Many thanks to Bob (K7ZB) for sharing the following update to his recent post, “Experimenting with Low Voltage on the (tr)uSDX.” Bob writes:
Hi Tom,
I think I just found out why my (tr)uSDX gave me receive problems when using a 6V lantern battery plugged into the radio in the 2.1mm power input.
In the first several minutes of the DL2MAN explanatory video, he overviews the use of the two ports that can take power.
The USB B power port on the left side can be used for the power supply and for uploading software and for radio control via CAT commands.
The main 2.1mm power port he states can take between 7 -16V.
If 5V is used, he suggests using the USB port.
I wired the 6V battery to a 2.1mm connector and used the main power port and apparently since I did not deliver a minimum of 7V I had flakey receive behavior.
I have since powered my unit from several different USB power packs through the USB port with no issues.
[…]I went through all sorts of USB cables until finally found the right one for powering from power packs/laptops, etc to the (tr)uSDX! This is the one I am using (affiliate link).
Thank you for the update, Bob! Impressive that the (tr)uSDX can be powered with such low voltage.