This past week has been a crazy one.
I set the week aside to catch up on a number of projects and to fit in at least one activation. I did manage that activation on Tuesday–Hazel and I hit the trails and I activated Mount Pisgah.
Wednesday, however, was a different story…
At midday, I received a call from the daughter of a dear ham radio friend telling me that her father–and my friend–was unresponsive and now under hospice care. She didn’t expect him to live much longer, and wanted to know if Vlado (N3CZ) and I could come over to spend a little time at his bedside. A quick call to Vlado, and we instantly dropped everything we were doing; I picked up Vlado at his QTH and we drove the two hours to be with Ed (W2HTI), his wife Eileen (KO4DI), and their children and grandchildren.
It was sad, of course, but Ed indicated that he recognized us and even attempted to communicate as best he could. Needless to say, we were deeply touched and so glad we’d made the trip, even on the long drive home.
Early Friday morning, only 32 hours later, Ed went silent key.
The good news: Ed was pushing 91 and had led a very rich, full life. I’m not sure I’ve ever known anyone with the energy level, love of life, and amazing talent to make everyone laugh. This Brooklyn “boy” and his wife, Eileen, were/are also some of the most generous people I’ve known, and have gone out of their way to treat me and Vlado and our families–and indeed, many DXers over the years– like their own family.
Ed lived at least five full lifetimes, all of them full of adventure with an amazing family.
And did I mention, he was an avid DXer…?
A small request

You might have guessed that ham radio played a central role in Ed’s life–and still does, for his wife Eileen. It’s no exaggeration to say, Ed was one of the top radio DXers in the world. Ed also collected QSLs, and his family counts these among his precious possessions, and are making sure they are carefully archived.
Our special request: For this QSL collecter, there’s no better memorial than QSL cards. If you have a moment, please consider sending his wife, Eileen a QSL card in memory of this incredible member of the radio community. Even if you didn’t know Ed, it would mean a lot, coming from the ham radio world that was such an inspiration to him and his family, to be acknowledged. Vlado and I are asking this of all the hams we know. Thank you, friends.
Eileen’s contact information can be found on her QRZ.com page. If you don’t have access to QRZ.com and need her address, simply email me and I’d be happy to provide it.
Thank you!
Thomas (K4SWL)