Yesterday, while running errands in town, I listened to the latest episode of Eric Guth’s (4Z1UG) QSO Today Podcast.

In this episode Eric interviews Paul Mower (VA6MPM), a SOTA enthusiast who lives and activates summits in the Canadian Rockies.
It’s a fascinating interview because Paul hikes to incredibly remote regions of the Canadian Rockies and is a member of the Alpine Club of Canada, where he helps to maintain their backcountry huts.
I don’t do the type of trekking Paul does, so it was intriguing to hear him speak about issues with keeping batteries warm in -30C temps and operating in what I would consider extreme conditions.
Click here to check out this episode on the QSO Today podcast website.
Funny: As I started listening to the QSO Today episode, I thought Paul sounded familiar then realized that Paul was one of the presenters of the QSO Today Virtual Ham Radio Expo in August. Here’s that presentation–well worth your time:
Paul Mower VA6MPM and Michael Johnson WO9B – SOTA in the Canadian Rockies – with Questions & Answers from QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo on Vimeo.