Helene Aftermath Update: Adopting an Off-Grid Community Radio Network (Thursday, October 24, 2024)

Good Morning, Friends,

For those who haven’t followed my previous posts, we live in a rural mountain community in Swannanoa, NC, and were hit hard by the unprecedented destruction caused by Hurricane (later Tropical Storm) Helene. I’ve been sharing regular updates to chronicle our recovery efforts and, naturally, to highlight the vital role amateur radio has played throughout.

Since things have stabilized on our road, we’ve shifted focus to the administrative side of disaster recovery—insurance, FEMA, and contractors for repairs. I’ll dive into that in a future post.

Community Radio Update

It’s been a busy week. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been evaluating options for the best off-grid communications network for our rural community. My VHF handy talkies were incredibly useful after the storm—when we had no other way to communicate between households—so much so that our neighbors want a permanent solution that everyone can access.

I truly appreciate all the helpful feedback from my last post.


Some of you suggested Meshtastic as a great option, and I agree. Here’s why:

1. It requires no license.
2. It’s effective if enough nodes are deployed in the neighborhood.
3. It’s affordable.

Meshtastic is an off-grid, text-based communications network. I first experimented with it during Hamvention 2024, where hundreds of nodes were deployed across the Dayton, Ohio area. (Thanks again, N5FY, for the Meshtastic device!) I plan to introduce it to our community by setting up a few test nodes.

While Meshtastic is a great supplement to our off-grid communications, our neighbors prefer portable radios and voice communication. This allows us to run nets and pass traffic more easily while on the move.

Although Meshtastic is relatively simple for electronics hobbyists and makers, it’s still a bit quirky for the average person and not entirely user-friendly yet. I’m confident the system will evolve, but for now, I’ll hand-pick a few neighbors to experiment with it.

Other radio services

Many of you suggested MURS (Multi-Use Radio Service) as a good alternative, and I agree it’s better than FRS (Family Radio Service) for several reasons. However, our valley has significant elevation changes and is heavily forested. We need a system that supports higher-powered mobile/base units and external antennas, plus the option for a repeater, which MURS doesn’t allow.

CB Radio is also a great option except that the CB bands are a bit crowded and unruly here. I think it could be difficult finding a clear channel to run a neighborhood check-in net, for example. Still a good back-up comms option for any household.

Why Not Ham Radio?

Of course, many of you encouraged me to consider getting the neighborhood licensed with Technician class licenses. While I’d love for everyone to become ham radio operators, it’s a big ask, especially in the aftermath of Helene, when most people are focused on rebuilding their lives. That said, I’m thrilled that two neighbors have already expressed an interest in studying for their exams!

However, we need a more accessible radio solution that can be deployed immediately, and that’s where GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) and PLMRS (Private Land Mobile Radio Services) come in.

The two contenders

I’ve been weighing the pros and cons of both GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) and PLMRS (Private Land Mobile Radio Services). Both allow for a repeater, mobile/base stations, and external antennas with power levels up to 50 watts if needed. A well-placed repeater would ensure reliable communication throughout our valley, even with the 1,000-1,200 foot elevation changes, and allow us to expand the system to more households.

I was about to submit the paperwork for PLMRS frequency coordination when I realized I should consult with our local fire department first. If they had a strong preference, I needed to know before investing.

I put out a call on the Mount Mitchell (N2GE) repeater for Dennis (N4DIN) who is typically stationed at our main Swannanoa Fire Department. I couldn’t reach him, but I did get a call back from Dan (N2DMG) who just so happened to be in the Swannanoa area for the day.

Dan was the primary net control during the critical first 10 days after Helene, so you may recognize his voice if you listened to the Mitchell repeater on Broadcastify.

We arranged to meet at our mutual friend Ed’s (N4EDX) home. Ed has been a key figure in our community’s recovery efforts, and Dan also invited Randy (N2GE), the owner of the Mount Mitchell repeater.

Our community relied on all three of these fine hams post-Helene. It was pure serendipity that we were all able to meet on short notice yesterday morning.

A compelling case for GMRS

Here’s the funny part: Dan and I arrived at Ed’s house first and after catching up a bit, I asked for his advice about using either GMRS or PLMRS. He agreed that PLMRS might have a slight advantage over GMRS, but both were good options.

