Do I make videos of all of my field activations?

This past weekend, I attended the WCARS hamfest in Waynesville, North Carolina. My buddy Vlado (N3CZ) and I purchased a few indoor tables to sell some gear we no longer needed.

I also gave a short presentation about the ins and outs of going QRP. It was a lot of fun!

When I go to a hamfest, I spend a great deal of time salivating over the vintage stuff. This R-388 would look brilliant in my radio room! Wish I had the space.

I was surprised at how many people introduced themselves as readers, subscribers, and supporters. It blew my mind since this is a smaller regional hamfest—not Hamvention or Huntsville!

One reader asked a question I get a lot: Do you film all of your activations?

The answer is no, but I probably film 80% or more. I enjoy making activation videos. When I do a real-time video, I feel like you’re there with me, and I really enjoy that.

Even though I’ve simplified my camera gear, filming still adds time to my activations. I have to plan the setup so you can easily follow along as I log, and I need to ensure the audio is acceptable. When I’m really pressed for time, I skip making a video.

In addition, each activation video and field report takes me at least four hours to prepare. Unlike most YouTubers, the video editing time is minimal, but the field report takes time: preparing the text, photos, layout, links, etc. It’s a labor of love, though, and I enjoy the process.

Speaking of offline activations…

Lunch with Vlado isn’t complete without Baklava.

After the hamfest, Vlado and I enjoyed lunch (at this brilliant Italian restaurant), then I drove to Sylva to pick up Hazel (who had been staying with my brother-in-law).

On the way home, I passed the Blue Ridge Parkway, so I did an impromptu POTA activation at the Balsam Gap Overlook (which is overgrown and not much of an overlook anymore, but still a great spot for POTA).

I decided to make a short video for YouTube answering the reader’s question.

There’s some irony in making a video stating that I don’t always make videos of activations!

Click here to watch on YouTube.

It was a fun and quick activation: ten contacts in thirteen minutes. I used my Elecraft KX2 and PackTenna 20M EFHW—always an effective combo.

Hazel enjoyed laying on the grass next to me.

All in all, a fun little activation! I was in and out of there in 22 minutes. Had I filmed this, it would have taken more than 30 minutes.

Here’s my log sheet:

Here’s the QSO Map:


I’ve got some great activations in the pipeline and look forward to publishing them this month!

Thank you for coming along on the journey!

Cheers & 72,
Thomas (K4SWL)

7 thoughts on “Do I make videos of all of my field activations?”

    1. I hardly took any photos at the hamfest for some reason. I even forgot to take one of our tables.
      I sold a couple of SW portables, an LDG ATU, couple of bluetooth speakers, a VHF mobile, other odds and ends, and gave away more than I sold. When I go to a hamfest, it’s not about the money I make (although, that’s nice) it’s about walking away with as little as possible.

  1. Using “filming” is a bit archaic now, maybe recording or videoing, etc. I like your posting of pictures that can be enlarged to see detail…thanks!

  2. I finally caught you. Using your info on pota cw has made my pota experience great. I was using an FT-818 to a 17ft whip at 5 watts. NC to OK and back!
    Thanks for all your hard work. Steve KC5TTY park US-11778 Fort Sill Oklahoma

  3. As I always say. “Man needs liberty too.” Liberty being the military term for time off in this case. CW has the same effect on me as being on the water. All the negative, bad and distracting things in my life just vanish. We all need those.

    73 DE WS0SWV (Shawn)

  4. I really miss my old Hammarlund HQ-145 I had as part of my Novice station in 1979 … Spent hundreds of hours listening to SW stations in between the months of code practice I got before I got my ticket as KA9EDP Feb of 1979, 16 weeks after passing my code & Written Novice test at my Elmer’s house.

    Davey – KU9L

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