If Yaesu designed an FT-818 replacement…what would you like to see?

We hams can be quite opinionated when it comes to our radios.

After Yaesu announced last week that it was discontinuing production of the FT-818ND, hams across the globe expressed their opinions about this pint-sized rig.

It seemed to me that the majority who posted messages in email groups and on social media had high praise for the FT-817/818. Indeed, many of those same people purchased an FT-818ND the same day of the announcement. The rush of FT-818ND purchases wiped out new inventory at most US retailers overnight.

Not everyone had praise for the FT-817/818 series, though. Many felt the ‘818 was a relic of the past and irrelevant in 2023. Some even posted long “good riddance” rants about the FT-818.

Let’s face it…

Our love of radios is highly subjective

What one person loves, someone else might hate. This is especially the case in the incredibly diverse ham radio world where radios are used in different parts of the spectrum, with different modes, for different activities, and in different operating environments.

I’ve never worked for a radio manufacturer, but I have friends and contacts who do. I also alpha and beta test gear for various ham radio manufacturers. On occasion, I’ve even been in the loop from the preliminary stages of product design as a manufacturer sought confidential input.

What I’ve learned is that, even for legacy radio manufacturers, each new product is a calculated risk. Several points have to be addressed and assessed.

  • Market niche: Is the new product unique enough that it carves out its own niche?
  • Innovator: or is the new product a major leap in innovation that would would make it more competitive over other similar products. In other words, could it be a market “disruptor”–? (FYI: the FT-817 was very much a market disruptor in 2001.)
  • Price: Can the new product be built in a way that the manufacturer has a sustainable profit margin and competitive price point? Transceivers, in general, have thin profit margins compared to, say,  radio accessories.
  • Parts availability: Are the new radio’s critical internal components carefully sourced so that if one becomes obsolete, a replacement can be used without substantially modifying the radio design? Are there multiple options for key components?
  • Performance: Can the new radio be built to a spec that makes it competitive in terms of performance.
  • Leverage: Is there a way to leverage existing radio design to cut down on R&D costs?

These are just a few of the questions a manufacturer must consider before investing in the development of a new product.

If it can’t be profitable, it’s not worth producing.

Why did the FT-817/818 have such a long market life?

Simply put: it was, from the very beginning, unique, versatile, functional, and (importantly) affordable.

The FT-817, when introduced in 2001, was a game-changer. Up to that point, there were no mass produced QRP transceivers that had an internal battery option, with general coverage, and sported VHF/UHF multi-mode operation. It was designed to be rugged, small, and versatile. The FT-817 delivered all of this from day one for under $700 US (in 2021 money).

There still is no direct equivalent to the FT-817/818 as I post this in January 2023. The only widely-available HF QRP transceiver on the market that also sports VHF and UHF multi-mode operation is the Icom IC-705 which has a much broader feature set and costs roughly double that of the Yaesu FT-818ND.

If you’re interested in a deeper dive on this topic, check out my recent article, “The enduring Yaesu FT-817 and FT-818 series transceivers.”

My dream FT-818ND replacement?

As I’ve said earlier: your enjoyment of a radio has everything to do with your own operating style. It is highly subjective.

The most comments I’ve seen from readers is they’d like to see Yaesu come out with an Icom IC-705 killer: an affordable HF/VHF/UHF SDR radio with a color touch screen, spectrum display, high performance receiver, built-in sound card, and wireless connectivity. All that in a field-rugged body. Basically, something that looks and acts like the IC-705, but even better and for a lower price point.

Frankly, that’s a lofty goal, especially in 2023 when production and component costs are so high.

While I think a Yaesu “IC-705” would be a really cool radio, it actually doesn’t tap the same market as the Yaesu FT-818ND; those same customers who made the FT-817/818 a cash cow for Yaesu for more than two decades.

I know because I am in that market.

I don’t personally want another IC-705. I want a radio that is more akin to the FT-818, but with enhanced features and performance. If I could hire Yaesu to make an FT-818 replacement just for me (keeping it relatively realistic) here’s what it would be:

  • As rugged as the FT-818 with the addition of waterproofing or some sense of dust/weather sealing
  • Current consumption closer to 100-130 mA in receive
  • Built-in sound card for digital modes and USB-C connectivity
  • Built-in automatic ATU
  • Built-in USB-C rechargeable battery pack
  • Variable filter widths
  • CW and SSB message memories
  • QSK with PIN Diode switching
  • Better SSB audio controls (EQ, compression, etc.)
  • A receiver front-end at least as robust as the FT-818
  • Up to 10 watts output power
  • Chassis attachment points for third party fames/cages, etc.
  • A price point below $1,000 US

If I had to drop one of the options above to keep the price point below $1,000, I would drop the internal ATU.

Basically, I would want a radio that is built for field deployment, flexibility, and utility. Think a Yaesu version of the Discovery TX-500 but with VHF and UHF.

Reality check

Truth is, we can dream up ideal radios for manufacturers to produce, but they can only do this if there’s a healthy market for them. They must make money.

