Many of you have reached out this week congratulating me on the article that features my work in the April 2023 issue of QST. Thank you all for the kind words.
I’m truly honored that QST would feature my work here on and my YouTube channel in their pages. Steve (K5ATA) wrote a very gracious article, and frankly, I don’t know what to say other than thank you!
I’d like to thank all of you, readers, for making what it is today with your contributions, guest posts, field reports, hints & tips, and words of encouragement to others in the comments section. I’m honored to have even played a modest role in your radio journey, and your feedback and contributions have taught me so much, which, I feel, has made me a better field operator.
So…Thank you!
Well done!
Outstanding, Tom! You certainly deserve that coverage
Keep up the good work!
Congratulations Thomas.
A well deserved honor. I’m going to have to figure out how to get my hands on the article as I let my ARRL membership expire. to save money. Once we finally get into a house so that I can put up antennas and play radio again I will renew. This move from FL to NC has been a long journey and it has played havoc with my radio hobby.
Congratulations Thomas. You deserve it. Thank you for all the content you provide.
-73 de Don KG5CMS.
Wow! That’s fantastic Thomas and very well deserved too, I might add. Appreciate you very much. 72 Brent VA3YG
Your generosity to this hobby is amazing. I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner. I can’t speak for others, but I am certainly in your debt and can honestly say that I am a part of POTA because of your efforts.
A great honor for you Thomas. Congrats on the article.
Good luck in the future.
Dave, KQ4CW
Shocked that K4SWL’s growing QRP empire would be known by ARRL and more surprised that it didn’t get caught in the usual “Not Invented Here” filter. But good work on all parties’ parts! As I’ve said a jillion times, POTA/SOTA and K4SWL have done more in the last few years to promote **CW** than a certain Connecticut-based organization (one in which I am a Life Member) has done since the Morse test was dropped from the Technician license in 1991.
(As an aside, I switched to the electronic-only version of QST and without it coming to me in the mail, I forget that there is a new issue! This is not the ARRL’s fault, clearly, but it’s me that needs to get on the stick!! I get 6 radio newsletters electronically, and I keep up with those (granted, I contribute to 2 of them) so I need to figure out how to not miss the 4 ARRL electronic journals. Paper newsletters/journals/magazines have no future, so kudos to the ARRL for making all 4 of their periodicals available to all members.)
Well done Thomas! Congrats!
de W7UDT
That is awesome. Congratulations TW
Great job on the article in the April 2023 issue of QST. Looking forward to your next one.
73’s de Oscar, N6PAZ
Bravo Zulu, congrats!!
Getting an article posted in QST is a no-brainer for you Tom. Nobody does activations like you. Nobody has the detail and the quality in each episode like you do. I run a poor mans blog called qrpshack.Blogspot.Com and link to some of your posts because they have so much good content. The last link was over to Alan W2AEWs AX1 car mount. It’s a lot of fun to see who and what gets posted on Of course I’d be humbled if you would consider backlink to my fledgling blog… 72 de KE2YK
Great job Thomas. I always look forward to your articles!
Well-deserved recognition. Your efforts are inspiring. Congratulations!
Yes, very good article in April QST. I like the info about Thomas’s making his videos, non-edited and talking what was going on in them. I do think the article will encourage others to get into POTA or just getting out and operating /p. The article did show it does not take much to do especially the part about him forgetting his antenna and making one from what he had in his car, some speaker wire. It got me thinking what was in my Jeep Wrangler I could make an antenna from…I guess the wire from my ID800 mobile install including it’s remote speaker wire, hi. Also having a rig with a tuner.
Thomas, your website and videos are excellent. You are so good at spreading the word and sharing your experiences. I have learned so much from reading your posts and exploring your website.
Keep up the good work!
73 de KW6G
Well deserved recognition, Thomas. Your efforts in promoting portable operations and QRP are greatly appreciated!
73, Mike W5RST
You have done a lot for our hobby.. raised interest and showed how to do it in a myriad of situations. Congrats.
I cannot hardly wait for the snow to be gone and the temperature up that wee bit more to pull the bicycle e out of the garage, put in a rig and wire in the panniers and go off to the 5 or so POTA spots near me (nice having beach and river valley nearby).
Even my wife, when I told her about POTA and portable ops, said great idea. No furrowed brow or hints about jobs needing done at house etc.
Then she said are there spots near her parents, her brother etc. ? Just gamely find some places and let’s go.. she’ll hike with dogs for a bit of time while I Radio On.
73 es best deserved congrats. I am sure QST articlewill get very keep attention and action even more so than before.
An excellent article and you deserve the recognition for what you have done for the hobby. Especially the encouragement and free practice you give to those of us struggling with the dreaded “glass head” for learning cw. What especially has been important is seeing someone who makes a mistake and laughs about it then continues on. However, I am bummed that celebrity always ruins everything. Soon you will lose touch with the common cw man on the street. A security team will sweep and secure the picnic table area for you each activation and then eventually a qsl manager will handle all your social media accounts. 73 OM, Jeff W0JMW
Yes. Agree with Jeff. Soon the QRP police will take over our hobby. Run us away from parks and picnic tables.
Congratulations on the great article. Just got my copy and was really pleased to see your network get the publicity for all of the ARRL members to read. I do the same type of portable operating when I can and work 99% CW QRP from my shack.
73 de NG9T
Gary Faust
Congratulations! You are doing a lot to promote QRP and SOTA/POTA outdoor activity, so you deserve this article.
Congratulations Thomas! The QST article was both accurate and well deserved. Your work has been informative, encouraging, and inspirational to a lot of new POTA activators and CW operators, myself included.
Nice piece of work, Thomas
Amazing and well deserved!! Congratulations my friend!
Credit where credit is due, Thomas, you certainly deserve this kind of press!