Seven Summit road trip with Canada’s first Double Goat

Many thanks to Malen (VE6VID) – Canada’s first SOTA Double Mountain Goat – who shares the following article about his trip in Alberta, British Columbia, Washington and Montana. Malen and I work together and I can read this in his voice – including his laid-back “Oh well…” – Vince.

As a SOTA activator I challenge myself for certain goals every year. This year was SOTA completes where I chase and activate a summit. I had time off work so I figured, why not a short roadtrip from Alberta to BC to WA, then MT and back home? After some searching I figured 5-7 Completes in W7W land and at least 2 more in W7M lands as well as numerous points in VE7 land along the way. Was I ever wrong…..

Day One

After a trip to the post office, I departed Strathmore heading for PlumBob Mountain VE7/EK-026, a 6 point drive-up summit. Google told me 4 hrs, 42 minutes, I planned for 5 hours. It took closer to 8 hours due to traffic.

I setup my HF station (KX2, EFHW) and got 4 contacts, packed up and onto another 6 point drive-up summit, VE7/EK-040 Peak 23-35. This peak I landed 6 contacts between 20 and 40 metres, packing up as the sun started to go down. I had planned to spend the night here, so I had a late supper, made my bed and crashed for the night. Sleeping like an old over the hill baby I woke as the sun was coming up.

I awoke to this broken window on my truck cap

Day Two

However I had woken up to a broken window on my canopy. I’m not sure what happened but it was open for the night. After many curse words I made breakfast and coffee, then I relaxed slightly while Googling auto glass places in Cranbrook. After packing up and a quick phone call, I am off for repairs. Estimate was 2 hours for the repairs, it took just 1.5 hours with tinted plexiglass installed. I had planned for a 3 summit day, so I lost 1, Mount Baker, a 8 point drive-up, oh well.

The view from Eagle Hill was nice

Off to hike Eager Hill VE7/EK-048 4 points. Straight to setting up and getting the required 4 contacts before packing up and charging on with my day. After a Timmies pit stop and topping of the truck with diesel, I am off to the next summit.

VE7/EK-041 Peak 15-46 is another drive-up that requires some skill to do. When I hit the summit, I noticed the abundance of glass in the back of the truck, oh well. After setting up it was nice to hear that the band conditions were finally in my favour, 9 contacts. With a quick teardown I am back on the road towards the carwash in Creston to clean out the glass. I opted to vacuum instead of spraying water in the back as I have been sleeping back there. While driving I was listening to the local radio station, catching the forecast. Oh great, 90 percent chance of thunderstorms overnight and into Wednesday. The night’s camping spot was the trailhead for Mouille Peak VE7/CK-023. Hmm, change of plans, so Seattle here I come. After clearing customs I am on my way to Spokane for the night.

Day Three

After stopping at a Love’s truckstop and a good restless sleep, I topped of the truck with fuel, coffee for me, then I was on the road.  I had planned to activate Snoqualmie Peak W7W/KG-015 on Friday, but I was hoping for this day, it’s not happening. Between the rain and construction it was a no go. Oh well, naptime in the passenger’s seat for a few hours, then off to my hotel.

Day Four

Thursday was another planned busy activating day that delivered as planned with some pain and blood thrown in along the way. First up was Young Love W7W/SN-174, a 1 pointer that requires bushwhacking. Well, bushwhacking it was, not the W7A bushwhacking but the thorns drawing blood kind. I got 4 contacts and off to the next summit. Mt Electric W7W/KG-141 was really nice hike up a road, then a short bushwhack to the AZ. I got my required contacts then gone to meet-up with WW7D Darryl for the last of the day. Union Hill W7W/KG-142 was tough for contacts, but I finally got 4.

Then Darryl tempted me with an offer I could not refuse, cold draft beer. Once at the brewery, I noticed blood on my pants, oh well. Josh WU7H joined us and the typical SOTA / ham radio talks ensued. Back to my hotel to find out the extent of my damage besides torn pants.

Pardon the nudity 🙂 the cuts were worse than I initially thought. A small price to pay for SOTA 🙂

After cleaning up the bloodletting on my legs, I reviewed my plans for Friday the 13th. What could go wrong, right?? Hmm.

Day Five

For Friday I had planned to go back to KG-015, then a 6 hour drive to W7M land. I hit the summit of the pass to find it was dense fog and cold. Screw it! I grabbed a coffee and a fat pill [Malen’s word for a Donut – Vince] and headed east towards Patrick’s Knob W7M/LO-046.

And guess what?? I am following Google towards the summit and the closer I was getting to it, the worse the weather was turning. Ugh. After stopping and getting out of the truck to almost blow me over winds, I remembered it’s Friday the 13th. After a quick text to Jesse VE6JTW, I headed for home defeated.

When I hit the dreaded Canada Customs booth, I found a pleasant young lady who just posted there. After the mandatory questions she proceeded to quiz me about local favourite hikes, and ham radio. Hmm, things are looking up, maybe a new ham and activator…..

So, a few stats:

Points – activator – 27

Summits activated – 7

S2S points – 10

Completes – 3


Now – off for more planning.


Malen VE6VID

2 thoughts on “Seven Summit road trip with Canada’s first Double Goat”

  1. Nice trip Malen – you wudnt be an ole goat with out sum battle scars – glad it wasnt worse – 73 ole timer

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