QRPer marches along

Hello All,

Our friend Thomas and his family are doing well as can be expected in the face of a 500 year flood, washed out roads and bazillions of trees downed around them. He has expressed a desire to post in the evenings after he’s done assisting others in his neighbourhood. I know he is thankful for all of your notes and comments expressing his well-wishes.

While he’s out keeping his community going, let’s keep this community going. Shortly you’ll see posts coming along from other contributors. I’ve been deputized to manage the posts and scheduling here, and I will keep tabs on the comment moderation as required. To that end if you are a regular contributor, drop me an email when you have a post ready for review and I’ll get it reviewed and scheduled to go. You can get ahold of me at vincedeon at gmail dot com and note QRPer in the subject line to get my attention.

Thanks … Vince

4 thoughts on “QRPer marches along”

  1. Vince, I appreciate your stepping in.

    Many of our community have/hold valuable field experience and we should all consider posting our field reports, projects, and reviews.

    I loved reading about the many qrp field kits and their components.

    Perhaps there are other creative ways we can contribute and help QRPer.com. Forward your ideas everyone!

    72 de W7UDT

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