On Thursday, January 30, 2025, I did something I hadn’t done in months—I activated the Zebulon B. Vance Birthplace State Historic Site (US-6856).
Regular readers know that western North Carolina was hit hard by Hurricane Helene on September 27, 2024. The Vance Birthplace–nestled in the Reems Creek valley which experienced severe flooding–had been closed for months.
I hadn’t driven out that way post-Helene, assuming the worst. In general, I avoided traveling into affected areas unnecessarily to keep traffic light for those working on recovery efforts.
Recently, another local activator mentioned that the site had reopened. A quick call to the park confirmed that I was welcome to activate, so I packed up my gear and headed out.
Assessing the Site
Upon arrival, I was relieved to see that the site itself hadn’t sustained significant flood damage. There were several downed trees, including a few that hadn’t yet been cleared, but the picnic shelter—the spot I usually operate from—was in great shape. Two large trees had fallen near it, but thankfully, the structure remained unscathed.
For this activation, I opted to use my Chelegance MC-750 self-supporting vertical antenna rather than relying on one of the remaining trees.
I was so eager to get on the air that I nearly set up the antenna before starting my activation video. Fortunately, I caught myself just in time, grabbed the camera, and recorded the process.
Setting up the MC-750 was simple. I extended the stainless whip to a quarter-wave length on 20 meters, deployed the four counterpoise wires, and connected the feedline to my radio.
I brought my Penntek TR-45L (full-size version) for this activation, and setup was minimal. With its large internal battery, I only needed to ensure the Z-Match tuner was in bypass mode, plug in the antenna and key, and I was ready to go.
Originally, I planned to test a new prototype paddle that had recently arrived. However, the left paddle wasn’t functioning consistently. (After the activation, I discovered a bonding issue between two contact points—mystery solved!) I quickly swapped in my CW Morse double paddle, which I always keep as a backup.
With my logs in place, it was time to hit the air!
Note: All Amazon, CW Morse, ABR, Chelegance, eBay, and Radioddity links are affiliate links that support QRPer.com at no cost to you.
- Penntek TR-45L with optional Z-Match tuner and internal battery (note: this item has been discontinued)
Antenna System
- Chelegance MC-750
- ABR Industries Cable Assembly – Build Your Own (Use Coupon Code ABR10QRPER for 10% Discount!)
Key and Cable
- CW Morse Outdoor Double Paddle With Steel Base
- Cable Matters 2-Pack Gold-Plated Retractable Aux Cable – 2.5 Feet
Pack and case
- Vintage Swiss Army Rucksack
- FoxPro padded case for the TR-45L (discontinued)
Camera Gear
- DJI OSMO 4 action camera with Joby Telepod Sport Tripod
On The Air
I started calling CQ POTA, and since I had pre-announced the activation, I was auto-spotted via the Reverse Beacon Network.
Hunters responded in rapid succession, and within eight minutes, I had logged the ten contacts required for a valid activation.
I continued on 20 meters for another 13 minutes, wrapping up with a total of 20 QSOs before I had to pack up.
I didn’t even have time to QSY to another band, but I’m grateful for the excellent turnout—many thanks to all the hunters!
Here’s what this five-watt activation looked like when plotted out on a QSO Map. Clic on the map image to enlarge.

Activation Video
Here’s my real-time, real-life video of the entire activation. As with all of my videos, I don’t edit out any parts of the on-air activation time. In addition, I have monetization turned off on YouTube, although that doesn’t stop them from inserting ads before and after my videos.
Note that Patreon supporters can watch and even download this video 100% ad-free through Vimeo on my Patreon page:
Click here to view on YouTube.
Great to be back
It felt fantastic to return to the Vance site. I’ve said it before—many of the parks I activate regularly start to feel like a home away from home, and this one is no exception. Seeing it open again was another small but significant sign of life returning to normal post-Helene. There’s still a long road to recovery in many areas, but the reopening of parks is a bright spot.
And as for the TR-45L? Each time I use it, I’m reminded why it’s one of my favorite field radios. The audio, receiver, and QSK performance are simply benchmark. It’s a shame they’re no longer in production.
If you own a TR-45L, I’d highly recommend keeping it. And if you find one on the used market? Snatch it up!
Thank you
Thanks for joining me for this short activation! I hope you enjoyed the field report and video as much as I enjoyed making them.
Of course, I’d also like to send a special thanks to those of you who have been supporting the site and channel through Patreon, and the Coffee Fund. While not a requirement, as my content will always be free, I really appreciate the support.
As I mentioned before, the Patreon platform connected to Vimeo makes it possible for me to share videos that are not only 100% ad-free but also downloadable for offline viewing. The Vimeo account also serves as a third backup for my video files.
Thanks for spending part of your day with me!
Cheers & 72,
Thomas (K4SWL)
PS: Consider joining our QRPer.net discussion board! It’s an active community of radio operators who enjoy helping and supporting each other. It’s also the best place to ask any questions you might have about radios, field activities, antennas, or pretty much anything amateur radio. Click here to join.
Thanks for sharing this one, Thomas. I’ve been there but definitely not to do a POTA. There are a lot of complex thoughts regarding this site for me.
Radiowise, tho, I’m curious as to what happens if POTA activators don’t spot. I’d sorta like to see that version of “the game”. Let hunters hunt.
Penntek stuff is great!! Wish they were still in business!!!! Love my TR35 and TR45 Skinny. Looks like you are back in the POTA business at Vance. Thanks for sharing!!
Very nice write-up and video. Nice activation tempo. Glad the Vance place was somewhat spared from the horrors of Helene. The TR-45L is a great rig….knobs, switches and no stinkin’ menus…what was the key you started with ? Looked interesting.
Thank for the video and the write up. I feel like I must have a MC-750 now…question…what coax do you use to connect the MC-750 to the radio? I typically POTA with my KX-2 or my K1 So I need a BNC on one end and PL-259 on the other…I went to your source but not sure which coax type you went with…can you point me in the right direction?
This is a great question and, frankly, the cable I’ve been using is a bit of an oddball. It’s 40 feet long and made of RG-178. I had this cable custom made by ABR for a dipole I built (the dipole has an SO-239, hence the PL-259 on one end).
If I were making a cable specifically to be used with the MC-750, I’d use either RG-316 or ABR-240 (or possibly RG-178) and a much shorter length–perhaps 20-25 feet. Since you’re using a KX2 or K1, then you could have a BNC on one end and a PL-259 on the other or use a standard BNC to BNC or PL-259 to PL-259, and use an adapter on one end.
In the end, I wouldn’t use what I’ve been using in this case because the cable is really too long and increases losses for no good reason. Still, it works, and that’s why I keep using it, although I plan to replace it eventually. 🙂
Thank you Tom. When I don’t use the AX-1 I use an Eagle One vertical mounted to the trailer hitch on my SUV. I have several coax cables and adapters and I also find 50 feet to be more hassle that it is worth sometimes. I will order the MC-750 this week and the cable from ABR. POTA on!