though we knew the basic route, and we had reserved rooms for only the first two nights.   I encouraged Becky to leave things a bit open-ended, despite her penchant for careful planning.  This was kind of important, because I would be doing all the driving.  Don’t get me wrong.  Becky is an excellent driver, it is just that she is intimidated by my truck.  We needed its cargo capacity, but I became the sole driver.  So we needed to have the flexibility to stop sooner, or press on longer, depending on my ability to continue driving safely.

After stopping for the night, we usually set our travel goals for the next day or two.  If we were tired, we would cut the next day’s travel shorter.  If not, we might decide to go further.  We also settled on the parks we would visit during the next day’s travels.  Even then, we allowed ourselves to make changes if an opportunity presented itself, and more than once, it did.

Keeping our travel plans a bit loose worked really well for us, particularly after we discovered that almost all hotels welcomed Molly as a guest (for a nominal pet fee, of course).  We had expected more difficulty, and were very pleasantly surprised that nearly every hotel along the way was “pet friendly”.  The additional freedom let us alter our plans at times, like adding Yellowstone National Park to the travel route, when we had originally expected to miss it.

On our return trip, we realized that stopping for a park activation worked really well as a break during long days of driving.  We could stretch, eat lunch, take Molly for a walk, and CW would help me to clear my head before the remainder of the day’s drive.  In fact, we scheduled additional activations in IL, IN, and OH for just that reason, even though I had previously activated parks in those states.

On our final travel day, we stopped at Lake Norman State Park in Ohio.  Bands were great, and I took time to complete 30 contacts.  The greatest difficulty was ambient noise from the wind blowing across the lake.  This flag tells the tale…

The Parks

In the end, I completed 34 activations of 32 distinct POTA entities during the trip.  I activated in 18 new states during our travels, and finished with 29 of 50 states activated.  When I completed my activation of Mesa Verde National Park, I was within the activation zone of the Park Point SOTA summit (W0C/SJ-019), yielding a simultaneous SOTA/POTA activation.  The following Table lists the activations completed during our trip.  Before leaving, I had already activated OH, IN, and CA, so they do not count among the 18 new states.

A bench at Pikes Peak State Park in Iowa provided an awesome view of the Mississippi River valley while I was making contacts for the activation.
Molly kept watch while I activated Washoe Lake State Park in Nevada.
At Fort Union National Monument in New Mexico, I could look over the ruins of the large adobe hospital building while I was operating.  Fort Union guarded the Santa Fe Trail (now a National Historic Trail and a POTA entity).  I was able to make this a 2-fer activation.

Table:  Parks Activated During the Trip

Date State Park ID Park Name QSOs
09/19/24 IL US-4099 Moraine View SP 12
09/19/24 IA US-2311 Pikes Peak SP 27
09/20/24 WI US-1471 Perrot SP 11
09/20/24 MN US-2466 Afton SP 14
09/23/24 ND US-5748 Fort Abercrombie SHS 27
09/23/24 ND US-4239 North Country Trail NST (2-fer with US-5748) 27
09/24/24 SD US-0850 Minuteman Missile NHS 23
09/25/24 SD US-0005 Badlands NP 11
09/25/24 SD US-7487 Buffalo Gap NGL 34
09/26/24 SD US-0786 Mount Rushmore NM 11
09/26/24 SD US-4524 Black Hills NF 22
09/27/24 SD US-0786 Mount Rushmore NM 49
09/27/24 NE US-7478 Oglala NGL 18
09/27/24 WY US-0920 Devils Tower NM 15
09/28/24 MT US-4502 Custer Gallatin NF 16
09/29/24 WY US-0070 Yellowstone NP 11
09/29/24 ID US-4475 Caribou Targhee NF 13
09/30/24 UT US-3075 Great Salt Lake SP 11
10/01/24 NV US-2640 Washoe Lake SP 12
10/19/24 CA US-0651 Point Reyes NS 11
10/24/24 AZ US-0030 Grand Canyon NP 33
10/25/24 AZ US-0057 Petrified Forest NP 18
10/26/24 CO US-0051 Mesa Verde NP 23
10/26/24 CO W0C/SJ-019 Park Point SOTA Summit (joint with US-0051) 23
10/27/24 NM US-0933 Fort Union NM 17
10/27/24 NM US-4579 Santa Fe Trail NHT (2-fer with US-0933) 17
10/27/24 OK US-7481 Rita Blanca NGL 14
10/28/24 KS US-9191 Pawnee Rock SHS 19
10/28/24 KS US-4579 Santa Fe Trail NHT (2-fer with US-9191) 19
10/29/24 MO US-3345 Confederate Memorial SHS 14
10/29/24 MO US-3356 Mark Twain Birthplace SHS 14
10/30/24 IL US-4097 Kickapoo SRA 17
10/30/24 IN US-10247 Lawrence Creek SNR 23
10/30/24 IN US-2256 Fort Harrison SP (2-fer with US-10247) 23
10/31/24 OH US-3515 Lake Milton SP 30
Shading denotes my first activation in the indicated state.
My first activation of the trip was at Moraine View State Recreation Area in Illinois.

