I’m in portable field radio kit mode…how about you? Care to share?

A portable field kit:  it’s a seasonal thing.

In the early fall and spring, I go over my QRP radios and give serious thought to how I’ll build compact field kits around them.

Why? I’m pretty sure it’s the pending change in weather that’s the catalyst.  The temptation to get back out there and make some contacts.

Then again, any excuse:  I absolutely love building field kits, and fortunately it never gets old.

The radios I’m considering at present are my MTR-3B (named Threepence) and KX1, now named Audrey. (Yep, I chose “Audrey”…thank you for all of the amazing suggestions!)

Both of these are ideal little radios for kitting out because they’re so compact and truly made to be taken to the field.

One of these two radios––and I haven’t decided which one yet––is going to live in my EDC bag.

The Tom Bihn Stowaway in black has been my EDC bag for many years. I’ll need to pay attention to the weight and bulk of this field kit, because I’ll be lugging it pretty much everywhere.

I’ve got some ideas and a couple of pouches in mind, so this will all start coming together soon.

But first…

Care to share your portable radio kit?

One of the things I enjoy doing when I’m putting together a new field kit is to check out what others have done.  It’s a great way to get some fresh ideas…and besides, it’s  just plain fun to compare notes.

If you would like to showcase your field radio kit on QRPer.com, please send a short write-up with photos detailing how/why you built your kit as you did, and list all of the components with links to the manufacturers.

We’ll not only publish your field kit article as a post, but also on this new Field Radio Kit Gallery page I created!

We only ask that you send your own original ideas––and not just a link to another website article or video––as we’d like this content to become part of the QRPer archive. That way, if an external link is removed, it’ll still be safe and sound here. (We take our archiving seriously on this site.) Of course, we welcome links to blog articles and videos in your post.

Simply send your information via email to my callsign K4SWL at QRPer.com.

Interested? Feel free to get in touch!

17 thoughts on “I’m in portable field radio kit mode…how about you? Care to share?”

  1. I think it might be seasonal depending on where you are including factors such as elevation, geography and local climate, but even for Nordic areas some people like to camp whole year long and appreciate winter because there is less bugs or mosquito.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve often thought of documenting my field radio kit, and would like to give this a try. I’ve never gotten it quite as compact as I’d like, but it is somewhat modular so I can leave out parts depending on the nature of the “mission”. I’ll see what I can come up with.

  3. I have been doing SOTAs with nothing more than a (tr)uSDX, speaker wire, binding post adapter, Talentcell battery pack, & CW Morse PCB key & collapsing cord. I put the whole setup in a gallon plastic bag and either throw it in my backpack or even put it in the inside pocket of my hiking jacket!

    1. Tell me Rogie, how is the cable that collaps, is it an antenna tuned in frequency (with out ATU? or something else). I want to know how you get on with the uSDX mini transceiver, is it good for POTA and the 11,1 volt battery set how long are you?.

  4. All looks good for small kit except for the rope. Can use small 100 ft line with weight and would fit in pouch.
    I prefer a case for my QRP rig and work from a picnic table so dont really need to go small as can. But can see for those hiking up a long trail and mountain.

    73, ron, n9ee

  5. Hoo boy, it’ll likely be a few more weeks here in N FL before I venture forth into the wilderness. A second-hand FT-817nd may have passed from being The New Hotness and doesn’t quite yet qualify for Vintage Cool, but I’ll put together an entry soon. Perhaps in another month…

  6. It will be interesting to see the great variation in field kit philosophy. For the every day field kit, to throw into the motorcycle bag where it might get banged around and I’m not going to risk my KX2 day in and day out, I’m split between the Xiegu 6100, which has its flaws, but has an internal battery and ATU, versus something like the F4CR or 818 which are great compact multi band multi mode units but with no ATU and no battery. When you start to figure the cubic volume and the weight involved, so many of our choices end up being a bit of a wash.

  7. I recently got my tech license and I’ve been looking to become part of a group who helps “newbies” navigate their way through all the intricacies of radio comms.
    I happened across your website and am liking what I see. What’s the best way to get connected with all the expertise your site offers?

    1. Hi, Jon,

      First of all, congratulations on that Tech license! Thank you for stopping by.
      I would suggest signing up for comment and post notifications via WordPress.
      Also, feel free to join and participate on our discussion board at QRPer.net. We have an amazing community there and loads of brilliant mentors to help answer questions!
      Check it out here: http://qrper.net

      Cheers & 73,

    2. I’m glad to hear about your Tech license. That said, it’s not a big step to upgrade to General Class, which will give you access to all ham bands as well as to voice on HF. i’m looking forward to a our first QSO.
      Bruce Prior N7RR

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