Tag Archives: HRWB Podcast

Mark Your Calendars: HRWBOTA on December 3, 2023!

Are you looking for yet another reason to hop on the air?

You are?!

Great! I’d like to invite you to participate in HWRBOTA!

What is HRWBOTA? Listen to the mastermind behind it, Mark (N6MTS), who explains it here:

All of us on the Ham Radio Workbench podcast will be on the air and looking forward to making contact with you.

We do have an exchange of sorts, but it’s intentionally goofy and, in fact, not at all required.

This will take place on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, from 1800UTC to 2200UTC, 10am to 2pm Pacific, 1pm to 5pm Eastern.

For more information, check out the HRWBOTA website!

HRWBOTA is all about having a little fun (and getting a few of our HRWB “propagation” hams on the air! Shhh…don’t tell them!).

I plan to operate from a park in both CW and SSB. I will be QRP with a couple wire antennas. Really looking forward to it!

Ham Radio Workbench Podcast: We take a deep-dive into the world of backpacks and gear bags

As many of you know, I’m a hopeless pack geek.

So when George (KJ6VU) asked if I would be interested in talking about backpacks and gear bags as a guest on the Ham Radio Workbench podcast, I agreed without hesitation.

What I love about the HRWB podcast are all of the truly deep-dives into a wide variety of topics. Quite often, topics are well outside my particular interest area, but the more I listen, the more I’m drawn in. The hosts’ enthusiasm is infectious.

It was an honor to join this fine team for a few hours of workbench projects, ham radio, and pack geekery.

If you’ve never listened to the HRWB podcast, I’d encourage you to check it out and subscribe. I think you’ll agree that the hosts–George, Mark, Mike, Rod, and Vince–have an amazing chemistry.

Thanks again, guys, for inviting me on the show. As I said after the recording, it was great “being on the other side of the lawnmower.”