Field Radio Kit Gallery: PP2PB’s Xiegu X6100 Field Kit

Many thanks to Pedro (PP2PB) who shares the following article about his portable field radio kit which will be featured on our Field Kit Gallery page. If you would like to share your field kit with the QRPer community, check out this post.

Main bag

  • Canvas bag
  • Xiegu X6100 (complete with hand mic, power and usb cable) with aluminium shield
  • Homemade 6Ah Lifepo4 battery
  • Earbuds (an old Zune HD pair, and yes, the Zune HD still works)
  • Aliexpress CW Paddle
  • Coax: 5m RG-316, 2m RG-316 with homemade inline choke, 30cm RG-316 jumper
  • Homemade 2m/60cm Signal Stick “clone” (The X6100 can tune it to 6m, 10m and even 12m bands!)
  • 2x homemade QRP 49:1 UNUN (one 2:14T and one 3:21T) made with FT82-43 toroids
  • 3x plastic S-Biners/Hooks for antennas, coax, etc.
  • SO239 to BNCm and BNCf to BNCf adapters
  • SD card with R1CBU alternative firmware (awesome project runs directly from SD Card without messing with original firmware) –
  • Antenna wire: 26 AWG 20m, 5m, a couple 2-3m counterpoises. And a couple 30cm alligator clip jumper cables.
  • BNC to banana adapter (for any type of improvised antenna)
  • Some generic paracord and velcro for general purpose

Support bag

I have a few generic fiberglass poles for antenna deployment that I fitted with a guying system made of paracord: simple, slim, lightweight and strong. And generic tent stakes. I only take them when needed.

This kit is my travel, POTA, SOTA kit. The main bag contains everything needed for operation, and the support bag has a few things to prolong the operating time (on multiple day trips) and for better antenna deployment.

I’m really into DIYing stuff and being from Brazil its hard and expensive to get stuff from USA, so DIY is the way to go.

The kit is about the size of a FT-857D (just the radio), and weighs less. And I have enough redundancy without getting too bulky or heavy.”

8 thoughts on “Field Radio Kit Gallery: PP2PB’s Xiegu X6100 Field Kit”

  1. I really appreciate all of the home brew parts of the kit. I get a lot more satisfaction from making a contact on something I made versus something I bought. Nice kit. Thanks for sharing it. 73!

  2. Very nice Pedro! You seem like the kind of guy I would want to go backpacking with. You would always have something I would end up forgetting, lol. Seriously love the DIY stuff. I live in the States and still prefer DIY myself. Very satisfying and a lot of fun.

    Scott K4VOR

    1. I love DIY and yes, I’ve always been that guy since chilhood. I was the one with a bit of everything you might need or want to fix something or for a little mischief lol. I risk saying I enjoy making stuff more than making QSOs.
      72 DE PP2PB

  3. I’ve started doing that too – the “barebones” every day pack “just in case” and the accessory pack for more of a stay-and-play situation. I probably should seek professional help 🙂 like many here I love to break down and rearrange the bags looking for The Perfect Arrangement – knowing I’ll never find it!

    the 6100 if you work around some of it’s shortcomings and such is a great little shack in a box. Not a KX3 but an internal battery and ATU certainly give it a smaller footprint and more flexibility.

    David W7CDT (since we have multiple Davids here I better start attaching a callsign!)

  4. Love your kit! I especially like the homebrew components. One of my favorite parts of being a ham. Your antenna support rig is one I’ll copy. Thank you. Steve KC5TTY

  5. This is an awesome kit. I like the extended supplements as you are ready for a road trip. I am so impressed with the microphone. There are a ton of POTA QRP activators that use SSB only. I will state CW is also a great mode if you can learn it or choose to use it and your kit provides for both. I own this very underrated radio and it has come a long way in the past year with firmware. It is not a KX3 agreed, but I have made 5 watt POTA contacts all over the world SSB into a WRC 17 ft vertical both activating and hunting. QRP is fantastic and you have a true showcase here. Your whole kit would fit into a small backpack that would carry a lot lighter than my travel camera equipment. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful kit including the great X6100 radio.

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