Then Randy arrived.

Dan asked him what he was up to that day and Randy said, “I’m going to install a new GMRS repeater on a summit here in Swannanoa.

I asked Randy if the repeater would cover our valley and he replied, “Oh yeah. Easily. It’s an ideal location.

Dan and I looked at each other and said, “Well, that settles it.

I mean, what are the chances that I’d wake up yesterday morning and meet with the Mount Mitchell repeater owner, who just happens to be installing a new GMRS repeater to cover our community? Crazy, right?

From L to R: Thomas (K4SWL), Dan (K2DMG), Ed (N4EDX), and Randy (N2GE)

On top of that, Randy is the reason the Mount Mitchell repeater is so reliable and effective. If he’s installing a GMRS repeater, we know it’ll be done right.

So GMRS it is!

Randy mentioned the repeater would be up and running by Friday (!!!), and just like that, the burden of sourcing a repeater, a site, and licensing was lifted.

Thank you, Randy!

GMRS Radios

Now, here’s where I could use your help.

I’ve been researching GMRS radios, but the market is flooded with options, and reviews (websites and YouTube) are often unhelpful—many are just glorified product brochures based on free product. I’d love to hear from those of you who have actual experience with GMRS radios, especially handheld models that are:

• Easy to use and program (via USB or Bluetooth)
• USB-C rechargeable
• Rugged, possibly water-resistant or waterproof
• Have a standard antenna connector
• Well-reviewed by users

While I know some in our community already have GMRS radios, I’d like to standardize on a single model that I can recommend to neighbors. This way, I can program them consistently (via USB or Bluetooth), ensuring they all function the same. It will also make it much easier to teach everyone how to change channels and use the repeater effectively.

I’ve ordered a pair of Baofeng UV-5G Plus GMRS radios (this pair from Amazon–affiliate link) and plan to order a Tidradio TD-H8 based on Randy’s advice. I’d appreciate any additional suggestions!

Once I’ve selected a radio model, I’ll set up a series of community meetings/classes to teach everyone how to use the radios and how to participate in a community net.

Final thoughts…

As always, I’m deeply grateful for the kindness and support we’ve received. If I haven’t had a chance to reply to your emails or comments, please know it’s because I’ve been focused on helping my family and neighbors during this challenging time.

A huge thank you to Vince (VE6LK) and all the amazing contributors on QRPer.com! I’ve been enjoying all the guest field reports—it’s been a wonderful escape.

Thank you all for being such an incredible community and support network!

Wishing you the very best this week!

Cheers & 72,
Thomas (K4SWL)

26 thoughts on “Helene Aftermath Update: Adopting an Off-Grid Community Radio Network (Thursday, October 24, 2024)”

  1. There are already several good GMRS repeaters in the area so I think GMRS will work well. As far as CB is concerned something that you may have not thought about is FM and CTCSS/DCS is allowed now so you wouldn’t have to listen to all the chatter.

    1. Yes, good points. I did consider this, but I think that the use of repeaters will give everyone better coverage in general. FM CB with tone codes certainly helps eliminate extra chatter!

  2. That’s great that there will be a good repeater for you guys! Not sure what we Haywood County people could come up with, and there are tons of issues with this kind of thing. I’m hoping to get a little bit of involvement with the Haywood Amateur Radio Club, but it’s probably too small to influence any neighborhoods this strongly. We have a lot of poor folks, and we function differently here is Redneckville (that’s a compliment, not an insult).

    1. If I learn anything in this process, I’ll be happy to share it with you. We’re not exactly the cosmopolitan types here in GSA (Greater Swannanoa Area). 🙂 I promise you that!

      1. Thanks – I did not know that. Very unfamiliar with the world of GMRS. Obviously I need to study up. Trying to become a ham “again” for now.

  3. Look into the UV-9R Pro Baofeng as an alternative. Affordable and great features for your purpose. Our community now has a GMRS repeater and the coverage is quite good, though we are not heavily wooded like your location. And agreed, getting folks into GMRS with and inexpensive radio and FCC license for family has been the ticket for our community.

