Eric’s Go-To Low-Cost, Self-Supporting Antenna System for POTA

Recently, @JasonMartinRF left a comment on my YouTube channel mentioning his excitement about getting on the air with CW but also his concern about the high cost of antennas—especially self-supporting options that don’t require trees. His comment resonated with me because many operators face the same challenge when setting up a portable station, particularly for POTA or other field operations.

I immediately thought of my friend Eric McFadden (WD8RIF), who has extensive experience with lightweight, affordable wire antennas that don’t rely on trees for support. Eric has long used a homemade end-fed random wire (EFRW) antenna paired with cost-effective mast solutions, making it a great choice for portable activations. I asked him if he’d be willing to share the details of his setup, and he generously wrote up the following guide.

A Budget-Friendly Self-Supporting Antenna System for POTA

by Eric (WD8RIF)

Because I’ve long used low-cost homemade wire antennas for POTA, and since I usually don’t rely on trees to support these antennas, Thomas asked me to describe an antenna and support systems I often use for my POTA activations.

My “Go-To” antenna for POTA is a 28½’ end-fed random wire (EFRW) antenna with three 17’ counterpoise wires. This antenna covers 40m through 6m (and sometimes 80m) and is constructed from inexpensive speaker wire which can be purchased at big box stores in 50’ and 100’ spools. This two-conductor cable can easily be split into two conductors and the thick insulation helps prevent the finished antenna from tangling.

The idea behind the EFRW antenna is that the length of the antenna is not close to a ½-wavelength on any frequency for which it will be used. The EFRW is not resonant on any band of interest and, thus,  it requires the use of an antenna tuner (ATU).

The benefit of the EFRW is that it can be stealthy and lightweight, it can be relatively short when compared to simple resonant antennas, and it can support operation on multiple bands. It is true that this antenna requires the use of an ATU, but even an inexpensive manual tuner can be used for this purpose.

To construct my version of the EFRW, split the speaker wire into two separate conductors. Cut one conductor to a length between 28½’ and 29’ to create the radiator. Cut three more conductors approximately 17’ long. Strip a ½” or so of insulation off of one end of each of the four wires. If you wish, install banana-plugs on the stripped end; I put a green, red, or orange banana plug on the radiator and “stackable” black banana plugs on the three 17’ counterpoise wires so I can easily attach all three of them to a single “ground” post. Install an insulator of some sort on the far end of the radiator wire, or create a small loop on the far end of the wire using a knot or a nylon wire-tie for hanging the antenna. (I use military buttons as  insulators on my field antennas, and I often use large paper clips to hang the wire to the top of my mast.)

The speaker-wire end-fed random wire antenna
The speaker-wire end-fed random (EFRW) wire antenna. The three 17′ counterpoise wires are on the left; the 28½’ radiator is on the right.


You can connect the radiator and counterpoise wires directly to your ATU-equipped transceiver or external ATU using a simple binding-post adapter or, preferably, a 4:1 unun. No coaxial feedline is needed or, in fact, recommended.

LDG 4 to 1 unun and simple binding-post adapter
An LDG 4:1 unun (left) and a simple binding-post adapter (right).

I regularly use a simple binding-post adapter when I’m in the field with my Elecraft KH1 or KX2 field kits. I use a homebrew 4:1 unun when I’m in the field with with my Elecraft KX3 field kit. I use a commercial LDG 4:1 unun (link) when I’m in the field with my Yaesu FT-817ND field kit. (I should note that my KH1, KX2, and KX3 are each equipped with internal ATUs. The FT-817ND doesn’t have an internal ATU but I use a no-longer-available LDG Z-11 ATU with it when I deploy a non-resonant antenna.)

In the field, I suspend the 28½’ radiator as a vertical, as a sloper, or as an inverted-vee, and I lay the three 17’ counterpoise wires directly on the ground, arranged as symmetrically as possible while trying to avoid trip-hazards. (If space is limited, I might lay down only two counterpoise wires or, maybe, even just a single counterpoise wire.)

I usually support the EFRW with a 31’ Jackite telescoping fiberglass mast  (affiliate link) or an inexpensive Goture Red Fox Super Hard 720 carbon-fiber fishing pole (available from multiple sellers on Amazon) from which I’ve removed the top three sections to create a sturdy 18’ pole that collapses to less that 30″. (If you order a Goture 720, be sure to order the “7.2m” version because the top three sections are far too whippy to support a wire.)

