Being the hopeless pack geek I am, when David (AG7SM) shared photos of his many Tom Bihn bags and how he packed for a recent radio outing, I asked if he’d mind if I shared them here on He very kindly agreed!
The comments below are my own, but I’ve put David’s descriptions in each image caption:
Brain Bag

I’ve often considered grabbing a Tom Bihn Brain Bag in the past for one-bag travel, but frankly it’s a little roomier than I needed so overlooked it. I never thought about using it for field radio, but it makes so much sense

I have used a Tom Bihn Synapse 25 for both one-bag travel and as a field radio bag. It also has side pockets for field notes/logbooks and pens/pencils, but I think the Brain Bag accommodates them even better. Continue reading David’s field radio kit makes use of Tom Bihn packs and pouches