My QCX-Mini Field Kit

So I just finished putting together a dedicated, compact field kit for the QCX-Mini. I’m planning to do a SOTA activation tomorrow, if the stars align. Hopefully, they’ll align!

Everything in the photo above, save the throw line bag, fits in my Spec-Ops Brand Op Order Pouch.

QCX-Mini Field Kit Contents:

One of the newest products in this kit is my high viz 2mm x 50M Marlow throw line. I learned about this throw line from Mike (W4MAF)–thank you, Mike! It is much less bulky than standard poly throw line and fits in my Tom Bihn small travel tray. We’ll see how well it works tomorrow. First impressions from having used it at the QTH once was very positive.

Again, with any luck I’ll have this kit in the field tomorrow on a summit. If you’ve nothing better to do, look for me on the SOTA Watch spots page!

5 thoughts on “My QCX-Mini Field Kit”

  1. I’ll be working from home tomorrow so when the SOTA goat alert goes off I’ll be hunting.

    By the way my Elecraft KX2 shack in a box pack is shipping today. So, 5wks and not the 8 – 12 originally quoted by Elecraft.

  2. Mighty fine kit Thomas. If I ever get around to taking the SW-3B out I think I’m going to have to take a similar approach with the EFHW. 73 Steve

  3. Great kit! Can’t wait to see the adventures!
    How slick is the Marlow throw line? I have lots of pine trees in my area. I have a Weaver kit for contrast.

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