I’ve supported the 31’ Jackite mast using a drive-on base (more on this below), bungied to a fence-post or sign-post found on-site, and bungied to my folding camp-chair.

I’ve supported the Goture Red Fox 720 on a custom stake (more on this below) and bungied to my bicycle.

Goture Red Fox 720 bungied to a bicycle and supporting a wire antenna
The Goture Red Fox 720 mast bungied to my bicycle and supporting a wire antenna as a sloper; the KH1 station is on the picnic table.


a loop bungie
The sort of bungie I use to strap a mast to a post, my bicycle, or a folding chair.

I often support my 31’ Jackite mast using a homemade drive-on base. This base is constructed from a scrap of 2”x10” pine about 23” long,  a 4″ black plastic toilet flange, a 2’ length of white PVC chosen to provide a friction-fit in the toilet flange, and a PVC reducer at the top. The photos below should provide enough information for you to build your own. I don’t glue any of the plastic items together; I rely on friction to hold the pieces together and I slip the 2’ pipe out of the toilet flange for easier transport in my car. (Disclaimer: I drive a small Honda Fit; I don’t know how well a 2”x10” pine board would survive repeated abuse by a large SUV or pick-up truck.)

Components of the drive-on mast support
The components of the drive-on mast support: a piece of wood, a toilet flange, and some PVC.
drive-on mast base assembled
The drive-on mast base, assembled.
drive-on mast base in use
The drive-on mast base in use at Burr Oak State Park. The 31′ Jackite mast is supporting the 28½’ EFRW as a vertical and three 17′ counterpoise wires extend out from the bottom of the front passenger door. The station is inside the car.




The spike for the Goture Red Fox 720 is simply a 7” length of white PCV just big enough to slip the large end of the mast into, with a matching PVC cap on one end drilled to accept a 3/8” diameter, 8” long spike. Originally, I tried using epoxy to secure the spike in the cap, but this failed, and now I’m using an appropriately-sized push-nut to hold the spike in place. (The PVC and the 8” spike were found at the local big-box store; the push-nut was found at a local well-equipped hardware store.)

Goture Red Fox 720 and custom spike
The Goture Red Fox 720 and the custom spike.
close-up view of the push-on nut securing the metal spike
A close-up view of the push-on nut securing the metal spike to the PVC cap.


I hope this article gives you some ideas for your own field operations!

Eric McFadden, WD8RIF

A huge thanks to Eric (WD8RIF) for taking the time to document his antenna setup in such detail! His approach demonstrates that you don’t have to spend a fortune to get on the air with an effective self-supporting antenna system.

Personally, I believe that using an arborist throw line, a tree, and a simple wire antenna is often the most affordable and effective way to get on the air. However, depending on where you live or where you activate, trees may not always be an option. That’s why having a self-supporting antenna system in your toolkit is always a good idea—it gives you the flexibility to operate anywhere.

If you’ve built an affordable self-supporting antenna system that works well for your field operations, I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to share your experiences, designs, or recommendations in the comments or in a guest post. The more we exchange ideas, the more we can help fellow operators—especially those just getting started—find practical, budget-friendly solutions for getting on the air.

16 thoughts on “Eric’s Go-To Low-Cost, Self-Supporting Antenna System for POTA”

  1. National Park rangers I’ve encountered have advised that use of a spike into ground at National parks are prohibited.
    72s de k8zfj

    1. Hello, Randy.

      I encountered this prohibition at several NPS entities during 2016’s National Parks on the Air. After NPOTA ended, I’ve encountered this only rarely during POTA activation at NPS-owned entities. One example comes to mind: at Tu Endie-Wei State Park in WV, I have been asked to use my stake only around the edges of the tiny park.

      I generally use the spike only as a last resort. I prefer to lash my mast to my folding camp-chair or an existing post, or to my bicycle, if I’m operating bicycle-portable. Sometimes, I just lean my 31′ Jackite mast into a tree.

      Eric, WD8RIF

      1. the spike limitation prompted a jackkite adapter to just fit into the vehicles trailer hitch ; which is primary operating mode for past 3 yrs; i’ve also use a traffic cone to raise the feedpoint end abit when efhw is deployed as a sloper…. the NPS guys in RI seem to be sticklers 🙂 have fun

  2. Outstanding article. Very useful information and the pictures showed great detail. Looking for the materials soon. Wood and plumbing included.LOL.

