
Good Morning, Friends,

As some of you may know, my area of western North Carolina (Swannanoa) was hit hard by record-setting flooding and high winds from the remnants of Hurricane Helene.

We live in a rural, somewhat remote part of Buncombe County, and while we were prepared for power outages, downed trees, and general disruptions, what we actually experienced was nothing short of catastrophic. Even though we expected a devastating storm, I don’t think anyone was fully prepared for what unfolded.

From about midnight until midday on Friday—especially between 1:00 AM and 10:00 AM—we endured tropical-storm-force winds and relentless rain after nearly 24 hours of heavy rainfall from a prior weather system.

During this time, we listened to tree after tree uprooting and crashing down around our home. Since we’re surrounded by forest, we were understandably concerned about trees hitting the house.

At 6:00 AM, two trees did hit the house, just before the strongest wind gusts occurred between 7:00-9:00 AM. Thankfully, the damage was limited—both trees struck a corner of the house, but no limbs penetrated the roof or ceiling (I believe our metal roof helped prevent that). They did damage two of our PV panels.

Unfortunately, the trees did hit our Subaru, crushing the front of the car. RIP Ella Sue.

We were extremely fortunate that no more trees hit the house. At our altitude, I’m certain the wind gusts exceeded 75 mph.

The Subaru is under there somewhere.

When it was safe to go outside, we discovered that at least a dozen large, old-growth trees had fallen across our driveway. Clearing them all will take days.

View of the driveway from our house. The first cluster of downed trees.

We lost so many hardwoods that it now looks like our house has been relocated to a different spot.

The road leading to our house is also blocked by downed trees and power lines. A portion of the road in the valley, which follows a creek (as many roads do in western NC), is likely washed out. It may be days before we can check.

As bad as all of this was for us, we feel incredibly lucky. If you’ve seen the news, you’ll know that many people in our area lost their homes and businesses entirely. Tragically, there’s also been loss of life.

The only reason I can post this update is because we have solar panels and battery backup. The system wasn’t designed for what may be two or more weeks without power, but by conserving energy, we’re able to live comfortably and help our neighbors.

We also recently switched to a satellite-based internet service (a new option from HughesNet), which is why we still have internet access. Mobile phone systems in the region are completely down, and almost no one has service—including local TV reporters. A large portion of the population here is without internet, according to reports.

Even the 911 system is largely inaccessible. Residents are being urged to text 911 in emergencies, but in many areas, even that’s not possible.

Ham Radio to the Rescue

I’ve heard it all my life: when all else fails, ham radio still works. And let me tell you, it’s true.

Throughout the storm, our normally quiet repeater systems were buzzing with activity. The traffic became very organized, with hourly nets helping pass messages to family and friends, sharing detailed on-the-ground reports, and identifying areas where help was needed. Even though our emergency services are overwhelmed, we’re able to connect with them via amateur radio networks like ARES.

Right now, being a ham feels like a superpower. For many people, it’s the only form of communication that still works.

Grateful Despite It All

The big takeaway from all of this is gratitude.

We are safe.

Our family is so fortunate to have made it through this storm, which broke almost every weather-related record for the region. Literally.

We haven’t been able to contact many friends due to the widespread internet outages, but those we’ve reached are safe, and for that, we are incredibly grateful.

NOAA Rain accumulation map in advance of the storms.

Thanks to the advance warning from meteorologists, we were able to prepare, and the number of fatalities has been remarkably low. Had this storm hit 50 years ago, it would have been a different story altogether.

We know we’ll get through this. Our community is strong, and we have friends who can help, just as we’ll help them.

Of course, I won’t be activating any parks or summits for a while. I’ve canceled my trip to the W4 SOTA campout next weekend. But as long as we have power and internet, I’ll continue to post guest contributions and field reports from the community.

I also plan to post some updates as we recover.

I’ve already received so many kind messages from readers—thank you! My time to reply is limited, as I’ll be spending the next several days clearing trees and helping neighbors. But I appreciate your thoughts and concern.

If, for some reason, things go quiet here on the website, it’s just because we’ve lost our internet connection.

If you’re a POTA or SOTA activator, don’t be too surprised if you hear me hunting you! I may take a break with one of my portable radios. All of my wire antennas at home are down, but field activators like us are used to setting up HF stations anywhere, so it’ll be a breeze here.

I hope you don’t mind this interruption in the usual programming here on QRPer. I wanted to share this detailed update in response to the many messages I’ve received.