Activation Experience

One of the amazing things about our beautiful country is that each state has a seemingly different character than all of the others.  While there can be similarity, topography, geography, climate, and vegetation combine to make something unique.  From a POTA activator’s perspective, this uniqueness means that you must be ready to deploy antennas using a variety of different techniques.  Living in Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods) means that I am able to find a tree at almost any location where I choose to activate.  This is definitely not the case in many other states. Continue reading Six Weeks and 7300 Miles: Activating on the Road

K3ES Field Report: Hiking with Molly and discovering a new two-fer activation site!

Many thanks to Brian (K3ES) who shares the following field report:

Molly is on the trail of a POTA activation.  Temperatures are in the 40s, but there is still snow on the ground.

A Hike and a 2-fer

by Brian (K3ES)

When you live in northwestern Pennsylvania, and a February day shows up with the sun shining, moderate temperatures, and nothing pressing on the calendar, it is time to go and enjoy the outdoors.

One of the best ways to do that is to take a hike with your dog.  Hopefully  your dog is like Molly, who doesn’t mind taking a break mid-hike for a Parks on the Air (POTA) activation.  So on Wednesday, February 21 we scheduled an activation and jumped in the truck for a drive to the trail head.  The hike to and from the activation site would be a nice change from the short walks we had been taking to the pond behind our house in the colder weather, and from activating while sitting in the truck.  And, to better share the joy with our POTA hunters, we would make this activation a 2-fer, giving them credit for both the North Country Trail National Scenic Trail (K-4239) and Pennsylvania State Game Land 024 (K-8725).

Molly is ready to go.  She is not at all amused by waiting for me to take pictures.

Since I had hiked the planned route before, both solo, with friends, and with Molly, I expected that the route would be familiar.  Some of it was, and some of it was brand new to us.  You see, the North Country Trail volunteers had been busy since we last hiked as far up the trail as we planned to go.  They had cleared and marked an entirely new route for one section  of the trail, bypassing an old favorite activation site!  So, we got to do some exploring, and we found a new favorite activation site.  Bonus!

Finding a New 2-fer Site

One of the things that I enjoy about POTA is planning my activation.

Since days long ago as a Boy Scout, I have enjoyed outdoor navigation.  Map and compass always fascinated me.  Things have gotten much easier with Global Positioning System (GPS), online maps, and online satellite imagery.  Still, I do most of my activation planning while sitting comfortably at home with a tablet or a computer.  For this trip, finding the newly marked trail (that had not yet been transferred to the online map) presented a bit of a challenge.  While I could follow the marked trail easily, I needed to be sure that I had entered Game Land property so that the 2-fer activation would be valid.

Thankfully, I had access to an app on my smart phone to help me solve this problem as we walked along the trail through the woods.  The On X Hunt app combines GPS, topographic maps, satellite imagery, and tax office databases to identify land ownership (even when the owner happens to be the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).  Full functionality of this app is not free, but as the owner of a parcel of land, it is something I had elected to pay for.  Once it became clear that the newly marked trail would not quickly rejoin the prior route, I set up the app to record our track on the map.  After confirming that Molly and I had definitely crossed PA Game Land property line (there were no marking signs along the new trail), we went just a bit further, then found a promising spot to set up for the activation.

With a change to the K-4239 North Country Scenic Trail route, we found a new 2-fer site within K-8725, along the partially snow-covered Game Land road that carries this section of the Trail.

