Good Morning, Friends,
Today, I’m taking most of the day to focus on organizing, administrative tasks (FEMA applications, insurance, etc.), and some much-needed cleanup around the house. After several days of intense labor, we all need some time to recuperate.
Basically, we all smell like sweat and chainsaw exhaust.
If you haven’t read my previous posts, here’s the situation in a nutshell: We live in a rural mountain community in Swannanoa, NC, where the bridge connecting us to the outside world was swept away during the 500-year flood caused by Tropical Storm Helene. We also believe a tornado may have passed through our valley, which is why there are so many trees down on our houses and roads.
Since my last update, much has happened.
Helicopter Evacuation
I previously mentioned concerns for two elderly neighbors, one of whom was days away from entering skilled nursing care before the storm hit. The good news is they were safely evacuated by helicopter, thanks to the amazing team at SC-HART. They are now with family members and in a more stable situation.
Trees Cleared
By Tuesday evening, our neighborhood team managed to clear enough trees that everyone on the road now has at least a path wide enough for a car on their driveways and along the road.
We worked on the upper portion of the road, while neighbors on the lower portion cleared their section. Together, we cleared the entire road for vehicular access.
What really accelerated our efforts was the help of volunteers from outside the area. Family and friends of one neighbor came from Bryson City, full of energy and experience. Additionally, a group of arborists, who were going road-to-road offering help, assisted us for a day.
The bulk of the fallen trees were old-growth hardwoods like hickory, oak, and locust. None of these are easy to chainsaw. One of the 20-odd trees that fell on our driveway was 150 years old (we counted the rings). Our large, old hardwoods were unfairly targeted by the extreme winds because they still had a full canopy that acted like sails.
Had you seen the level of destruction on the road, you might have thought the cleanup would take a month, even with professional help. But everyone in good health on the road put in all their effort, and, together, we got it done.
Temporary Bridge
Thanks to a volunteer construction crew (friends of neighbors–the details are still unclear), a crew came in and shored up a temporary bridge, allowing larger vehicles to cross Bee Tree Creek.
This was a HUGE achievement, making it possible for volunteer crews to bring supplies to us. However, the bridge is covered in compacted dirt, and another strong rain event could wash it out.
Crumbling Road
For those of us living on the upper side of the road (about 1,000 feet higher in elevation than the lower section), we have another serious concern: one 30-40 meter section of the road is crumbling fast.
Both sides of the road are compromised, and there’s a 30 or more foot drop-off on one side. Driving across it is incredibly sketchy, but we’ve had to allow some vehicles to pass through to bring supplies up or evacuate.
After daily neighborhood meetings, we’ve decided that only ATVs or side-by-sides should cross the compromised part of the road. In just one day, we’ve seen how much damage larger vehicles can do.
The frustrating part? Some people have come up the road as disaster voyeurs—driving in cars and trucks to take photos and sightsee–which damages the road further. We’ve placed a sign at the bottom of the road asking to limit traffic to residents and emergency supplies. We’ll see if that works.
Egress and Ingress
The crumbling road is our top concern on the upper part of Long Branch Road.
Two construction engineers surveyed the damage yesterday and began planning repairs. Word has it that a crew could start within a few days, but resources in WNC are stretched thin, and we understand that other larger communities may be in need.
Instead of waiting for the road to collapse, a four-person neighborhood team is exploring an old forest service road as an alternate route. While we wouldn’t be able to drive large vehicles on it, ATVs or hiking could be possible.
Helicopter Drops
We’ve been receiving supplies (food, cleaning products, gas, fuel, etc.) from numerous volunteer groups, churches, friends, and individuals. It’s simply amazing.
We are also receiving larger supply drops via helicopter (presumably from FEMA).
Being on the receiving end of disaster relief, especially from individuals and groups who give their time, hard labor, and even buy supplies on their own dime, is humbling. While the news often highlights the worst in humanity, from where we stand, we’re seeing only the best.
Why Not Evacuate?
One reader asked why we didn’t evacuate before the storm or why we don’t leave now.
It’s an easy question to ask from the outside, but this is a scenario you wouldn’t wish on anyone. We were warned and prepared for flash flooding and high winds before Helene’s remnants arrived–we’ve been through hurricane and tropical storm remnants before–but no one expected a 1,000-year flood event.