    Gene N3XUS

  3. Very interesting Eric. Thanks for the writeup!
    I will certainly test out this combo with a 4:1. For now I have always used a 9:1 with a 29′ radiator and I have found that the SWR plot from 40-10m is actually significantly better with only one 17′ counterpoise (on the ground, not elevated), even at 40m, compared to three of those. This felt really strange to me but I have only used one since. vy 73 Leo DL2COM

    1. Hello, Leo.

      Fewer counterpoise wires leads to more ground-loss, leading to a lower SWR. It seems counterintuitive, but it really isn’t.

      I’ve not been able to tell a big difference in my ability to make QSOs with three counterpoise wires vs. two vs. one.

      Eric, WD8RIF

  4. Hi Eric. Great description. After playing with all sorts of purchased and DIY antennas I ended up very close to yours. My primary two options are a ‘28.5 random wire with a k6ark 9:1 unun (I run QRP only) and a km4ack 40-10 efhw. I use a 18’ (approximate) fishing pole and DIY stand. They’re nexpensive, versatile and work with my KH1.

  5. I have the exact EFRW configuration described with an 9:1 UNUN and have used it in many CA and RI parks. This is an ideal POTA antenna, inexpensive, flexible to deploy with great performance.

    Most Bay Area CA parks lack usable trees for wire antennas, so the Jacklite mast is a must.

    Small, cheap, self supporting verticals also work well. Look on ALIExpress, I got a 20m quarter wave telescoping vertical for about $20 USD. These antennas are not super efficient, but seem to work well enough.

  6. Thomas, Thanks for posting Eric’s excellent commentary on this.
    I have been thinking about buying a drive-on stand for my Goture mast and his solution is much more palatable than the welding shop versions that are out there. A heavy wall PVC (schedule 40) or grey (all-weather) pipe would probably be best choice if strain is an issue. Pine board will hold up with heavier vehicles, but I’d bevel the edges to reduce wear and put a few coats of urethane varnish on the wood.

  7. Terrific article: thank you! For me, nothing beats throwing a wire in a tree. But there are times and places where using trees doesn’t make sense. Thanks for adding some great, uncomplicated ideas to my list of things to try!

  8. I’ve done a lot of QRP in NH on mountain tops from which the forest top has long-since burned off due to lightning strikes. I just lay dipoles or whatever I have with me right on the ground, and nobody seems to be the wiser. I guess antennas don’t mind laying on rocks.

    1. Hello, Braden.

      My primary HF antenna at home is a 135′ doublet fed with windowline all the way to the balanced ATU in the shack. It’s an amazing, frequency-agile antenna.

      I have deployed a twinlead-fed (or zip-cord-fed) doublet in the field but I find it much harder for a single person alone to deploy than a wire vertical because there are three wires that seem determined to wrap around each other. I will try it again sometime.

      Eric, WD8RIF

  9. Greetings Eric,
    31’ Jac(kite)…. Perfect article excellent application – alternate suggestion when wind applies… why not go all the way and make it a (kite). As an option on windy days, fly your EFHW/ RW hanging down from a very stable light weight 1 lb 8 foot wing span delta kite. This kite will easily take your wire straight up to the 150 foot level from your impedance xformer. Mine hauled RG174 coax up to 200 feet easily in less than a minute and simply have a kite string winder at a 45 angle with a spike. Delta kites are very stable and with a 6+ knot wind will stay up as high as you let it go relative to weight. I have done this in San Diego off Mission Bay with a hanging 20 meter vertical dipole with streamers to keep bottom half of dipole away from the 600 watt rated coax with no problem & small ferrite snap on magnetic core at 200 feet. Probably not that many park restrictions since it is an innocent (toy kite) and not a hang glider or quad copter. If asked you can just say the wire going straight up is an additional safety precaution because you are the careful conscientious type that values the rules! You could have that wire up all day and work all the bands. I did it with a dipole. The End Fed antennas are an even easier situation. I worked Milano Italy with a S8 & 100 watts from my car on 20 at 2PM. The additional altitude is like adding an amp when working 10 watts SSB with no cheating… & being aeronautical stationary will really make you stand out and become a novelty in the pile-up. Maybe we can make Kite SOTA or Kite POTA a new addition to an award hi… I flew it during Halloween with a lit white pumpkin one time. Pic on my QRZ site of kite.

    1. Thank you for the ideas, Rich. A kite-supported antenna would be a lot of fun and, as you suggest, a very good performer.

      I like the 1968 photos on your QRZ page of you using the cootie while you were a Novice.


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