Setting Up to Activate

I chose to locate our station in the woods beside a Game Land road that provided the path for the North Country Trail in that particular area.  We set up on the inside of a bend flanked by trees with long overhanging branches.  I placed my chair in the woods on the inside of the bend, and tossed a throw line over a branch on the outside of the bend, then deployed my Packtenna EFRW with 71 ft wire as an inverted V across the road.  I used the throw line to hoist the middle of the radiating wire up about 30 ft, and secured both the feedpoint and the far end of the antenna to nearby trees, about 6 ft off the ground.

Even though I did not expect traffic on this road (shaded areas were still snow covered, and the snow showed tracks only from woodland creatures), I try to deploy my wire antennas high enough that they are not a hazard to others who may travel through.

Temperatures were rising, but with the high only expected to hit 50F, I brought a blanket to give Molly some additional insulation (though she is a rough, tough POTA dog, as a Boston Terrier, her coat is not particularly thick).  I laid out the blanket beside my operating position,  so that it could provide both top cover and insulation from the ground.

Molly is settled in for the activation.

I connected my RG316 coaxial cable to the antenna feedpoint, set up my camp chair next to Molly, set up the radio, and prepared my log book. In very short order, I was on the air, spotted by the Reverse Beacon Network, and logging contacts. Continue reading K3ES Field Report: Hiking with Molly and discovering a new two-fer activation site!

Chasing Bands: Two Truck Activations take Brian closer to the James F. LaPorta N1CC Award

Parked in the lot at PA State Game Land 074

Two Truck Activations:  Racking up Bands and DX

by Brian (K3ES)

One of the things I like best about living in Western Pennsylvania is that after a stretch of heavy winter weather, we always seem to get a bit of a break.  The break never lasts long, but the sun comes out and the temperature warms enough to hold a promise of spring.  The first week of February 2024 gave us one of those respites.  With rising temperatures, the snow melted, a strange yellow disc appeared in the sky, and this operator’s thoughts turned once again toward POTA activations, and a free Sunday afternoon provided a perfect opportunity.

A Long-Term Goal

For just over a year, I have been working slowly toward POTA’s James F. LaPorta N1CC Award for activators.  I am under no illusions.  This goal may take me another year to complete on my terms.

The award requires an activator to complete QSOs on ten different amateur bands from each of ten different Parks on the Air entities.  To the extent possible, I am working to finish all of the needed contacts using CW mode and QRP power levels.  So, one specific part of my afternoon outing would include an attempt to make a QRP CW contact on my tenth band from PA State Game Land 283, K-8977.  Two previous activations of K-8977 had given me contacts on each of the nine HF bands from 80m to 10m.  So this afternoon, I would attempt to make a contact on top band, 160m.

Molly supervises many of my activations, and even when the weather warms into the 40s, she prefers to activate from the truck.

The Activation Plan

With a little bit of advanced planning, POTA Dog Molly and I packed the truck on a Sunday afternoon and headed out to attempt two activations.  First, we would set up at K-8773, Pennsylvania State Game Land 074, a new park for me, where we would have about 2 hours on the air before the time would be right to move to the next park and attempt an activation including 160m.  It would be just a short drive to K-8977, and we hoped to arrive there and set up around 2100Z (4pm EST).  The goal at K-8977 was to get enough contacts for a successful activation, then shortly before sunset move to 160m and get at least one contact to complete activation of the the tenth band.

Parking areas at Pennsylvania State Game Lands are mostly unpaved, but they are well marked.

Activating K-8773

With temperatures running in the low 40s Fahrenheit, I decided Molly would be most comfortable operating from the truck.  She appeared to be quite pleased with that decision.  So we pulled into one of the parking lots at K-8773 and parked along the tree line.  I tossed my arborist line over a branch near the truck, and used it to pull up my Tufteln 9:1 35 ft random wire antenna into a near-vertical configuration.  After connecting the 17 ft counterpoise wire and laying it out along the ground, I attached the 15 ft RG316 feedline and routed it into the truck through the driver’s side door seal.

I clipped the feedpoint of my Tufteln random wire antenna to the 2m antenna on the front fender of the truck.
I threw my arborist line over a tree branch, and used it to pull up the far-end of the antenna.  A few wraps around the handle for the back window of the cap kept it secure for the activation.
The RG316 feedline runs through the door seal into the truck.

