LnR Precision taking orders for the next batch of MTR-4Bs

Many thanks to Jim (N9EET) who notes that LnR Precision is now taking orders for the next batch of the Mountain Topper MTR-4B V2.3.

LnR notes the following on the MTR-4B order page:

Update: 2/24/22: MTR4 V2.3 online ordering is now active! We are releasing 100 units and they will be available as first come, first served. We have a handful of units built now but are expected to quickly have a 3-4 week lead-time before they ship. This could be LONGER and we can’t guarantee shipment in that timeframe but will do our best. We have enough parts in hand for 250 units so there will be another release of this model once we have shipped the first 100.

Also, the MTR4b pricing was increased slightly (up $20) to cover part cost increases. The overall costs were much higher but we know how bad overall inflation has been so we want to be as reasonable as humanly possible. Thanks so much for your continued patience and we know you will enjoy this radio!

This is great news for those of you who have been wanting to reserve an MTR-4B.

If you’re on the fence about ordering one, consider checking out my full review here.

Click here to check out details on the  MTR-4B order page.

Thanks for the tip, Jim!

10 thoughts on “LnR Precision taking orders for the next batch of MTR-4Bs”

  1. Great little rig! Picked up one about 2 months ago when they announced a small batch. The build quality is incredible…truly built for field use…and a great receiver surely doesn’t hurt.

    1. My QDX order went in the day my QST arrived with the review inside. I had been dithering for a few weeks and once I saw the review I didn’t hesitate as I knew the inventory would vaporize overnight. Can’t wait to get my kit! de WD4EWZ

  2. Nice article Thomas, I always keep an eye out for your next video and as usual you stimulate a lot of thought. My apologies ahead of time for this mini novel hihi.

    Your interests in amateur radio seem to be along the same lines as mine. Fascination with radio, a deep attraction to small, battery powered rigs and CW.

    I’ve yet to pull the trigger on one of the MTRs. In retrospect, I wish I had purchased the MTR3b LCD when it was in production; I think that rig was the pinnacle in the the LNR lineup over the years. I had one offered to me by LNR right at the end of the production run and they told me if I didn’t buy it they were going to sell it to a handicapped ham who really really wanted one. I thought about it and let the other gentleman buy it; I already owned so many QRP rigs.

    Even though I’ve never owned the newer red MTR4b series rig, I don’t see any benefit to it over some of the other QRP rigs I own. The prime example of this (in this same price point as the MTR) would be the Hendricks PFR-3B rig that I purchased as a kit and built 5 yrs ago. 5+ watts out on a 12 v supply and still capable of 3.5 watts on 9 volts, a built in BLT tuner, a bnc for coax and binding posts for open line feeder (my favourite), rotary encoder, volume control, ability to use with internal AA batteries, 40/30/20 meters, etc. The size, in terms of my operation where I’m not scaling any summits, isn’t that much smaller than the Mountain Topper and even so would not negatively impact 75% of SOTA operations out there.

    And then there’s the YouKits HB1B……don’t get me started on that; I believe that is the most under-rated QRP rig in the last 6 or 7 years and believe it can compete quite favourably with the MTR considering size, bands of operation, volume control, filtering, internal battery operation, etc.

    Not to be outdone, the QCX mini of which I’ve built the 20m version is glorious. So much so, I have an 80m version coming in the mail to me right now, along with the very reasonably priced 50w PA kit. 80m because when I’m RV camping I enjoy NVIS contacts with a flat top dipole 8’ off the ground. Also, I’ve never built an 80m board and thought it might be cool. Hans offers a 160m version as well, I think?

    In any event, I offer all this up not to dispute anything you’ve said about the MTRs, but to share some thoughts from a fellow ham who owns far too many QRP rigs and seems to have way too much time on his hands hihi?.

    1. Excellent notes, Brent!
      Yes, I did not pull the trigger on the MTR-4B myself mainly because I have the MTR-3B and love it so much. I do like some of the 4B upgrades like higher voltage input, PO and SWR display, but in the end, I feel like it’s pretty much duplicating the 3B since I really don’t use 80M for my most portable of operations.

      I would love to try an HB1B sometime. N4JAW has one, I believe, and is enjoying it.


  3. I learned something Thomas…..higher voltage input, PO and swr display are all positive additions. Thanks!

    We’re getting a heavy snowfall right now where I live ?. Longing for spring wx

  4. I’ve been lurking Facebook groups and groups.io boards for months in the vain hope that a mtr3b would turn up. I had just written the mtr series off and literally the day before ordered an SW-3b when they announced this round of availability. I thought about it for an agonizing 20 minutes before I ordered an mtr4b. I know the resale on these is good, and both radios are well reviewed, so I have high hopes that I’ll love one of them. Maybe I’ll sell the other. Will just have to see.

  5. Well nice little QRP rig, but $370, for a little more can get a G90 that covers all the bands, and more. But these rigs can be fun. Also similar rigs for $120-160. I just dont see the MTR40, but to each their own.

    73, ron, n9ee

  6. The MTR4B v2.3 arrived last week. I admit that at first I was wondering if I had spent too much for 4 bands of 5 W CW. I haven’t taken it to the field yet, but just a week in the home shack has proved its worth. My home QTH comes with urban noise that obliterates a big chunk of HF that includes 40 and 20 meters. The FT-818 is a great radio but with its wide front-end the QRM is S8 and everything sounds like mush.

    Meanwhile, the MTR can really hear! I can work stations that just aren’t there on the FT-818. I’m really looking forward to getting the MTR out in the field for some POTA. It runs along time on 12v and the LCD backlight is perfect for day or night ops. In addition, the DFE mode is way more useful that I thought it would be.

    I’m not regretting picking up this little radio.

  7. There is another more recent release, I almost missed it and now there are only 2 left. I have an Icom 705 and love using it but get a little worried when I have to pack any distance or there is the possibility of poor weather. Not because the 705 isn’t tough or capable but the cost to replace it. I decided to purchase one of the MTR-4B units for such times and a backup rig is a good idea too, and look forward to receiving it in the coming weeks.

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