Last year, at the Tokyo Ham Fair, Yaesu unveiled the long-awaited FTX-1F portable HF transceiver. After years of speculation, we finally have a successor to Yaesu’s venerable FT-817/818 product line on the horizon—a radio series with an impressive run of over two decades.

I’ve enjoyed reading the flurry of comments that continue today from readers following the FTX-1F announcement many months ago. The reactions are all over the map, but overall, it seems the FTX-1F checks a lot of boxes for amateur radio field operators.
This got me thinking…
From Sparse to Abundant
When I was first licensed in 1997, options for compact, portable QRP transceivers were few and far between. Sure, there were some kit radios and a handful of basic analog options, but almost no general-coverage QRP field radios. The only one that came close (besides the Argonaut II, which wasn’t exactly backpack-friendly) was the Index Labs QRP Plus.
Don’t get me wrong—there were some classic QRP radios out there, but they weren’t exactly compact. Tossing one into a daypack for an afternoon hike? Not likely.
Fast forward to today, and it’s a completely different story. The market is overflowing with QRP radios, offering something for every type of operator.
A radio for every preference and budget
- Sub-$400 radios? You’ve got options like the QRP Labs QMX, CFT1, (tr)uSDX, Xiegu G-106, and Venus SW-3B/6B.
- Affordable kits? Check out the QRP Labs QCX/QMX series, the CFT1, and (until recently) the Penntek transceivers.
- Ultra-compact CW transceivers? Look no further than the Elecraft KH1, Mountain Topper MTR series, and QRP Labs radios.
- Shack-in-a-box radios with built-in ATUs, mics, and batteries? Consider the Elecraft KX2, Xiegu X5105, X6100, and X6200.
- High-performance QRP rigs? There’s the Elecraft KX3 and Icom IC-705.
- Spectrum displays and built-in sound cards? The Icom IC-705, Xiegu X6100/X6200, and likely the upcoming Yaesu FTX-1F (fingers crossed) have you covered.
And that’s just scratching the surface. The past decade has brought an explosion of innovation in the field-portable space, making it hard to keep up.

Even better, prices have become more competitive. Adjusted for inflation, we’re getting more radio for our money than ever before. Sure, some options are pricey, but compared to 1997, we’re living in a golden age of QRP.
A personal perspective on radio prices
Case in point: my first HF transceiver was a used Icom IC-735, which I bought for around $700.

At the time, that felt like a solid deal for a full-featured HF radio that originally retailed for $1,150. Adjusted for inflation, that $700 would be about $1,371.83 today.
For perspective, one of the priciest QRP radios on the market right now is the Icom IC-705, which retails for $1,349.95 at time of posting. That’s $21.88 less than I paid for my used IC-735 inflation-adjusted.
On the flip side, if you adjust the cost of a brand-new, assembled QRP Labs QMX (roughly $200) to 1997 dollars, it would have been about $102.
Better still, if you’re willing to build the QMX from a kit, you can snag it today for roughly $102 in 2025 money.
Had the QMX existed in 1997? The kit price would have been $52.19 inflation-adjusted!
Sure, inflation-adjusting isn’t a perfect science—it doesn’t account for many other economic factors like manufacturing advances, material costs, or exchange rates—but it’s still a fascinating metric to use for perspective.
Talk about a bargain!
It’s a brilliant time to be a QRPer!

So, while it might sometimes feel like “the perfect radio” doesn’t exist or that prices are sky-high, I believe we’re actually living in the best time to be QRP operators. The options are plentiful, the innovations are remarkable, and the value for money has never been better.
What do you think?
Hi Thomas,
2024 I bought a used KX3 and this year the (new) Xiegu G90. Both are good, enough power for DX and nice spectrum display.
But in the end I prefer my KX3, why? For CW I never had a better TRX (I have a K3 in my shack since years). The G90 is good for SSB.
So it’s no easy choice for your back pack 🙂
In summer I need only a small bag, a bicycle and my little flatbed trailer to put all the stuff on and enjoy QRP in the field.
By the way: how can I post my QRP activites here in this blog?
Yes, the KX3 is a brilliant radio and one of the most capable field radios on the market!
I would love to check out your field reports. Simply send them to me in a Word or Google Doc with the images embedded. Use my callsign 🙂
Hi Thomas,
I will do that after my activities.
Today I tested my KX3 and my portable antenna HF-P1 before it goes in my suitcase. Hope somebody will hear me in FL!!!