Thank you again for your supportive and encouraging messages!

Best & 72,
Thomas (K4SWL)

89 thoughts on “Aftermath…”

  1. I’ve been thinking of you after seeing the news out of Asheville. It’s a relief to know you are safe. Grateful that you and your family will recover from the damages. You’ve been blessed.

  2. Glad you all are safe and able to support your community’s recovery. And it’s nice to hear how amateur radio is available and assisting during the emergency.

    Don’t be too shy to share what your community needs. I’m sure we can pitch in to help.

  3. Thomas,

    So sorry to hear you sustained the damage to the car, house and trees, but I’m very happy to hear you and your family is safe and sound. Good luck with the clean up and thanks for letting us all know you’re okay.

    73, Conrad, N2YCH

  4. I am glad you and your family are safe. We also made preps for the upcoming storm but fortunately for the us, the storm tracked further east and all we got were some heavy rains and some winds. We will keep you in our prayers as you return your life back to normal.

  5. Glad to hear you all are safe despite all the damage. I kept checking for your cell service to be up, but knew it was unlikely – glad you still have Internet through satellite (we can talk about that down the road, might be useful here.)

    Thoughts and prayers still heading your way.

    1. Thomas,
      I am also sorry to hear about the damage at your property and throughout the region, and grateful to hear that you and your family are safer and unharmed.

      Pat WF7ABC

  6. While traveling, we have been largely disconnected from news, but saw reports about Asheville last night from a hotel room in MT. Wow, just wow!

    So glad to know your family came through safely. Be careful with clearing fallen trees, that can be dangerous work. Especially, watch out for leaners and widowmakers that haven’t fallen yet!

    Chris has it right. Let us know if there is something the QRPer community can do to help. I’m sure many would like to pitch in, and I suspect many feel helpless to assist given the distance across which Amateur Radio brings us together,

  7. It is great to hear that, although your property is significantly bruised, you and your family are safe and healthy. I am sure that your “fans”, including me, have been wondering about your status, knowing where you live. Stay safe & 73,
    Jack W1JS

  8. I’m glad you and your family are safe Tom, what an experience!

    This report is a good reminder to prepare for whatever natural disasters may strike in your region.

    I will be taking this opportunity to review and improve my earthquake preparedness.

    72 and Peace to all.

  9. GM Thomas, damage yes but you and the family OK. Thank goodness. God Bless you and yours. Please don’t be shy about letting us know how to help, etc. John W3JJB PA

  10. I really didn’t expect a QRPer blog update, knowing what you’ve been (and are going through). I know the greater QRP community is very thankful that you and your family, including Hazel, are all OK. Be careful and stay safe my friend!

  11. Thanks for the update! I have family in Waynesville, Otto and Franklin and just south of the state line in GA, none of which I’ve been able to contact. Stay safe as you clear the trees and they eventually turn on power!

  12. Good to hear you and your family are safe amidst the damage you sustained. Be careful removing the fallen trees. Will be keeping you, your family and community in my prayers. Be safe.

  13. Relieved to hear that you and your family are safe Tom, though saddened to hear about the devastation around you. If there is anything your QRP friends can do to help please let us know.

    Mark – W8EWH

  14. I was thinking early this morning I think I’ll send a email to Thomas and see how he and his family are doing. Well this answered it.
    Good to hear you all are physically ok.

    Mike McPeek AD8EV.

  15. Deo Gracias Witherspoons.
    Just finished watching reports of the Tri- States over the course of the storm, unbelievable! So glad you all survived, and it’s true, hams are ready for almost anything.

    73, KD0UST

  16. Thomas,

    Weather can bring devastation. My prayers are for you and your family to quickly return to ‘Normal.’ Thankfully no one was hurt or injured.

    72 de W7UDT

  17. Happy to see your post, Thomas, that you came through this event comparatively unscathed…one advantage of being high above the flood prone areas.

    Yes, this one will go into the history books and could be been much worse had it occurred before all of the existing warning systems.

    Best wishes for a safe recovery…I know you’re going to be busy for quite a while. And, most important, very happy to hear that you’re all safe.

    73, Vic KB7GL

  18. Thomas
    Glad that you and the family are safe.
    Please keep us updated and if there is anything you need let us know.
    We looo forward tour return when things are back to normal.
    Greg WA3GM

  19. The priorities are what matter – so glad that you and your family are safe! Best wishes as you work through the recovery.

  20. Here in Upstate SC it’s bad, but nothing like your area. We have a gas stove and generator so we are good. Stay safe.