This storm far exceeded what anyone could have predicted. We planned for downed trees, power loss, and potential road damage—not the catastrophic destruction that came.
Evacuating now is also problematic. Many of us have safe/clean well water and electricity (via sporadic generators and, in our case, solar power). City water in Buncombe County is out and could be for a few more weeks, and most still don’t have power. While power restoration should expand to more of the urban areas soon, the damage to infrastructure is extensive and will take time to repair.
We are safe, and we’re staying put. We can do this because our neighbors are amazing: we work well together, we’re self-sufficient, resourceful, and we’re resilient. Frankly, preparedness is built into everyday life here on a good day. All our family members are in good health, and if necessary, we have several egress routes on foot where friends could pick us up. But we hope it doesn’t come to that.
Ham Radio’s Role
We are still using a simplex frequency (147.55 MHz) for communications in the neighborhood and another (146.52 MHz) for the Swannanoa area on the VHF calling frequency.
My daughters (K4TLI and K4GRL), along with my wife (K4MOI), are running net control and monitoring the radios throughout the day when we’re not all needed for other tasks. We take shifts. I’m simply amazed at how quickly my daughters have jumped into this role and learned the ropes!
We’ve also been using the Mount Mitchell repeater to pass traffic, get updates, and coordinate with the local fire department for helicopter drops.
Volunteers and Support
Quick note: We are currently receiving ample supplies for our needs. The generosity we’ve experienced has been amazing, though we do worry about the long-term situation.
Thank You

Most of all, thank you for the support and kind messages. As I mentioned before, I’ve been so busy with work in the neighborhood that I haven’t had time to catch up on messages. Thank you for understanding—I’m reading every message and comment, but I don’t have the time to reply at present.
I’d also like to give a big shoutout to Vince (VE6LK), who has stepped in to manage QRPer and much of my communications. Vince is a dear friend, and I can’t thank him enough. Like, seriously Vince, thank you!
Even though I’ve been on VHF more than ever, I still miss the field reports and articles from QRPer. They’re a great source of joy for me.
I’ll plan to post another update soon, and I’m pointing all inquiries to these posts as a central place to share updates.
All the best, and thank you for being part of this wonderful community!
Best & 72,
Thomas (K4SWL)
Glad to hear that you continue to stay safe and are making progress toward recovery. The amateur radio community continues to keep both you and your entire community in our prayers. Thanks for the update!!
I’ve been watching the relief efforts from the comfort of my home in California (don’t worry our disaster is coming) and I am so impressed with the capable citizens taking initiative to help.
Volunteering their own time and resources to do some, quite frankly, dangerous work without seeking compensation or recognition.
With citizens such as these, it makes me proud be an American 🇺🇸
Thomas, you and your family and your community are in my prayers!
Fr Richard
Such trying times; it’s amazing what the human spirit can accomplish when put to the test.
Ham radio really needs greater national recognition and support (including here in Canada) for the roles it plays in regional disasters.
Our thoughts are with you all.
I’m glad you’ve made such good progress and all safe.
When the hard parts of all this is over it will be a fond thing to remember the working with your daughters and neighbors and coming together.
Keep safe!
Thomas, another fine update. I recognize your writing and organizational skills as a great resource in a disaster situation. I do hope you have time to jot some observations in a journal. Perhaps you will compile a useful disaster prep guide, including radio readiness, from your experiences. Your perspective is somewhat unique. Meanwhile, keeping you and your greater family in our thoughts and prayers.
Prayers sir!!! A good practice is to keep the generator full of ethanol free gas and run it once a month. I run all my engines on the 1st. I also keep 15 gallons of gas, 5 of diesel and plenty of 2cycle mix. I haven’t graduated to solar yet, but I have been considering it for some time. I’m also rural and the power goes out regularly. Our regular life threatening issue is the loss of power in winter.
Be careful out there. The chainsaw bites back when you’re tired.
Lord, give Thomas, his family, his neighbors and all effected by this storm your continued guidance and knowledge that your will is being done even in this. I don’t understand how, but my faith is unshaken.
Shawn WS0SWV
Hi Thomas,
Greetings from California! I am so glad that your community has pulled together so well, and I very much appreciate your updates. Our radio club email reflector shared the Broadcastify link to the Mt. Mitchell repeater, and it was great to hear your voice this morning among the traffic. Ham radio is indeed a superpower in an emergency!
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help from afar. Becky and I are certainly holding you and your neighbors in our prayers.