    1. I had not checked out the UV-9R Pro. I didn’t realize it was compatible with repeater operation. That’s good news.

  4. My RV group is trying to standardize on GMRS for communications while camping and traveling for many of the same reasons. I just received a pair of the exact same model radios that you are starting with. It’s weather sealing isn’t great, probably its biggest limitation. They are also larger than I expected compared to my UV-5R. However USB-C charging will be useful in the RV, and the price was right for a starting set to upgrade our FRS radios that we’ve used for decades. I’ll ask if they have other recommendations and will post here if I get them.

  5. At the risk of ire arising from unwanted suggestions lobbed in from 3000 miles away …

    How about setting up a minimal organization to help with the application of radio communication in your neighborhood, like “Thom’s Hollar Radio Association”?

    The org could help the members/neighbors with:

    * Equipment purchase (I know people are willing to donate cash).
    * Licensing.
    * Radio programming and usage help.
    * Net/Training/Skills maintenance.
    * Connection.

    And this might take some the burden off K4SWL for being the radio champion of the neighborhood going forward. And, I know, organizations of people tend not to age well, but maybe the communities of WNC are different.

  6. Thomas, here on the north coast of Oregon where we live with tsunami threats, we’ve used GMRS for years. I ride herd on three GMRS repeaters. I have some definite opinions, but I’ll write more in an email later today.

    Glad you and yours are recovering…

  7. Thomas, awesome work! I have been following your articles for sometime since Helene hit. It’s opened my eyes to a lot of the different things that are going on with disaster recovery. I have a GMRS license – which I don’t use much. But I’d like to get some GMRS units set up for the family. Please update us on the model you select.

    N7VAN/ Brian

  8. Thomas K4SWL,

    Sounds like an optimal solution.

    If it would help with, you might start a “go fund me” or something to buy radios and licenses. That way some of us far away can help in a meaningful way.

    Best, John KM6AHT

  9. I also use GMRS when needing radio communications with family & friends who are not hams. It’s great for vehicle-to-vehicle (Off-road clubs) communications while on a trip, or for use around the cabin/lake/campsite.

    Alternative to a handheld would be a base station in the house or a vehicle, I would recommend the Midland USA Micro Mobile radios:

  10. Looking at GMRS radios, I’d take a close look at the HT and mobile offerings from Wouxun. I have a KG-935 HT and it’s surprisingly well built at the price it’s offered. There are a plethora of cheaper HT options. I’ve used the KG-1000G mobile rig and found it pretty nice as well.

      1. Which GMRS radio depends on the user. For a ham, a GMRS radio that looks like a ham HT is fine, but it may be too complicated as a hand-out radio. The Retevis RB-19P looks more like an old-school cell phone than a radio, so it’s my go to GMRS radio for my family members.

  11. 73 !

    First, thank you very much for your experience.

    I’m half agree with you for Meshtastic. I use it in Belgium and mount a network. I think it’s enough easy to use for People Who have a smartphone. It’s only a tchat app like messenger! More easy that, … it’s impossible. Or people are very silly in USA, I couldn’t beleave that !!!!

    I’m agree about one thing : Meshtastic need the help of a person with a little experience for install and configure the device (node). But once time in place, it’s very easy to use for everyone Who have a smartphone.

    If someone can use is smartphone to publish picture on Facebook, he can use Meshtastic.

    Meshtastic is very good for Range with few power. I’ve made DX about 38 km between two nodes in long fast mode in 433 MHz in ISM band with 12 dBm. Other have made more in 868 MHz, 915 MHz (US band). But, you need an minimal Infrastructure. No node, no network. If people turn off their node, it’s stupid. Also, you must need a smartphone, tablette ou computer near the client node. Nodes are the relay! Another probem, Meshtastic can’t support too much trafic. It’s a Slow system.

    Also, I very agree with you that FM two way radio like GMRS are the best way. It’s very more resilient than others system. And it’s the more easy to use. You turn on, choice good channel and talk !

    You have the chance to have relay. It’s not permit in UE. Only portable two way radio with 0,5W ou the CB. Or you must be hams.

  12. Many newer ham HTs have extended range to allow you to program the GMRS frequencies. Technically you cannot use anything but a GMRS radio on GMRS frequencies under normal circumstances, but it’s good to have that capability during an emergency. Oh, and you can do the same for the MURS channels too.

