From Competition to Communication: BBC World Service Explores Morse Code

Many thanks to David (K2WNW) and Pete Polanyk, who share this brilliant documentary from the BBC World Service:

Morse code: Ready to transmit

The Documentary Podcast

At the world Morse Code championships in Tunisia, competitors must battle to be the fastest and most accurate at sending and receiving Morse code.

2 thoughts on “From Competition to Communication: BBC World Service Explores Morse Code”

  1. The speed some people can understand Morse is incomprehensible to me! I used to use the Windows program RufzXP when learning CW. This had league tables showing the speed other user were achieving and they were far beyond what I was managing to do. It used characters per minute and there was a challenge to get over 1000 cpm. At speeds like that the sound was just like the example in the podcast – it was just a burp with the individual characters indistinguishable from each other to my ear but some people could understand it.

    I stopped using RufzXP when I upgraded to Windows 11 as it wouldn’t run on W11 although it might do now, I haven’t checked.

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