Tag Archives: Washoe Lake State Park (US-2640)

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1

by Brian (K3ES)

This two-part article continues my series from our 2024 road trip across the United States (Six Weeks and 7300 Miles:  Activating on the Road).  I hope to wrap up the series with one or two more articles (not yet written) over the next few weeks.  In this report, I plan to cover some of the parks and places we found during the trip that were interesting and spectacular beyond our expectations.

As we traveled across the country from Pennsylvania to California and back, we spent a lot of time looking for parks to activate, and sights to see.  While we tried to keep the sights and parks interesting, some of them were unexpectedly amazing, and I would like to share a few of those here.  Part 1 covers our westward trip from Pennsylvania to California.

Moraine View SRA, IL

Since I had already activated parks in Ohio and Indiana, we planned to do our first activation of the trip in Illinois.  To be honest, we chose Moraine View State Recreation Area (US-2311) as our Illinois park, because it was at the right place and the right time.  We had committed to arrive at my niece’s home in Minnesota at the end of our third travel day.  To stay on schedule for this, I needed to complete two activations (Illinois and Iowa), along with ending the the second day’s travel in Prarie du Chien, WI.  We picked US-2311 as the park for Illinois, because it was close to our travel route, and at the right distance from home for our first day’s drive.  That way I could do an early morning activation and be on the road quickly.

Activating US-2311 from a picnic table.  The perforated table top provide a perfect method to hold the collapsible fishing pole that I used to support my antenna.

Choosing a park based on proximity to the travel route might seem like a poor way to find spectacular parks for activating, but that does not account for having Becky engaged in the process.  In this case, she picked our first gem of the trip.  I set up in a shady picnic area to activate, while she and Molly took a walk along the lake that is the centerpiece of the Recreation Area.  They found beautiful views and some spectacular birds.  I finished the CW QRP activation in about an hour, with 11 contacts split between the 40m and 20m bands.  It turned out that six of the contacts were with activators working in other parks, and one of those activators was working from a 2-fer location, so I got credit for 12 contacts in total.  Following the activation, I packed up, and we headed out toward Iowa and our second activation of the day.

Becky captured this picture of the glassy-smooth lake.  Beautiful.
Molly posed for a picture during her walk beside the lake.
This Great Blue Heron was looking for breakfast.
Map of CW contacts from US-2311.

Great Salt Lake SP, UT

The Great Salt Lake is one of the state’s best known geographic features, so it was natural to look for a park near the lake as we planned for an activation in Utah.  Great Salt Lake State Park (US-3075), on the southern tip of the lake, seemed like a good choice.    We had no idea what a GREAT choice it would be.  Stopping at the park was also convenient for eating our lunch, since we would arrive there mid-day.  US-3075 has scenic views of the lake and surrounding mountains, a marina for pleasure boats that sail the lake, beaches for swimming, and it had at least one unoccupied, shaded picnic table that worked well for activating. Continue reading Activating on the Road:  Gems Along the Way – Part 1