Starting today, you’ll be able to upload your own POTA logs!

The Parks On The Air website has the following message displayed on their home page:

After 12:00 Zulu (9AM Eastern Time USA) Friday, July 1 [2022], and once you have logged into the site, you will notice “My Log Uploads” as an option in our menu. Immense thanks WR5B and N0AW!

Those of us who have been POTA’ing for a few years will find this a very welcome feature!

Up to this point, POTA has been using regional volunteer coordinators to upload logs and they’ve done an amazing job. As POTA has grown–by orders of magnitude over the past few years–the amount of time needed to do uploads is truly significant for those coordinators. In at least one case I know a coordinator’s work load actually cut into their own POTA activating and hunting time.

I’ve always been so appreciative of our coordinators, but always felt hesitant to bug them when I’d discover an error in my logs that required deleting a log entry and re-uploading. I’ve never had a coordinator complain, but I hated to get them involved over a transcription error on my part.

I’m so happy to see that the beta testing has gone so well and the system will be online within an hour (at time of posting Friday morning).

I understand Mike (K8MRD) will soon publish a video here explaining how the new self uploads work.

Many thanks to all of those involved with making POTA what it is today and I’m so pleased to see self uploads being brought online. I would suggest we all be patient if we experience any problems as I suspect the new functionality is going to get a proper workout starting today!

6 thoughts on “Starting today, you’ll be able to upload your own POTA logs!”

  1. Thank you Thomas for the information and thank you to the gentlemen who did the work to make this happen. Parks on the Air has been tremendous fun and has invirgorated our hobby, in my opinion. It certainly has tremendously increased my pleasure with the hobby. POTA Hunting is like LOCAL DXing for us with less than optiminal antennas, fun and challenging. POTA Activating is such fun as it even more like DXing for the poor man. After more than 45 years it has been a way to get my non-ham wife to enjoy the hobby as I make all my activations include a picnic and hiking event to which she actually looks forward. So Kudos to POTA and all who make it happen. Thank you so much!
    Pete WK8S

  2. Awesome! The coordinators have done amazing work over the years, but this will be a nice feature to have. I’m glad they were able to get it going.

  3. That is great news. Like Pete WK8S, I have found that POTA is a lot of fun whether being a hunter or hunted. To me it is a nice relaxed contest where everyone has fun.

  4. I activated K-1345 on Thursday afternoon and used the new uploaded on Friday. It was simple and quick! An excellent tool from the POTA developers!

    My area coordinator has always done a great job with uploads, and as POTA continues to grow in popularity, this will better distribute some of the daily burden. Area coordinators deserve to have time for activating!

    73 de Brian – K3ES

  5. This is very good news. I sent the log from a recent activation to the W5 coordinator for upload and he replied that he’ll be on vacation for the next week and advised me to hold on to my logs until he returns. I have no problem with that but this new development make it a non-issue.


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