  13. Meshtastic can be good for some things but probably more along the lines of news bulletins. Personally I’m concerned with how stable meshtastic nodes are. I have rak4631 (low power consumption) and I’ve had to factory reset them several times, particularly the one in my car that gets hot. Having to reset them every couple months is not good for reliability! Maybe others are better.

  14. The wider general community accessibility (cf. just hams) of your repeater supported GMRS system sounds like a sensible direction of travel. Delivered and maintained by hams but available to all is a very good message.

    Some additional resilience provided by a ‘pop up’ GMRS repeater or coverage overlap from a neighbouring fixed repeater would be nice ? Also, your game changer seems to have been the good fortune to have people who could quickly step in and get a grip of managing/policing traffic through the Mt Mitchell repeater before it descended into anarchy. Guess you would want the same rapid comms management approach on the GMRS repeater facility should there be a next time.

    Maybe work with the repeater owner to routinely exercise the ‘right people’ taking command of the repeater in the event of a civil emergency so that the community understands it is an established procedure? Make routine user repeater access conditional on understanding and respecting it’s alternate Emcom role ? Can you have a tailored recorded message that it is a community & occasional emcom GMRS repeater as part of the repeater ID announcement ?

  15. I am in Black Mountain and heard this discussion on N2GE the other night. I think there are two issues here. First is no one is using existing tech in AM radio broadcast to reach the population of these towns. We all have radios and all I saw was regularly scheduled TV and NPR having discussions once per day for the whole region. The FEDS should provide each town with a Broadcast transmitter and recorder like the weather radio to tell you what is going on during disaster and how to get help. Black Mountain stupidly relied on facebook. No cell, no internet and definitely no social media account, many oldsters were in the dark for over a week. Someone called NPR and said the remote areas had people clinging to their truck radio waiting for information and nothing was coming. Fix that with Fed money. Call a congressman. Second, HTs are nice but keep them simple. I am former RACES and Civil Defense. The last thinh you want in an emergency is to have to open an instruction book to learn how to shift to another frequency with all these button pushing procedures. Yes, get a repeater, but also have a simplex to take traffic off the net when necessary and make sure it is easy to do that with whatever rig you choose.

    1. Simpler is better, for sure. I’m convinced that tons of people have gotten Tech licenses and Baofengs in the past month and will never touch them until there’s some disaster where the cell phone doesn’t work. This is, sadly, due to the fact that ham radio training and testing folks have marketed ham as “working when nothing else does”. They’re not wrong, but it’s a problem, and they’re making money from it and leaving local ham clubs to pick up the slack. There’s much work to be done. I agree that local AM radio is crucial. Canton did a good job with that, sorry to hear that Black Mountain did not. It’s my opinion that local AM should have some training “blurbs” about how to use radios to call for help. Even bits about using headlights of a car to send SOS. Or horns. The value of flares. Stuff that isn’t necessarily “radio”, but use radio to help people know what to do.

  16. Coming late to the discussion but will offer that a real GMRS radio will require no programming – part of type acceptance for a legal GMRS radio means it’s channelized and cannot be user programmed. Many chinese offerings are called GMRS radios but are not type accepted in that service and are not technically legal to operate. No question there’s a strong appeal for a multi-use radio for hams but for general public distribution, a real GMRS radio is a more practical solution. I get that “when all else fails” no one is checking product FCC ID’s for Part 95 certification but if you’re going to spec a “standard” radio for group use, picking one that doesn’t need CHIRP to set it up for 22 channels I think is one prerequisite. And while many might dismiss lowly FRS radios there’s something to be said for something that inexpensive, simple to operate and works with GMRS. A number can be kept on hand as giveways, teamed up with alkaline batteries that have a 10 year shelf life.

    Mark K5LXP
    Albuquerque, NM

    1. Mark, yes GMRS is channelized, but most GMRS radios are programmable for PL tones. They are not configurable by an operator without chirp or some other software like ham HTs are. I don’t know if all GMRS radios come with the same PL tones for a given channel, so whoever is coordinating for a GMRS repeater (the real reason to go GMRS vs. MURS or FRS) will have to find a common PL tone or possibly run it wide open.

      Mike, KL7MJ

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