I completely agree with Thomas’ assessments.
But to me, cost/benefit is a factor. For example, the KH1 is not cheap by any means, but what you have to consider is that a fully functional HF station for the field can fit in your pocket, so you can keep it with you at all times. So amortized by time and usage, it’s not that bad. I use mine while walking in the local parks, I bring it to the city park across from work and get on the air during breaks/lunch, when I am meeting up with others and they are late, time to check out the bands.
My latest usage is currently I am going through Chemotherapy and sleep in a hospital bed in my living room. Thankfully, I ran a cable from the 2 floor shack to the first floor and have a second switch box there. The small size and all in one nature of the KH1 means I can get on the radio and it takes little space on my side table. I have worked some DX, POTA activators and made 25 QSO during the HA (Hungary) contest. Fun stuff!
The QMX is a small cheap and good rig, but requires external stuff to get on the air. I also have a Elecraft KX2, a really nice rig. But I don’t use these too often because I have the KH1, so one could argue that the KH1 is sort of the champ at price vs. usage, at least for me.
73, Kevin K3OX
I agree, Kevin. Sometimes it’s about what you can do with a radio–the doors it might open compared to other models–that makes the “cost per wow” add up!
I’m so glad you can use the KH1 in such a flexible way and enjoy everything from POTA to DX while undergoing chemo. On that note, know that I’m beaming you some positive, healing energy on the 20-meter band which should propagate well to your QTH! 😉
All the best and 72,
Thomas (K4SWL)
We are indeed spoiled for choice. And, the amount of technology into modern, inexpensive radios is mind blowing. I mean, complete direct digital synthesis on a single chip?
Or take the QMX which could be had for $52 in 1997 dollars, contains a single chip computer system that is way more powerful than anything you could get for less than thousands of dollars in 1997.
On the other hand this means designers really have to innovate to stand out in the market place. I think the days are gone when you could wire up an Si5351, a couple of SA612s, and a μ-controller and have product worthy of the market’s attention.
Very good point, Matt. The bar is definitely higher these days. Amateur radio ops now expect a much more feature-rich radio than they used to. Some ops, for example, will no longer consider a field radio that doesn’t sport an internal ATU and internal rechargeable battery. Those features have only been in the realm of possibility in the past couple of decades. But you’re right: even baked-in features like CW message memories, variable filter widths, etc. These are achievable even in lower-priced radio models.
Who studied Econ in college?😏
Things have never been more affordable. I love the QMX for air travel, as the cost risk is relatively low.
Ha ha! Am I that transparent? 🙂
The QMX is such a capable travel radio.
Thomas, probably because I am still a tad miffed over my QMX, I need to get this off my chest. Yes, a nice radio, but my kit came with one factory surface-mounted defective chip, and one bad power board. I didn’t have the skills to either find or fix. Jeff Moore saved my day. The price of the radio doubled. I would not build another QRP-Labs kit.
BTW: I still have a Heathkit HW-8 and it still works!
Bruce, N5GB
Hi, Bruce,
I have heard of sub-par pre-assembled units, but not of factory-installed SMD components having issues.
Did you reach out to Hans? I would expect him to give you any replacement parts you needed.
And, yes, the HW-8 series will outlive us all! 🙂
Thomas, I have forgotten exactly which chip; but Jeff Moore said he has replaced a number of them. In my case, the receiver was mute. I was happy to have Moore repair it. Replacing a tiny SMD is way beyond my pay grade. I read seeing a lot of people with no receive audio.
And it’s not just the radios.
Spotting technology, frequent QRP contests, SOTA and POTA have driven activity way up from what it used to be when you would hang out around the QRP watering holes and hope.
And a wild number of antenna and battery choices, driven by increased interest in portable operation generally have made a big difference.
And the availability of cheap powerful test equipment like the nanoVNA and Tiny SA have made building easier and fun.
Last but not least a great QRP community supported by YouTube and the Internet and of course drive interest to the point where manufacturers will enter and stay in the market. Very nice.
Only been licensed for 10 years this coming February and I can only imagine how much harder QRP would be withou the internet, affordable kits, and accessible test equipment. Arguably, my interest in ham radio would have waned pretty quickly if weren’t for these things.
You’ve made a brilliant point here, Scott. All the support and networks in our world of QRP and Ham Radio create a much more enjoyable playing field. You’re right: even our workbenches can be built affordably. The RBN, PSKreporter, SOTAmat, and those network-linked listening and spotting systems have made everything so accessible. We live in amazing times!
