The new “Woodpecker” QRPp Transceiver Kit From Breadboard Radio

Many thanks to Bill (W4FSV) of Breadboard Radio who shares the following announcement:

40 METER “Woodpecker” QRPp Transceiver Kit From Breadboard Radio

Breadboard Radio has just released the 40 Woodpecker, a 40 meter low power CW transceiver for the 40 meter band. The Woodpecker features a crystal controlled transmitter with a 500 milliwatt output. The transmitter provides sidetone, receiver muting and QSK with delay. The Woodpecker’s direct conversion receiver has an adjustable bandpass filter, attenuator and an audio amplifier suitable for headphone level output plus a selectable low / high filter which helps with band noise and static crashes. The kit is supplied with crystals for 7030 and 7056 kilohertz. Other frequency crystals may be user supplied.

The designer, W4FSV has made multiple contacts using a 40 meter dipole antenna including many from 500 to 1000 miles. The kit is complete with all parts including a cabinet and attractive front panel plastic decal. A two channel 30 meter version may be available soon. A 60 meter version is also available.

More information is available at

8 thoughts on “The new “Woodpecker” QRPp Transceiver Kit From Breadboard Radio”

  1. I’d like you to do sota and pota with the 60m and 30m versions.

    Maybe you could make it on site with a gas powered soldering iron.


  2. Breadboard Radio kits have very good instructions with plenty of color photos that makes assembly very clear. They are very economical as well. I have the End Fed Antenna and it works very well.

    Max – WG4Z

    1. My Uncle Sam taught me code in 6 months. Then sent me to the Philippines for two years to practice. My MOS was that of an 058.20, Morse Code Intercept Operator, Army Security Agency.
      using code on these small home built rigs is very satisfying. Oh, I’m 84 yrs old and my service time was 57-60. Good luck to you.

  3. So am I to understand that one may operate this radio at a half of a watt and no license is necessary? It seems like a great incentive to learn Morse code and work your way towards a license. Am I correct or incorrect?

    1. Hi, John, You will need a license to operate on any of the ham radio bands. This transceiver operates on the ham bands, so a license would be required. You might be thinking of an ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) frequency? Those have restrictions but I believe some may be used without a license.

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