Mike’s 2024 Four Days In May (FDIM) Photo Gallery

It’s hard to believe that Four Days in May (FDIM) took place two weeks ago! What a blast it was!

If you’re a QRPer, and you’ve never attended FDIM, you’re in for a treat when you finally do. This gathering is truly my favorite thing about the Dayton Hamvention weekend.

It’s a truly QRO event for all things QRP!

I was so busy at FDIM talking with fellow attendees that I took very few photos. Fortunately, my buddy Mike (VE3MKX) created a nice photo gallery to share with us!

Thank you, Mike!

Photo Gallery

Click to view the entire photo album–>

Note that these photos were taken at Vendor’s Night (Thursday evening) and Club Night (Friday evening). Click on images to enlarge:

4 thoughts on “Mike’s 2024 Four Days In May (FDIM) Photo Gallery”

  1. Awesome ! Thanks Mike for sharing and thanks Tom for hosting on your blog. I really hope to be there in-person next year.

    BTW, did N6ARK mention when his KH1 touch paddle kit would be available in volume?

    72 de VE3WMB

  2. FDIM was a lot of fun to attend! I got to meet a lot of people I had only chatted with virtually. I learned a ton from Wayne N6KR.
    I look forward to next year, where I will be attending as a vendor and selling my own kits!

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