Once inside the truck, I set up my KX2, prepared my log book, and made the decision to work my way downward through the amateur bands.  Conditions proved to be amazingly good that Sunday afternoon, and my 5 watt signal yielded 54 CW contacts, including 13 DX contacts spread across 7 European countries.

Moreover, I made at least one of these contacts on each of 8 amateur bands, from 10m to 60m.  Unexpectedly, getting contacts on 8 bands during a spectacular afternoon at K-8773 also puts that park well within striking distance for completing 10 bands, just not on this particular afternoon.

Not a bad afternoon’s work at the first park, not at all!

The KX2 sits on the console of the truck, with its feet straddling one of the cup holders.  This leaves plenty of room for my log book (yes, I’m one of those dinosaurs who uses pencil and paper for logging).
Another view of the operating station.  Note the home made VK3IL pressure paddles above the log book.
Supervising this activation was a particularly difficult task.  Molly has decided that a rest is needed.  She has tucked her nose in the blanket, a definite signal that serious napping is underway.
At K-8773, I logged 56 contacts across 8 bands.  I was delighted that 13 of those contacts were DX from Europe.

Activating K-8977

Packing my gear at K-8977 went quickly.  As a most excellent POTA companion, I rewarded Molly with a short walk along a Game Land road, then a 15 minute drive on some rugged back roads brought us to K-8773.  I had operated from one particular parking lot during previous activations, but a quick look around for places to set up my antenna caused me to head for a  different parking lot.  I would be using a wire antenna that was much longer than normal, and a nearby power line was too close for comfort.

ALWAYS watch for and avoid power lines when deploying your antennas in the field!

To activate on the 160m band, I intended to use my VK160 antenna.  The VK160 is a homebrew 9:1 random wire antenna with a 144 ft radiator and three – 17 ft counterpoise wires.  At the new location it went up quickly in an inverted V configuration.  With counterpoise wires spread out on the ground, and my 15ft RG316 feedline connected and run through the door seal of the truck, it was time to get the station assembled and on the air.  This time the rig would be a KX3 with built-in wide-range tuner.  The KX3’s spectacular tuner matches the VK160 on all bands from 10m to 160m.

I was easily on the air at 2100Z (4 pm EST), and had about 90 minutes before sunset.  My plan was to begin on 40m, and collect enough contacts to assure the activation before moving to 160m around 2200Z (5 pm EST), about 30 minutes before sunset.

Activating on 40m was a safe bet, even running 5 watts CW.  Once spotted, I was working a steady pileup for about 40 minutes.  When 40m callers tailed off, I switched over to 30m for 20 minutes and picked up a bunch more contacts on the new band.  Then, at 5 pm local, I switched over to 160m.  It did not take long to start making contacts.  It was not a pile up, but the three 160m contacts were very satisfying:  eastern Pennsylvania, western Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

I called QRT at 2215Z (5:15 pm EST), packed up my gear in the remaining daylight, and drove home.  I was home in time for dinner, and Molly didn’t say a word about being late for her normal 5 pm dinner time.

At K-8977, I logged 54 contacts.  Since I worked them on 30m, 40m, and 160m, it was entirely expected that most would be located in the eastern US and Canada.  Logging 3 contacts on 160m made it a perfect outing.

I do owe an apology to QRPer.com readers, because in the pace of the second activation, I failed to take pictures during my operation.  If you are interested in visuals, please take a look at previous QRPer articles on building the VK160 and testing it during Winter Field Day 2023.


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Equipment at K-8773

Equipment at K-8977

Brian Activates Allegheny National Forest and Remembers a Dear Friend

Many thanks to Brian (K3ES) who shares the following guest post:

Activation at Allegheny National Forest:  Remembering a Friend

by Brian (K3ES)

The last few weeks have been rough for the K3ES household.  In past activation reports, I introduced you to our two Boston Terriers.  Molly and Jojo came to us as rescue dogs in October 2022, and we have worked hard to help them feel safe and loved.  Unfortunately, both came to us with unexpected health problems.  We were able to get Molly through treatment for heartworm, and she is thriving.  Jojo always had something holding her back, but we were never quite sure what.  We lost her just before Christmas, and that was a real punch in the gut.