Best 73 de Brian – K3ES
It sounds like you have a great bunch of neighbours.
Looking out for each other and working together is how you survive trying times like these.
.This reminds me of an inspirational quote, “We all shine with our own little light, but together we blaze like the sun”.
Stay safe and God Bless.
Thomas – I’ve been sending these updates even to non-hams as they are some of the best I’ve seen to help people understand what is going on in WNC. It will be a long road to recovery it seems, but you and your neighbors are strong and will get through it!
I am interested if you want to describe your solar and battery setup in more detail at some point in the future. It seems to have worked well for you in the worst conditions!
Continued prayers for safety, strength, provision, and peace in the midst of this chaos, Thomas! Thank you for being you!
Hang in there, Thomas.
Glad you had prepared beforehand. Working as a volunteer for our local Michigan emergency management made me prepare many years ago. We now live in a rural area and have a 10KW propane powered generator that kicks in as needed. As I am now on oxygen 24/7, I am glad we got that many years ago. We also stock food enough to share with the few neighbors in case of disaster.
Stay safe and hang in there.
73, Don W8SWL
Hang in there Thomas. Glad to see you and your neighbors doing the best to help each other. Prayers, blessings, &73,
Thanks for your update! I always appreciate your POTA/SOTA videos and your gifted ability to write and produce is clearly giving all of us a first-hand view of what is happening!
Please encourage everyone to keep a diary or journal of their experiences there in your neighborhood, Thomas. Memories get hazy when all that kind of stuff is going on. It could be a valuable store of info for future reference. With your communications skills, could also be a book or series about the disater and working together. Maybe even bring some recovery funds back to you folks.
My thoughts and prayers for your family, friends and community. You are doing a great service to those in the disaster response volunteer community by posting these articles. As one who is reading and thinking how to apply your lessons to my own community I say thank you.
You’ve mentioned some agencies but as a rural community how is any interaction with Emergency Management agencies at the county, state and federal level being managed? In your specific circumstances are you using voice/phone only or a mixture with WinLink as well? I liked the idea of spreading HT’s around and running the net. When you get a breather can you detail how you are running that net? (I.e. continuous monitoring or set times throughout the 24 hour period etc.)
Stay safe,
Kelley W7FCM
Coos Bay, Oregon
Thomas, I’ve been avidly following your updates, and it’s heartening to see your accounts of neighbors coming together to help each other in adversity. From where you sit, what’s the best thing that folks outside your affected area can do to help you and others in your community?
Boston, MA
I’ve always enjoyed your POTA videos. I am saddened to hear of this disaster. Bless you and all there. Stay safe.
A complete after-action report will be invaluable.
Hi Thomas,
I was not aware you were in the area that was hit — I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any recent videos from you.
I cannot even begin to imagine what you and those in the surrounding areas are going through, but please know that you, your family and everyone going through this are in my prayers. Not being near to the area that was hit, I have no other way to help.
God bless you, your family, your neighbors and those in surrounding areas.
Will B
Dear Thomas, thank you for taking some of your valuable time to tell the world about the situation you are experiencing. It’s a blessing that you, your family, and neighbours have weathered the storm without worse outcome. I’m an old Scout and hold close the motto “Be Prepared”, and I teach Scouts emergency preparedness. My QTH in this part of Canada is no stranger to community crippling weather, but we’ve never been tested the way you have. Few have. I look forward to hearing about recovery of your community and return to the new normal. Be strong and I hope you take some confidence in knowing your legions of readers and listeners are pulling for you and your community.
Hi Thomas – I’ve emailed you on the address you left on Facebook when you left it. Glad to hear you are ok and are part of such a heartening community effort. Sending love from Cornwall.
Thomas, thank you for taking the time to tell your story. Your area was dealt a terrible blow, but you and your family and neighbors are showing the path to recovery. Take care of yourself.
Brian n1bs
“i’m following the situation from here in the UK from the coverage News Radio 570, WWNC. I’m keeping you all in my thoughts.
All best,
Erica (sporadic SWLING Post Reader).
At least you will be able to make huge stocks of firewood for the winter)
I am very glad that you are coping with the situation and have support. As experience shows, the main thing is that the catastrophe does not happen again or does not last too long.
I am glad that your daughters are friends with the radio!
I wish you a full recovery before the cold weather sets in and a return to normal life!