The Parks on the Air Book! Coupon code for free shipping & a giveaway!

If you haven’t heard yet, there’s a new book by the ARRL called “The Parks On The Air Book.” Here’s the description from the ARRL site:

The Parks on the Air® Book explores the process of activating a park unit and hunting those activations. Through the experiences of 14 operators, it offers advice and motivation for taking your radio out to the park and becoming active in the growing POTA community. Full-color format!

I’m honored to be one of the 14 operators who has an essay in this fine book.

Mine is called, “The Art of the Self-Sufficient QRP Field Kit.

A number of my POTA friends also contributed essays in this book. It was great fun reading through these.

I think the editors did a fine job pulling together a wide variety of perspectives in this book–not only focusing on activating, but also hunting. I also love the fact that the articles have a more human-interest focus; more context about why the authors enjoy POTA and how they make it their own. This is not a dry read…quite the opposite!

I should mention that the ARRL pulled this together by teaming up with the Parks On The Air crew.

Click here to read the full press release (.docx).

Click here to read sample pages from the book (.PDF).

Coupon Code for Free Shipping!

As a contributor of this book, the ARRL have given me a coupon code to share with my readers and subscribers; this will give you free shipping.

At checkout, simply enter my callsign as a coupon code: K4SWL

Click here to purchase on the ARRL website.

The list price of the book is $22.95, and ARRL members can buy it for $19.95. I feel like this is a great value and an excellent read despite the fact they invited me to contribute! 🙂

A POTA Package Giveaway!

The ARRL have also given me a little prize package to send to a lucky reader. We’ll run a little contest this weekend that’s open to anyone and everyone interested in POTA.

Stay tuned for more details!

17 thoughts on “The Parks on the Air Book! Coupon code for free shipping & a giveaway!”

  1. I am heartened to hear that the ARRL is learning about marketing, partnering with subject matter experts, and producing unique books and materials rather than reprinting magazine articles in an anthology.
    As a section manager, I can buy a few books and some marketing clothing with my small annual budget. I think this time I will need to support QRP er by using the k4swl coupon code at checkout. Thanks for not only contributing to the book, but letting us know how we can support you.
    I look forward to reading the book.

  2. Thomas… You did it again! Thanks for all the time & work you frequently contribute to our hobby. I’m sure I’ll gain insight & value from reading the book… 72 my friend!

    de W7UDT

  3. Thanks for the shipping code! I was wondering about buying this book. Frankly, some of the ARRL books have been disappointing. Others have been good. I have high hopes for this one.

    72, NQ6F

  4. Hi Thomas

    Thanks for your shipping code. Good thought.

    So I tried to order a copy, to be sent to Canada, and using your shipping code. ARRL will not honour your code to ship to Canada. And they charge $25.00 to ship the $19.95 book, in US $, of course.
    Doug VA7CPS

    1. To Doug VA7CPS

      Exactly the same here ARRL will not honour the code to ship to Canada.
      Nothing new at least for me.-

      Mike VE2TH

    2. This is not an ARRL problem (for once … amazingly). Shipping from the US to Canada is criminally expensive and it has nothing to do with having to pay customs/duties/taxes (those are separate crimes …).

  5. Thanks Thomas, As I just arrived home again, was able to head to ARRL and purchase the book.
    Excellent, thanks for giving back to all of us, and thanks to the other contributors.

    God Bless.
    Fr Richard

  6. I wonder if our friends to the north can find a better deal via Amazon. I had ordered mine prior to this code being available, Amazon does have it in stock on the US site but I didn’t see it on

  7. I think it’s smart for ARRL to jump on this aspect of the hobby. It’ll appeal to the POTA folks and QRPers alike.

    Thomas, is there much about set-up options in the book? What I mean is what you often discuss: transceivers, deploying antennas and counterpoises, baluns (or not), etc??

  8. I purchased the book and enjoyed it, although I would like if a PDF copy of the entire book was also available rather than just the sample pages. You would think, in 2023, any book should be released as both a physical and digital copy.

  9. I understand that my comment is a bit late, but for non-US customers is still possible to order the book via Amazon (It seems that the seller is still the ARRL, but it’s handled by Amazon). 35$ delivered to Italy (20 days circa delivery time), the cost it’s almost halved for me.

    73 Giovanni IU6PVB

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