Jojo was a special dog.  When we brought her home, she barely weighed 15 pounds.  Even after we managed to build her weight up to 25 pounds, she was still thin for her frame.  She also came to us hunched, cowering, and emotionally traumatized.  It took months for her to start coming out of her shell.  We got glimpses of her as a feisty, and loving dog, who took real joy from laying in the sunshine.  We were hopeful that she would one day come into her own, and give our jubilant Molly a real run for her money.  Sadly, it was not to be.  She had increasing problems with mobility.  We treated her for a bone infection, for possible tick-borne disease, and for joint inflammation.  Steroids and pain medication helped her quality of life a lot.  It was only near the end that the likely culprit was identified as cancer, but even expensive diagnostic tests failed to confirm that.  Finally, her body just crashed, and we had to let her go…

Jojo supervises a truck activation of Allegheny National Forest in March 2023.

Looking back through pictures of Jojo, I discovered some that were taken during a never-reported “truck activation” of Allegheny National Forest (K-0619) back in March, 2023.

I have never thought that my vehicle-based activations were terribly interesting, so I never spent the time to report them.  Suddenly, that particular activation held new meaning, because one of the few times I got Jojo out with me for a POTA activation happened because I was doing a low-impact drive-up, working from the truck.  She rode shotgun, and sat happily in the passenger seat while I made contacts.  Molly sat in the back seat, napping from time to time.  After the radio gear was packed away, the three of us even managed to take a short trail walk along a Forest Service Road that starts at the parking area.

Jojo and Molly lead the way on the Forest Service Road after the radio gear was packed away.

Last week, I found myself in serious need of radio-therapy.  Since Molly is always ready to go for a ride and a POTA, I decided to take her along to re-create the prior activation that we did with Jojo.  So this is the story of our salute to a departed friend, a tribute activation, as it were.


Molly and I packed her blanket, picked up my KX2 field kit, and jumped in the truck for a 20 minute drive to the trail-head parking area that we had activated with Jojo last March.  It has trees, a decent driving and walking surface that would not be too muddy from recent rain, and the Forest Service road where we had walked after the previous activation.  This time, Molly rode in the passenger seat, alternating between napping, and looking at the scenery as we drove.  Upon arrival she stayed put, while I used a throw line to put up my Tufteln 35 ft EFRW as a sloper.  I hooked the unun around my 2 meter mobile antenna, and ran coax into the truck through the lower part of the driver-side door seal.  I set up the KX2 on the center console/armrest, prepared my log, and got on the air to start the activation.

Tufteln 9:1 unun was clipped to my 2m mobile antenna, with the 35 ft radiator sloping up to a tree, the 17 ft counterpoise dropping down to the ground, and the RG316 feedline leading into the truck.


As with almost all of my activations, I ran this one entirely CW QRP.  Beginning just after 1900z (2 pm local), I decided to start on 15m and work my way down the bands.  The HF bands were in good shape, and 15m netted 2 quick contacts, then 17m yielded 6 more.  The pace picked up when I moved to 20m (12 contacts in 22 minutes), and got even faster on 30m (17 contacts in 19 minutes, before it was time to call QRT).  While I was on the air, Molly did some supervising and some super snoozing.

Molly is an interested supervisor…
But supervising is tiring work.

Working steadily for an hour and a quarter, and finishing with 37 contacts was just the kind of break that I needed.  I want to sincerely thank the hunters who made this activation a success.  For just a short while, I was focused on CW, call signs, and signal reports, and the sense of loss receded a bit from my consciousness.

A map of 37 contacts on 4 bands.


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Molly and I walked along the Forest Service Road.  We felt incomplete…


After I packed up the station, Molly and I repeated our walk along the Forest Service road.  With just the two of us, it was definitely a bittersweet experience.  I think Molly felt our loss, too.  I like to think that Jojo would have been fine with missing this activation.  The weather, while not raining, was cool, overcast, and a bit gloomy.  The sunshine that she treasured was absent for us that day.  Hopefully, she has found a place in perpetual sunshine, and is soaking up the rays.  Good bye sweet pup.

We will always remember Jojo in her natural element, bathing in sunshine…

Hold on tight to those you love, and do something special with your four-footed companions.  I wish you all the best in 2024.

Best 73 de Brian – K3ES