Love it or hate it, the FT-817/818 was a profitable series for Yaesu.

The QRP field radio market is actually quite a competitive space. All of Yaesu’s latests radio designs have focused more on high-performance, contest-grade receiver architecture in a 100+ watt package. All of their latest radios have sported a version of their hybrid SDR design and a color touch screen display. Performance is benchmark (just look at the top five  radios on Rob Sherwood’s table).

To be very clear, I have no inside information here.  I have no idea if Yaesu is working on a new QRP radio.

I can’t help but think, though, that Yaesu would want to dip their toes, once again, in the QRP field radio market. With POTA and SOTA operation on the rise, I’m sure there’s temptation to tap that market again.

I would hope, though, that Yaesu might stick with the DNA of the FT-818 and 817 and merely improve a good thing.

At least, that’s my opinion and I will respect your point of view.

What do you think?

If you could influence the design of an FT-818 replacement, what features would it have? What would the price point be? Would it have a similar form factor?

Consider sharing your vision in the comments as I will send this post to Yaesu in the near future.

77 thoughts on “If Yaesu designed an FT-818 replacement…what would you like to see?”

  1. Count me among those who want a color waterfall display and 20W. Internal sound card. USB-C.

    Also let’s have LiFePO4 cells in 18650 format so they can be easily swapped out with readily available rechargeable cells instead of a proprietary battery pack. Yaesu should apply their love for ubiquitous connection ports to batteries instead.

    Bluetooth for audio and CAT control. This would allow use with phone apps for digital modes, APRS, FT8, SSTV, etc. Imagine a CAT control app on your phone that let you use the volume buttons on your phone as PTT and the phone mic to transmit. So many possibilities with Bluetooth.

    1. Thanks Ron. I totally agree. While cw is fine, I do SSB POTA. A waterfall must be there. Even with cw you would be able to see the band at a glance. I still in and use my 817, it is a great radio. I use my X6100 a lot more because of the waterfall, at, and internal power. I am trying to re-learn my cw, but will still enjoy sub. 73 Tim VE3VTH

  2. Hi I am new to all this and have just decided that I need a Yaesu FT 818 only to find they are discontinued, Ah well!

      1. ??
        Bonjour, impossible d’en trouver en occasion et je regarde depuis plusieurs mois, si vous avez une piste je suis preneur.


  3. Has Yaesu even thought about making something new in this area? I love my 817ND with 300Hz filter. But there is room for updating it.

  4. I want a simple, reasonably light, rugged radio in the form factor of a BK EPH or Moto MT500, PRC 158 or MBITR with the option for a companion ATU in the same matched form factor that is set up to take the mechanical stress of a long whip.

    Agree that built in support for FT8 is mandatory and a non proprietary battery option would be awesome.. Would love to see ALE and upgradable firmware. Make it developer friendly so new software features and cabilities can be added.

    Run the waterfall and all the fancy stuff off a phone/tablet app or laptop that can BT or plug in. The radio itself maybe wouldnt even need a speaker or mic, that could be optional or even run off the phone.

    If it you could do all that and it supported running ATAK over HF and it would sell like bonkers.

  5. I would love to see a built-in battery management system that allows for easy charging and monitoring of battery status. Additionally, an updated user interface with a color display would enhance usability, especially in the field. More memory channels for saving diverse configurations would also be fantastic, along with improved DSP features for better audio clarity!

  6. VA3UZ – The FTX-1F sure looks like an amazing replacement of the FT-817. In all fairness we really will not know until it is released. It looks like it will have its DNA from the FTDX-101, FTDX-10 and the FT-710. These are the top three radios on the Sherwood list. Numbers do not lie. The Sherwood list evaluates how well a radio receives and can work weak stations to be simple. I own the FT-710 and it is amazing and by far better than the competition and it can turn down to 5 watts. I am also on the list to purchase the FTX-1F. Am I a Yaesu Fanboy, no, they just happen to have the best radios in the world at the moment. If the new FTX-1F does have that quality, it will be a game changer. Will it be a KX2/3 IC-705 Killer, that remains to be seen. Those radios are still good radios, but new technology can be great.

    This is a QRP radio, 5-10 watts. I hope we don’t see dumb comments like it should have 20 watts. Twenty watts is only 1/2 an S unit more and not designed to be a QRP radio. I believe that Yaesu has listened and while you can’t please everyone, this will be a game changer. If it has the DSP of the top three, it will be a top pick for POTA. I love the 3D waterfall in the FT-710. Once you learn when and how to use it it is amazing. Having options to choose an attached ATU, and or cooler is great. I believe it will be priced lower than the competition and that will be huge. Again although it is great to speculate, but we will have to wait until it is issued. I plan to do an honest review when I get mine. I have already sold my FT-817. At least we have pictures of the prototype.

    I would like to thank Thomas for posting this again. I have learned so much from QRPer.com.

    Tim, VA3UZ

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