Thomas: Your comments are 100% correct…I don’t get to the field very often, but I own a KX2, KX3, and IC-705…All are great radios….I also have a IC-705 and I can attest to the progress being made for weight and size over the past 2 decades….
BTW, I was given a OMX+ kit for my birthday last year and hope to get it assembled some time soon….As an avid Heathkit builder from the 1970’s, I am looking forward to that comparison!
73;s de Charles, KW6G
Thank you, Charles. I think you’ll enjoy the QMX build. The component density is much tighter than that a Heathkit, but the instructions are on par with those classic kits!
When I got started in Amateur Radio back in 1980 there were very few commercial HF rig choices for QRPers. I built a Heathkit HW-8, as I was a poor high-school student and couldn’t afford a Ten-Tec Argonaut 509, the Cadillac of QRP rigs at the time. I think that only Ten-Tec and Yaesu (FT-7) were were actually producing commercially assembled all solid-state rigs back then.
The other big change since then has been in battery technology. My first QRP portable operating was with my HW-8 using two alkaline 6V lantern batteries in series as a power source, while on a canoe trip with friends.
Batteries! You’re right, and using two lantern batteries in series was not a cheap thing to do because they were pricey and not rechargeable. Battery technology today is simply amazing–small and energy-dense.
Although QRP has been around for a long time in Ham Radio, but seems the one POTA year started by the ARRL really sparked QRP and field operations. After that year many liked it so much they continued it. And the manufactures took note and yes we have all kinds of good QRP rigs to choose from, some more costly than 100W base stations and they sell.
You’re right the 2016 NPOTA event sparked a new love of all things field radio!
These are nice rigs but believe this old codger will stick with my old K2 and my Penntek TR-35 and TR-45 Skinny. They work great, are simple to operate and are paid for.
Those are all brilliant radios! Yes, keep’em! 🙂
You’re right! It’s hard to believe that my largest radios are the FT-818 or the QCX+. If it weren’t for affordable kits, my ham radio career probably would have ended back when it started 10 years ago.
Personally, I’m glad that we’re spoiled for choice and that you indulge in such choices for all of us. Your reviews are excellent and will make my next choice in radio (probably the Lab599 TX500 or Elecraft KX2) much less nerve wracking.
Thank you. And, yes, those are both excellent radio choices you’re considering there. I like the TX-500’s weatherproofing, but admittedly, I think the KX2 is one of the best all-time field radios. Very much a “buy once, cry once” purchase. 🙂
Great article, Thomas! A year ago I was watching your videos hoping to get on the air with cw. At that same time, I began observing the QRP radio market.
I was shocked to learn the KH1 had just been released 6 months prior. To me, it looked like a gadget from the late 1980s. Of course, I now understand what a modern engineering marvel that little radio is.
I couldn’t have picked a better time to get into QRP field ops! I was lucky to be able to snag the Penntek TR-45L & TR-35, I built two QMX, and the CFT1. Overall I’m badly bitten by the radio bug. (Yes, it’s totally your fault)
I love my Elecraft KX2 and KX3 as well as my mountain toppers. I’m lucky to be able to activate fairly frequently, enabling me to shuffle through my [now] many radios.
It’s a wonderful hobby and as you highlighted; the financial barrier to entry is minimal with such accessible price points!
73 de KI7QCF
Man oh man! All that you’ve accomplished in a year, Forrest! It’s truly impressive, and I’m so proud of you. That QRP bug bit you hard and we’re all the better for it. 🙂
When I first saw the KH1, having been an Elecraft owner for nearly two decades, I immediately recognized that form-following-function design philosophy. After I started using it regularly, I wondered how long it might take a company like Xiegu to make their own version–and I wondered how the design might differ (likely heavier, with a color screen, and slightly bulkier). And then I thought about a company like Yaesu developing a handheld HF portable (highly unlikely that would ever happen), but I bet it would look a lot like their HTs.
Thanks again for your kind comment and keep up the great work on your channel!
Thanks for the contact today Forrest, Utah is a state I needed. I used the KH1 with the whip. I appreciate you being patient 🙂
SC to Utah is a haul…
Amateur radio operator license is around 30£ only so it’s not that expensive + you can do more than 4W CB radio and communicate with people over radio as well .
