Conrad Field-Tests the Buddistick Pro at Silver Sands State Park (US-1716)

Many thanks to Conrad (N2YCH), who shares the following field report:

Testing a new Buddistick Pro at the Silver Sands State Park “Antenna Test Range.”

by  Conrad (N2YCH)

Silver Sands State Park in Connecticut borders the Northern shoreline of Long Island Sound and is located in Milford, a town on the Western side of New Haven County. There is a field between the parking lot and the sound that is a perfect “parks on the air” activation location. There are no power lines nearby. It’s very flat with no trees, so there is nothing to block the signal. It’s very easy to access and has a spectacular view.

POTA Map showing the location of Silver Sands State Park in Connecticut

Local hams visit to do POTA frequently, and we often run into each other there. One of those hams likes to build and test antennas and dubbed the park the unofficial “antenna testing grounds.” I’ve also used the park to test a number of different antennas myself, and today’s post details the maiden voyage of a brand new Buddipole Buddistick Pro antenna that I received as a holiday gift.

After using a Buddipole vertical as my primary antenna for years for POTA activations, I was interested to see if the Buddistick Pro measured up. What makes the Buddistick desirable is how compact it is. It breaks down and fits into the zippered case it comes with, but when put together, stands tall.

Buddistick Pro case in the passenger seat with the instructions
The Buddistick Pro set up at the Silver Sands “antenna test range.”

There are many videos and reviews of this antenna online, so I don’t want to re-hash what’s already been reviewed many times before. However, I did want to share how this worked for me.

Setting this up was a breeze; it took just a few minutes. I did bring along my RigExpert antenna analyzer to adjust it for resonance. I followed the instructions on where to tap the coil and how much counterpoise to let out. Everything is clearly marked, and the instructions tell you where to begin. However, the instructions are just the starting point. I had to move the coil tap a few turns to get the reading where I wanted it. Using the coil does narrow up the bandwidth somewhat, so it’s important to test it to see if you have it tuned for minimum reflected at the frequency you want to operate at. Once you have it tuned, you can leave the taps in place so you don’t have to do this each time.

Setting the coil tap for 20 meters
1.16:1 SWR at 14.074 Mhz

One thing I wasn’t prepared for was frozen ground at the park. The temperature here in Connecticut has been below freezing for a few weeks, and the ground at the park was frozen solid, preventing me from using my electric fencepost to support the counterpoise. I improvised and used my Jeep bumper to hold it up.

The Jeep bumper counterpoise mount

Once I was all set up, I connected the RF cable to my Elecraft KX2 to operate QRP using FT8 on 20 meters. I hit the ATU button on the KX-2, and it quickly found a 1.0:1 match.

1.0:1 SWR

Next, I connected the computer, synched the clock, and called CQ. I had a pile-up right away.

WSJT-X and JTAlert screenshot showing stations calling
Pskreporter map showing spots during the activation

I use the map to get an idea of how well my antenna is performing. Considering that I was running QRP, I was happy to see I was reaching the West Coast.

View from inside the Jeep at Silver Sands State Park

So, how did I do? In one hour, I completed 32 QSO’s with three of those being park to park contacts. I maintained a steady stream of callers throughout the activation. The coverage exceeded my expectations.

US-1716 POTA activation QSO map on 12-27-2024, FT8 and FT4 on 20 meters

Equipment List 

The Buddistick Pro, when packed neatly in its case, slides right into a normal-sized backpack with ease, along with the radio, computer, and a spare battery. For me, it will be a good, light companion antenna for the KX2 while doing POTA or SOTA.

6 thoughts on “Conrad Field-Tests the Buddistick Pro at Silver Sands State Park (US-1716)”

  1. Wonderful field test, Conrad. I do love how compact that Buddistick Pro is when packed away. That’s a huge selling point for me.
    Funny: I have a local POTA site I also consider to be my antenna testing grounds! 🙂

    1. Thanks Thomas.

      I feel like we have an incredible resource at our fingertips by seeing exactly where we can be received in real time with the Reverse Beacon Network and PSK Reporter. Either people spot you or they don’t…such a great way to test out antennas.

      73, Conrad

  2. Conrad, Have worked you from a number of CT parks, but missed you at 1716. Great story, and keep activating those CT parks! Tnx, Ken N0HRL

    1. Hi Ken,

      I recognize your call sign. My log shows 7 QSO’s. Thank you for hunting me when I’m out there. And don’t worry, Silver Sands is my regular park, I’m sure we’ll connect from there soon enough.

      73, Conrad

  3. Conrad
    how much ballasts was in the buddy bag. noticed a little sway in the bag and vertical element..
    been to beach and went the trail of pain on the beach with a vertical ..

    Bob, KL7NL

  4. Bob,

    I didn’t have much in there…but it was a mild day. I was just down at the beach this week and I had to tie my other Buddipole antenna to the Jeep bumper because it was so windy.

    Conditions certainly dictate what to use in the moment. The buddistick would not have been good for the gusty wind conditions.

    Thanks for asking,


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