Price, Size and Availability: a Kenwood TS-990S update

There is still very little known about the yet-unreleased, highly-anticipated Kenwood TS-990S HF transceiver, but we’ve confirmed just a few details from a contact at Kenwood…

The TS-990S will be similar in size to the Kenwood TS-950SDX 200W. (Photo: Universal Radio)


The TS-990S will be the size of theTS-950SDX 200 watts, and have a similar footprint.


The TS-990S is expected to retail in the $5,000-6,000 US range.


No promises on ship dates yet…but they have confirmed that the new rig will be on display at the 2012 Dayton, Ohio, Hamvention.

To be clear, Kenwood did not confirm the model number of TS-990S; it was implied.

Check back with as we will post early photos from Dayton.

4 thoughts on “Price, Size and Availability: a Kenwood TS-990S update”

  1. Nuevamente confirmo lo dicho el Junio de 2013.- El TS-530S, hasta el dìa de hoy Febrero del 2019, sigue impecable mi querido TS-530S sin fallas.- fèlicito a la Fca. Kenwood. un equipo eterno. sueño con el TS.990S.

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