A very good point you brought up about current prices. I think everyone is still stung by the increases in prices on everything since the pandemic. A K4 may be forever out of my reach now. As for TenTec radios they are not backpack portable, they are man portable. You have to earn that QSK! I just wouldn’t risk my Argo VI outside so I used it as an excuse to buy a TL-45 Skinny. Biggest complaint about this article is lack of Hazel .
Ha ha! Funny as I’ve been wondering how I could pitch to Elecraft that I need a K4 to do a SOTA activation. 🙂
And does this improve the article?:

Big improvement! She doesn’t think it’s her best side.
It made my heart do a little jig when I saw your photo of the QRP Plus! Between that and an OHR-400, that accounts for the lion’s share of my QSOs. (I also have a KD1JV Tri-band, which is pretty nice).
I’m helping a new ham, 11 years old, get going and his first rig is a Xiegu G106. When we unboxed it I was blown away just how good a radio that is for the price. My first rig was an Atlas 210X with no side tone or CW filters, and I have always been primarily a CW operator, yet at the time… I felt rich with that radio. It got me on the air!
It’s a good time to be a ham!
Definitely true. It’s hard to understate how beneficial the original NPOTA event and everything downstream of it has proven to be. Explosion of activity + lightly related industry with low barriers to entry = panoply of new products. I doubt there has ever been a better time to be a portable op.
Other factors I would note:
Small portable batteries are vastly improved over 20 years ago.
The “end fed” antenna design became popular, which made it easy to put up a 50 ohm multiband antenna with a single, light duty vertical support.
Basic microprocessors of the kind used in small CW rigs and autotuners are available for pennies.
3D printing gave small producers the ability to make custom plastic parts.
Universal internet access has made it very easy to directly market and sell kits and products. Remember having to call or write to get a brochure or catalog? Nobody under 30 even knows what that was like!
Reluctantly, here’s my 2c, FWIW – as an old wilderness backpacker and casual rock climber, I value equipment that is reliable, trustworthy, efficient and effective, and lightweight. Having started doing portable radio long before POTA started and probably before SOTA came to the US, I’ve played with lots. Short answer: Elecraft KX2 & Mountain Topper MTR3b (LCD). The original FT-817 is probably third (regret selling it). KX2 has never let me down, whether backpacking in the mountains, or in Greece or St Lucia. For me, the KX3 is “bloated” and the KH1 under-performs….the KH1 performed poorly on both Cape Breton Island and Nevis Island last year when the KX2 did great. And way back, the KX1 did great on Suomenlinna Island in the Bay of Finland.
-Don’t need or want waterfalls or color displays or other bells and whistles, just a “lean and mean” radio like the KX2. For hanging out at a campsite tho, the TR-45L is a blast…real knobs, toggle switches & a real analog S meter.
I started my QRP journey back in 2000. The cat’s meow was a Yaesu FT-817. I still think it’s an awesome rig. I paired it with an Elecraft AT1, and installed a bHi filter in it. That and rails, a nifty, shoulder bag and a Trail-friendly antenna. What fun I had out in the field…
Now, my KX2 spoils me. Which I think is my choice over the KX3 for a number of reasons. I can’t justify a KH1 with my KX2 kit so utilitarian and capable.
For a pocket transceiver, I started out with an original Steve Weber Moutain Topp’r, the 2 band version. I had Adam K6ARK mod it with his capacitive touch acorn key, years back. 20/40 meter’s ‘Pop!’ with this radio. It’s paired with a speaker-wire doublet cut for 20 meters.
And now I just love everything QRP Labs does. Like Steve Weber, Hans Summers is genius.
I started with an original FT817 (with optional CW filter!) and a matching LDG tuner. I still have both and they are as-new with not much use. I usually use my KX3 – a great portable QRP rig. Sometimes the 991A (portable but not QRP!) gets some exercise on the truck dashboard. Looking hard at a new MTR. I need to get the old 817 out more often, and Yaesu’s new QRP rig looks very interesting.
I have been into QRP for many many years. I think my first QRP radio was the Ten-Tec Argonaut 505 then had two HW-8 radios Also had an Argo. At the Present time I own The Index Labs QRP Plus, QMX Plus for 20 Meters, MFJ 15 Meter Cub and the Icom 703. Once you work another Ham when running QRP you just want to come back for more fun on the bands. It is amazing what you can do running QRP.
In the late 70’s until the late 80’s I ran a Ten Tec 509. I loved that little radio.
My KH1 has been a joy, it’s astonishing how much can be packed into a small package. It opens a new world for QRP operators.
It’s been the best money I’ve spent.