Yaesu FT-817ND: Mechanical CW filter suggestions?

I mentioned in a previous post that I recently purchased a Yaesu FT-817ND package from a friend. The Yaesu had a number of upgrades including an Inrad SSB filter. Thing is, I rarely need a filter when operating phone, but desperately need one for CW since the the default filter width is quite wide.

Although I plan to purchase a SOTAbeams Laserbeam-817, I’d still like a narrow mechanical filter for the one available filter spot on the FT-817ND.

It seems the YF-122CN (300 Hz Collins Mechanical Filter) is no longer manufactured. Used prices can be quite high.

I’m curious if anyone has suggestions for alternative narrow CW filters? Please comment if you have any advice!

8 thoughts on “Yaesu FT-817ND: Mechanical CW filter suggestions?”

  1. There’s also a 500Hz filter available, should do the trick, did it when I had an 817. YF-122C. You will find that the 300Hz is sometimes too narrow, in pile-ups everything starts to “sing” I have the impression…. ..

    BTW, those filters can also be installed in the IC_703, Just take away the printboard, solder some small leads to it and install it in the 703. Works like a charme. And is not as expensive as an Icom filter.

  2. I like the article on the cw filter, but what if I’m looking for the ssb filter.
    That one is just as hard to find and the only ones coming out of China are the 2.7 ones. Can using the same boards as mentioned make an ssb filter.
    73s N1SHU

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