Speaking of low-cost simple feet for the IC-705, I recently ran into Max (WG4Z) at a summit/park activation. He had an incredibly simple solution for his ‘705. Max noted that his approach:
“only uses two 4 mm bolts just the correct length to make the radio tilt up so the back of the radio is flat against the bottom surface as well. I leave the bolts attached all the time. However, I do put a thin piece of cardboard under the bolts to keep them from scratching the LDG tuner thats always is under the 705.”
I love it! Of course, it would also be easy enough to unscrew the bolts when not in use. Thanks for the tip, Max!
Great idea you have, now glue on a couple of plastic acorn nuts and get rid of the cardboard.
I noted with interest your
bluetooth comment at the bottom. I’m hearing impaired and have been reading everything on getting some of these modern rigs to pair internal BT boards with …. hearing aids running BT. Did you ever get any audio pumped out via BT and, if so, what did it take? I can tell you the impaired seem to be a small market, getting specific responses from makers of products is more than difficult and often without specific information.