New Chameleon Pocket Antenna Series

FYI: I just received this announcement from Chameleon Antennas. They will be sending some samples of these antennas for me to test in the field.

(Source: Chameleon Antenna)


The CHA Pocket Series are a series of single and multi-band HF antennas that can literally fit in your pocket when not in use. There are THREE models available: a 40-6 Meter Off- Center Fed Dipole (OCFD), 40 Meter Dipole, and a 20 Meter Dipole.

This series of antennas are designed for ultra-light (all are 7 oz. or less) low power (QRP) portable operation. When running low power, an effective antenna is essential to actually making contacts – these are full-size antennas with full-size performance, but built with lightweight materials and miniaturized components. They were designed to complement the exciting new lineup of lightweight, battery operated, HF portable transceivers.


Click here to check it out at Chameleon.

Click here for the user guide.

Please note that Chameleon is a sponsor of!


9 thoughts on “New Chameleon Pocket Antenna Series”

  1. Hi Tom,

    Y ou said: They will be sending some samples of these antennas for me to test in the field.

    Try to ask them that you want to try their (CHA UCM ) UNIVERSAL CLAMP MOUNT

    I already have one, which I use doing portable, with an Outbacker antenna, Hamstick etc..

    I tried this on a balcony rail, and chain link fence, without radial , because the fence or the balcony rail does the job as a ground,

    I love this accessory because it gives me the opportunity to have fun almost anywhere, including Pik-Nik table in most of the parks., but this time with a elevated radial. Before goind on the air, I always use my analyser for a perfect adjustment of my antenna.

    A must to try , you’ll like it.

    Have a nice week Tom, 72/73 Michel VE2TH

  2. Michael, I have the UCM and like it a lot. It doesn’t scratch up the picnic table or railing like their Jaw Mount does.

    I use mine with the Hustler mobile whip and attach a counterpoise to the UCM on the wing nut.

  3. Thanks for the heads up for these pocket antennas. Placed order today. They are on backorder. Thanks for your excellent reviews, articles, and videos.

  4. I like Chameleon products, they are generally high quality and work well. However, they are expensive (which is to be expected for better quality) and their shipping charges are inflated. At the premium price shipping should be reasonable and an incentive to purchase.

  5. The PackTenna 20M linked dipole for $10 more looks to be a better value and includes a built-in winder. By adding additional linked wire to each leg you then have two antennas…40M or 20M all-in-one. Quality appears better too.

    Or build your own as others have said.

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