  21. Thomas,

    Thanks for the update. I’m sorry to hear about all of the destruction in your area but thankful you and your family are okay. Prayers for you and your community.

    Best to you and 73,
    Robert W1RMW

  22. May the Lord take mercy on your communities and provide the help and assistance needed. Many prayers for you and your communities.

  23. I’m so glad you were prepared for the well-being of your family. Being in a position to assist others is a true blessing. Good on you Tom.
    I am concerned for majority who were not prepared for such a disaster. Best wishes OM.

  24. Glad to hear that you and your family are ok. With the considerable damage you have and the number of trees down, it is going to take a while to remove, repair and replace, but it is, in the end, just stuff. Thank you for the post.

  25. Thomas,
    Thanks for the update. I’m so sorry for the difficulties this has caused you and especially for those who didn’t fare as well as you. It’s really hard to imagine losing everything. At least you were prepared with a plan B. All the best to you my friend, and wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Eric AC6NT

  26. Jill and I are happy to hear how well you came through this, even with the damage incurred. We are horrified at the damage in the area. I also never realized exactly where you lived until now. We are worried about my father-in-law and brother-in-law in Hendersonville. I know they’re probably OK house-wise, but I don’t think they have much in backup services. Hang in there, and I’ll have to let you know the next time we’re down there. You’re only about an hour from them. I’m going to see if I can find a ham close enough to get someone to do a welfare check.

  27. So glad you and your family is safe!

    There is a huge ham community out there that can help and lend a hand beyond talking on the radio. Let us know what you may need.

    We all wish you well in your recovery.


    Larry, W1AST

  28. As a full-time RVer we frequently think about self reliance as all of my RVs have been set up for off-grid self reliance. But my RVs have wheels & we typically work & play in areas where bad storms are fewer. We were thinking about you and your family, please keep us updated on your recovery progress if home, neighborhood, & W. NC area. This is where Amateur Radio shines!

    Davey – KU9L & Sheila KB9YYI

  29. Good luck Thomas. Hopefully you can get things back to some semblance of normal soon. I went through something similar in 2011. It flooded so bad I have pictures of me kayaking…… my basement. Recovery can take a long time. Things still aren’t 100% back to normal here 13 years later. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.

  30. Power just back now. Glad you are safe. Sheri K4SMN is with her parents 30 miles north of Valdosta in Nashville, Ga. Her parents are elderly. All are okay but the town is trashed and power not expected back for 3 weeks.

  31. Thanks, Thomas for taking the time out of your limited bandwidth to give us an update, and I’m very grateful to hear you and your family are safe. Things are just that, things. But people can’t be replaced.

    Now just focus on being safe with the cleanup, and let us know if there is any way your ham community can help!

    Stay safe!

  32. Thomas, reading your report was so unexpected this morning. So sorry to hear about all the damage to your home, car and area. We wish you a speedy recovery from all this. And yes, thank goodness for ham radio and satellite Internet for alternative comms.

  33. Even after experiencing extremely adverse conditions, you still go out of your way to promote ham radio’s role in public service. Good on you!

  34. Have been thinking of you and your family these past days. So very glad that you are ok! God bless and let us know how we can assist.

  35. Thomas – So sorry to hear of the destruction to your house and car. Fortunately, sounds like you and your family were safe. Imagine all your family are pretty resilient people.
    Like JP, we were hit hard with Fran, and couldn’t get our road cleared for several days and no power. Our daughter was young and it really affected her emotionally.
    After that, I got a whole house generator that runs off our natural gas – it saved lots of food, from both with hurricanes and ice storms. Also, volunteered with Red Cross Disaster Services, especially in Miss after Katrina – feel free to call on them for any assistance. Red Cross is great in disasters like these.
    Two of our daughters room mates from UNC and Bridesmaids are from Swannanoa – the river near their Dads house was up to the roof.
    We’re going out of the country Monday, or I would bring my chainsaws up there for a good aerobics chainsaw workout. Did contribute to your Disaster Relief (formerly Wee Dram) Fund.
    Take care all,
    Bob K4RLC

  36. hello thomas1 glad to know you and yours are ok. with all the downed trees, you’ll have quite a supply of firewood!
    randy kq2r

  37. So glad that everyone was safe!
    I am sure it will take you quite a while to get things back to the new normal, and I hope that the absence of those trees will not
    be to awful.

    Best to you and family!

    Scott, VA3EKR/KK7TMS

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